I will bless you 3. #6 - I will uphold My covenant between Me and you and your offspring after you, throughout their generations, as an everlasting covenant to be a God to you and to your offspring after you. Answer Jesus Christ, His Name appears nowhere, Dear Dr. Eugene Kim, References: a. Dr. Gene Kim video serving God https://youtu.be/LV6j0rB0yos See his comments to Andrew Sheets b. Dr. Gene Kim Teaching video on Trinity c. Dr. Gene Kim Teaching video on 501c3 conspiracy I earnestly pray you receive this opportunity to correct your errant ways. Joshua was well aware of these two promises. He entered Canaan with the explicit purpose of capturing the land of Canaan and distributing it to the twelve tribes. OF THE GLORIFIED CHRIST TO HIS CHURCH. 0000001469 00000 n I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. His walking is not optional but a command, since his ownership needs to be demonstrated. This is why Abraham was, and will continue to be, highly selective in where he goes. The blessing given to Adam and Eve was contaminated by Satan's deception and now again reactivated to Abraham who would become the father of Jews and Gentiles in Christ. Just another site. God promised to bless not only Abraham, in Genesis 12:1-3, but to also bless all the families of the earth through him. families of the earth be blessed.A. | God wants to bless us and meet every need of our lives. Second, God promised Abram that he would become a great person and great nation. When he was younger, the family had already attempted to leave for Canaan from Ur but had not completed the journey. . It could be a directive or even a summary of the blessings preceding it, although this is not how most commentators understand it. Nachmanides suggests that Abraham will become the standard by which blessings are bestowed upon others. It is better for God to make our name great than for us to seek it out ourselves. Try, Slow Down, Big Fellawhat A Motorcyclist Taught Me About Preaching, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. 0000001290 00000 n Blessing number two of Abraham. God blesses us so that we can use it to help others. ) rather than cut as in the previous covenant with YHVH. Nevertheless, in both passages the word to cut is still used with reference to humanity in the Noah passage that all flesh will never again be cut off by the flood (Genesis 9:11) and in this passage that an uncircumcised person will be cut off from its people (Genesis 12:1). A sign also accompanies both covenants - in the covenant with Noah a rainbow and in this covenant circumcision. ' (Genesis 17:15-16). 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 0000018816 00000 n Blessing number four. The first blessing is Genesis 12:1 unto a land that I will shew thee: God spoke to Abraham and told him what he would do for him and through him, if he would trust and obey Him. 0000021858 00000 n God promoted Abraham to a position of great importance not to stroke his ego but so that though Abrams wealth and reputation, he would be a blessing to those around him. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. We do this by letting the Holy Spirit Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Commenting on this verse, a midrash says the following: The book of Joshua emphasizes that Abrahams family was pagan, and this is the background that he broke away from: Not surprisingly, therefore, most commentators see Abrahams greatness in his appreciation of God as being the Creator and Master of the universe and his bringing of monotheism to the world. A. what are the blessings of the abrahamic covenant. , A convert to Judaism is called a child of Abraham. Islam and Christianity also consider themselves spiritual heirs to Abrahams legacy. The Koran establishes its Abrahamic lineage through Ishmael. Christianity views Abraham as an important exemplar of faith and a spiritual and possibly a physical ancestor of Jesus.45 In the theology of Paul, all who believe in God are spiritual descendants of Abraham. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. The Lord promises prosperity to every person who sows in faith into His Kingdom. God through Abraham will redeem a people for Himself. This particular revelation also comes at a time of crisis for Abraham. By defeating the Mesopotamian kings, he could well be fearful that they will try to avenge his attack. God tells him, however, that there is no reason for him to fear for God will be his. , which occurs four times, and this keyword highlights the theme of this passage. Five of these seven benefits reflect Gods involvement alone, as they begin with the words . Years ago my wife and I were guests of the Lord Mayor of Cheltenham, V. Blessing number five Genesis 12:2 and thou shalt be a blessing: `5oW(,74*hU\ Israels contribution to this contract, circumcision, is detailed in verses 9 to 14. that he would become a great nation but is not given a precise destination. In the second blessing, Abraham is told that he has arrived, that he will have offspring, and that the land on which he is standing has been allocated to these offspring. In this, the third blessing, God tells him that despite Lots leaving him, Abraham should have no concern about descendants. They will become more numerous than the dust of the earth. Moreever, from Bethel, Abraham has a panoramic view of the land of Canaan. This land will be his and his descendants for eternity. Abraham should now transverse this land, for it will be his. Prior to being given the fourth blessing, Abraham finds himself involved in local politics and conflict and successfully attacks invading forces from Mesopotamia to rescue his nephew Lot. This is not an irrelevant side-story to the biblical narrative. Without intention, Abraham suddenly finds himself a regional power with an empire extending from close to Egypt up to Mesopotamia. At this point, he does not have the resources to keep this empire together and almost certainly no desire either but he is pointing out to later generations that it is part of YKVKs design that Israel become a regional power between the empires of Mesopotamia and Egypt.. . Maimonides, the influential Jewish thinker and legal authority, wrote in his monumental legal work the Mishna Torah: But was Abrahams discovery of monotheism such a unique accomplishment that it merited God appearing to him in visions and offering to create from his seed a new nation? , The land of Canaan was given to Abraham and yet was occupied by other people. Today also Israel has sovereignty over much of Judea and Samaria, but another people occupy the land., The Zionist venture has always required a considerable amount of trust. To think that a people could arise from near annihilation and establish a vibrant state was never an entirely logical proposition. Even today more missiles are aimed at Israel from its borders than anywhere else in the world. Its external problems seem formidable and even insoluble. Yet the message of the Abraham stories is that God, working through history, will resolve these problems provided the Jewish people maintain their trust in Him.. could also be the nations that Abraham will father. He has already fathered Ishmael. The reader will learn shortly that he is to father Isaac. When Sarah dies, Abraham will father children from a second wife Katurah. These and the offspring of Ishmael will leave Canaan to go southwards into the Arabian Peninsula. The offspring of Isaac will remain in Canaan, but a branch of this family will go eastwards to form the nation of Edom. Fruitfulness is self-replicating abundance produced without undue strain but rather by the blessing of God. means my princess and may have been a form of endearment. In verse 7 Paul explains that it is those who have the kind of faith that Abraham had that are truly children of Abraham, even if they are Gentiles. Through Abraham the whole world was blessed because Jesus is a descendant of Abraham. The borders of the land of Canaan are defined in more detail in Numbers chapter 34, while the more extensive borders are mentioned again in Exodus 23:29-31 and in the book of Deuteronomy (7:22, 11:22-24, 19:8-9). His wealth was as a result of the blessing. It is in this way through Abraham that the entire world would be blessed. "The tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement. The 7 blessings of Abraham are the gracious heavenly gift that Abraham received as part of God's plan to create a new nation on earth. We must desire it with all our heart and then we will bless all the families The leper also was cleansed in the same place with a seven-fold sprinkling of the blood of the killed bird (Leviticus 14:7,11). And I will bless them that bless thee, 6. He knows what we have need of before we know ourselves.C. The 7 blessings of Abraham are the gracious heavenly gift that Abraham received as part of Gods plan to create a new nation on earth. Blessing number six of Abraham Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that 0000003153 00000 n 0000002409 00000 n Web Development: Digital Smiles. We rejoice because God has made our names great because of Jesus. When Abraham stood on the mountains of Israel, God promised him in Genesis 12, "I will bless those who bless you.and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.". I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. (Genesis 12:2-3). above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, each according to its language, by their families, in their nations. The land of Canaan is where the language of the Jewish people will be heard and where their families and tribes will reside. These are their religious/international borders, and these are the borders that like a magnet will pull the Jewish people whenever they are in exile. Through you, all the nations of the earth refer to the Galatians Scripture. Have there been circumcised Jews in the world for most of the almost 4,000 years since Abraham came to Canaan? This is undoubtedly the case. Did Abraham did become the spiritual father of a multitude of nations (Genesis 17:5) in effect of a good proportion of the world? It is difficult to argue otherwise. Do the former tribes of Israel currently have jurisdiction over much of the former land of Canaan? This is also incontrovertible. God also rewarded him with the promised son born to him in his old age. For the sake of God, Abraham was prepared to sabotage his inheritance. God will now bless these descendants. They will be fruitful, successful against their enemies, and a source of admiration and emulation from the nations of the world. This will be discussed again in more detail on the chapter about the Binding of Isaac. However, like the Biblical reader, Abraham may have been puzzled by Gods gift. On the one hand, he is assured by God that the land is his. But others have possession of it and he has no means of displacing them. Gods gift seems to fit into no recognizable category. So God told Abraham that through him, through His Seed, all the nations of the earth will be blessed. https://www.thethirdheaventraveler.com/2021/10/why-satan-hates-only-begotten-son-and.html, https://www.thethirdheaventraveler.com/2019/04/we-saints-are-now-in-jesus-seated-in.html, To be a Good Soldier for Jesus We have to Know our Authority and Responsibility in order to Strive Lawfully (thethirdheaventraveler.com), Who are you Amir Tsarfati? I will curse those that curse you 7. The seven blessings bestowed upon Abraham by YKVK and Elokim are clearly prophetic in nature. These blessings we call the sevenfold redemptive package.Notice they are still seven.This is the third time in the bible,God blesses his people with sevenfold blessings.The number seven is highly significant in the bible.The blessings of Abraham are made a reality for believers throughout the world by the cross.All the seven blessings God gave God always bless you and use you to winning a soul. (Genesis 17:1), The name El Shedai is explained by many Jewish interpreters as being derived from the two Hebrew words She and dai, which mean that and sufficient. , Abrahams siring in his old age is fully elaborated in the Torah and there must be messages here. One is that these tribes have a place in the Near East just as do the offspring of Isaac. Another may be that these nations were once raised in the household of Abraham and would have picked up religious sparks from their upbringing. Some time in the future, they will seek their true roots and by embracing his ideas will once again become part of the extended Abrahamic family. The commonalty of nations rather than their differences also flows from the story of Noah and his forming the common ancestry of man.. 20 Bible verses about Blessings, To Abraham - Knowing Jesus And in Galatians 3:13-14, Paul relates this blessing as being bestowed. Bible-pedia - God's seven blessing to Abraham LF3 d\++T1Y'{\:X5Y0mWi` `W4~\'vt)~\e^4 L endstream endobj 19 0 obj [/ICCBased 37 0 R] endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>stream Original post 6/4/2018 These things speak,and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. When Balaam wanted to curse the children of Israel, he found out it was an impossible . That the blessing of Abraham might come - Bible Gateway Remember Gen.11:1-9. Thus, hard on the heels of the allusions to Eden in 24:5-6, Numbers 24:7-9 unites the blessing of Abraham with the promise of a king from Judah, and Adam's royal status might be a relevant precursor for the model of kingship in view. Not only did God surpass Abrahams expectations with his request, but he was blessed in every area of his life. But this so-called duplication can be readily explained. In the first instance, the communication was to Abraham alone and was via Elokim. This is because Isaacs birth has universal implications. Now husband and wife are informed as a couple by the angels of YKVK about this future pregnancy. This communication has personal and tribal implications, but not a universal one, and is part of the two YKVK and Elokim stories winding their way through the book of Genesis. Abraham's 7-Fold Blessing Obedience turns into Promises: 1. 0000032224 00000 n The blessings of Abraham are two-fold: financial and protective. Jacob 12 sons were born and these when Leaving Egypt had grown into a great nation. The equivalent name for a God of might in the Bible is El and for the God of fertility Shaddai. The Bible is not separating these two aspects of God but bringing them together as a single Divinity in a way that would be recognizable to people at that time. It would seem from the book of Joshua that the Israelites came to Shechem early in their military campaign soon after capturing Ai and were able to reach it with impunity, rebelling Habiru in the countryside, and another letter mentions that he had recruited Habiru as mercenaries. The identity of these Habiru is a controversial topic. Those scholars who argue for a 12. (Genesis 15:18). What accounts for this difference? Ur of the Chaldeas a rocky and an unfruitful place. The distinction of being made a pillar in God's temple. However, there is no specific mention in the Bible of a trial such as this. Nor is there mention of Abraham engaging in similar destructive activities against pagan worship while in Canaan. Abraham doubtless announced his beliefs to all around him, but otherwise seemed to live in comfortable harmony with the pagans around him, as did his son and grandson.. For these reasons and more, Genesis 12 is a key text on which to dwell this week. Yet there is an additional layer of prophecy contained within the Abraham stories. Everything that Abraham did will have significance in terms of later Jewish history - his travels and religious acts in the land of Canaan, and even his and his wifes laughter on learning about Sarahs future pregnancy. , 17. B. Lead us to our spouse.B. But what does the concept of a personal God really mean? MSEP01 - What is the Blessing of Abraham? - Grace Tidings Before we explore these powerful provisions, it is important for you to understand what a covenant is and the terms upon which your inheritance is based. At one time, it was the largest city in the ancient world. It also was on the coast and therefore a port; but the coastline has since moved further into the ocean and the ruins of Ur are now inland. The Chaldeans of Ur of the Chaldeans are a Semitic tribe who invaded Ur at the end of the 7th century BCE. . great nation, A. 23. If we are in Christ, then we are heirs according to the promise given to Abraham- says Paul. Paul was the foremost apostle responsible for taking the good news (the gospel) to the Gentiles.In Galatians, Paul explains the importance of grace as opposed to the keeping of the law. in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.May we as children of God receive all God have for us through our Great God and