The woman will give you a side quest (side quest no.26). Take him to Aveyond and choose your reward-6 diamonds or dizzy doll. Also some extra items and equipments will show in his shop. One of the houses has a blue chest containing 5000 gold pennies. He unlocks the red chest, from which you get the merchant card. If you like games like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Dragon Warrior, you are going to love Aveyond. He will also give you something. Go east where a solitary earth elemental is roaming around and then south. Now before we set forth for our final showdown lets get some errands done. Enter the place. Explore Thais thoroughly; talk to Hector and try to take his torch, he agrees to give it on one condition (see side quest no.46). Climb the ladder and head onwards. Go to Wildwoods, take Elini in your party and come back to the necromancer in Veldarah. The caves will lead you to other areas. From the cave entrance (4b in the map) go south, then right, cross the small bridge and then reach out for the chest. Very useful for walkthrough makers like us?. Open the chest there to find 3500 gold pennies. Watch the in-game actions and confront the Hind. Open it to find a salmon. It works fine that way). Welcome to Halloween hills. I sleep by day, feast by night, Im allergic to the sun, what am I? The old woman near the boat dealer would teach you find skudder spell for a price. Now she will ask you to find her son Lars. Explore the place and talk to everyone. After you do so, return to the queen of Veldt. Pass through the door to face another puzzle. After the exploration enter Thais. Return by one screen and trace your way back to the ladder which you didnt climb. The following area is Ahrimans Castle and is depicted in the map below: Point no. Sleep on the bed. See the various spots marked on the map to collect the following items from this area- magic kettle, 1 cover balm and 3300 gold pennies. Keep walking along the path, climb down a ladder and carry on till you reach another ladder going up. Heal up and save before you face Saurva, the fifth boss. It consists of several small homes and one longer structure which are all made of the same light tan stone with red roofs. Enter the Sandstone cave. Dont go down, take the north-western path and keep moving till you reach a bridge. Return to the druids shrine in Lands End. The cave in front of the entrance has 320 gold pennies in the chest. Keep walking along the road without taking any turns in the cave till you reach this cave exit: Go through the passage marked by the white circle. Note that the boat cannot take you to the deep waters. Take the north eastern route. Similarly the next region is also marked with chest locations and dotted lines leading to the next area. You can also check the necromancer spell book to make Lars learn new spell (if he has registered for it). The pink-haired sword singer will teach Rhen new skills in exchange of 2000 gold each in the fighting field. Talk to the queen and observe the conversation. Go to Lord Gavins ballroom and give the chef his truffle (you will receive 1000 xp for this deed). Enter it and after climbing up the ladder Walk to your right. Carry on to the other end of the cave while picking up the apple from the chest on your way. Take the route along the white arrow of the map to enter the next room (see the screenshot below:), The successive room has nothing so you can move onto the following room (see screenshot below:). The chest in this area has a salmon. Open the chest on the island to find a salmon. Visit the northern kingdom forests and then into the mines. The Story: Boyle Wolfbane wanted to rule the world. See what happens. If you chose guild goody then the entire range of spell books of all guild (time scroll, elite mage book, annihilator spell book) and then use it on Lars and so on. Take the path to your right to grab a chest. Become a hermit- Rhen will spend the rest of your life in wildwoods and nobody will ever hear of you again. He will recognize the pendragon sigma ring and prepare for your marriage with Dameon and the royal coronation. Enter and you will find three fairies. For that visit the veniara islands to the man behind the bars-pirate john. You can buy pets for your manor at Sedona. You may also come back later to learn them, but for now you must get one at least. Return to the ladder and enter the cave; exit from the other end. Go there. You will also find two men standing there, they were sent by goodwife Lonna of Brumwich. I will give screen shots of the rooms so that you can find the way which leads to the boss. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest (walkthrough) - YouTube Enter the unlocked door passage. Aveyond 4: Shadow of the Mist | Aveyond Studios The note gives the hint as to which color cube will fit in here. Talk to the ghosts there, they will trigger a quest (side quest no.36). PDF AVEYOND 2: EAN'S QUEST - Internode Take the northern path now. Before that you can heal your party inside room 10 for free by talking to the fairy (the fairy at room 9 damages instead of healing). After walking a bit, look to your left to find a chest containing 1 covey balm. Enter Rhens house and talk to her father, observe what he says carefully. Exit the pillar and enter the next pillar named as Rootwell. The caves with the Moon Druid. Refer the screenshot to find your way to the next area: The next area has chest locations marked with white circles. Enter his house and talk about the locked gate. Since you already have collected the book pages from all over the world, therefore you can give them to him. Exit Ghalarah and take the dirt path. Now head towards the middle passage. Quest complete. Talk to the cat-Lambchop standing beside it. Walk to your left and climb down the stairs and cross the bridge again and enter the cave. Walk to your north this time. If he changes his armor, the creature will disappear from your party. Exit, collect 50 pennies from the chest and then enter the cave to your right. Retrieve the fire axe and return by one screen. Help plzs. There you will find a hut and a troop of enemies whom you can use to level up. As soon as you are on the world map, walk down by around 13-14 paces and take a right turn. Explore the area and you will be assigned a number of quests by the people here. You can apply this skill during fights and see which creatures can be enslaved with the cloak of undying loyalty. The chest in that room is locked and will available later in the game. Use the take the rune shortcut to Aveyond. It contains 1 covey balm. Carry one and exit to the next map. Get back one screen and go down the shorter second ladder to collect the elixir from the chest. Follow the yellow arrow direction first. I personally recommend playing the game first without the walkthrough and after having played it once, replay it using the walkthrough. Sometimes I may refer some areas as screens. 15), Agnes Take her child to the gentle children school in Western Isle (side quest no. You will end up on the world map. In order to get the good deed done you need bee wax and mirror. Back in the church, enter the small room to your right and touch Rashnus soul to his statue. Finding the missing Truffle in Caves. Heal up and save before you fight. We need go to the squirrels hideout in highlands. Enter the Item shop and buy both the wedding rings you see on the table. 2. And also it would be better if you use the god goodie near the game ending because leveling up at higher levels are time consuming and tiresome. This place is bustling with activity and has lots of quests. Miserably. Now enter the point 8 passage. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. You will find Rhens level increased by 5 from her previous level. Release date: 24-Jan-2008, File Size:147kb. Enter the peninsula and refer the white arrow in the map to find your way to Sedona. Elinis succubus works wonders. Rhens siren call is effective. Get back to Ghedahre. Go to Aveyond and select your reward- the Climbing Guide or Cooking Guide. Kill the spiders and collect items/gold from the corpse. You will find footsteps on the snow and the screen shaking after every 5 seconds. Cross the bridge and walk straight east into the cave. Here go directly to your east and enter the cave first. To experience full quality maps, please You will need it to complete another quest later (side quest no.19). We will later see who the unfortunate one is! You will find the hall for advanced sword singers. You will be given a choice- you can join Dameon or fight Ahriman, the consequences need not be discussed as it is crystal clear what do they mean. Exit through the door shown in the screenshot: Heal up and save before talking to the old man. On exiting another short conversation will follow. use as Battering Ram get 3 fire stick. The Annihilator guild is located here, if youve not already joined any other guild then you can join here. Enter the snow forest you see before you. Take up the northern path now and walk along the dirt path until you are transported to the world map. Take the passage to your left and get a chest containing 100 gold pennies. Follow the path in front of you and keep walking till you reach a chest. Talk to the elven guy, he will give trigger another quest (side quest no.35). He could have been born a hero. Dont go to the mines as if you complete this quest the mine will collapse and you wont be able to retrieve the blue chest. THE BEGINNING, Skill name Effect Mana Application Level learned, EXPLORING THE WILDERNESS (EASTERN EMPIRE). Get back to the church room. Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. Go to Lands End to Eldredth, the old woman who planted your bean seeds in the enchanted garden. Go to Lands End and then inside Mt Orion. After her expression of kindness, make Rhen sleep in her rug. 4 of this map: Dont forget to open the red chest (marked as R) before carrying on to the exit of this area. Enter one of the houses to find Teijal. Walk outside the dormitory and you will find Lorad waiting to test her. 8584 aveyond-rhens-quest 1 0 2 4. Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. Go down a bit and you will see another cave, enter it and you will see that it was the same cave from where you exited via the hole. Walkthrough for Aveyond?? Enter it and go to your right. to trigegr this quest you must have already been to the thieves cave sotuh of sedona. Walk up to the chest on the upper right of point 8 in that map. That way you will not only enjoy the game and its story but also will get to find everything you missed the first time when you played it. You can talk to Talia for more information. Climb up the rope (if you had fetched the climbing guide) and open the chest to get the Charmed orb for Lars. The location of this goodie is shown in the screenshot below. Lars gauss shield will prevent deadly damage to your party to some extent for which your party may not get wiped away totally at one go. Go to Thais and give hector the glow berry. Open the chest on your way to get a covey balm and keep walking till you reach near frozen statues of people. Take it and go to the thieves hideout. Talk to Oracle, she will give you four options, which would decide how will you make Rhen lead her life to the end. Get down the ladder, cross the bridge, then down another ladder, follow the dirt path and then down the next set of stairs; you will see a cave beside an apple cart. Use this to get +30 levels, 100,000 gold coins, the best armor, the best weapons, all guild books, and the speed crystal. This Wiki has the potential to be a public monument to our small but persistent fandom. He is a mini boss, though not related to the main quest. Use the torch to melt the frozen magic clock and retrieve it. Elini's indra, Rhen's Nightmare Flight spell and Lars' decompose works wonders. The chest beside the sun shrine yields a traveling rune to the Aveyond. The east will lead to a dead end. Talk to Tiberius and Alora, you will be given two quests, but you can accomplish either of them not both (will be discussed later). 3. Enter it and talk to the man to your left. Open it to get a pick lock (you have already purchased one). Aveyond 1, Rhen's Quest Build B Walkthrough - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. When you reach a bifurcation, walk to your right. Its time to get some skills for him as well. Dont enter the pet shop for now as you already have the red slippers with you. There again walk to your east straight, climb up and down two sets of stairs, cross a bridge onto another cave. The treasure room has 5 emerald, two sapphires, one golden armor and a battle axe. Return to the cave and Walk to your left and go down to the exit from where you entered. But before that we will explore the other doorways to hunt for treasures. Now return to the entrance of Dreamland and follow the white arrow. FIND DREAMER'S TEAR TO MAKE RAINBOW BRIDGE walkthrough are from the official Aveyond website and credits go to Amanda (Amaranth) who captured the maps and tiniponi* (Aveyond Admin) who added landmarks to the maps. Talk to her and she will join you as a guest (press escape key and you will see her under the friends section at the bottom of the menu). The music pack includes real flutes, harps, trumpets and more! He will give you something (the item he gives can only be sold). It would have yielded something else if you didnt dig up the rune in the wilderness of Eastern Empire. Talk to Dora, the girl behind the bars, in the pet shop. Walk back to the entrance of the memory caverns and take the northern path, which will lead to another exit. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest | Aveyond Studios Buy lots of healing items and upgrade your weapons. Aveyond 2 is packed with monsters, magic, and humor. Now get back to the ice cavern entrance. Reach out for the glow berries and pluck them. You will receive vampire ash. The area is quite simple, get the two blue chests from the area using the map before talking to the queen. A new member will join your party and a new quest is added (side quest no.30). The Cooking Guide allows you to find meat after killing monsters. Enter it, its Aveyond. Return to the Thais again and marry off some more characters (you will need the wedding rings for that). Items that can be retrieved from the chests of this area are: 120 gold pennies, 45 gold pennies and 1 apple.