A brief introduction to Patronuses The Patronus Charm, introduced in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian, used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors. Buzzard - The term buzzard refers to many species of birds of prey but is often used to refer to those that feed on carrion. The Dukuwaga is a mascot of the Fijian National Quidditch team. Having a Black Mamba as your Patronus means you find comfort in being ahead. They aren't normally aggressive or display their dominance but will become aggressive if they are handled roughly. This stallion is strong and proud, with more than enough strength for the both of you to stand against Dementors. The calculating fox can outwit its enemies with strategy and adaptability. Dementors better keep their heads up if a leopardess is your Patronus! Some folklore interprets that rarity to mean great fame will come your way when a spotted horse crosses your path. Birds with brilliant plumage can often be seen around wizards in Harry Potter. Give a capuchin an abundance of fresh fruit, others to interact with, and a stimulating environment, and watch its creativity and sense of adventure soar. Seal - Seals may often be portrayed as adorable, white, fluffy water dogs. Dementors wont know what hit them! Did Tech N9Ne And Tupac Do A Song Together? They are a highly endangered species. What does it mean to have a Black Mamba as a Patronus? You hold those closest to you extremely close, but everyone else better steer clear. A hummingbird was kept in a Bell Jar of Time in the Time Room and released during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. It is known as a Patronus of Colby Frey. Marsh Harrier- Marsh harriers are medium-sized birds of prey. Ginger tabbies vary in personality but are known to love lazing in the sun and roaming around their territory. Salamander - It is a type of amphibian, typically characterized by a lizard-like appearance. The stags antlers can grow back once they fall off. Your impala Patronus will run down the Dementors with such ease, they wont even know what hit them. Eurasian magpies are among the most intelligent creatures in the world. Being a shield between a wizard and a Dementor, Patronus is extremely important and necessary in many situations in the series. Weasels seem like a cute little rodent youd want to keep as a pet, but they are quite mischievous little things. Any Dementor seeing that animal charging at it at speeds up to 40 mph would fly off as quickly as possible and never look back! This ferocious, determined little beast would be fearless in the face of a soul-sucking Dementor. All rights reserved. Sparrowhawk- Sparrowhawks, long used in falconry, make tenacious Patronuses that will send Dementors flying in the other direction. While cheetahs are known to be solitary creatures, family groups can stay together for a few years as the mothers teach their cubs to hunt. Of course, Sirius Black (Padfoot) would agree! They also dont have a lot of enemies due to their immense size, easily fighting off wolves. Pottermore. They will greet you at the door and follow you around the house, seeking pets, pats, and general affection. Lucky for you, once you have cast a robin as your Patronus, the bird will fight for you like it does its nest. A Complete List of Pottermore Patronuses - So Far - MuggleNet She does not take kindly to strangers and will often run them off. They are very curious creatures and will often fly off with something that they find interesting (any relation to the Niffler?). Remus Lupins Patronus was a wolf and Nimphadora Tonks as well after she fell in love with Lupin. Their nocturnal nature makes it easy for them to find any Dementor heading your way! If your Patronus is a Greyhound, youve likely been wrongly accused of laziness or indifference by those who do not understand your calm disposition. If your patronus is a black stallion, you find comfort in a challenge. But the scariest and most feared was the Basilisk. Bats are nocturnal animals that feed on insects and fruit. Harry Potter Patronus List and Personality Meanings: What Does Yours Black stallions, in particular, tend to be extremely passionate and are often dominating personalities. Husky - Huskies are fast, energetic, and athletic - they are also adorably cute. Curious and peaceful in demeanor, red squirrels are used to maintaining a strong level of privacy so as not to get hurt. Occamy - Aside from the unusual bird-serpent cross in appearance, the most distinguishable feature of the Occamy is its choranaptyxic ability. Buzzards are fierce and opportunistic, often reaping the benefits from work others have done before them. 12257 97 Avenue, Surrey, V3V 2C8. A black mamba Patronus symbolizes bravery and boldness. Herons live in three elements: water, earth, and air, revealing that the animal appreciates diversity. The king cobra is a powerful Patronus, warding Dementors away with its intimidating hiss and beautifully scaled hood. Many times we have witnessed crows around Hogwarts and its students and from 2017 crows were allowed there as pets. This special type of rabbit was the first corporeal Patronus of Nimphadora Tonks. This type of cat was Dolores Umbridges Patronus. This beautiful and elegant gene mutation gives your Patronus a special glow that will fill your heart with warmth, giving your Patronus extra power to fight the Dementor in your path! There are many magical species that exist in the wizarding world. Fox- Associated with cunning, the fox has a place in many ancient cultures folklore. She has a Master's degree in English and German Language Teaching and Literature from the Philosophical Faculty in Rijeka. Field Mouse - Generally small in size, field mice have to rely on their speed and wits to survive. The average adult black mamba is 2.0-2.5 metres long, with a maximum length of 4.3 metres (14 feet). The bat is a guide, helping people understand a difficult situation and giving them strength to make necessary changes. Therefore, when a wizard casts a Patronus charm while harnessing the strength of the Black Mamba, they could produce a powerful and resilient Patronus. When threatened, they shrink themselves down to detract attention, avoiding confrontation. The ancient Greek wizard Falco Aesalon was an Animagus who could turn into a falcon. You may feel disappointed in getting a shrew Patronus, but it's nothing you should be upset about. With a stoat Patronus on your side, you have a good companion in all circumstances. Youd rather hang with friends playing frisbee than show off your trophy collection. Hyena - Often given a bad reputation, hyenas are cunning hunters and scavengers that know what they have to do to survive in the animal kingdom. Ron Weasleys pet was a rat named Scabbers, which later proved to be an Animagus, named Peter Pettigrew, better known as Wormtail. Red Squirrel - As an endangered species, the red squirrel is rare to find outside of protected wildlife reserves. Many different types of dogs and their magical subtypes could be seen in Harry Potter sequels. They are quick-minded and slick. Black mamba | Description, Behaviour, Venom, & Facts He managed to summon it for the first time during a meeting with Dumbledores Army in 1996 and then again during the Battle of Hogwarts. They are solitary animals who dont like large groups and prefer to spend time alone. Eagle was the mascot of Ravenclaw House and their feathers have sometimes been used as quills. Get Direction. Weasels are small predatory animals with long and slender bodies, often portrayed as malevolent and cunning. A piebald mare will surely make your Patronus-casting ability famous among fellow witches and wizards. It is also a Patronus of protection. This ferocious, determined little beast would be fearless in the face of a soul-sucking Dementor. There is a magical creature called crup which is described as very similar to a Jack Russell terrier, only with a forked tail. She never saw them as malevolent, rather contrary. However, everyone else may see you as introverted, proud, or even haughty. Black Mamba - Widely considered to be the world's deadliest and most feared snake, the black mamba has an impressive reputation. Patronus minks do not take kindly to attacks on their casters. Leopard - This cat is probably behind the phrase death from above! Leopards are so at home in trees that not only do they pounce from up high, but they are also known to pull their kills high into the branches so that they arent snatched by other predators. Once their owner dies, they will not seek another master. These are gentle and respectful dogs that are also extremely sensitive. One of the Hufflepuff wizards, Ernie MacMillan, was able to summon it. Dolphin - Intelligence and sociability are among the main attributes of the dolphin. Harry Potter was pretty young when he learned to cast a corporeal Patronus at the age of 13. Black Mare - This animal is typical for people who show strong motivation in life and usually represents passion, determination, and an appetite for freedom. Lynx - The lynx is a solitary wild cat. Their main role was to carry letters from wizard to wizard. It was necessary to accomplish the second task of the competition. black mamba patronus rarity With their sharp beaks and talons, a scops owl is sure to drive the Dementors away when called to do the job. Mink - Minks are very territorial animals. Leopardess - Leopardesses should be known as ninja moms! Ibizan Hound- This is an intelligent and independent dog but is known to be a clown. In fact, these warriors will put up one heck of a fight to protect their territory! How Heavy Is A Full Grown American Alligator? They are one of the few horses that are allowed to be registered by their coloring! Elephant - Elephants have a formidable presence and are respected throughout the animal kingdom. Python - Although pythons are one of the largest species of snakes, theyre also one of the timidest. If you're not familiar, the magical conjurings take the form of spirit animals which . Oryxes live in herds of up to 600 animals and can go long periods without water. It would strike before constricting and crushing the Dementor by contracting its muscles around it. Tortoiseshell Cat - Tortoiseshell cats have some of the prettiest coats, but dont let that fool you. They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. When hungry, a real polar bear can be unpredictable and vicious. You do not fear death but understand it is the next great adventure, and should you be faced with it, you will greet death like an old friend - especially if it means saving the life of another. Every single calico cat can be widely different from the others! Adder is a common European viber, brown colored and pretty small. How Rare Is A Black Mamba Patronus - Reptile Link Rhinoceros- The rhinoceros is a large, thick-skinned mammal known for the horns on its face. black mamba patronus rarity [4], Rabbit Fights Snake and Wins Video Business Insiderwww.businessinsider.com Science[5], Fatalities from black mamba bites have been documented to occur within as little as 20 minutes after injection, said Viernum. Strong and powerful due to their size, the St. Bernard will fight off Dementors and stand by you, come what may. A piebald stallion will surely make your Patronus-casting ability famous among fellow witches and wizards. Just another site is the black mamba patronus rare Mole - Moles are small, velvety-furred mammals that live underground. They were always related to the magic world, since magicians werent as good at keeping them a secret. Animagus Talbot Winger could take the form of an eagle. It commonly grows up to 3 meters and is the second - longest poisonous snake after the king cobra. Fire dwelling salamanders are interesting creatures that were studied at Hogwarts. Brown Owl- Ah, the trusty brown owl has been selected as your Patronus! Cheetahs are big cats native to Africa, big and strong, with orange coats with black dots. Dragonfly - The dragonfly is steeped in illusionary magic. Osprey- The osprey is a fish-eating bird found across the world. It represents chivalry and courage, which were the two most famous Gryffindor traits. Keen-eyed and quick-witted, Dementors dont stand a chance against these ferocious fellows! Buffalos are very robust (with a shoulder height reaching almost 6 ft!) His Patronus was in the form of a goat. If your herb is too moist, most of the heat will be wasted on drying out your buds. This cat will chase that Dementor and run it to the ground! Its no wonder that a group of weasels is often called a boogle or a confusion. A weasel is a strong Patronus because it easily outwits any predator that threatens it. They may be small, but they will never back down from a challenge, and this drive and passion keep their caster safe from harm. Aardvark- The aardvark is a beady-eyed, long-snouted burrowing mammal native to Africa. Tamara Stiglic Vodopic is a content writer based in Rijeka, Croatia. You and he will be more than a match for any forces of darkness, sending them scattering under his powerful, thundering hooves! black mamba patronus rarityhead and shoulders keratosis pilaris. But it cant feel fear and despair like humans and therefore it is the best protection against Dementors. A very interesting, although rare corporeal form of a Patronus charm. St. Bernard- Despite its large and intimidating size, the St. Bernard is known to be kind, loving, and gentle. Granian Winged Horse - Granians are winged horses known for their immense speed. They are predators that live in a wide array of habitats, hunting small animals such as birds and rodents. Instead, it ranges in colour from grey to dark brown, with a lighter underside.Oct 6, 2020[25] Oryxes are one of the largest antelopes and therefore tend to not be as fast as their smaller cousins. There are many similarities between this animal and one of the four houses. It was the animal that Harry Potter used to send Sirius Black a letter to inform him about the events he had seen and heard. They have a hairy tail and a round head and are often given to other animals as food or simply hunted by them. Black mambas are known for the ability to hold a grudge and always strike when the time is right. Goats are one of the oldest domestic animals. Preparing months in advance, squirrels hide nuts for the winter. Fearless yet easygoing, they seem to always know when their humans need them for support or comfort. and can weigh up to 2,200 pounds! A brown owl also delivered Hermione the Hate Mail after the publication of the article Harry Potters secret Heartache. They are very big and often not a pleasant sight to see, but they are not dangerous, since they lack fangs and venom. It may seem intimidating and heartless, but in reality, it is a hyper-efficient beast that knows how to utilize even the barest of essentials. It has the meaning of someone stubborn, wilful and loyal. Basset Hounds are very lovable animals, tenacious and friendly. The doe is also representative of gentleness yet strong determination, and with its high level of intuition and sensitivity, it battles lifes challenges with the utmost grace and vigilance. These horses are known for their strength and agility. Gray Squirrel - The gray squirrel is a planner. The ability to learn how to cast a Patronus and later perform it depends on the skill of a witch or a wizard. While upfront about their endearment and affectionate personality, hedgehogs are also known to be anxious and overly cautious. Wild Boar - Skittish and aggressive when approached by strangers, these creatures arent so much mad as they are wanting others to be respectful of their personal space and peace. Patronus List Wizarding World aka Pottermore Albatross is a large, white seabird that mostly resides in the North Pacific and the Southern Ocean. Constance Pickerings Patronus was a unicorn. I took the Pottermore Patronus test and got a black mamba. What - Quora Wild rabbit Patronuses will throw themselves into the fray and create a barrier between the Dementors and the witch or wizard who cast the spell. They were called the dragon keepers. Magpie - A relative of the crow, the magpie is considered to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world. With a Rottweiler Patronus, you will always be protected from Dementors. Those with a dragon for a Patronus are sure to be fierce fighters, and the Dementors better be ready for a challenge! No matter the situation you find yourself in, when you come to call upon your Patronus, the black bear will be fully prepared to fight in your corner. Its design and tendency to travel in schools allow it to easily outmaneuver opponents, proving its proficiency in finding strength in numbers. Some folklore interprets that rarity to mean great fame will come your way when a spotted horse crosses your path. It is a magical three-headed snake native to Burkina Faso. Beagle - Known for tracking and not looking back, these hunting dogs are very goal oriented. This is a Patronus anyone should be proud of having! Peacocks are big birds native to Asia, famous for their beautiful colorful feathers. jim croce plane crash cause; 0 comments. Harry has seen a Thestral for the first time after witnessing the death of Cedric Diggory. Otters are also extremely playful and curious. The skin of some species contains the powerful poison tetrodotoxin, and these salamanders tend to be slow-moving and have bright warning coloration to advertise their toxicity. Cheetah - If a cheetah is your Patronus, Dementors had better watch out! This Patronus is a symbol of care and nurture with a high level of intuition and sensitivity. Clearly survivors, this raptor Patronus will make sure its caster also survives - the Dementors kiss. Black Mare/Stallion - Pottermore Patronus Appreciation Killer whales are marine mammals. They fly freely and happily, with an unwitting determination that only someone. Scops Owl - Scops owls are on the small side, with yellow eyes and grayish-brown feathers. There are many other possible corporeal forms of the Patronus Charm, mostly various types of dogs, cats, horses, snakes and birds. This is often how people see you - a fierce opponent who will protect yourself and those close to you but who has a softer side hidden away from the world. We work hard together, from writing editorials and features, to organizing online and IRL events.We also, as you can imagine, play hard together. Its incredible intelligence is put to good use in the form of solving complex problems and other such challenges. black mamba patronus rarity - skars.co.uk So they are not only impressive animals - and lets face it: also really cute looking - but also the perfect Patronus to protect you from Dementors. A snake or a serpent is one of the most important creatures in the Harry Potter world. Though they are shy and avoid conformity, they push through their fear and stand their ground. The stoat does not dig its own burrows, instead using the burrows and nest chambers of the rodents it kills. This cat loves to be active. [23], The best way to experiment is to start in the 350-400 F (177-204 C) range and then work your way up or down by 5-10 (or 1 C) at a time. [24], Black mambas live in sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the continents most dangerous snakes. This may take anywhere from about 10 or 15 seconds to over a minute depending on the size and features of your device. Wolves have incredible instincts; they will attack all Dementors in the immediate vicinity and hunt down any stragglers remaining at a distance. They are Africas longest venomous snake, reaching up to 14 feet in length, although 8.2 feet is more the average. Crows are also fearless. They were classified as beasts and therefore only experienced magicians could handle them. Fiercely protective, she still embodies all the traits of the male leopard. They are regal and often symbolize virtue and refinement. black mamba patronus rarity - taxpertsconsultant.com The falcon also represents breaking free from slavery. Black bears are known for their adaptability, and this is often seen in how resourceful you can be. However, most known fatalities have occurred within 30 minutes to 3 hours or longer.Dec 22, 2014[6], Snakes are obligate carnivores and will eat any meat, including rabbits. Basset Hound - Basset Hounds hail from France. Adder - The common European adder or common European viper is a venomous snake that can be found throughout Europe. They are very resilient animals, and both males and females possess horns. This medium sized wild cat is native to Eurasia and North America. They live mostly alone, sleep in their burrows during the day and come out at night in search of food. You are very much a loner. It could grow or shrink to fit different available spaces. This Patronus is described as passionate. This Patronus means grace and transformation. There are many associations between black cats and folklore. Orca - Its no mistake that orcas are nicknamed killer whales. They are one of the most effective hunters in the ocean. Nebelung Cat - A rarer domesticated cat, the Nebelung has been called a creature of the mists. Nebelungs are known to be quiet and reserved, observing human commotion from a safe place up above the chaos. It was Kingsley Shackelbolts Patronus and it appeared in 1997 at Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacours wedding warning them of the fall of the Ministry of Magic. Patronus List | Wiki | Harry Potter Amino This Patronus is described as watchful and loyal. junio 1, 2022 . Nightjar - Nightjars are mostly active in the late evening and early morning or at night and feed predominantly on moths and other large flying insects. Despite its name, the snake is not black. These animals are often used in Hogwarts in classes, to perform spells or as parts of ones. Great Grey Owl- This Patronus is small but strong. Not only are they strong swimmers, but they can also run at 6 mph, no mean feat for such a little creature. The skins and underfur of rodent prey are used to line the nest chamber. This elegant, noble animal was Ginny Weasleys Patronus. The chill of a Dementor wouldnt slow this Patronus down one bit as it put its hunting skills and talons to use, sending your dark assailant packing. Abraxan Winged Horse (very rare) Adder. It is the mascot of Hufflepuff House and an excellent representative of its house. Wizarding World Patronus Black Mamba Answers Its beacon of positive energy will surround you and give you the strength to drive off the forces of darkness! It represents someone curious and friendly which can be seen with Hermiones Patronus. Their defense mechanism is to encircle their offspring to protect them from attackers. A famous Irish witch, Morrigan, was an Animagus and could turn into a crow. Bloodhound. Great with families and very loyal, the St. Bernard will always be by your side. They have poor eyesight, but can hear and smell perfectly. In actuality, these mostly amphibious animals can be vicious, carnivorous predators. [27], The largest black mamba was over 14 feet! Also, it describes a person who is capable of overcoming big losses and challenges but could be very dangerous if bothered. Mares, in particular, are known to be intelligent, courageous, and extremely loyal to their owner. In African aardvark means earth pig. Rattlesnakes use their rattle to drive enemies away. They are known to be the quirkiest of cats, and you can spend your whole life trying to unravel all the quirks and idiosyncrasies of these delightful felines. This unusual trait means that they will never let you get lost. Hyenas are loyal, creative, and fierce. I got this. Nothing can hold you back. Black mambas live in sub-Saharan Africa and are one of the continent's most dangerous snakes. These big apes are native to the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia. These highly endangered animals native to the Arctic circle and dependent on sea ice are also possible forms of a Patronus Charm. Menu. Privacy Policy | COPPA Policy | Terms of Use | FeedbackMuggleNet is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and Bookshop.org's affiliate program, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com and bookshop.org. Many wizards and witches have never accomplished casting a Patronus. Fierce and persistent, this critter pursues soldier ants under cover of darkness without the slightest fear. With this speed, the Granian Winged Horse is bound to run down Dementors without a problem. The meaning of this Patronus is adaptable and quick-witted. As a patronus this can mean you find comfort in the intelligence of others, you always want people to be sure, and have facts and ideas to support their opinion.Aug 10, 2017[2], As the rarest Patronus possible, the Albatross represents an enormous bird that flies freely across any sea. It is a part of a dolphin family and its largest member. The strength of this Patronus rests in the sense of belonging and is therefore more powerful when used in defense of loved ones than in personal defense. It is for this reason that they are so commonly sold as pets. Chestnut Mare - Owners of chestnut mares are well versed with the saying "Chestnut Mare - Beware"! Thus, they should be treated with caution. Very important animals in the Harry Potter world. Like most snakes, black mambas can be associated with great wisdom and a sharp mind. The black mamba is unique in that it only forms for those who show a special kind of mind. Black Bear (unusual) Black Mamba. Tigers are known to be highly protective and territorial, traveling great distances, including walking and swimming, to protect their homes. If you don't see your Patronus on here, please comment below! Similarly, the Patronus will protect its master from any harm. Many consider them to be their spirit animals. Falcon - Falcons have a keen eye and are among the fastest creatures on earth. They also can be a bit mysterious. They are quick to protect family members who may be in danger and often act as a guardian for those around them. Rita Skeeter publishes Harry Potter's Secret Heartache. What Does It Mean If Your Patronus Is A Black Mamba? Dun Mare- Dun mares are known for their unique coloring. Those around must approach the hedgehog with care and precision, though, because when defensive and hurt, hedgehogs are remembered not for their sweetness, but for their sharp spikes. They are half eagle, half horse, the offspring of a horse and griffin. People with this Patronus tend to be good listeners and strive to march to the beat of their own drum. This small, fast animal was a Patronus to two important witches, Luna Lovegood and Nymphadora Tonks, who later changed it to a wolf due to her great love for Remus Lupin. And Ron Weasleys Patronus also took the form of a Jack Russell Terrier, a breed of hunting dogs. This creature makes a formidable Patronus, attacking Dementors from all three heads, disabling them quickly and ferociously. They are related to winged horses, unicorns and centaurs, all being magical forms of horses in the wizarding world. It was a breed of a winged horse, white colored and very strong and impressive. If this is your Patronus, then you should definitely feel pride at your unique and uncommonly found personality!