Your hamster may have a full bottle of water and plenty of food, but you need to be checking these items regularly for unblocked access and freshness. David Krug As youve acknowledged, no animal should be forced to live with an owner that cant meet its basic care needs. If your hamster is older than 8 weeks, you'll need to reduce your asking price from what a pet store would expect. Prescription medication items and special orders cannot be returned in our stores. Not all businesses and charities can take on hamsters, so check that theyll accept your hamster and that the shelter operates a no-kill policy. Why didn't you raise the bleeding paw during the sale since you noticed it? If you are thinking about getting a pet hamster for you or a child, it is important that you know how to choose one, what supplies you need, and how to feed and carefor your new pet. Unfortunately, not all owners have sufficient time to meet these needs. -Other supplies: $5-$10. animal humane society: Hamster care., BLUE CROSS: Looking after a hamster., THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES: Is a hamster the right pet for you?. When he's not reading about cryptocurrencies, he's researching the latest personal finance software. You can take an unwanted hamster, In total, there are at least 20 species of hamsters. Avoid using bedding that could cause health problems when eaten. Hamsters need to be active and have enrichment so they don't get bored and overweight. Double-check your hamster's cage for escape routes Leave Your Hamster Dry Food There are a variety of hamster toys that are designed to be chewed so your hamster's teeth can be properly cared for, and an exercise wheel will allow a hamster to run as much as they want. Offering 5-10 tablets of Tylenol PM should do the trick but expect your hamster to look disoriented after overdosing on the painkillers. However, these methods may delay the little guys death and cause further pain. This piece of advice might seem a bit strange. That way, you can ensure the home has a suitable setup and good intentions. Petting the hamster gently and whispering sweet words to him during your playtimes can be very comforting in his last days. If you do they may fight each other to death. Sometimes the need to leave our hamster completely alone is inevitable. Inside the hamster cage you'll need to provide soft and absorbent bedding, awater bottle, an exercise wheel, chew toys, a house, and food dish. Or before they are going to need your help and support. It is wise not to try and introduce two hamsters into the same living space. Litter training may help in making the cleaning process easier. Hamsters are notorious escape artists. Hamsters fetch low prices in pet stores, and their value depreciates with age. Tammy Slater is the founder of, a home and garden blog that provides inspiration and resources for homeowners and renters alike. Make sure your hamster's water bottle is full of fresh water. Also, living situations can change, such as a no-pets policy on a rental property. Take all the necessary precautions to protect your hamster from other companion animals at home. While the process should be done quickly to put the little guy out of his misery, the value of spending some final time together with a pet that has become like family cannot be overemphasized. There are several ways to kill hamsters but the majority may cause significant degrees of pain before the rodent passes out. Unfortunately, there are times when it is the right thing to do. [Normal vs. Abnormal]. After a brief quarantine period, PetSmart will put the hamster back up for sale. But how do you humanely euthanize a pet hamster at home when you have no access to a vet or cant afford one? Over time, showerheads can become clogged with deposits of calcium, magnesium, lime, silica, and other minerals. The premium service is popular among hamster parents who want their beloved furballs to spend their last moments in the comfort of familiar surroundings and people. States such as California and Hawaii have laws against raising hamsters at home in the first place so putting them down must be illegal too. Even if the hamster is aggressive or has health issues that dont hurt quality of life, most stores would rather find a home than euthanize. Ready to get the latest from Bankovia? To safely leave your hamster alone, you can do a few things: Leave your hamster only dry shelf-stable food. PetSmart doesnt accept surrendered hamsters because they have hamsters to sell and lack the capacity to care for unwanted animals. However, it is always a good idea to check local regulations to be sure youre not on the wrong side of the law. Petco does not take dogsat least not from the public. Doing these things will ensure you rehome your hamster to someone who will love it as a pet instead of someone looking for snake food or a lab test subject. While you can leave your hamster entirely alone for a day or two, it may just be best for your peace of mind and your hamster to have a friend or neighbor do a visual check on your hamster while you are away. Your hamster's diet should be made of 75 % fortified pellets, 20% veggies, greens, and fruits, and 5 % treats. You can sell the hamster to a pet store or online to someone in a different town or state. The store must do the refund and replacement of the pet. The expiration date also labeled Arew is the go-to source for all your home improvement, gardening, cooking, and family needs. However, if circumstances require you to be away for one or two days, with proper preparation, your hamster should be just fine. See also How To Introduce Formula To Breastfed Baby Manage Settings Before you get one as a pet, there are some things you should know. uses affiliate links; where we may earn from qualifying purchases (at no additional cost to you). Petsmart will either put the hamster back up for sale after a short quarantine period and vet visit if necessary or adopt them out if they were brought back for a behavioral or health reason. Depending on your perspective, that could be considered a good or bad thing. For this reason, checking on your hamster daily helps you to know that they are still safely in their cage and not caught up on any play equipment. link to Can you cook mince 1 day out of date? The main costs of keeping a hamster include the initial one-off costs of buying the hamster itself and the necessary equipment, which comprises a cage , food dish , water bottle and toys, followed by the recurring costs of bedding , food and chew toys. When a hamster gets scared or awakened suddenly they may bite. The cover cloth should feature two holes i.e. Even if you sneak a listing past the admins, your account may be banned if discovered. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The fish at Petsmart seem to be stocked better, but I have also seen much, much more deaths in the tanks at Petsmart than Petco. This method is not recommended for anyone looking to put down pet rodents in a humane way. Here are some peer-to-peer trading websites on the internet: Other social media apps, such as Twitter, may not identify discussions about selling pets between users. During this time, the foundation will cover the costs of food, housing, and veterinary treatments. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Do note, while we always aim to give you accurate product info at the point of publication, unfortunately price and terms of products and deals can always be changed by the provider afterwards, so double check first. Im Chuck and I love pets. We have a 30-day guarantee on companion animals, please contact your local Petco about a return. Unwanted hamsters remain in the centers until they find a home. If you need to return your hamster to Petco, you will need to bring them back to the store where you purchased them. Whether your hamster is euthanized at home or by a vet, the body needs to disposed off once the little guy crosses over to the other side. 1 gallon size plastic zip lock bag or shoe box. To get a refund, youll need to show evidence of purchase in the form of a valid ID and the original receipt. Live Fish & Invertebrates refunds may only be given by contacting Customer Service and cannot be given at any Petco store location. This should reduce the whole familys grief and speed up closure when the pet rodent is finally gone. If youre unable to find a new home for your hamster through a shelter or rescue organization, your next best option is to return it to the store where you bought it. If you are going to be leaving your hamster alone, make sure it has a functioning wheel and high-interest toys to explore while it waits for your return. Choose a cage that has good ventilation, is easy to clean, has space for a hamster to run and explore, and won't allow your hamster to escape. Petco and Petsmart are usually very good about this. A hamster can learn to enjoy being gently held and interacted with, but if it is left unhandled for long periods of time, it may be more likely to bite the next time you want to play. Which of the following securities is exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933? People blame Petco for fish deaths because they cant accept the responsibility of killing an animal. Additional methods include cervical dislocation and even Tylenol overdose. They don't recognize siblings from the same litter as their family, so brothers and sisters may, Hamsters only have short lifespans of around 2 to 2.5 years. If youre unsure of how to go about it or would rather not get your hands dirty, a vet can get it done quickly and painlessly for a fee. Consider allowing your kids and other family members to spend some time with the hamster too to ensure a proper goodbye from everyone. Saying Goodbye to Your Hamster During His Last Days. There are reports that hamsters returned within 30 days after purchase are kept in a rear room for surveillance purposes. Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! Hamsters are omnivorous, meaning that they eat both plants and animals. It is best to keep the temperature between 68 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity between 30 and 70%. The hamster could succumb to dehydration, starvation, or exposure to the elements. Hamsters are one of the most popular pets in the world, and its no wonder why. Heres the method for euthanizing pet hamsters at home in a pain-free manner. You can try selling your hamster by listing it online or placing an advert in a local paper. One of the easiest ways of getting hold of a hamster is through a pet store. The best way to painlessly euthanize a hamster is via exposure to high concentrations of Carbon dioxide (CO2) generated from vinegar and baking soda solution according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. I've looked after adorable hamsters for more than 10 years. Before leaving, clean out the corner of the cage where your hamster typically uses the bathroom and leave the rest of the bedding for a clean-out when you return. Stores wont take on hamsters if they dont know their age and health condition. Both amyloidosis and congestive heart failure have no cure. To wrap things up, it really is best for your hamster to receive daily care and interaction. And with new content being added every day, there's always something new to discover. Respiratory infections for hamsters are very hard on their small airways and lungs. If you no longer want the hamster, ask friends and family if theyre interested in a new pet. Self-easing may become labored with strange scents. She now works with a team of other experienced vets to provide the best advice and care for their clients' pets. An honest chat with your vet to understand the true state of the hamsters health can be a great start. Here is what my veterinarian recommended. What Should You Do If Your Hamster Has Babies. The charges may cover stuff like private cremation, private viewing, and the cost of a fancy urn to carry the little guys ashes back home. It is important that you make sure your home is safe and conducive for a pet hamster. By cleaning the cage right before leaving, you may accidentally throw out your hamsters favorite food stash for when you are gone. As long as you follow the steps below, a successful outcome is likely. If you return it dead within 30 days well give you a refund or exchange and dispose of it for you. Hamsters are not aggressive pets but if they are scared or startled they may bite. When you purchase a hamster from Petco, they will typically give you a 14 day return policy in which you can return the hamster for a full refund as long as you have your original receipt and the hamster is healthy and has not been abused in any way. Facebook decides whether a profile belongs to a business or an individual. What to do if Petco won't take your hamster You could sell the hamster online, but ensure its going to a good home with a suitable cage setup. Try not to wake it up, and instead entice it to climb onto your hand on its own using a tasty treat. Litter train your pet hamster to keep everything neat. All rights reserved. Although this can extend up to 72-hours, it all depends on your hamster, its nature, and you. Instead, cover and leave it alone for half an hour or so. If youre considering returning your hamster to Petco, here are a few things you should know first. Hamsters are typically nocturnal animals that like to burrow and hoard food. Yes, your pet hamster can be euthanized, if your hamster is ill, injured, has organ failure or cancer, severe illness, or old. Special balls can also be purchased to allow a hamster to run around safely outside its cage; cute houses and other climbable options are available to provide your hamster with ample exercise. If the hamster is dead after 30 days, you can return it to Petco, but you will not receive a refund or exchange.