Raubahn: Then we stand and fight together. It would seem Her Grace has come to Gyr Abania to oversee the final stages of her relocation project. Twas that same rage which brought us to our feet, and carried us to victory. And that is why I requested your company. Nanamo Ul Namo: The local citizens will need to be consulted, of course, but I trust the East Aldenard Trading Company can be relied upon to provide its assistance in negotiating a mutually beneficial arrangement. These questions demand answers! All things considered, I would say events have got off to a fine start. Lyse: Security was my responsibility, and I know how dangerous primals can be. And then we must consider Uldahs own poor and downtrodden. Raubahn: We had best go and see for ourselves. But before that, I want to ask you a question. Suffice it to say that I stayed as far away from the palace as possible. 1,500 Million Final Fantasy XIV Gil $2927.07. I would make of this an investment which shall enrich Ul'dah and Ala Mhigo both. Wiscar: Vulnerable under the head, are they? Dont let your emotions color your judgment when she does. Lakshmi: Leaders of Gyr AbaniaAccept my love. Home; groupement de textes sur la ville; ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery; hadith chtiment enfer. And not to mock you, either. Nanamo Ul Namo: You have given me much to ponder, Master Manderville. Diana, shall we start with you? ), (With the Primal threat gone, Alphinaud and the Ala Mhigan leaders re-enter the room. Tis indeed unsettling to find oneself seated across from an impassive mask. You have my word that it will all be returned to you when the meeting is over. Whats next for all of you? For vengeance. I assume you have a mind to unearth this hidden bounty? Raging Resident: Aye! But in Pipin you have forged a new sword, as sharp and deadly as the blade you bequeathed him. ), Alphinaud: Expertly done. This is the disguise I don when I wish to leave the palace and observe my subjects unnoticed. Arenvald: Ah, there you are! With a little work, the vacant buildings here could be made into very presentable dwellings. Alphinaud: I see. Hardly a night went by when we didnt hear bloodcurdling screams echoing from the inner chamberswhich, of course, we were under orders to ignore. Fordola: Been in my head, have you? Come close to me, all of you! 70 Securing the Saltery Main Scenario (A Realm Reborn through Shadowbringers) Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests Post-Ala Mhigan Liberation Quest Patch 4.1 NPCs Involved Maps Nanamo Ul Namo , Lyse , Alphinaud , Arenvald , Wiscar , Watt Nanamo is ready to move ahead with her plans. Nanamo Ul Namo: Welcome back, Diana. Alisaie: Alphinaud has regaled me with a thrilling tale of hidden treasure troves, mid-meeting betrayals, unlikely alliances, and joyous homecomings. I must learn how to treat with him if I am to rule Uldah effectively. You can go on ahead if you like, Diana. Lyse: Understood. Imagine: the three of us, delving into a decades-old mystery! You are hereby dismissed as General of the Immortal Flames, and relieved of your seat on the Syndicate. Well bleed for themdie for them if we have to. He just happened to be serving as the Resistance spokesman at the time, and needed someone to take over the role while everything was in disarray. Tell me the thought doesnt set your heart to racing! That I didnt kill you when I had the chance! Did you believe him, Diana? Lakshmi: Pitiful, misssguided children. It was they who orchestrated the slaughter of the Resistance fighters prior to the Griffins infernal ritual. I plan to have Resistance scouts keep track of the Qalyanas movements at all times. Nanamo Ul Namo: How swiftly you identify the weakness in my plan, just as I knew you would. You dont know a godsdamned thing about the life Ive led! Lakshmi: You cannot flee my radiance. Category:Ala Gannha Quest - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV Shanti: The Ananta wish only that those who dwell within Gyr Abania devote themssselves to our faith You shall all worship Sri Lakshmi! (At the rear entrance to Ala Mhigo Palace). Shanti: Ah! (Sparkling light in the room coalesces into the form of the Primal, Lakshmi.). (As they walk down the street, a rough-looking Ala Mhigan man glares at them. You have to do something! Fordola has been forced to experience the agony of those whose lives she destroyed. Lyse: Thank you all for coming. Target a phoebad and inspect it with . No viceroy. Ala Ghiri Rebuild Lists Click here to see NPCs found at this location. Raubahn: I swore an oath to you that day on the sands. He catches her and sets her on his shoulder.). Alphinaud: A uniquely brutal despot, by all accounts. Raubahn: Ala Mhigo stands at a crossroads, and this meeting will decide which path it takes. Wiscar: Thanks, Diana. Nanamo Ul Namo: So you have. Lolorito: Yes, if a stable trade route can be established between Uldah and Ala Mhigo, then Ala Ghiri would once more become an important waypoint. Tis an elegant solutionalbeit one lacking certain crucial details, specifically which industry and where. Nanamo Ul Namo: It seems youre the one who needs looking after, Marcechamp! CLEARLY MARKED STORY SPOILERS 4.1 - Hydaelyn Role-Players Whatve you been up to? Arenvald: Speaking of which, how should we deploy ourselves? But even after scouring every room from dawn till dusk, they uncovered not a single coin. I bear a share of the blame for Ilberds atrocities. Alphinaud: Thatwas not exactly the reason, but tis certainly a valid concern. The Waking Sands would seem a suitably neutral venue for negotiations, dont you think? (The Malcontent walks up to Fordolas family). As I grew, she would check my brow over and over, convinced that a spot on my skin was an emerging third eyelike the kind you see in pureblood Garleans. Lets find something else! Now, the events I would speak of occurred before the occupationback when Ala Mhigo was still a monarchy, and Theodoric sat the throne. Raubahn: I know little and less of science, so any light you can shed on this facilitys operations would be much appreciated. Among you are village elders, refugee leaders; envoys from the Ananta and the Qiqirn. The guilt must be unbearable. You are here for your audience with the sultana! Dont you dare patronize me! (Rendezvous with Lyse in the Ala Mhigan Quarter). Eorzea Database: Securing the Saltery - FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone When all the rest are clamoring for me to stay, I trust youll send me on my way. But theyll see in time. Godbert: My apologies, Your Grace, I have kept you waiting! Fordola: What of it? And my royal wish was duly granted. Securing the Saltery Lv. Since that day, I have spent my every spare moment in the practice yard, striving to attain some fraction of your skill with the blade. With the Scions and the Alliance at their side, my countrymen have reclaimed what many thought lost forever. . Arenvald: Thats a lie, and you know it! Eager though I am to visit those shores, I have not the leisure for a lengthy sea voyage. Aye, well most of what I know of the mad king is common knowledge. Alphinaud: Certainly not, Your Grace! Thus did I plan to strip the merchants of their power and place our nation in the hands of its citizensquite unaware of the consequences my actions would have for you and yours I shudder to think how many goodly souls paid the price of my naivety But I am no longer a child reciting words with witless obedience, and I will not be used as a pawn in the Monetarists damnable games! Theres a chance they might have some answers for us. Arenvald: How do we fight her without leaving our allies wide open? Tell us, how do your people feel about the idea of a republic? Raubahn: What news? If youre not a pureblood Garlean, youre no different from any other savage. Yet one good thing did come from that ignominious chapter in my life. W-We can do this! Myself included. Nanamo Ul Namo: And it has served me well. But I ask you, brothers and sisters, to think not only of the family and friends who were cut down before your very eyes, but to think also of the ones who were abductedthe ones who may yet live! And wed be no better than Theodoric and Zenos! After a furious battle, he is hailed as victor to the wild cheering of the crowd. Raganfrid stops dead on seeing Fordola.). A traitor, sweetheart. But I refused. ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery. (Night falls. But what of you, Diana? The unrepentant traitor, whose death will serve to unite the people? Arenvald: I met an old man in Ala Ghiri who spoke of the palace's subterranean prison, but he said naught of cursed abominations! It looks like centuries of fear and mistrust really cant be washed away in a day. Alphinaud: Forgive me. No shame in admitting it. Dianawould you be so good as to swim down to the bottom of the loch and search for an underwater route into the ruins? Pipin: Hmm An invitation was extended to all of the native beast tribesbut we assumed the Qalyana would refuse it out of hand. Lyse: Come to see how were getting on? People are screaming for the Butchers blood again. Diana, why dont you come along to the Reach as well once youve said your farewells to Nanamo and the others. Though if it concerns anything so underhand as an assassination, I fear I can be of little help. What was the first thing you noticed when you came in? Well, I meant it. Alphinaud: Quite By the Twelve, there is even more than I imagined. Theodoric wanted to keep the ruins secure. Once Ive shared what Ive learned with the others, we should have no trouble keeping the shoreline clear. There would be no one left! I will meet with Lolorito. But upon matters of governance, I cannot turn to bodyguards and maidservants for counsel. Alphinaud: Do not be so hastyErnolds anecdote may very well have told us where the trove is hidden. No one expected a response to our invitation, much less an envoy, and I imagine Lyse was forced to make some rather hasty arrangements in order to accommodate them. Shall we sit while we await his coming? Lyse: Uh All right. Something tells me were going to be hosting a lot of meetings in the near futureBut if thats what it takes, Im ready to talk till my jaw aches! Apologies for the interruption, miss, but the General would speak with you at your earliest convenience! As equals. You spoke with Fordola, I take it? The bastards that killed him, the bastards that let it happenmy father deserved better! I will show you a sultana who can wield every weapon at her disposalincluding Lolorito and his Monetarist cronies! You may move the camera as well as zoom in and out. (Lyse vaults over a spear-wielding enthralled guard and bolts through the doors. Flame Scout: Message from General Aldynn! Nanamo Ul Namo: It was here, in this wholly unremarkable place, that my mother and father met their doom. Youd give up anything and everything to get what you want. I will remain here to hammer out the finer details with Watt, and act as an intermediary with our business partners in Uldah. Starting Class Not specified Class/Job Any Disciple of War or Magic (excluding limited jobs) Lv. The Ala Mhigan residential area is mostly closed off. Krile is possessed of an unrivaled ability to hear the whispers of the soul, and it seems probable that the procedure engendered the same acute sensitivity in Fordola. We spent altogether too much time fleeing fiends horrid and numerous. Cant you see? The true villainsthose who plotted to put me on the throne as a biddable puppetwere ever beyond our reach. (Fordola turns. I speak of Raubahn, and his future. Lets not waste any time, then! Thancred: Yshtola and I can stand guard without. But this plan is not intended to benefit the displaced alone. Even if my parents deaths were orchestrated by the Monetarists, we could only have brought their hirelings to justice. Arenvald: If he was afraid, that does lend credence to the talethough Im not sure how that helps us in our search. That seems to be the way of it. Come. Wiscar: Right then, Diana. Lakshmi: Again and again you refuse my giftDo not your sssouls weigh heavy? Nanamo Ul Namo: I had heard descriptions of its splendor, yet I never dreamed it would be so bright and inviting N-No! We have not forgotten how you sssinned againssst the Lady of Blisssbut we did not come here to shed blood. In any event, one thing is certain: Ala Mhigo will rejoice at the homecoming of her dearest son. But it is no concern of yours. Salt has ever been a transformative ingredient. Too often of late, I hear tales of folk over in the city, drunk on victory and hungry for revenge, their heads stuck firmly in the past. Tis a fair decision, and one which signals the end of my part in all this. Gallery Categories: Patch 4.0 Geography Amenity Nanamo Ul Namo: I remember full well the consequences of my naivety! What exactly does a ruthless profiteer have to do to earn your trust? Alphinaud: An audience with the sultana! If thisss is truly your wish, you will welcome usss as envoys of the Ananta! How many of your Resistance friends have died at her hands, eh? Youve come from every corner of Gyr Abania to help decide the future of Ala Mhigo. Ill see you by the loch! For years, I simply signed where I was told to sign, and sat where I was told to sit, blissfully oblivious to what any of it meant. The danger is too great! And after a while, even watching his enemies die wasnt enough to coax him out of hiding. I, meanwhile, have discussed the next steps with Master Watt, and completed my inspection of the site. All of this is pointless. Raubahn: Aye, it is said that once a creature has fallen under the sway of a primal, there is no salvation. Raubahn: Hmph. With Lolorito!? Alphinaud: Tis a quandary which countless refugees now face: to continue the life they built in Uldah, or start again in the land of their birth. But on a more practical noteLyse, assuming the interim government elects to accept Uldahs proposal, I have one caveat I should like you to include in the bargain. Raganfrid: and that is Ala Gannhas stance on the matter. He is in all respects the ideal choice. I shall see our guests to safety. I beg your pardon? Hmm If even one of your worldly experience is at a loss, it would seem I have no choice but to seek out someone more well-versed in monetary matters I wonder, are you acquainted with Godbert Manderville? My thought process was, "Let's see, Ala Gannha was the old mining town, they probably have lots of natural resources and there will be demand for construction now, Ala Ghiri was a fort and I don't think it'd be much use as a trading post, the Saltery. Fare you well! * This code cannot . Ironworks Engineer: The Ironworks received a request from the Alliance to analyze these devices, and Ive been recording everything of interest. I daresay you remember Yuyuhase and Laurentiusthe fugitives who conspired with Captain Ilberd in the Crystal Braves betrayal. Other than that, Ala Ghiri was simply a waystation for trade with the Near East. There are 3 Stormblood Main Scenario Quests in this location. Arenvald: Oh, I cant wait to see the look on Lyses face! You can end it like Zenosor you can fight for Ala Mhigo. Her Grace the sultana would have my opinion on how best to invest the wealth of Uldah? Very good. Wiscar: Youve some experience hunting monsters, dont you, Diana? Aye, wellit would seem they followed him all the way to the Wall. I do hope he was still there. Nanamo Ul Namo: What trust can there be between us when you withhold the truth from me!? Kill her! Lyse is trying to reason with them, but she may need help. But someone has to make an effort at reconciliation if these conflicts are ever going to end. My thanks again. But ere I share my theory, there is a matter I would clarify. Ala Mhigan Malcontent: Oh but they were quick to help themselves and their bitch spawn, werent they? Relentless. But now the war is over, all the unspent fury is being channeled into vengeance. Then I need not explain his eccentric nature. I think I can handle the yabbies now, so we should try something different. Regardless, my intervention meant that Raubahn had but a single opponent to dispatchwhich he duly did. Are you all right, though? (The crowd applauds Raubahns impassioned speech. I might need you to fill in the details. Watt: I see youve returned in one piece. That bitch has spilt enough blood to fill a loch! Their gold-lust drained away as quickly as it had come, and the legend of the mad kings trove remains simply thata legend. But I have known the man a long time, and beneath that steely gaze, I spied a flicker of doubt. Ala Gannha - Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Wiki - FFXIV / FF14 ARR After the Garlean invasion left the majority of overland routes destroyed, that trade came to focus upon catering to the needs of the occupation force. To work, then. (Off to the Ala Mhigan Quarter to question the locals!). Listening to their anger, I could feel myself being swept away. Alphinaud: We, however, have certain advantages which they did not enjoy. Ive been searching all over for you. Hes very busy, and if we dont hurry, well miss our chance to see him. There is no more fitting sentence for the perpetrators of such a massacre. This whole episode has reminded me just how far apart our kinds still are. He or she clenches a hand into a fist, then walks away.). As you may recall, Ysayle was completely transformed by a single glimpse of Hraesvelgrs past. Such a miserable way to die. The Peaks | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom He has more experience than the rest of us put together, and we stand to learn a lot from him. Butyoure right. ), (The fleeing people reach the doors but there are more Qalyana there, along with enthralled Ala Mhigan guards.). I knew it! Lay down your weapons, lay down your heads. Despised it, in fact. Victory goes to the first adventurer to find the treasure! Theyve been targeting folk known to have cooperated with the Garleans. I conclude that our prize either does not exist, or that the imperials somehow overlooked it. What did Nanamo Oh! These people will need shelter and employment if they are to survive, and this time the Uldahn treasury shall provide! Ffxiv ala gannha ala ghiri or the saltery - ymmevk.mokids.it R-Right then! (She turns to her Ala Mhigan friends who are joining up with her.).