Hydra Hydra Hydra vulgaris, freshwater cnidarians that look like miniature jellyfish polyps, expand and contract as they navigate their environments, but can also be prompted to do so by giving them a poke. They can up-regulate & down-regulate genetics externally; they can change peoples genetic code using the internet. Graphene Oxide sheets are able to slice open every cell membrane of the human body within 15 minutes after inoculation, according to Dr. Robert Martin. Hydra arevirtually immortal in a lab environment. And transhumanists want to be immortal. The Hydra genome assembly offers a Nano DNA kit called Illumina. Ramola dives deeper into the transhumanist potentials of Hydra vulgaris and other Cnidaria species and other interesting findings in this most thorough report Ive yet seen on the topic. More simply stated, your cells will continue to replicate themselves over and over again with a new genetic sequence of the chimeric pathogen you were injected with. Patients listed in VAERS as suffering from the symptoms of sleeping sickness are having their symptoms labeled as this exotic parasite species, which does not affect members of the US population. Theyre developing tools to help them better control this gene expression. Also, Ivermectin is said to destroy all parasites in the body, so this might be the reason it seems to be helping those who have been va xxed. If you like my articles and the videos you find here and, if you can and feel like it, you can make asmall donation. DOES WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT! Eternal life. We have many things that we're seeing in these vials. I presume this was to test Hydras ability to survive 5G frequency? COURSE THE U.S. Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. They talk about Hydra, Hydra vulgaris, nanobots, graphene, and some structures that self-assemble once introduced after the vaccine. Hydra are a fresh water animal. hydra vulgaris responds to Ivermectin New Gene Decode & Dr. Northrup Discusses Detox For Vaccinated & Unvaccinated with Nicholas Veniaminhttps://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2021/11/new-gene-decode-dr-northrup-discusses-detox-for-vaccinated-unvaccinated-with-nicholas-veniamin-2525235.htmlMuch information here, but to be able to carry out the whole detox protocol would be quite testing.What is in these jabs & what happens once it is in the body is a horror story. He took the science to a new level and did a chemical analysis of the Hydra, exposing that the chemical compound of the creature contains aluminum, carbon, and Bromium. Parasites are also transfected with bacteria and used as transfection vectors for DNA binding and genetic sequencing in humans. It does not show any signs of aging and appears to be immortal. WHY???? Back in July, La Quinta Columna studied four vaccines; Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson, and found toxic nano metallic particulates, particularly nanographene oxide, in significant amounts, as well as lipid nanoparticles and the parasite Trympanosoma cruzii, in the Pfizer-BioNTech serum. He took the science to a new level and did a chemical analysis of the Hydra, exposing that the chemical compound of the creature contains aluminum, carbon, and Bromium. Hydra Vulgaris transgenesis technology was developed over the last 30 years. VAX HYDRAS CREATE HUMAN HYBRIDS Update 2/11 Is the offspring human or only part human? WebHydra vulgaris show rest activity rhythms with a four-hour period (Kanaya et al., 2020). A New World Order System . If you'd like to see them, I don't know how to show them here, though, I'm sorry, I don't have them, but I can send them to you later. Dr. Jane Ruby, a pharmaceutical researcher, gave vital commentary on Stew Peters Show about Dr. Zalewskis findings, emphasizing that the dormant Hydra eggs become very active when exposed to Graphite tape and heat. 8 million Chinese exchange students are exempt..yet our kids are forced to take the injection to go back to college or be in school. Dr. Love read through about 30 peer reviewed scientific journals & also the gain in function & loss in function research & reports that they were funded by the NIH, Fauci & DARPA open sourced documents. Its Dr Love. The Hydra Vulgaris stays in a continuous state of renewal & hold within their genomic code biological immortality. There is a living creature inside the vaccine. It is immortal. The Due to the fact that patent filings do not reveal the components to Biotechs vaxxine ingredients, I began researching scientific peer-reviewed studies involving Hydra Vulgaris and parasites to see if I could identify why theyre being injected into humans. Parasites can evade drugs, escape the immune system and regulate genes. They do not include the hydra or any other living organism. If you or I were injured, say our hands were cut off, theres a specific genetic program that is activated and is required to heal the wound, but the hand wouldnt grow back, says Juliano. 605 Hutchison Drive, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-6653, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011. But when nutrients are scarce, they undergo sexual reproduction. They also use it to treat drinking water in most community water supplies. We're being lied to. And that was shocking. Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that the COVID-19 vaccine contains a hydra species that can infect a human host. They feed by extending their tentacles and waiting for food to touch the tentacles. God uses people. The Genome Data Viewer (GDV) will help you select genome assemblies (DNA sequences) for humans from primarily finished human clones, that were sequenced as part of the Human Genome Project. One tells of a woman who is a regular blood donor and that after her second vaccination, her blood donation tested positive for the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite, the same as what Dr Young found in the vaxx. Dr. Carrie Madej shares an image of a blood clot with Hydra-like mutational growth that was removed from the heart of an early teen who received a Covid vaxx. Gain-Of-Function and Loss-Of-Function studies using transgenic Hydras were funded by Fauci and the NIH and developed at the Wuhan Institute in China and in universities in the U.S. and China. Hydra are a group of invertebrates that look like tiny tubes with tentacles protruding off one end. Hail the Hydra, an Animal That May Be Immortal | Live Science They talk about Hydra, Hydra vulgaris, nanobots, graphene, and some structures that self-assemble once introduced after the vaccine. All of this is out in the open & online.We have to be responsible: No more shots. Proteins regulate gene expression. And they're experimenting on us. Apostrophes dont make plural words. Then, to my disgust and horror, I found that three of what was still in it had actually sprouted wings. I have to wonder if the implants theyre referring to contain transgenic Hydras? The fluorescent (Luciferase) Hydras were also tested with externally applied electrical fields to see how much voltage they could endure, to facilitate the future use of electric fields as an experimental means to redistribute intracellular constituents in developing tissues. These are the most deadly Gain-Of-Function bioweapons ever developed, thanks to Fauci. Informed Consent has been waived and therefore people didnt know theyre being injected with smart devices and bioweapons. He says when it is injected into the muscle it will not have an immediate effect but when injected into vein it is like tiny razor blades going through the blood stream causing the massive amount of blood clotting that is occurring. Electrodes attached to gold programmable nano robots transfect human cells, silencing your innate God-given genetic sequences and code your cells to reproduce the synthetic genetic sequence of the chimeric spike protein (Lentivirus), indefinitely. Please consider donating to Orwell City if you can and feel like doing so. This is why they try to scare us away from it. Non-humans usually advance quickly. Eight years ago, I became more aware, both suspicious and cautious, of what chemicals were being dumped into my municipal water. Thank you for supporting our journalism. Graphene implants can record electrical activity in the brain at extremely low frequencies and over large areas, unlocking the wealth of information found below 0.1 Hz. The best-known Lentivirus is the human immunodeficiency pathogen, which causes AIDS. They offer Non-overlapping NEURAL NETWORKS (their words) using Hydra vulgaris for building a new neural network in Hydras. Transgenic Hydra And Parasite Implants Used As Rapid Human Cloning Weapons System, Fetterman Hasnt Been Seen For Weeks, Now The Dems Are Down A Second Senator 49-49, The United States Should Stop Funding The War In Ukraine, Grown Men Twerking For Babies & Toddlers KJP Gets Triggered By A Governor Trying To Stop It, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide, Were Now Up To 33 Assistance Packages For Ukraine [VIDEO], Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, How Much Does The Biden Regime Care About People In Ohio? Get RVM Premium today! What is said in this article HAS been proven many times over, by real doctors, scientists, and epidemiologists to say the least. Dr. Carrie Madej:The organism Hydra vulgaris and similar organisms. Hydras are primitive multicelullar animals. Did you think the Starlink satellite networks Precision Tracking Space System had something to do with defense? Dr. Carrie Madej revealed her Hydra findings on the Stew Peters Show on September 29th, 2021, followed by Dr. Zandre Bothas stunning discovery of microscopic, self-assembling medical devices in the blood of her vaxxed patients. Hydra are virtually immortal in a lab environment. ibuprofen, paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, amoxicillin, bendroflumethiazide, furosemide, atenolol, diazepam, digoxin, amlodipine were assessed using the cnidarian Hydra vulgaris. And, of course, the superconducting material. We have no option but to resist.The people who have been vaxxed have a moral obligation not to have any offspring.Their children are not human. This is utter insanity!! La Quinta Columna: Almost all foods are magnetic, are medicines magnetic too? WebThe RefSeq genome records for Hydra vulgaris were annotated by the NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline, an automated pipeline that annotates genes, transcripts and COMMENTS POLICY: We have no tolerance for messages of violence, racism, vulgarity, obscenity or other such discourteous behavior. It does NOT mean that the creature lives forever.. These psychopaths show no mercy. Within days of following the manufactures direction, however, I began to notice little black pepper-grain sized specks of what almost seemed to be some sort of metal. About 10 days later, That Thing (Hydra Vulgaris) was also identified in Pfizer vials by Dr. Im Praying God Will not Allow this in the Most Innocent! Brain implants can erase memories and implant new, artificial memories and while Graphene Oxide can hear your brain whisper. This isn't science. Anyone who takes the jab is more than foolish & ignorant of the truth when you know the truth, you would NEVER get vaxxed; health & life are precious you might get the jab because of your job, but your health eventually may be so compromised that you cant work, or you may be dead. Or just a very good researcher? realize they are using about 12 different versions of the same jab. As far as we can tell, it doesnt age or die, says Assistant Professor Celina Juliano, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. Muscle activity map in Hydra gives insight", "Researchers map full-body muscular activity of Hydra during movement", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hydra_vulgaris&oldid=1074402382, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2021, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2022, at 02:21. Everything Im writing here is based on evidence from open-source, peer-reviewed literature of scientific breakthroughs and technological developments that extend through the past decades and are linked in this article. OK VIEW IS BETTER.. Look into US Air Force and Navy Chem Trails.. This is a permanent transmissible change of genetic material (DNA) resulting in the decreased production of a protein. This is why were seeing an autoimmune and neurodegenerative decline after Covid-19 inoculation. The "Immortal" Hydra Eternal life. Because of Madejs connections to Sasha Stone and that group of new agers or whatever they are, I have misgivings about her. That same genetic program is activated after injury throughout the animal kingdom, but in some cases, instead of triggering scarring, it triggers regeneration and thus the missing body part is replaced.. The human genome project was started in 2000 & Hydra vulgaris is used in the human genome assembly which is for transfecting humans & what they have done is they have transfected the hydras & parasites with the cross species genomics. The patents also reveal that it was already known by Pfizer that the vaxxed would become super spreaders and transmit deadly pathogens to healthy individuals. You can create artificial genome sequences and merge genomes of different species. My comment is a question: Along with 2 million illegal immigrants who have flooded this Country since the day Biden took office Hydra are there to create hybrid human beings. Shame on the adults who coerce the children into taking the jab. Their scientific findings were published in 2013. Curiously, before pitching it, hoping to find a microscope somewhere I pulled five or six specks, put them on a piece of paper towel, into a plastic baggie, and then clipped it with a magnet to the side of my refrigerator. Copyright 2020 BRUCE CONTENT, LLC All Rights Reserved, Dr Stella Immanuel Hits Breaking Point, Erupts During Ivermectin Interview, Final Messages Part 1 How the Mandates End, Geopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionalist BS, 5G Network/Psychotronic Weapons/Brainwave Entrainment/HAARP, UFOs/Interdimensional/Breakaway Civilization, Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. A Stanford study reveals that the Lentivirus is a genus of retroviruses that cause chronic and deadly diseases characterized by long incubation periods, in humans. 605 Hutchison Drive, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-6653, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011. Juliano hopes to solve some of those lingering questions and further establish the Hydra as a model organism for regenerative research. This will end humanity as we know it, and start the process of transhumanism: HUMAN 2.0 The plans are to use vaccines to inject nanotechnology into our bodies and connect us to the Cloud and artificial intelligence. As sci-fi thrilling as this information may sound, the technology has already been deployed and is being injected into the veins of our children as we speak. A person who will surreptitiously change your genetic structure will deny having done so. Currently accepting cryptocurrencies and bank transferences. These organisms, which look like miniature, fleshy palm trees with swaying fronds of tentacles, boast stem cells that exist in a continuous state of renewal and seem to hold These GMO Hydra polyps are now genetically coded vectors, carrying a variety of programmed synthetic genomic sequences and mRNA (messenger RNA) for the purpose of transfecting humans. . The Biden administration has not mandated COVID-19 vaccines for White House staff though every official has been offered one, By subscribing, you agree to receive emails from Red Voice Media, occasional offers from our partners and that you've read and agree to our, What's In the Vaxx? The embryos are double celled organisms & that is what they transfect & then they grow into a larger size & they multiply rapidly in the body when they come into contact with graphene oxide. BRITIAN DID SCIENTIC STUDIES WHICH SHOW THOSE VACCINATED ARE THE SUPER SPREADERS! It is hard to comprehend this evil agenda.This is not a vaccine, its a weapon system. Proteins can be targeted, upregulated and downregulated. Humans are Gods creation and Satan hates us. They are also targeting embryonic cells in the testes & ovaries. These are not natural organisms. In that study, scientists transfected Malaria parasites with Luciferase to use it for gene targeting and transgene expression in humans. Im again pretty sure it would seem 81 million votes for Joe Biden and Covid Mandates are for Our Own Good by a loving and caring Elite Ruling Class of people. USA TODAY previously debunked false assertions that the vaccine will make the recipient magnetic or connect them to Bluetooth. Once inside the host cells cytoplasm, lipid-coated nanobots take the reverse transcriptase enzyme in the Lentivirus to produce DNA from the mRNA genome, the reverse of the usual pattern, thus retro. If you or I were injured, say our hands were cut off, theres a specific genetic program that is activated and is required to heal the wound, but the hand wouldnt grow back, says Juliano. Maybe growing old quick, hence early death. WebThe regenerative ability of Hydra vulgaris was tested as potential biomarker for the development of a new eco-toxicological index. Regeneration and also the ability to remotely control something. Hydra Transgenic Hydra lines are generated by embryo microinjection with plasmid DNA from self-replicating DNA found in bacteria. They are also being transfected with it. Kingston explains that the vaccines are a gateway to an obedience platform and potentially an execution platform if you are not obedient to your score. How headless hydra feel, react to prodding These parasites are transmissible by blood and organ donation and they cause incurable Chagas disease. The third method of reproduction is more of a survival mechanism than a reproduction mechanism. Microinjection of foreign DNA into the pro-nucleus of single-cell embryos of fertilized mice to control the genetic expression of future generations has been perfected, since 2008. This is a hoax, said Dr.Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Click on "Watch later" to put videos here. She is so disorganized and confused, it is really hard to follow what she wants to say. You can read the studies for yourself, as I have done. 2023 Red Voice Media ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Further documentation can be found on her blog. Thanks for telling us . It also explains why 82% of expectant mothers who take the jab are having spontaneous abortions. Image purporting to show COVID-19 vaccine appointments and organ donation sign is altered, Viral photo shows beagles in Tunisian leishmaniasis study, Fabricated story that Pfizer CEO was arrested for COVID-19 vaccine fraud, Fact Check-COVID-19 vaccines do not contain live immortal creatures, experts say, Fact check: False claim that COVID-19 vaccine ingredients and formulas have changed since rollout, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers, Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers, Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers, Fact check: No, video doesn't prove COVID-19 vaccines will connect you to Bluetooth, Fact check: COVID-19 vaccines aren't magnetic, Fact check: COVID-19 vaccination has no effect on blood color, Diversity of ageing across the tree of life, Mortality patterns suggest lack of senescence in hydra, Myths, lack of community concern drive COVID-19 vaccine resistance, Fact Check-Unidentified particles in vaccine samples under the microscope are likely contamination, FoxO is a critical regulator of stem cell maintenance in immortal Hydra. No, their stinging cells are too weak to affect humans. The human genome project was started in 2000 & Hydra This table lists common Lentiviral envelope and packaging plasmids that can be used with 2nd and 3rd generation lentivirus technologies. These organisms, which look like miniature, fleshy palm trees with swaying fronds of tentacles, boast stem cells that exist in a continuous state of renewal and seem to hold within their genomic code the key to biological immortality.