Its pretty cute actually. I thought about this a million times over the past few days. You said low, but voice strong enough for the others to hear. You had tears in your eyes, you wiped your cheek just as he approached you worried. Disclaimer: I do not own #anime You try your hardest not to smile but fail miserably. "Y-you mean Karui-chan?" You finally give in. You tried to remove your wrist from him but he gripped back tightly, pulling you to his chest, holding you tightly in his grip with both arms. Kaori had even joked to you once that Akaashi was capable of reading Bokutos mind. You go out and have a nice dinner after that. Why? You turn your head to face the window, and put you put your hand up to cover your face. I don't want to stick around! "Bye y/n! You could hear Bokutos quick steps around the corner before you even saw him. You and Sasori were teaching the children at the academy how to control puppets. He throws you over his shoulder and keeps spinning. Intro: You trusted your boyfriend of the past year explicitly. Never! he jokes. #team7. Hadnt he chosenyou? I might not even get to spend time with you. Okay, let me help. You turn towards each and start jumping and screaming. Im sorry if thats weird.. you say quietly. ! Gabe exclaims, hurt clear on his face as he realised you were leaving. What were you even going to say to him? As you scooter your desk chair back to stand up, you gave parted lips when a smile cloud appeared, Kakashi was squaring on the desk with his hand up. Aww! No matter how busy his schedule, he would take as long as you needed to pull yourself back together following whatever had upset you in the first place. You had spent an entire 6 months away from each other. You laid it all out to your best friends at lunch then, all of you sitting under the apple tree and quietly listening to your story. You were about to pull back before Sai held you closer, making you smile a bit more. You both laugh the entire time. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry. They were deliberate ways to sate your relationship, nothing more. Before I curse! No matter how many times you tell him that it was an accident, and that youre just clumsy, he still feels guilty. I think so too, Y/N. he agrees. Not a bit. You leap up, and scream. Will- Dance Moms! You gave a small sniffle and rubbed your arm, looking to the side as your eyes filled up with more tears. You smiled and hugged him tightly, he used his one arm to hold you close and rub your back. Naruto Boyfriend Scenarios - [36] When you cry - Wattpad allego spac presentation lake placid skating rink naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry 29 Jun, 2022 in vanderbilt baseball recruiting class 2022 by Wills mouth forms an O, when he sees him. He got in trouble with the principal, got depressed during a game, even something as simple as being overly hungry before a match. Dalton- There he was. We love IM5 ok. Colmia & Datyana forever<3 Cole ~ Dana. Dalton- Hey we should really get some fresh air. You frowned, handing him the phone and biting out coldly. He leaned his chin against the top of your head, one of his arms going down to wrap around your waist. I.. Your friends warned you ahead of time, that the two had a strong bond despite being separated by a year and not even attending the same junior high. He leans over to kiss you and then asks how your day was. You smile as he puts you down. What? you giggle, getting a little uncomfortable. He carried your bags, and helped you put on the sling. "You can be sweet some times." I mean the honeymoon, the kids that would be fun! Gabe says mischievously. You jump back off the bed and just look at it. We love you@DaltonIM5<33! and others. Gaara I wanna see him! Will exclaims. You lingered on the sight for a single second. ! he yells at the top of his lungs. I'm trying hard not to fu- not to swear!!" His hands are now at the hem of your shirt, drawing his fingers back and forth, teasing. You want hot chocolate? "We'll see. Hey! The school you were attending was known to be a powerhouse regarding volleyball. You breath in the air but Dalton just comes out and squints his eyes and makes a twisted face. Woah woah woah, Y/N are you crying? Now its your turn to blush. He had fallen asleep, and he looked so peaceful. He drives off, feeling guilty. dog urns httyd fanfiction hiccup drugged. { Reader Insert } ? Gabe says, coming closer. How could he? You let out a deep breath, trying not to cry. Guiding his head back to yours, you pushed off your elbow to lean up to him. You have all the lights off, so the only brightness was from the TV. Sasuke ! He just stares at you blankly. And believe me, I tried practicing on otome games and even they dumped me!, His loud voice kept going, explaining the strange tale, And so I was begging the guys to help me practice and eventually they got sick of me too! I really didnt mean it. You pretend to be fascinated by your nails. I could cry tears of joy. I love that youre already thinking of our future. He admits. At the beginning of the book there are more then five characters but as th #gaaraxreader by . Alright, lets try Everything About U. he starts. The middle-blocker sighed above you, moving to flick your forehead whileYamamoto was near screaming in outrage on the line. You cant help but giggle at his reaction. He was just looking at you, like he expected you to say something. Browse through and read or take boyfriend scenarios stories, quizzes, and other creations. parking garage for sale los angeles naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry Y/N, its okay at least you know now, and youre here and we can go out and celebrate together. Home; About. He covers the cut up with bandages and what not, and helps you down. Just another site naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry Yeah, Im okay Just help me up please. You answer weakly. Were sooooo excited to start up again so send in requests for imagines, preferences, etc! Dana- Hey! ;). The next scene is really bright, so you lean back only to see a big shadow creeping across your knees. Oh hi Will! But just imagine, getting into a really good university like Harvard, Stanford even Yale. You sigh, picturing yourself starting class at one of those universities. Dont smile at me like everythings okay. You started,I know.. ! he says. When he gets to actually relax, he loves spending time with you and this show is really funny and cute so you love to cuddle and watch it together. Come checkout some of the added-on endings to Cheater!Akaashis story: Masterlist, Posted on 3 Jun 2020 5:04pm (2 years ago) with 2,284 notes. Haha, Im kidding. You can borrow my shirt. He says and winks. "To you. He also drove you everywhere you needed to go, as only one of your arms was available. Youre always thinking ahead. #boyfriendscenarios Oh I dont know, packing cause my boyfriend, whom I love so very much just called me a whore. And it was true, you were both really good with kids, and he loved Jordan. #scenarios He ended up sleeping over for two days and you hadnt left the house. Hello there I decided to create Naruto scenarios now. I bet youll never find me! Brandon calls out, and turns the corner. Why was Akaashi stringing along the both of you? Sai Im not getting any closer. you say and step behind him. Whats happening here? His voice rang out, meeting Bokutos worried expression and your hardened one. My Blog naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry There was no rising panic this time, nothing inside you screaming at you that something was wrong. Gabe- The day you broke your collarbone, Gabe did everything you needed for you. His gaze never wavered off of yours, eyes boring right into you as you wordlessly sized each other up. You gave a small laugh, he pulled back then took your hand pulling you into the kitchen with a small smirk just to pull you into another hug. ", (Sorry if some are iffy and for slow updates!! Leave a Comment / Uncategorized . He smirked then took your hand and kissed it. Hey. He says and smiles. sweet potato sushi roll calories. You honestly hadnt believed it. "Y/N I missed you so much." He kisses you, hard. He turns to you. the sisters of mercy nuns abuse; competitor in the tour de france; . I hope you all had Happy Holidays this month and that you have a positive and prosperous New Year as well! You sprint up the stairs before they can knock again to wake up the baby. He also walked you to all of your classes and when you wanted something from another room, he would jump up to grab it. You continue laughing, but then get serious. You were about to walk to the door with tears in your eyes but Suigetsu turned into water and went under it, only to give a concerned look seeing you turned your back to him. He shows you the first few keys, and you copy. Um. You bit your lip and looked at Kuroo, Why is your name saved as our student body president in Kuroos phone?, Aasdfgh. The strangled noise lasted for ten seconds before Kuroo cleared his throat next to you. Yelled Hidan. Asked Gaara. Ted's Bio; Fact Sheet; Hoja Informativa Del Ted Fund; Ted Fund Board 2021-22; 2021 Ted Fund Donors; Ted Fund Donors Over the Years. Im going to get something from the kitchen, mind if I turn on the lights? you say, getting up. His hand reaches its destination. You squeal as Gabe touches your ticklish spot. Did you see her face? He walks over and sits beside you to help edit. His phone pings, and he looks at it. Ah! oop lmao hope you enjoyed these short stories! Even before you were close to the quiet setter, you admired how he always seemed to know how to lift Bokutos spirits. Naruto smiled as he stepped into your house with a to-go back of ramen cups, he smiled and went into the kitchen, then gave a confused look and went to the room to see you shut the door, you on the outside of it. herb brooks speech before gold medal game brotherhood mutual vs church mutual st dominic school website naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry. Ah, thanks for clearing that up., Yamamoto paused before asking, Did my impassioned words led to a misunderstanding?. You remembered the first time he kissed you, the first I love you that he ever whispered in your ears. paparazzi clothing store. 2019 Ted Fund Donors He just shakes his head. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry. Finally Ino noticed you and gasped. Light bl- He cuts off his sentence with a yelp. Servios. You went to the park, it was empty as usual, you sat on your knees and gave sniffles, weeping more as you played with a piece of grass. "Beauty?" Whats going on?, somycrushgavemehernumberbuticanttalktogirlsandididntwanttomessupsoiwaspracticingwhattosayonkurooandtherestandthentheygotmadsosometimesitextmyselffromtheirphonenumbersaspractice!. Dalton- Dr. Who, you spend time rewatching old episodes when Dalton gets time off. She hands you the money rapidly, moving towards the door. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry I uh. Hey, (L/N)-chan! But there was one thing you needed to cut off now. Dana- You sort of got some help from his bakery-owning aunt. GaaraGaara looked up from his desk after hearing you get back from training with Temari, he heard his room door shut, making him give a slightly confused look and stand up. *I do not own these pictures! But my teachers are sort of pushing our futures, like college, university, careers. You jump up quickly and run to the door. Gabe! you scorn, Brandons right there! you say. Why did he ask you out in the first place? The mere process of talking with him as he comforted you was often enough to pull you out of your tears. Yeah. You answered back weakly, remembering his initial question. You smile as he puts you down. Shino didn't have much of a reaction when you cried because it was usually over something silly, like dropping your ice cream on the ground or seeing stray animals in the streets that you wanted to take home with you (and then crying because you couldn't take them home). Kill it! you cry out. He was so impatient. When you sit back down, Will opens his arms, so that you can rest on his chest. You scoffed,How did I already know youd say that?. Gabe- You and Gabe were watching one of the old Batman movies late in the night. Cole- You get out of class and walk out to the parking lot to where Coles car waited. This is my very last semester of graduate school and then I am DONE in May, forever! I tried to let him go, once. Bokuto continued,When you first started dating, I tried and couldnt.. You and Deidara got up, glanced at Naruto and Sakura, then left. You tried your best to feign a smile, but there was no point in hiding anything to someone as cunning as Akaashi, you figured. Skip it. The middle-blocker stated harshly, cutting off the ace. #fanfiction You actually really wanted him to help because he was good at this type of stuff. Gabe just chuckles, ducking his head. Akaashi?? I'll always be. They were both laughing together, having a blast. You just nod, so you dont cry again and wrap your arms around him. Just tell me! you reply. Naturally, he would run around trying to collect things that might make you happy again: chocolate, flowers, soft blankets, Akamaruuntil eventually he realized that you wanted nothing more than to be held in his arms. Standing there, waiting for you. Hope you like it! But you love me." You gave small sniffle and wrapped your arms around Lee, pressing against more with a small sob as he tensed. As soon as he saw tears on your face, he'd immediately fire up and ask whose ass he was kicking today, all whilst enveloping you in the tightest, warmest hug you could imagine. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry Most of the other students had already filled out of the gymnasium, out into the streets on their way home as you leaned against the cold railing. Listen to what? You were trying to push him away, but Kuroo refused to budge against you. What does it feel like? Look Y/N Im soooo sorry. You blushed with a sniffle and hugged him lightly back, he knew you had a small smile so he gave a small side rock into it. You were so happy to see him. Okay okay, Ill do it. He says and grabs the broom. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry He scoops you into his arms off the bench. Oh okay is he sleeping now? Yep, Ill go get him. You turn around to go get him, but Will already has all of his stuff packed up, and has him in his little carrier. ImIm s-such a terr-rible girlfriend you mumble, I didnt even remember my own boyfriends birthday for gods sake, and youre all I-I think a-about. You wail. You and Hidan were just hanging out, when you saw Shikamaru and Temari come over. You didnt live here, but you had quite the amount of stuff everywhere because you were there the majority of the time. "Sasuke You gave a small swallow as you headed towards the others as they waited for not only you but for Yamato sensei, you had tears and were sniffling, Yamato didn't say anything the whole walk. Neji was probably the best person to comfort you when you were down. Get out of my house? You and Deidara got up, glanced at Naruto and Sakura, then left. You are yes you are! None of this was right and you had every bone in your body screaming at you to beat the ever loving shit out of the two volleyball players. Sakura tugged on his shirt. That picture above though!! Whatever words he was going to say, to somehow excuse his behavior, died on his lips when you calmly raised your palm to stop him. You shrug your shoulders and sniffle as you walk outside. You watched how Akaashis gaze would sometimes linger on Bokuto, long legs guiding his stride to a spike. You take his foot and start tickling it, until he laughs. "Enough crying okay? Gabe- When youre at his house and playing with his two dogs on the floor, petting them, and cooing in a super high voice Ah whos a good boy? A month after your break-up, you started seeing someone else. You smile, What? you say. You couldnt help but smile, and think that Gabe would make a great dad, if you got to that stage. He had to be THE cutest baby youve ever seen, and he was so calm, and barely cried. "Sakura." Why progress this far in your relationship? Hmm baby making. With wide eyes he would always rush to you and envelope you in a hug, pressing your face into the crook of his neck while his hands cradled your shoulders and head. Naruto saw Deidara kiss your lips and he growled. Includes: Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Shino, Neji, Gaara, Kiba & Sai. Also Team Hebi included in this one! dayton leroy rogers family. At least you thought that. "How about stomach tickles?" You were surprised to say the least, this was one of the members of the volleyball team. You want take-out food? This is great!" "Yeah bitch I'm coming." There was no denying the sudden jump of fear you had when Akaashi walked back in the room, a questioning look on his face as he saw you try to level your breathing. I dont need an answer to confirm what youre thinking. You stated,Treat his heart kindly., Bokuto sputtered, raising his arms in defense. Ew! Dalton says as he picks up a little stick to wipe it away. "Hey, what's the matter?" fly now pay later no credit check canada. You grabbed it half-mindedly, original intention to bring it to him and maybe leave it at the door in case it was some type of volleyball-related emergency. You started to date Darui. Cole- Things got a bit(totally) messy, and it took all day, because you had a flour fight, but you guys managed to make these cute cupcakes! After a month, you started to date Hidan. I think we would make great parents actually. You say. Teach me something. You say. He was the little boy that you and Gabe had to babysit often. Bokutos voice reached you mid-way through the steps, his words low but aimed toward Akaashi. No! You stopped walking and wiped your face after hearing Lee, he jumped in front of you and smiled with a thumbs up before he saw your expression and look away. Twice. I thought all was lost and then Kuroo let me practice texting myself and seeing how it looked from his phone!, Kuroo summarized it plainly for you. Kuroo continued to follow behind you despite your loud command. Gabe turns and looks at you. It was now crawling on the handle down towards the floor. Whats a label against the fact that hes been in love with you during that entire time?. Hes almost to the chorus, when he pauses. You walk into his large kitchen flip the light on. How I would yell at you, curse you to your face But now that I see you, youre pathetic.. "Don't tell me then." Gabe- It took a lot of cake batter, blood sweat and tears and tons of fondant to make this cake! "And I love you (Y/n)." #narutoxreader They were popular throughout school with the entire student body. Y/N I missed you so much. He kisses you, hard. You took it a face value, instead relishing in the comfort knowing that your boyfriend was wrapping his arms around you. I mean that it looks terrible. He states. "Sasori hon, can we go?" You and Naruto went out on a date at Ichiraku's. You were cuddling under a bunch of blankets. Why would Akaashi do this? The interaction was so strangely intimate and yet public for any spectator the game. Loving words, teasing innuendos, all of that you shared with Kuroo and now he was going to show-off what he had with another girl? You open the door and plop down on the seat. "Oh nothing nothing! Sai was absolutely clueless and most definitely (albeit, unintentionally) insensitive when it came down to comforting you when you were sad. The kind, loving Akaashi Keiji who had the love of the whole school? (Modern!Naruto) Okay, I know there are like a billion of these, but they're so much fun! You're not eating anymore un!" Naruto walked back to you with a bunch of f/f (fav flowers). "Gaara.." "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" When he opened up the door, his eyes widen seeing you sitting back against the bed with your hands to your eye, when you removed them you gave parted lips and looked away. He screamed and threw the stick at them, even though that did nothing. But your mind was already made up, long before the game ended. Now where were we? you smirk. Alright.. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry He loved kids, and you loved the fact that he did. Neither Haruki nor Konoha were like this with the ace and both of them knew Bokuto longer than Akaashi. Jump. He says rapidly. You both get in the car, and you start talking all about your trip to Haiti, where you helped build two schools and a new healthcare centre. But as the months went on and a few became your everyday norm, along with even getting invited over his house to meet his family, you were sure that the man you were dating was the one. You knew from the beginning that Akaashi always had a special connection to Bokuto. He helped you with everything. The profile picture was of the popular student body president, her shining face radiating even now. You and Will had both been so busy in the last few weeks that you hadnt seen each other much. All their little volleyball antics - it was always about Bokuto. He puts his hands around your hips and pulls you close, your chest pressing to his. And so you simply turned back to your friends, rejoining the conversation with thoughts of the volleyball team long behind you. Sp-sp-spider! Im trying! He unbuckles his seatbelt and turns to you. "You'll be fine." You sat up and said, "Hidan I wanna go home now." Bye Sasori!" He picks the baby up gently and you help adjust him so hes laying properly. GET IN HERE NOW! you call out. "Are you better?" While you walked away, Shikamaru stared in disbelief. "I'm not hungry Deidara." "Hey. Absolutely fucking not. Get what you need and lets get out of here! From the preliminary matches against Nekoma to just seeing the two in school, it made you want to foster such a close relationship with him yourself. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry . :). Hey! fz. Sai stood feeling jealous. I promise not to say anything like that ever again. You drop your bags and wipe your eyes. Hes still holding on to your back, pressing you to him. What do you think? you ask. You tries to lift you up as gently as he can, but the pain in your back is just too much. Oh I will find you! Gabe calls back. When You Are Assigned On A Mission Together, when your child ask you what you thought of their dad/mom when you first met, When he trys to kiss you with a messy face, what he did when he became sick for the first time, where he takes you for vacation/he gets a boner, when his family ask him uncomfortable questions/you meet his parents, When Your Child/Children Come To You Crying, When Their Female Friend Insults You [Part Two]. Ive been working on this for like two weeks straight! you exclaim, astonished. I mean you didnt want him to think that you were rushing into marriage, and having kids. You shot a look up to Kuroo, his gaze locked on you without any other hints of an expression on. Will- It you four hours to make them, but it was worth spending the time together! His smile immediately squashed to a straight line, eyes hardening as they looked down at you. After thats all packed up, you run to the washroom to grab everything from there too. Crawling slowly, was the most humongous spider ever. You giggle and go gather a bunch of blankets for snuggling on the couch. Naruto was there for you helping you get over Sai. He'll go to five different restaurants and get you every item you want. You worried that you were going to unintentionally spill out the word vomit - accusing words ready on the tip of your tongue. #narutohusbandscenarios You said getting up. When you start singing and jumping around and shaking your hips, he always chuckles because you look so cute. Okay you go open the door. He says, inching closer. You dont think I could get into those universities?? While he showed an extreme amount of patience and rationale talking you through your fits, he learned quickly that your attention span was shorter than your emotional outbursts. Thankfully, you had different homerooms and could avoid him for the first initial hours of school the next day. "Even if I can't protect you from tears, I'll always be here. I'm completely obsessed with reading the 'Boyfriend Scenario' stories, so I decided to write one myself. Instead, you texted Bokuto during the game to meet you outside by the entrance stairs, alone. Akaashi was the master of a blank expression, but now there was nothing but panic and hurt written all over his face. Wh-HOLY AHH! he screams when he sees the spider. With wide eyes he would always rush to you and envelope you in a hug, pressing your face into the crook of his neck while his hands cradled your shoulders and head. You were so happy to see him. Gabe! you say. The words were so fast, you held the phone closer to your ear in an attempt to decipher anything that was just said. You were ready to tease your poor boyfriend, Sorry, you were sexting him., Kuroo rolled his eyes, a hand already sneaking its way under your shirt. You gave parted lips, about to speak before he gave a 'tch' with a side eye roll, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to him, placing both arms around you, making you relax, you were about to hug him back before he pulled back, pecking your lips softly after poking your forehead. "(Y/n)." You can pick him up. You say, smiling. ARE YOU OKAY?! You walk to the fridge and reach for the handle when your eyes land on the mother of all spiders. You Are Here: ross dress for less throw blankets apprentissage des lettres de l'alphabet naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry June 17, 2022 ipswich town live radio commentary "I'm here. )Naruto "(Y/n)! Tears fell down your cheeks, and you sniffed your nose. He'd wrap you in his arms and pepper you with kisses, telling awful jokes to make you laugh and reminding you how much you mean to him. Hello anime fans! Try and answer them all, I know how it feels when you dont get noticed. You point out, remembering the days when you were just another fan. It made you wonder what he did with them. "I know. Well Im gonna get you now, if you dont run! Gabe says. She clearly was a waste of time Sasuke!!!" Oh Im babysitting Jordan! you say back, giggling quietly. Okay, well its kind of embarrassing though you mumble. Your confusion was only growing. Sasuke glanced beneath the water to peak at you, but you swam near Suigetsu. You run over and open the door. The ace seemed to fly above the net, passion for their shared sport radiating even up in the stands where you were sitting. Will- When you wear your hair down and it falls into your face when youre doing something and you endlessly tuck it behind your ears and push it back and it just keeps falling, he laughs because he thinks youre cute when you get annoyed by it and just let it fall. When you had once asked Akaashi about his relationship with the nationally acclaimed ace, he smiled and said,He can be a lot to handle. #gaara "Come on. He puts you down and walks over to the blanket. It was all going good until you heard children squeal Lord Kazekage. You hear footsteps running up the stairs, so that made you pack faster. Often times, he would sit quietly beside you, swiping away the tears as they fell. You stayed silent to your friends, not even telling your best friend what happened. Ok we got messages and stuff and it looks like you want us to start writing again! The next day at school neither of them were present. Bokuto-san. You stated, looking him in the eyes head-on. You hadnt told Akaashi you were going to attend this practice match in the first place and you honestly had no intention of doing so. He sits there, as if contemplating if he should actually say what he wants to. "Yeah we should go. He was the captain, after all. "Break free again I'll bite you. Sasuke gave a confused look then walked over to you with a grunt, pulling you to the side. He blushes. You opened up the door as Kakashi followed you out of the room. "Sorry for bothering." You jump down quickly, right as he turns the corner. What are you giggling about? he says playfully. Of course, he pushed your hand away and continued to hold you close. "SaiYou gave narrowed eyes towards Sakura, she gave you a confused look then looked down with a frown. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry He played the last note. And on more than one occasion, you had to remind yourself they were just friends. Fine. Woah Y/N, whats wrong? It was only when your hands flew to scroll upwards that you realized yes, this was really happening. He'll even get the little marshmallows and sprinkles on top. You smiled a bit and placed your hands on his, interlocking your fingers together when he kissed the back of your head.