Essentially Ron and Hermione abandon him more in book 4 which sparks a lot of darkness in him. Privacy Policy. This fragment broke off and attached itself to Harry Potter himself. . So Im only a guest to you? He believes his sole purpose is to contain the danger that threatens their very existence. What, in your opinion, is the best Harry Potter Fanfic of all time? \Dumbless little plans and chess moves are really annoying. It was just suddenly over and his mind feltsoft., Thank you, dear one. ---- He hadnt been able to see them privately enough the last summer to talk about his training or the Dark side. I used to sneak off at night and go to Azkaban, you know. Someone who understood him more than anyone else. Severus would have enjoyed their shock. My name, howeverI will only tell you the name I was born with, and you must swear to keep it secret. If you will fetch your prisoner, I will meet you in the rose garden.// Not allowing the older man time to respond, Harry replaced his hood and left the room on silent feet. I can pull the happiness from her. However, nothing goes as it should, and life has strange ways to mess with you. The holly wand would probably work just as well for you as your yew wand. He flicked his wrist and the bones piled themselves beside her head, skull grinning emptily on top of the mound. That all gets sealed up in the library so I can turn it over to my Lord. It wouldnt have lasted until tomorrow morning, anyway. I have spent a year learning from their strongest in Azkaban itself. Harry Potter is dead now, thanks to the goblins of Gringotts. Why does it feel so different when youre in my mind? My dear, we will continue fighting. Severus sneered at the implied slight that his shields were not as strong as everyone thought. Professor, have you found anything new? Hermione Granger asked. The Dark Lord chuckled at his son. Ive never heard of a Gallus Black. The boy had locked away all his emotions to reveal his secret to Severus. I hope I can trust you to keep me safe, just as you would for any other student, Headmaster. gonewards, how did hedisappeared from the Platform. It was better than chocolate after Dementors. Lucius inclined his head in apology. Then I accept your offer of friendship.. No one knew her mate was Azrael. Tracing them over and over keeps her sane, fantasizing about her saviour finally arriving to take her away from the Dursleys.Her rescue comes in the shape of a letter, and Hogwarts enchants Aster to the point of completely forgetting about soulmates. Oh, you should have seen Dumbless face when he read your letter., Or Rons, when he realized he wouldnt get a piece of your fortune now that youve kicked the bucket. But this and Regulus' recent reluctance raise doubt about his loyalty to the Dark Lord and he is forced to recruit another wizard to join the Death Eater ranks. Voldemort gazed down at Rabastan Lestranges white skin. It was not until he touched it that the Dark Lord realized it was a Horcrux. This one was created accidentally when the Killing Curse was reflected at you on the night you attempted to kill Harry Potter. Instead of fading into oblivion, he is rescued by none other than Lord Voldemort himself. People heard he had become the international magnate who had control over three realms, business, law, underworld. The box floated gently to the Death Eater. With the Bone Man in his mind, he could feel the strength and darkness of his magic. Wha Harry has been abused by the Dursley's for as long as he can remember, both physically and mentally. I was already Hadrian Black to them. It felt hollow, but appeared seamless, as though made of a single block of wood. Be strong because of them.//. Read a fic a bit back where Harry had lost nearly everything, ends up in a different dimension where Harry died as a baby and Voldemort won and became leader of the world. Someone who would always take his side. He wasnt any other kid; he was the golden boy to a world he never knew existed, his mate was less of a mate and more of a budding killer hed struck a deal with, and they were not doing homework, they were plotting ways to exploit Harrys fame.". The snake, a male, was a rich black with pure white eyes. Love, betrayal and vows. Like this, he still was still recognizable as Harry Potter. If he were truthful with himself, he would admit that it scared him a little. You didnt know because he didnt allow you to. He knew the Dark Lord planned to Mark him and give him a task, but he didnt want that. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If they would be loyal to the Bone Man over him, there was no way to keep them if he should turn against their side. . . and our I have just finished marking him to be my right-hand man. He disliked Albuss manipulations around the boy. Barty stops Regulus before he can enter the cave, subsequently saving him from his doom. The Bone Man was not a name they had heard before. How many you scared away from being my friend? Im afraid not, Molly. Unlike the creatures, he did not actually feed on her happiness, but the feeling she got was the same. He truly was unique. They reminded him of a bunch of puppies, climbing over each other just to be petted a little by their master. Whispers of the Bone Man will travel through the ranks of the Light. Lucius turned to his son with a proud light in his eyes. I am looking for similar fics. Book One of Dark Triad Trilogy. //Well, I thought my sign was a bit distant, and I didnt like the idea of any followers I gathered all being identically marked. After being dumped by Lily and James Potter, watch Harry. They had given him the map to help him sneak off to meet with the creatures, after all. Griphook helped me with all the paperwork to declare Harry James Potter legally dead and create Gallus Hadrian Black. The Hufflepuff is rubbing his chest something fierce, brow furrowed. You told me that you would never step foot in there again., //Ah, dihiryn, I told you Harry Potter would never step foot in Hogwarts again. He was asleep again in seconds. It would make a wand core fit for the Wizard-Lord, and it would be a reminder of this child every time he used it. Unlike most of your followers, I will not turn away from you to save myself. He had hoped that the Fidelius Charm would hide any knowledge of Grimmauld Place. Easing his way into her, he changed the feeling he gave her. These marks are all I have left of my previous family. He pulled the happiness out of Dolohov, worse than any Dementor could. However, the Black Lordship claim supersedes yours. A single tear ran from Hadrians closed eyes before he broke out into sobs. And are you guys together? I chose to memorialize the child in my wand, he explained quietly. The Fall of the Old Regime. No, the Dementors are kind to me. We should make every effort to turn him away from the Dark. What did he look like, Severus?, I do not know, he lied. The story is inspired from the epic poem Padmavat by Malik Muhammad Jayasi and the movie by Sanjay Leela Bhansali with the same name. The Bone Man wishes to meet him.. Draco was still skeptical of the hand extended to him. Voldemort would sweep him aside like so much dust in the wind. Gallus Hadrian Black Immediately, Lucius felt a pressure on his mind. He knew that Draco didnt even have the Dark Mark. Um breve encontro na volta para Hogwarts poderia mudar tudo. Hadrian had again covered his scars and colored his eyes the green they once were. Diddys an angel! the bony woman argued. I bless you. Voldemort dismissed the elder Malfoy, turning his attention to the box he had brought back from his trip to the North Sea. Due date? A decade later, Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, is sorted into Slytherin - another drop upon a surface less calm than before . Everyone stood and moved away, except Bella, who took his arm and gently steered him toward Voldemort. \Finally!\ exclaimed Fred as they strode toward the Potion Masters office. Rabastan just laughed. As soon as the door to the breakfast room was shut and warded, Hadrian was tackled by a lot of red hair. Ten years of wishing I had died with my parents. I simply keep it all hidden. Now five years after the fall of Grindelwald, watching his soulmates from a distance, Harry realizes maybe he should have asked to put a time limit on that vow. What do you mean, personal sign? The question came from Lucius, but Voldemort was also curious as to what his new ally had meant. Poetic, no?. They are not spells.. //The holly wand? Theyre like ticks, and I am a butcher who opens veins with a knife. Ill do the sacrificial seal at the very end, but youll be unconscious for that part. Why do we need to apparate? Draco asked, confused. Gallus Hadrian Black exists in his place, but I prefer Hadrian to Gallus. Dihiryn, Ill need your help,// and Black swept from the room, followed by the two others and leaving Luciuss mind as lonely and empty as before. Sirius Black makes the smart choice and doesn't go after Pettigrew when James and Lily are killed. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ive kept them all glamoured since the first day of school. Why did you choose these? Like father, like son, I suppose. Even as he let himself sink into the happiness in his dihiryns mind, Harry could feel the twin shock of Lucius and Voldemort and the confusion of Draco. You are my soulmate, my sweetheart, you are my dream come t "Trixibell, if these attacks don't stop I will have to expell you." He was young, young enough to still be in school. He had finished the Bone-Sign already and had moved on to Dracos personal mark. So Rabastan here has another set of runes, forming protection and tracking spell and shaped like the Gemini constellation, since hes a twin. He said that twins had a special form soul, one that wanted to be joined and mixed, that allowed it. Remember, it will only respond to Parseltongue. Until I see fit, Harry Potter will not exist again. He was meant to protect them as they had protected him, and he cared for them. What do you mean, make him to you what Lucius is to me?, //My right hand. Thank you, my Wizard. Its much more subtle, as Rabastan here can attest. Excuse me, my Lord.//. Thomas Marvolo Riddle, Jr. Bellatrix Black Lestrange. Everyone else looked too ill from imagining the sight to speak. Id be willing to bet it chose me because I was still your Horcrux then. Hadrian was briefly saddened by the thought of his last familiar, Hedwig. Only wanting to see what they did they allowed her true nature slip through the cracks. What are you talking about? He felt Hadrians pain and came and got me.. Lord Hadrian Black came into being at the same moment. " , . Double-casting would be a big advantage over Dumbledore. Hadrian pushed the energy he had taken into Dracos core, and the other teen sighed in relief. One more question, though.. Innocents were killed and there was wanton destruction instead of the rebuilding of the world Voldemort had hoped for. The Best of the Best Dark Harry Potter Stories | FanFiction I mixed the core myself. And what it takes to keep him. My Lord and Bella? Revivir en una nueva dimensin, despus de todo lo que haba experimentado en sus 120 aos de vida como bruja, no le sorprendi demasiado. My apologies. Life was never easy for David and Kate, but they found each other and became each other's soul. Bone Man, he greeted with a shallow bow, where is the Dark Lord?. Why didnt any of my spies ever tell me? He wondered if having the boy in school was a good thing. Friendship, not beta read we die like regulus in the cave, no beta if i make a grammatical error my friend just shows up at my house and eviscerates me, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, light on both the crack and the angst. Harry Potter Fanfiction 500+ Stories (Updated 2023) - Inkitt That would explain why the owls wont even try to deliver any letters. Are you not worried someone will remember your eyes? Rated T for now but may change. MONSTER. As he nuzzled into his dihiryns chest, he spoke to Voldemort. Armed with the Infinity gauntlet and its gems, he sets out across the Marvel universe, kicking names and taking ass. Unlike any Legilimency he had ever felt, it did not search through his thoughts or memories, but merely asserted its presence in his mindscape. Its fan fiction of harry potter. The Dursleys are Muggles of the worst kind, the kind that hates anything different. No slash, no bashing, Crouch Sr is alive. The Dark Lord flopped into his chair in a surprisingly ungraceful movement. Voldemort cleared his throat, drawing attention back to himself. It was simply there. In hindsight, Harry could admit that touching random things in Grimmauld Place hadn't been a good idea. Hadrian pulled away from Rabastan and twisted to show his back. The Bone Man was waiting silently for them in the study, hood down, sitting cross-legged on the Dark Lords desk. Leave the body, someone will take care of it by morning., //Wait, I just need a few things!// Voldemort watched as Potter summoned one of the thinner leg bones and two other tiny bones. Its a common procedure here at Hogwarts. He extended his hand to the King, who took it in his and bowed deeply, bringing his head below the level of Hadrians. Behind him, there was a short knock before the door opened to reveal Draco and Rabastan. The elder blond was quite sure that if anyone else had tried to do such a thing, the Dark Lord would have killed them painfully on the spot. //You may. I doubt there is a force on earth that could keep the Bone Man out. However, an ancient demonic artefact has granted him the powers of a Fallen and now he will let nothing stop him in his quest for power. If you give him this, I believe it will serve as proof of my skills.//. However, I will say that I am very powerful, possibly as powerful as you and certainly stronger than Albus Dumbledore, and have veryunique skills that I would be happy to offer to your cause. How could I hate you for something you never wanted to be? You and young Malfoy have a busy day ahead, messing with Albus, and it is time for you to leave.. Th Harry and Ginny land in a world where they meet a five year old Harry, they rescue him from the Dursley's and raise him. He could not doubt it, however. Caught in a web of his own lies, Harry teaches everyone around him what it means to love him. Evan Rosier. Can I not convince you to tell me your name?, //I am the Bone Man. Harry Potter is a famous arrested Death Eater who is facing trial before the eyes of his family and the whole wizarding world. One of them had even taken out an ear trumpet. Of course, Great Royal. Hadrian raised his head and stared forward as layers of glamours melted away, revealing glowing green eyes and so much more. Blood? Draco asked. Before you had only your hands and spine. The strongest were those of Severus Snape, but even those fell before the Bone Man. Hadrian grinned at the blond and shut his jaw with gentle fingers. Included is a letter for Lucius Malfoy. I will not reveal my identity to you in a letter, as there is a possibility it may fall into the hands of the Light. I have some left over still, enough to mark Draco and your brother, if he wants. Evidently, he had ceased his other conversations and everyone at the table was feeling the same effect, because they all turned to look at him. Ok, the twins shouted together, question time! Hadrian grinned. Sure, little arwr, the older man chuckled, which ones? Draco stared curiously at the man, noting that the Dark Lord had narrowed eyes again. Please, sit and warm yourself.//. Draco got lucky, he knew that - really. Sectumsempra! The Dark wizards watched as magic carved up the purple mans fat body and he silently screamed. A wave of happiness washed through his mind from the teen, and Draco knew he had made the right choice. Will you allow my blood to tell you? Receiving Albuss trademark genial nod, the boy summoned a sheet of parchment and cut his thumb with his pale wand, releasing a drop of blood on the parchment. How dare you come back here?! No longer shocked by his pale, snake-like visage, he regarded Voldemort as an honorary father, and the man had taken him as a protg. They often trained together, Voldemort teaching Hadrian all the Dark magic he knew and Hadrian helping him learn wandless magic and double casting. So in his sleep he just gives up. Dark, Mad , Powerful Harry Potter! | FanFiction He simply shook his head and took another deep breath. //Right now, it is only an etching on the surface of the bone. Lord Black gave me a demonstration of his power last night. An idea struck Hadrian. Voldemort, however, was puzzled. I'm not a writer at all - I leave that for the very talented writers on here. He gripped Dracos arm tightly. None of them will recognize me as Harry Potter now.//. He gasped. Will the wards really remove the Order from Grimmauld Place? Hadrian gave his most evil smirk in response. This was a trick the Dementors had taught him. ~Do I meet your satisfaction?~, ~Yes,~ he responded, nodding. They are rathernortorious. You look so dangerous now!. PS- I have strengthened the Horcrux with life-force I took while with the Dementors. This story Harry is is son of magic and death.Magic and death gave their child to the potters the save magic. ~You will be my wizard. Whenwhen Sirius died, he named me his heir. I recently made a post with all the Harry and Daphne fanfics that I know. Her body was at the entrance to Knockturn Alley. Dark magic, Death Eaters, politics - and in the middle of it all, Harry Potter. Normally the entire Inner Circle ate breakfast together, but for Hadrians birthday, only his friends had come. Harry Potter discovers the Player Handbook for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, 2nd Edition after experiencing accidental magic and realizes he may have magic. Look at all the marks you made. They could only explain it as Lily's eyes, even though hers never pierced through one's very being or simmered like a live ember. The hut had no door, but the smoke rising from the chimney in the center of the cone-like roof gave evidence that someone did indeed live there. Im merely surprised, Albus waved away the comment. The color always seems to align with eye color, but I havent figured out why yet.//. A faint glow, the same color, seemed to come from his skin. With his dragon and followers of course. There is no reason for you to know anything about my wand other than that it works perfectly. He rose, looking at the secretly fuming Headmaster with a slight sneer of disdain. Be it help from outside forces, karma, or the far less likely option of the child taking retribution for themselves. To be loved by something A/N I suggest you watch "Maleficent: Mistress of evil" before you read this story Of course, dihiryn. It was one of the things he feared. I cannot see them, he said softly, nor can I feel any glamours that would cover such a thing. This fanfiction imagines Harry falling asleep and waking up in a world where his entire family is still alive. I would like to meet with you and a few others privately later.//, Very well. Whats it like, their connection? Rabastan asked Hadrian. I marked my first follower there. Matapos siyang makakuha ng kapangyarihan, parehong lumuhod sa harap niya ang kanyang biyenan at hipag. Before you name me, you show know my powers.~ Without any warning, the snake changed into the largest raven Hadrian had ever seen. Yes, having his own blood turn against him would be a terrible blow to Voldemort and the Dark. I see you do still sometimes act your age, Lord Black.. Then I slept in Rabastans spare bed and they brought me back at dawn, before the Dursleys woke up. Wh We all know the story of Harry Potter- how he met the Weasleys at Kings Cross, how they showed him how to get onto the platform and how he became friends with Ron. However, it helped him escape his kidnappers so. opinion on that revelation is on hold till he is safe. dialogue inspired by the show the 100 where Emori is supposed to be injected with Nightblood to test the radiation. He's depressed that all these people gave up their lives for him. The weather is lovely today.// Severus nodded. He was tired of being used and abused. I think we should use the constellation Draco as the design. You may be King, but watch the Queen conquer. I trust they were not the strange eyes you showed Albus., No, I am changing them permanently tonight, a wave of Hadrians hand changed his eyes once more. Can you let us in? It was Rabastan. I put it in their personal marks. //The very last thing is my signature. I have, and you have, the teen answered. You see, Bella? tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. Draco was nervous. Or: Harry gets to kill people in gruesome ways while a horde of maniacs cheer him on in the background (and join in more often than not). I think its time for some blood, dont you? Hadrian groaned as someone opened all the curtains at once, letting the morning light flood into the room. The Dark Lord gave her a sharp look. The Fidelius Charm will break on August first, and if they dont leave, the wards will throw them out.. The King held him tighter, soothing him with his mind and his cold hands. The number four was cast in brass and nailed to the door. Unable to find a clear way in, he placed his palm on the wall of the hut. Until that day, he dialed the familiar yet strange number. Part one of the Dark Prince Series. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Nervousness and shame and the slightest hint of rage seeped from his mind. Hadrian was proud of him for that. Each Harry is unique, borrowing from several types of Harry Potter fanfictions, such as WBWL-Slytherin!Harry, Street!Harry, Voldemort's-Son!Harry, 40-Lordships!Harry, MoD!Harry, etc. He knew the teen did not kill pointlessly, but it still shocked him to think that the person who had once been Harry Potter now killed easily and without remorse.