For those that are unclear, the Skyline Trail is the first segment of the C2C (cactus to clouds) from Palm Springs up to Grubbs Notch, the access point to Long Valley. Altitudes are approximate. By Lance Pugmire and Janet Wilson Times Staff Writers January 22, 2004 With four Southland hikers dead since New Year's Day and two more missing, authorities on Wednesday closed a popular Mt. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds accompanying storms there is extensive drifting. For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports. San Gorgonio via Vivian Creek - SoCal Hiker The trail is largely clear of snow from Highway 243 to Strawberry Junction, and with about 60% snow cover from there up to 8600 ft. Marion Mountain Trail [updated 22nd December] has a well-defined but lumpy posthole track throughout. Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 6000 ft, potentially lower in places. Hikers should be prepared for temperatures generally below freezing in the high country, and well below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). Dans ce guide, nous avons slectionn les 6 meilleurs chemins le long de votre balade autour de Sand To Snow National Monument. Provisional forecasts suggest the later storm systems, around 25th-27th February, could produce much more significant snowfall, potentially 10-12 inches in Idyllwild and 24+ inches at the highest elevations. Hikers should expect to encounter new treefall hazards due to the enormous weight of ice from freezing rain associated with the early November storm, followed by recent Santa Ana winds, and after the passage of Tropical Storm Kay in September. Although the flakes are small, it has been steadily accumulating at an inch per hour, with about six inches fresh powder so far today, for a Peak area total of about 30 inches. Authorities were able to locate and rescue two 17-year-old hikers who were lost for several days on the Pacific . There may be patches, but nothing you can't get around or easily through without special gear. Forecasts for snowfall have varied greatly in both timing and volume, the latter ranging from inches to feet. The top ten snowfall totals by winter for Idyllwild are as follows: While many hundreds of hours of time and labor are volunteered annually, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to help cover modest operating costs. Current forecasts suggest that there may be significant snowfall on Sunday 29th-Monday 30th January at all elevations, but some warming and steady snow melt likely on either side of that date. The peak is one of eleven peaks that are over 10,000 feet in elevation in the southeast portion of the San Bernardino Mountains. Be aware that firewood can harbor insects and diseases that threaten California's valuable forest resources. WEATHER UPDATE 23rd December: forecasts have been shifting dramatically in recent days. Trail Conditions | San Gorgonio Wilderness Association I switched to crampons and then finished breaking the Peak Trail through to near Miller Peak (photo below). The significant Pacific storm of the winter that had been forecast over an extended period between about 16th-21st December is no longer thought likely to impact the San Jacinto mountains, although considerable uncertainty persists in the weather models for that period. The Peak Trail has about 80% cover of icy snow, largely continuous above 9900 ft. Spikes are recommended. Ernie Maxwell Trail [checked 2nd February] has a heavily traveled track to follow along its entire length, through the increasingly patchy icy snow. May 20th is the Erie Zoo Earth Day Celebration and they've invited the Girl Scouts to the party. On the afternoon of Monday 6th I was treated to moody clouds and virga, a cloud base just above my head at San Jacinto Peak, and the briefest possible flurry of small snow flakes while at the Peak (but nothing settled). connected to the .gov website. Comments Off on Updated El Dorado closure area. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail. Note that snow depth itself is rarely indicative of the difficulty (or otherwise) of hiking a particular trail. . Two significant further atmospheric river storm systems are forecast, on Tuesday 10th, and then again on Saturday 14th-Sunday 15th. There are two new treefall hazards to pass on the upper trail. Do not park in the picnic area sites -- please take care to read all signage! At least two further minor storm systems are forecast, overnight on Monday 2nd into Tuesday 3rd, and then again all day on Thursday 5th. WATCH: Rare Southern California Avalanche Caught On Camera The United States. Snow expected in the high country in the early hours of Wednesday 28th is not expected to be sufficient to obscure some of the higher elevation trails and complicate navigation. Vehicles not parked in these spaces may be ticketed and/or towed. Above Little Round Valley there are at least half-a-dozen tracks ascending toward San Jacinto Peak, none of which accurately follow the established trail route. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Sunday 1st January 2023 at 0830 the air temperature was 17.9F (-8C), with a windchill temperature of -2.3F (-19C), 100% relative humidity, and a sharp WSW wind sustained at 11 mph gusting to 21.1 mph. Hi Tyler, welcome to! Storm number 20, and the last of a stunning first two months of 2023, produced another major snowfall with 10 inches overnight in Idyllwild, and it is still snowing heavily. Camping Shade Solitude Views / Vista. Spitler Peak Trail has a very visible boot track through light snow to the PCT. At the on Monday 5th December 2022 at 0840 the air temperature was 24.1F (-4C), with a windchill temperature of 2.8F (-16C), 20% relative humidity, and a bitter WSW wind sustained at 18 mph gusting to 33.0 mph. Thereafter a cooling trend will take temperatures well below seasonal again including the possibility of minor precipitation on 11th-15th February. There's a clear message being sent to those who go into the burn areas to be aware of your footing," said Ruth Wenstrom, a U.S. Forest Service spokeswoman. Mt. Hopefully someone will update the trail description with respect to the total miles. Eventually with compaction of the trails caused by increasing hiker traffic and freeze/thaw cycles snowshoes may steadily become less useful, however they will remain valuable for off-trail travel in the high country well into February. San Bernardino Trail and Forsee Creek trails, along with the campsites near those trails, are still closed. As mentioned last week, current trail conditions are oddly reminiscent of spring, with snow distribution and iciness typical of April rather than December. Regarding snowfall, the high country may be above the cloud at times, with dustings of snow above about 7000 ft across much of the nine day period, but with the highest probability for a heavy snowfall on Saturday 31st December, totaling 8-15 inches. An additional six inches of accumulation today brings the total in Idyllwild since 21st February to 20.5 inches. A second forecast storm system may bring some light precipitation to the San Jacinto mountains on 2nd December, and possibly again on 4th-5th. The USFS gate at Humber Park remains closed. Be prepared for ice and deep snow, bring crampons and /or snow shoes and above all do not hike past your limits. Despite recent sunshine, 'It's just a sheet of ice up there,' a rescue official says. . It turned to occasional light snow showers at about 1430, with just 0.5 inch settled so far. Both days I put spikes on at the Peak for the descent, on 24th keeping them on until about 8000 ft on Marion Mountain Trail, and on 28th until about 9900 ft on the Peak Trail, roughly one mile north of Wellman Divide. San Gorgonio. Snowshoes are currently not required on the established trail system, which is now too heavily traveled and compacted for snowshoes. The week from 21st-26th December may be among the warmest on record for the year-end holiday period. Spitler Peak Trail had 10 new treefall hazards, almost all in the upper switchbacks. This trail will become significantly more treacherous as it undergoes freeze/thaw cycles and compaction over the next week or two. A weather system, possibly in two waves across a broad time window between 2nd and 5th December, is currently forecast to produce light precipitation at all elevations, including a possible dusting of snow in the high country [update 1st December: no precipitation is now expected from these storms passing to the north of us]. This morning Anabel and I broke trail up Devils Slide Trail to Saddle Junction. "I'm assuming, with all the snow, he just got turned around," Henley said. 2023 GSSGC Summer Camp--General Application The Palm Springs Aerial Tramway/Long Valley remain open. March 11 - San Gorgonio via Jepson Bowl and return same route. With at least two further snowfalls expected in the next few days, and strong winds in the high country expected for the next week causing substantial daily drifting of snow, much of the trail system will remain largely obscured by light to moderate snow until the second week of January. Year round. Given colder temperatures for the foreseeable future, melting is expected to slow (or almost stop in the high country) and spikes will remain recommended well into December at least. Cautious navigation remains required for those who do not have significant experience of hiking this trail. Although most of the downed trees reported this summer were cleared in July, four more major trees came down in Tropical Storm Kay in September. Snow depths are currently excellent for snowshoeing above about 7000 ft, where trails havent been too heavily traveled and compacted. Time of day, temperature, and sun exposure all have significant impacts on the nature of the snow, in turn changing the conditions underfoot, and hence both the hiking difficulty and the preferred traction device (if any). "On Mount San Jacinto, the conditions just aren't good for avalanches with the slopes and amount . The shortest way to the summit, and the most popular, is the Vivian Creek Trail. South Ridge Trail is now functionally clear of snow to Tahquitz Peak with only 1-2% icy snow cover overall. Trail crews are back in the wilderness! This is crowdsourced and depends on your contributions. Potentially stormy weather forecast for four periods in the past ten days all failed to significantly impact the San Jacinto mountains. Even if there is no precipitation, there will be temperatures well below seasonal on those days. Although excellent tracks are now in place for almost all major trails cautious navigation remains recommended. The holiday weekend had temperatures far above seasonal until Tuesday 27th. per winter back then. no traction device) to 9000 ft on a lightly traveled and lumpy posthole track through thin icy snow. San Gorgonio Peak via Vivian Creek Trail Quick Facts: Elevation: 11,503 feet. The first number is the current average total snow depth at that location, followed in parentheses where known by the maximum depth so far this winter immediately following the latest storm sequence on 14th-17th January 2023. Skyline Trail has a good track to follow through very thin and patchy icy snow above about 7200 ft (the Traverse to Grubbs Notch). The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak has a lightly traveled posthole track to follow through the drifted powder. Note that snow depth itself is rarely indicative of the difficulty (or otherwise) of hiking a particular track or trail. As always after storms in the San Jacinto range be aware of considerable ice fall from overhead trees. By 619jeffry. The first number is the current average total snow depth at that location followed in parentheses where known by the combined fresh snowfall from the two minor storms on 13th-14th February. --Meursault in 'The Stranger', Routes Steady melting is expected with warming temperatures this week, especially at mid elevations and on sun-exposed slopes. Be prepared for trails above about 8000 ft (perhaps lower in places) completely or largely obscured by moderate to deep snow. If there are Road Closed signs further down as was often the case last winter especially at weekends and holiday periods then those nine spaces are also unavailable for legal parking. I put in a posthole track the entire way up, but crampons (with an ice axe) were essential at that time on the upper switchbacks above about 8300 ft due to the typical steeply angled ice obscured underneath 6-12 inches of powder (photos below). SNOW DEPTHS measured on 12th November 2022 are as follows (measured on 15th for Deer Springs Trail locations). Some hikers may continue to find spikes useful for some of the minor icy patches but they are no longer required. Hikers who have an ice axe (and know how to use it) may find it useful in places on this short section of trail. For locations measured on 23rd January, these measurements are still useful, as the new recent snow depth is roughly offset by melting over the past week. Icy snow cover is 60% overall, becoming increasingly patchy below about 7000 ft, and again in the sun-exposed areas above 8000 ft. Spikes are useful, especially for descending. From there to the top of Marion Mountain Trail the route is a lightly-traveled posthole track. San . For the foreseeable future hikers should be prepared for temperatures below freezing in the high country, and well below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). South Fork camps such as Dry and Dollar Lakes are also filling several weeks in advance. 10 inches on 9th), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 1-2 inches (was 4 inches on 9th), Annies Junction/approx. Also, Mill Creek RS phone number is now 909-382-2882 and they are closed Tues/Wed. Note that there are about a dozen stream crossings and sections of the trail with water flowing in them, at times for tens of feet. San Bernardino Nat. Forest, San Gorgonio Wilderness, San Jacinto * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Times staff writer Dave McKibben contributed to this report. Started by: MikeH. While fresh snow may be optimum for snowshoeing for the next couple of weeks, snow at all elevations will become increasingly firm and icy following multiple freeze-thaw cycles, and compaction by increasing hiker traffic in places, and I cannot overemphasize the importance of having both appropriate equipment and the right skill set for the terrain. All trails above about 6500 ft are currently lightly, or above 7500 ft moderately, snow-covered. All have been reported to US Forest Service. Hikers should be prepared for temperatures near or below freezing in the high country, and generally well below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). Accumulation so far of about 0.5 inch in Idyllwild, and one inch at Long Valley. Spikes could potentially be used to ascend to the highest peaks at this time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing (e.g., see photo below). My Alpine start meant that all layers remained firm throughout the ascent. Currently only two major trail routes have been traveled and even those may become partially obscured by drifted snow and fresh icefall. Spikes can be useful for descending in particular. Conversely in some places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. PCT Mile 179.9 (8070 ft): 0-1 inch (was 3 inches on 9th November), Devils Slide Trail at Humber Park (6550 ft): 0 inch (was 2.5 inches on 9th November), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0 inch (was <1 inch on 9th November). At the Peak on Thursday 8th December 2022 at 0900 the air temperature was 28.4F (-2C), with a windchill temperature of 12.7F (-11C), 11% relative humidity, and a fresh SW wind sustained at 7 mph gusting to 9.3 mph. Spikes tend to be most valuable for descending even when not needed for ascending. The total snow accumulation was ultimately somewhat below prior forecasts, with San Jacinto Peak receiving about 9-10 inches overnight (rather than the 12-16 anticipated). Black Mountain Road also closed on 7th November to vehicle traffic at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243. The freeze level will again start very high, but is forecast to fall lower, with the possibility of a light dusting of snow down to about 5500 ft. Another inch of rain is forecast for mid elevations, but a heavier snowfall is expected in the high country, with predictions ranging from 8-20 inches above 10,000 ft. Further precipitation is tentatively forecast for 3rd-6th January, but amounts, timing, and freeze levels remain uncertain this far ahead. I made a concerted effort to put in a track as faithful to the trail routes as conditions permitted, both up and down. Snowshoes are not advisable due to the angle of the icy snow. San Gorgonio Mountain - Wikipedia The East Ridge Trail (from near Miller Peak to San Jacinto Peak) has a handful of tracks through the continuous snow, though none (including mine) accurately follow the trail route. Early on the morning of Saturday 17th I broke trail back-and-forth across the 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak which now has a lightly traveled posthole track to follow through the drifted powder (photo below). On my ascent I put crampons on at Wellmans Cienega (9300 ft) and they were more-or-less essential for traversing the icy slopes of the Peak Trail. Spikes are not essential but will be useful for most hikers, especially for descending. Be aware of your surroundings trails look different in the snow and are sometimes are hard to find. New treefall hazards on major trails have been reported to relevant agencies, and those on Spitler Peak Trail have already been cleared by the Trail Report. A light snowfall on the evening of Tuesday 21st will be accompanied by very strong winds, and is expected to largely or completely eliminate all tracks above about 7000 ft. Temperatures are expected to remain below average for January for the remainder of the month in Strawberry Valley (Idyllwild area), but are forecast to swing well above average (above freezing) for the highest elevations on 21st-26th January. From there the Peak Trail was easy going, having been well-traveled by hikers coming up the Tram. The USFS gate at Humber Park remains closed. The second storm on 15th-16th is expected to be colder with a lower freeze level which may result in 1-2 inches of snow down to 5000 ft or possibly even lower. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Finally, though not as well endowed as the Vivian Creek route, there is water avialable at a few locations. The upper end of this trail offers outstanding views of Yucaipa Ridge and Galena Peak, as well as sweeping . Be trail aware Watch your surroundings, the trail looks different when you are coming back down. At 11,503, "Old Grayback" provides an excellent high altitude training for those . San Gorgonio Peak Running Trail, Banning, California Thank you so much for your support. While all time and labor is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to cover costs. Forecasts range widely from 6-22 inches of snow for the highest elevations across multiple days, with a mix of rain and several inches of snow at mid elevations. Complete list of supporters, I-10/San Gorgonio Pass to I-15/Cajon Pass, Hwy-14/Agua Dulce to Hwy-58/Mojave-Tehachapi, Hwy-58/Mojave-Tehachapi to Hwy-178/Walker Pass, Hwy-138/Mt. All trails above about 5000 ft are currently lightly (or above 8000 ft, moderately) snow-covered. As always after storms in the San Jacinto range be aware of considerable ice fall from overhead trees. This is a popular trail for backpacking, hiking, and running, but you can still enjoy some solitude during quieter times of day. The route largely follows the established trail, but hikers coming from Long Valley over the weekend either did not find or follow my broken trail from last week, so in sections the route is unusual. Currently only one major trail route has been traveled and even that is partially obscured by icefall, melting and drifted snow. This information will be updated daily over the next week as details are changing significantly with every new forecast. Conversely, lower down Devils Slide Trail is a combination of very light snow cover, slush, and multiple stream crossings, with much water flowing down the trail. It has been a grim winter for search-and-rescue teams. Skyline Trail has a good track to follow through increasingly patchy, very thin, icy snow above about 7000 ft (the Traverse to Grubbs Notch). Since the depths given in the previous Report, there had been very minor storms on 28th and 29th December, which added a couple of inches at the highest elevations, down to 0.5 inch at 8000 ft. Water source "miller . Clearly conditions are expected to continue to change over the next week or two, so this summary is intentionally brief. As forecast, the storm came in two main waves, with the bulk of the precipitation falling for most of the daylight hours of Sunday 11th, followed by a remarkably calm and clear night, and then a much less intense period of snowfall between about 0800-1300 on Monday 12th. Dcouvrez les photos et les conseils d'autres randonneurs et trouvez toutes les promenades autour de Sand To Snow National Monument qui . They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and icy patches. I put on my Kahtoola microspikes to descend from the Peak, ultimately leaving them on most of the way down Devils Slide Trail. Only five of these require cutting, and I was able to remove three by hand last week. Current expectations are only for 1-2 inches of snow at mid elevations (e.g., Idyllwild) and not much more at higher elevations, perhaps 2-3 inches with each storm. The Vivian Creek Trail is the shortest and the steepest route to the summit of Mt. . 7. Ali Aminian, 51, of Newbury Park was an experienced Sierra Club member who went hiking alone in the same area Jan. 11, while Koh was still missing. Spikes are not needed yet, but that will change soon with increasing compaction and freeze/thaw cycles. Devils Slide Trail has a relatively well-traveled and compacted track to Saddle Junction in place already. Snowshoes can be used for ascending the highest peaks, but with considerable caution. Snow from the moderate storm on 8th-9th November (summarized here) has been melting steadily at mid elevations but more slowly in the high country given the relative weakness of the sun at this time of year. The East Ridge Trail from near Miller Peak to San Jacinto Peak has multiple tracks, all of which were disappearing under fresh spindrift when I ascended that way on Monday 23rd. Comments Off on Updated El Dorado closure area. Consequently I put on crampons at Wellmans Cienega, keeping them on all day until low down on Deer Springs Trail. Cold clouds in the high country produced thick rime on the trees above about 10,200 ft elevation on 1st December (photo from 2nd below) but otherwise no meaningful precipitation. Palm Springs Desert Sun. Group size limited to 12 people and 8 pack/riding animals per group. We have had an excellent start to 2023 regarding the water and snow situations in the San Jacinto mountains. (21 ), Google Search for 'San Gorgonio Wilderness',, Bear Flat, C2C, Vivian Creek: SoCal Triple Crown, The Hard Way, A Sleepless Winter Night On Top San Gorgonio, Southern California County Highpoints Tour, Cactus to Clouds, 9 Peak Traverse, and Baldy for the SoCal Triple Crown, Ascent of San Gorgonio - snowboarding down, My Personal "San Bernardino Mtns Trail Marathon", Spring Ascent of San Gorgonio's North Face.