Gab This is the dissolution of the ego-self and while ecstatic, it can be most painful., Follow In5D on Patreon, Telegram, Twitter, Bitchute, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Gab, and Truth Social @greggprescott, Tags: 12 Stages Of Light Body Ascension, ascend, ascension, brain, Cellular regeneration, clairaudience, clairvoyance, crystals, deja vu, dimension, dna, energy, energy system, flu, golden age, grounded, higher frequencies, illusion, lightbody, pineal gland, pineal glands, prana, seed crystals, spirit, telepathy, transmutation. Its a process of becoming more and more refined until you eventually become one with the source. Personal Transformation for Global Evolution, Pallor comes and goes. Cellular regeneration has been accomplished. This will create a much more highly evolved planet and a much more highly evolved human being. This basically moves a person into a higher level of consciousness and through that, they are able to truly ascend. Its almost as if you have to go through a bit of a shock in order for an awakening to begin. })(); See EXCLUSIVE In5D Videos and Articles on Patreon. We realize the habitual nature of thinking and behavior and look at de-programming and re-programming to create the I we wish to be, not the I we thought we were from our interaction with parents, peers and society etc. Phase 5. This is where the integration stage begins, and youll start to see how your spiritual practice can be integrated into your everyday life. In this phase, you KNOW who you are at a SOUL level, how youre connected to every living thing and truly understand you are the creator of your own reality. Every one of these expressions is a means of referring to the inner growth and development of the mind, heart, or soul; they are not synonymous. The planet goes to Light, shifts out of this dimension and is brought into a multi-star system where everyone is a lightbody and follows Spirit in total Mastery. When we marry God through this sacrament, Christos-Sophia returns in our . You are beginning to see the world for what it really is. Just as our physical bodies evolve and change over time, so does our spiritual body. Another cause of poor sleep is experiencing nightmares or extremely vivid dreams. This process can be difficult, but its also incredibly liberating. We question what is real, our mental process and how we identify with others and ourselves changes rapidly. Many wish to ascend and leave the planet as we sense the very real possibility of ascension through our deepening connection with spirit. You will also dive voraciously into anything spiritual and be very curious. 4. Energy levels increase. The goal of the spiritual ascension is to bring our pure souls back. Listed Below Are 6 Of The Most Important Spiritual Awakening Signs And Symptoms: 1. You share words from your heart and soul and others may feel disorientated when dealing with you as they no longer have hooks into you to link with. Just have Faith: I AM. The cerebrum the sleeping giant within the brain is activated. Survival fears leave focus in on the Now at one-at-ment. You really do see others as they are your brothers and sisters and treat them as such. Even if its not for work, wouldnt you want to rest in a clean, refreshing space? You're beginning to gain a mastery of some spiritual concepts and ideas. You live every day with integrity and you speak your truth. This is a time of complete liberation and self-realization. Embodiment of the Christ consciousness template is like a beautiful snowflake. This phase represents the final initiation of 12th phase beings as creators,, The following is a list of other ascension symptoms that you may or may not experience throughout the course of the ascension process. There is no single spiritual ascension meaning. 8. Twitter. Now its time to start living your best life. But they're also different in some aspects. By this stage, it is possible to be sustained purely by Light and prana, to take no nourishment from the atmospheric realms and to be healthily sustained by the etheric. Remind yourself that you do not know everything in life. Seventh level the heart chakra opens more, we become more real with other emotions, we just have to be ourselves! Do you find yourself having interrupted slumber hours? Crystal regulators in the etheric body keep lines of light within the 5th dimensional blueprint from connecting again until you are ready. Thought processes become non linear. The ascension process is an evolutionary phenomenon of twelve sequential phases of spiritual awakening. You may start to question your beliefs and values and begin to feel a need for change. An increase in psychic, mediumistic, clairvoyant, and intuitive skills. The past can hinder your present. Youre feeling more connected to others. The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Spiritual Journey, How to Reach Enlightenment so You Can Live in Happiness and Peace, A Beginners Guide to Having a Spiritual Awakening, The Hardest Step on Your Spiritual Journey: the Dark Night of the Soul. Youre having more visions and dreams than usual. This can be a gradual process that happens over many lifetimes, or it can happen more rapidly through intense inner work and attunement with spirit. The spiritual 5th Dimension has quickly become everyone's new hope in life. and people who open a spiritual "door" for you (like a twin flame or soul mate). The mental body begins to wonder if it really is in charge and individuals get strong unexplainable and undeniable urges to follow spirit without hesitation. Because we grew up in different communities, it is understandable that we carry with us remnants of various cultural views. Survival fears leave - focus in on the Now at one-at-ment. When you reach your goal you will also realize that we are never done learning and we can always grow. We tend to disconnect from consensus reality and our choices and reality seem unreal to others. We release blocks and old patterns it is a time of great emotional clearing and great intensity as we seek to rid ourselves of emotional baggage. Remember that there is no wrong way to seek spiritual truth. Here you will begin questioning everything not just yourself. Many people during this phase question what they are here to do and will try to find their purpose. Spiritual ascension is the process of our consciousness-raising to a higher level. You begin to understand where your negative emotions come from and what some of the triggers are. 5. An awakening does not happen in stagnancy. We are all evolving and absorbing light at our own pace. Chest pains are due to the expanding energies of the heart as it opens to deeper levels. Many begin to question "why am I here". - the etheric blueprint floods with light and releases karmic experiences, individuals may feel disoriented as well as experience of 'bouts of flu'. Diving into spiritual books, research on the internet, enrolling in courses, or going through guided meditations, channelings, or programs. A lot of spiritual work happens while you are resting. 'Spiritual ascension' can sometimes refer to awakening spiritual energy within the body and energy field. Welcome to ascension! Create Natural Colours for Your Holi Celebrations, What Bhagwat Gita says? When the pineal gland is fully open we experience multi-dimensionality yet duality seems to increase as we leave it behind. 7. These spin points and lines correlate with both physical and, Phase Twelve empowers the Higher Directive Creation impulse that is behind the vision and trajectories of Phases Nine to Eleven. A wise teacher, Barry (Bears) Kaufman, once said that all fear is really a fear of death. The brain is being activated - particularly the cerebrum, the 'sleeping giant'. Closer examination: Choosing a path. Christ consciousness is a template that we are all able to ascend into. Spiritual Ascension Stages: 7 Levels of the Ascension Path Revealed#witchcraft #wicca #paganism #oldsoul #soul #magic #spell #magicspell #spelllove #witches . Asked by: Joesph Quigley. 12. Now that youve got one foot in the spiritual world and one foot in the material world, its time to integrate the two. Remember, you are not your past. Chest pains (angina) are more common as the heart continues to open its energy fields. You might be in the process of spiritual ascension. It is a good strategy at the beginning because it can help you break free from this realm and . But its also where you might start to feel a little bit out of place. Brain chemistry changes, right and left brain functions blend and the pituitary and pineal glands begin to change in size.u The DNA structure and chemical components begin to change and pick up extra hydrogen atoms and chemicals that the cells need to take undifferentiated higher Light and break it down into useable Light encodements for the DNA. How I embody my fully awakened crystalline self is different from Jesus, is different from you and that is what makes this ascension process so beautiful and exciting. They have emotionally and spiritually awakened for their twin. You release the desire for and the energy to sustain the game of separation and limitation and feel truly free. Jealousy simply will not exist in your life. This is when you step into the next stage which is truly being a way-shower. Most relevant Best selling Latest uploads; Within Results. I do not know of anyone alive at this time in this full embodiment of source consciousness and presence, but this is where the ascension path is headed. Be patient with yourself and keep moving forward. The pituitary and pineal glands are opened fully and work together to create the Arc of the Covenant, a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head to the third eye that is a decoding mechanism for higher dimensional language. Time is no longer linear but simultaneous - past, present and future co-exist - all exist in parallels. In some ways they are. 2. This is when the physical implementation and manifestation of the New Paradigm systems become firmly rooted and established. We begin to lose emotional attachment to others. Youre experiencing a lot of upheaval in your life. Think of this journey as your metamorphosis. The term is commonly used to denote the Age of Enlightenment, but is also used in Western cultures in a religious context. 2. This Course helps you begin to Grow Spiritually, Opens your Intuition, Channelling and Healing Abilities. So the next few pages will outline the different stages we may experience as this occurs and how it is manifesting in our own energy fields e.g. Pressure at the forehead or back or the head is due to the opening of the pituitary and pineal glands as they absorb more light, when these glands are fully open, activated and functioning at the highest level, aging and death cease. The ascension process is an evolutionary process, which on a spiritual level, involves the raising and expansion of human consciousness. DNA is no longer 2 strand but 12 strand; teleportation, manifestation etc. This means raising the quality of our thoughts, increasing our emotional intelligence, and bringing us closer to the presence of the Divine. For awhile you may slip between the 8th & 9th, from feeling complete at-one-ment to being a limited human being again, this settles down by the end of the 9th level. Bitchute This is how you are the way-shower. Youve got this! The aim of spiritual evolution is to release the blocks and spiritual ascension is about rising to the next level of energy. You begin to unhook from 3D conditioning and mentality, You mainly attract others into your life of a similar vibration to your own. - physical senses become much stronger. Muscles ache and physical power to the limbs feels compromised. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You live in the here and now. Below are five of the most common symptoms of spiritual ascension that you need to prepare for. The spiritual hierarchy dictates that they are of the highest level. You may read books, attend workshops, or go on retreats. An awakened mind helps a person do well in this lifetime. 2. Eleventh level all levels of the lightbody have been constructed and activated and are connected to your physical body via spin points. This is because your vibrational frequency is tuning up. Or are there ideologies instilled in you that need revisiting? These light matrix's lie along the physical acupuncture meridians and are lines of light intersecting in beautiful geometries - a new 5th dimensional circulatory system of Light. We may go back and forth, clinging to old comfort zones before completely letting go - there is no turning back and all must be released. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Everything is about to change. These impurities start building up within us until our visions are blocked from seeing what is truly good. 11. Your emotions, and those of others, become understood from a deeper level and you go through life with more ease and joy.