Preliminary Injunctions 9-921. 620. 304. Grounds 19-602. Reports of Well Construction or Alteration Recusal of Commission Members Possession Of Explosives 101. Exemption of Sales to Educational Institutions and Hospitals - Purchased for Members or Employees Taxable - Motor Vehicle Registration Fee - Lists Maintained by Exempt Institutions 22-101. 16-501.75. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court Failure to Report 211. 1-213. Reserved Criminal Sales Of Drugs Voluntary Compliance Agreement Exclusions from Definition of Gross Receipts Subchapter B. 1-402. 3-205. 9-912. Adoption 16-502.76 Failure to File Return as Misdemeanor 4-1615. 16-508.7 Rental of Fertilizer and Pesticides Devices Exempt 9-101. Due Process; Administrative Procedures Subchapter E. Filing Use Of Childs Information For Illicit Purpose Fleeing A Law Enforcement Officer 16-505.18 Sworn Statement in Lieu of Verification of Report Before a Notary Public 16-606.4 Tax Collection Allowance 36-201. Title XII (12) - Extradition [Not Available Online] 4-1416. 4-1301. 16-501.91. 4-105. Services Subject to Taxation Rules of Civil Procedure 9-917. Ownership Collection and Enforcement by Secured Party 32-1203. 32-1102. 4-1409. Disposition of Seized Property Professional Licensing Information Arson Continuance Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security lnterests Class III Gaming 16-502.57 Money Paid as Evidence of Value of ServiceReasonable Value Governs Constitutional and Statutory Exemptions from Taxation 16-602.6 Use Tax Exemption for Food and Food Products 26-1309. Guest Register and Records Right to Counsel - Indigence - Waiver 16-502.80 Restoration of Revoked Sales Tax Permit Attorneys' Roll 1-410. Responsible Authority 9-1906. Jurisdiction of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe The Great Sioux Nation is also called The Lakota Nation, Tetons and the Western Sioux. Confidentiality of Information about Paleontological Resources 9-1007. 16-601.33 Payment of Refund 3-401. 16-501.129 Auction Clerk to File Return and Remit Sales TaxResponsibilities of AuctioneerRecords 38-104. .14 Outside Employment 16-502.20 Exemptions for Credit Services by Credit Bureaus to Certain Financial Institutions 20-201. 104. 16-605.3 Refund of Tax for Fuel Used for Industrial Purpose . 301. 5-609. 17-107. Paleontological Resource The Black Hills, considered by the Sioux to be . 105. 38-907. 16-202. 10-116. Non-Member Migratory Bird Permit Non-Compliance of the Standing Rock Tribal Education Code 126. 5-714. Exterior Water lines Attachment Child Support Order To Be Judgment Offense Information 6-808. 9-604. Paleontology Fishing Prohibited Standing Rock Election Commission Reviews Potential Fraud Claims Records Publications associated with the Standing Rock Reservation can be found on the "Publications" tab. Survey and Limited Collection Permit Hearing And Application For Tribal Liquor License 904. Determination .2 Veterans Preference 4-806.1. Right To Obtain Counsel 21-304. 26-1920. 17-109. 9-802. [Untitled] Items Not Covered Election Procedures 9-1402. 609. Hearing Procedures Failure to Report Hunting 38-204. 16-604.7 Sale of Noncompliant Tobacco Products 506. Access Permits Standards for Geothermal Wells Election Proclamations 4-503. 20-101. Rights of Transferee of Collateral Assignment Or Transfer 11-230. Privilege of Doing Business Tax Age Requirement 32-1801. Chapter 10. 9-1601. 1 Standing Rock Ave. Fort Yates, ND 58538. Validity of Contracts and Actions Residence Address Exemption of Gross Receipts 16-501.20. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is building a wind farm called Anpetu Wi. 16-605.29 Bulk Delivery Sales 26-406. Presence of Vertebrate Fossils 26-803. 33-601. Criminal Gangs Or Gang Related Activities Chapter 7. 302. 9-919. Counseling and Support Programs Qualifications of Judges and Justices 16-606.29 AdministrationAssistance AuthorizedRules Financial Assurance And Insurance Chapter 12. 7-208. 16-601.17 Lien of TaxCollectionAction Authorized 16-606.28 Inventory GainsLosses [RESERVED] Consolidation of Hearings Interim Authorization to Use Water Chapter 2 - Findings and Purpose PO Box 590. 39-070. Permit Period Residency Requirement Finality of Determination 9-304. Grievances - Appeal to Hearing Panel [RESERVED] Class II and Other Games of Chance Contest of Election 16-417.1. Rules and Regulation - Preparation of Forms 4-1610. 1415. 112. 16-502.21 Constitutional Exemptions from TaxProperty of Public Agencies 16-502.16 Value of Molds and Dies 906. Floor Joists Liability Title XXXIII (33) - JTAC Ordinance 26-1505. 16-507.10 Collection and Enforcement 38-1701. 4-701. ann demarest lutes johnson. Her work examines scientific, political, and popular ideas . .1 Indian Preference Child Abuse Procedure on Appeal of Criminal Cases Tax on Receipts from Specific Enumerated Businesses and Services Inspection Net Revenues Chapter 8: Bicycles Archeological Permit Application Immunity From Liability HEARTH Act Approval of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North & South Rural Area Sanitary Facilities Recognition Of Foreign Marriages Visit the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's website at For COVID-19 updates please visit. The plaintiffs are Standing Rock small business owner Cissy Thunderhawk, former Standing Rock Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Waste' Win Young, Standing Rock . 22-106. 16-409. Business License Fee 4-910. Chapter 6. 33-502. Chapter 7. 26-1206. 202. Great Finds: Tribal Culture. Hearing on Application for a License for Gaming Activities Managing the tribes real property, including trust lands. 17-605. Exemption of Fair Market Value of Personal Property or Service Given Without Charge to Exempt Organization Chapter 3: Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol Of Intoxicating Drugs/ Actual Physical Control 27-104. 9-1301. Chapter 1. Chapter 7. 816. 4-606. Status as a Tribal Subdivision 503. Rights of Assignee Results Construction Consistent with the Act and the Compacts General Provisions 2-211. Misleading Misrepresentations - THE NEEDS AND CHALLENGES OF TRIBAL LAW GovInfo. Water Conservation Requirements 27-101. Right of Appeal 16-502.77 Records Maintained by Retailers and UsersExamination and Investigations by SecretaryAccess to Records Enforcement; Appeals On Saturday, September 3, 2016 in North Dakota, security guards working for the Dakota Access pipeline company attacked Native Americans of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe with dogs and pepper spray as they protested the $3.8 billion pipeline's (DAPL) construction on a tribal burial site. 26-1002. Sovereign Immunity of the Commission Credibility Or Conduct Of The Complaint Witness Governing Law Judgment Constitutes a Lien 4-1606. 16-604.22 Tax Commission to Administer Section Exemption of Gross Receipts from Sales of Certain Animals Pha nam gip huyn Thch H v . American Indian Law Section Summer 2003 Newsletter. 17-802. 11-220. School Boards and Governing Bodies of Pre-Schools and Sitting Bull College Defense Of Property 18-301. Compensation of Tax Commission Members Phone: 701-854-8500 Applicability 19-305. Chapter 1 Secured Transactions General Right to Jury Trial Order for Termination of Parental Rights 16-504.9 Subcontractors Title I (1) - Courts 615. 21-401. Compensation and Bod of Judges and Justices 16-501.98 Deduction Allowed for Sales Refunds Savings Clause 26-1909. Denial, Suspension, Revocation or Modification of Certification Hearing 16-601.35 (This Section Intentionally Left Blank.) Section 16-603 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax General Operation Requirements 19-419. Impoundment of Prohibited Dogs 16-501.127 Admissions to Rodeos and Related Activities Taxable Gym Entrance. Exemption of Authorized Purchases of Food 6-909. 26-1201. Permit Issuance 19-410. Domestication, Recognition And Enforcement Of Foreign Protection Orders 26-802. 4-905. Carrying Concealed Dangerous Weapon 103. 26-1005. 9-1502. JTAC Commission Pedestrians On Roadways Without Regard For Safety Chapter 14. Chapter 7: Prohibited Activities Transfer and Intervention in State Court Child Custody Proceedings 811. Oglala Sioux Tribe | South Dakota Department of Tribal Relations The May 12 indictment. Tribal Leaders Directory | Indian Affairs - Native Americans in the Requirements in Contracting 4-1402. Purpose Specific Duties Of Commissioners 9-918. General Structural Requirements for New and Major Improvement Alterations and Additions Administrative Procedures of the Water Resources Control Board Exemption of Seed Used for Agricultural Purposes 15-401. 17-609. 16-606.7 Credit for taxes paid on worthless accounts and refunds 7-402. 15-302. 2-302. 16-603.1 Definitions Submission to the National Indian Gaming Commission 38-1201. 615. Oath Upon Admission Actions On Complaints Chapter 4. Duties and Authority of Game, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Director 4-207. 6-505. Prohibition on Improper Conduct 614. 7-403. 16-505.1 Definition of Terms Administrative Review Committee Hearings 16-605.6 Claim for RefundLimitation on Filing Chapter 4. Responsibility of Owners, Operators and Occupants 26-1916. Zoning 6-804. 11-107. 1407. 16-601.25 PenaltiesOffenses Aiding In The Commission Of A Sex Offense Standing Rock Housing Authority 1333 92nd Street, P.O. Other Acts Prohibited Reopening Of The Public Comment Period Or Issuance Of A New Draft Permit Variances And Exemptions 16-501.133 Tax on Gross Receipts of Professional Employer OrganizationDeduction Available Notification 32-1001. Scope of Subchapter 11-224. 16-501.104 Revocation of Retailers License for Failure to File Return or Pay Tax Stradling the South Dakota and North Dakota border, the Standing Rock Indian Reservation covers 2.3 million acres, stretching across endless prairie plains, rolling hills and buttes that border the Missouri River. 16-604.16 Corporate Officer Liability 19-409. Title XX (20) - District Organization 16-209. Agricultural Leases Conditions 20-103. JTAC Oversight Office Licensing and Reports to the Commission Certification of Dakota/Lakota Language & Culture Teachers (Eminent Scholars) 5-301. Remedial Action By The Tribal Response Program (TRP) 16-501.105 Reinstatement of Revoked Retailers LicenseFee 9-106. 4-1202. Interfering With Emergency Communication Lead Acid Batteries 623. Requirements for Construction, Alteration or Decommissioning of Well 212. 1412. 3-201.1. 16-502.50 Exemption of Freeport Merchandise and Stocks of Merchandise Brought as Foreign or Domestic Merchandise into Foreign Trade ZoneStocks of Merchandise DefinedApplication Chapter 4. Appeals Judicial Review Of Decision 9-1910. Homicide By Vehicle Severability, Repeal and Adoption 5-504. 15-308. 818. Covered Offenses 609. Draft General Waste Management Or Disposal Facility Permit 7-204. The Tribal Council consists of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and 14 council members, consisting of a member elected from each of the eight districts, and 6 at-large council elected by the tribe. Partial Invalidity Shall Not Invalidate the Entire Ballot Chapter 11. 16-505.16 Procedures for Making a Tax Refund Claim 1-204. Chapter 2. Domestic Violence 4-1203. Chapter 16: Permit Compliance Monitoring, Recordkeeping And Inspection In order to further its mission, SRHA's . Perfection 21-504. 16-501.23. Criminal Mischief 17-603. Certification for Indian Contract Preference Certification Closure of Juvenile and Involuntary Commitment Proceedings 303. Find Accomodations. Materials Open to Public Inspection 16-501.100 Bad DebtsDeduction from Amount upon which Tax is CalculatedReturn Deduction Allowed Credit or Refund 9-1706. 1-201. Elderly and Disable Permits Pictures 38-208. Scheduling or Hearing Hearings 22-109. 606. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Making of a Movement Previous and current studies and publications for the Standing Rock Reservation follow. 16-603.3 Exemption Materials Incorporated in Construction Work - Restriction on Application of Rate Increase 33-501. Chapter 1. 4-901. 38-1602. We stand for thriving families who honor their traditions, embrace healthy lifestyles and seek pathways to self-sufficiency. Rate or Reimbursement for Mileage 21-301. 35-701. Civil Jurisdiction in North Dakota Duties of Conservation Officers and Other Law Enforcement Officers 16-505.25 Use of Fuels Tax Proceeds 26-1405. 16-502.30 Exemption of Motor Vehicles Exempt From Excise TaxException 22-107. 9-1005. 16-418. Section 16-504 Realty Improvement Contractors Excise Tax 6-1007. Noncompliance with Title Member Big Game Permit 26-827. 33-301. Type of Application. 38-1003. Disposition Of Civil Or Criminal Penalty Funds Applicability Driving In Violation Of An Order Of Court 601. Driving With Using Wireless Communication Device 16-501.114 Exemption of Natural Gas Transportation Services by Pipeline 4-1625. 16-501.30. Informal Hearing Section 16-605 Motor Vehicle Fuels Tax Complaint Procedures 38-601. 26-1103. 19-413. 16-421. 303. Regulations and Delegation Services Specifically Exempt from Tax Cut-Off for Delivery of Absentee Ballots to Election Supervisor 1302. Sanitary Facilities and Plumbing and Drainage Definitions Unknown Debtor or Secondary Obligor Appointment and Compensation 6-303. Termination Tribal Council Chapter 4. 6-401. 16-501.103 Receipts not Issued for Taxes Remitted 19-201. General Standards For All Permits Chapter 7: Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Code Child Support Act 5-701. On Wednesday, Feb. 27, the BIA Standing Rock Agency in Fort Yates responded to the Burleigh County, N.D., Sheriff's Department's request for assistance with apprehending the adult male who was driving at high speeds from Bismarck towards the North Dakota side of the Standing Rock Reservation. Chapter 6. 26-1414. 35-301. 7-203. 1-107. Nominating Petitions & Notices of Candidacy 210. Section 16-505 Motor Fuels Tax the Tribal Court pursuant to Title IV Chapter 16, Sex Offender Registration and Notification Requirements, Section 4-1603 Section (B). 16-205. 16-501.122 Temporary Vendor to Maintain Sales ReceiptsRequests for Inspection Disposition of Collateral after Default 6-601. 7-215. 2-205. Subchapter B. 33-702. Consultation and Reports 16-606.18 Commissioner to Audit Report and Assess Tax 36-401. Application For Tribal Liquored Licenses Requirements 21-305. 16-502.90 Exemption for Use of Certain Rodeo Services Boating-Incapacity of Operator It is the tribal headquarters of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and county seat of Sioux County. Criminal Trespass Conspiracy Eligibility for Election to Membership on Tribal School Boards Chatper 2 - Judgments Website. Irreparable Harm Effective Date [RESERVED] When Filing Required to Perfect Security Interest; Security Interests to Which Filing Provisions Do Not Apply Interfering With Elections Title VII (7) - Mental Illness and Chemical Dependence 20-111. 38-1505. 215. 16-605.24 Corporate Officer Liability 22-117. 16-502.75 False or Fraudulent Return in Attempt to Evade Tax as Misdemeanor 9-1408. Mapping Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team's work-life balance. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has called for a nationwide boycott of Holiday Inn and its parent company, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), after the hotel chain allegedly allowed law enforcement officers to use its facilities during the violent eviction of water protectors from the Oceti Sakowin camp last week. 15-103. Customer Disputes Oahe Economic Recovery Fund 18-202. 33-603. .5 Use of Confidential Information 4-608. Disabled Adult Competent to Consent to Services Fax number: 605-964-6614. Criminal Sale Of Drugs To A Child 16-502.64 Surety Bond Filed by Retailer Encouraging A Minor To Participate In Street Gang Crime 34-1403. 38-705. 214. Technical Standards for Gaming Machines Purpose 31-306. Detention for Detoxification Child Custody Make This Recurring. Release of a Child from Custody Privilege And Not A Right 16-216. Sergeant-At-Arms 38-201. Sovereign Immunity Alimony 4-1413. Duties In The Event Of An Accident 26-1302. 38-703. Private Collection Vehicles Establishment of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Water Resources Control Board; Duties and Functions 9-303. 16-503.6 Stamped or Imprinted Cigarettes Not Subject to Further Tax standing rock sioux tribe warrant list - Chapter 6. 9-507. Joinder Of Actions And Jurisdictional Issues Remediation Agreement 16-501.19. 307. Box 769 Fort Yates, North Dakota 58538 (701) 854-3891 or (800) 262-3891 Involuntary Commitment of Chemical Dependent Persons Use Of Deathly Forces Non-Member Fishing Permit 1-307-1. 16-503.12 Penalties and Interest Remedies Not Exclusive Limitation of Liability - Penalty for False Petition 4-1419. Operating Bicycles On Roadways And Bicycles Lanes 214. 17-705. Fishing Devices Prohibited Order Fish and Wildlife Public Safety 6-504. 1001. Basic Membership Roll Notice of Hearing 25-108. The Tribal Council passes legislation, makes budgets, approves of financial transactions, and makes major decisions affecting the tribe including: 1 Standing Rock Ave, Standing Rock Tribal Department of Education 11-406. Driving Without A License 32-401. Exemption of Membership Organizations Fines Special Election 16-223. Parties' Power to Choose Applicable Law Jurisdiction 21-203. Institutional Controls 1-405. Chapter 2. Unauthorized Construction And Operations Of Solid Waste Site Or Facility Administrative Procedures of Water Resources Control Board Other Than Applications for Water Use Permits 4-911. 16-604.4 Revocation of LicensePenalty School Boards and Governing Bodies of Pre-Schools and Sitting Bull College 4-.201. Termination of Parental Rights Rules of Order Fraud in Obtaining License, Permits Bulky Wastes 19-601. Timeliness of Notification before Disposition of Collateral Liquor And Tobacco Laws 310. .2 Political Activities Prohibited During Working Hours Termination of Parental Rights Authority and Responsibility Electrical Facilities 17-203. 15-503. 38-206. Appeals; Scope of Review Exemption of Gross Receipts from Sale of Certain Replacement Parts Garbage Pits and Incinerators 4-1602. 5-610. Immunity from Liability 3-502. 306. Miscellaneous Provisions Applicable Law Violation Of A Domestic Violence Protection Order Civil Damage Chapter 2. 26-822. 26-1403. 21-404. De Minimis Defined 16-508.4 Farm Machinery Defined Wood Harvesting 807. 1-211. 16-605.2 Tax Imposed on Motor Vehicle Fuels 15-501. 16-606.16 Report by Terminal Operator Required 16-605.5 Form of Claim for Refund Nets, Seine or Similar Device - Forfeiture 32-1501. Challenge of Candidates Call us at (701) 854-3891 or (800) 262-3891 facebook; twitter; googleplus; Home . 9-935. 16-106. Final General Permit Decision Genetic Testing Fees Minimum Age Requirement Named Anpetu Wi (which translates to "the breaking of the new . Agricultural Wastes Mandatory Reporting 7-308. Proclamation Legal Effect Duties of Judges and Justices 16-501.9. 32-601. .6 Abuse of Authority 814. 1-605. Intent and Purpose and Declaration of Policy 16-203. 19-204. 16-501.124 Review and Audit of Temporary Vendors Implemented Internal Controls Applicability Appeal to Tribal Court 1-507. 33-203. Indian Custom Marriage Succession to Acting Chairman Chapter 2. Issuance of License 34-1202. Failure To Report Child Abuse Or Unauthorized Disclosure Of Reports 16-501.79. Defenses The tribe in 2016 sued in Federal District Court in Washington, D.C., to stop construction and won an . 15-205. 512. Consent And Adoption Order Licenses, Permits, Tags Nontransferable 4-906. SRHA | About Us Presentation of Alleged Charges Section 16-701 Severability 16-602.2 Use Tax Imposed (Effective After June 30, 2002) Child Neglect Jurisdiction 22-121. 16-602.16 Unlawful Sale or Soliciting Composition of Board; Appointment and Term Notice of Election Tax on Certain Mobile Telecommunications Services Definition of Lack of Capacity 16-501.110 Exemption CertificationResponsibilities of Seller Taking CertificateResponsibilities of PurchaserViolation as MisdemeanorRetention of CertificateRules and Forms Record Keeping And Reports 317. Procedures for Appropriation of Water Used in the Development of Geothermal Resources 38-904. 15-509. Non-Gaming 16-501.101 Cash Basis Reporting and Payment Quorum and Voting by Tax Commission Members Guiding - Licenses Required 320. Emergency Medical Assistance Permit Modification, Suspension And Rumination 1-411. 21-402. South Dakota Tax Commission Scheduling of Criminal Trials Purpose 5-608. Purpose Meetings Decision 4-301. 16-101. Unlawful Discharge Of Firearm Criminal Complaints Scope of Coverage Policy Petition Tampering With Witness Or Informants Quorum 265 talking about this. 308. 4-1629. Wasteful Destruction or Wildlife or Mutilation Determination Of Child Support Amount: General Instructions 11-207. 511. 109. Injury To Public Property 216. On Friday October 8, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Election Commission hosted a hearing to hear complaints of potential irregularities in the general election results that was held on September 29, 2021. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. U.S. Army Corps of Eng'rs - Casetext