They made a run for it back to the ship but Ezra was captured by ISB Agent Kallus and left behind by Zeb. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. Ezra and Sabine shared a jetpack with the youth clinging onto to Sabine for dear life. However, Sabine did not respond since she was preoccupied with the mission, eventually noticing a strange but familiar symbol painted on the spaceport's wall. He sat against the wall of a dark alleyway next to an air vent in case he was caught handling an Imperial device. She told Ezra and Kanan that Senator Organa heard about their losses on Garel and sent reinforcements to the rebellion on three Hammerhead corvettes captained by his adoptive daughter, Leia. Trust me, Ive gotten out of Imperial hold more times than I can count.But you are a rebel, by definition, are you not?If I was? Luke nodded, as if in approval.Good. However, the Inquisitors had by that stage pinpointed his location and attempted to flush him out with their lightsabers, but Kanan and Zeb stopped them before they could finish their work. The carrier was now under their control, but thanks to Cham, the hyperdrive was disabled so they couldn't escape with the ship. Though unlike his first encounter, Ezra managed to hold up against Vader a little longer. Ezra Bridger was almost completely sure he was done with the Jedi business when Order 66 struck. While listening to Hera affirm her love for her father, Kanan, and her crew, Zeb gave Ezra a noogie. The two ultimately escaped together, and though Ezra was unable to save his parents or Kanan he was satisfied in his successful rescue of Ahsoka, who quickly rejoined the war effort. As part of the ritual, Ezra and Maul had to drink glasses of magick water. However, Hera was accosted by Slavin and Thrawn, with the latter wanting to question her. Ezra's arguments managed to sway Kalani after Imperial forces arrived and attacked a battle droid patrol led by 268. Will Ezra embrace the Dark side and hunt down the ghost crew? Unfortunately, a laser blast from the remaining guard hit the boy and sent him plummeting into the the gassy atmosphere. This message's existence can only mean that the Sith won. This "statue" turned out to be a new Inquisitor, The Eighth Brother, who attacked Ezra and his companions. In order to board the ship without raising suspicion, twoA-Wingsemerged from hyperspace and commenced a staged attack on the Rebels bomber, slightly damaging it before retreating. Doctor Carther frowned. At the time, Ezra was upset because Kanan was no longer going to train him and instead dump him onto Luminara. They managed to remove a magno-mine that Konstantine had attached to the Sato's Hammer. Rex then explained that Saw was still grieving over the loss of his sister and distrusted Geonosians due to their alliance with the Separatists during the Clone Wars. It didn't go well because the Empire was expecting it and captured Kanan. After knocking out another Droideka, Ezra and the other rebels forced their way into the command bridge and declared victory. ), leading into the upcoming Ahsoka series. The mission proved problematic, with the captain Seevor proving an elusive and difficult prisoner. Together, Kanan and his master traveled to rendezvous with Maul. Ezra also came to trust Maul after the Force-wielder used his Force powers to levitate him to safety after he had jumped down from the altar. Ezra then thanked Kanan for saving him, to which his master told him that he would always come back, reconciling their relationship. With Sabine's help, Ezra was able to activate a gateway leading into the temple. When three TIE fighters past over head, Ezra could tell that it meant nothing good as he and his master went to join the other rebels inside. Depa Billabas padawans padawan, a child plucked from nowhere, and made into something, a rebel fighter, who refused to give in to the dark, even with his master dead on the floor Its very symbolic of you, jedi-like and blinded by so called goodness, for you to be here, still alive, despite appearing as only hanging parts. He was only trying to help. There, he planted the holocron into the obelisk and was greeted by a feminine entity known as the "Presence"; who told him that the Temple contained the power to destroy all life. However, Ahsoka pointed out to him that if he saved Kanan, it would change history and result in the rest of the rebels' deaths. The rebels, Gooti, Jonner, and R3 managed to flee aboard the Phantom II but Mart wanted to stay behind and fight. This shocked Zeb, who believed himself to be the last of the Lasat, and the rebels quickly attacked the Stormtroopers and Imperial officer in order to free the prisoners. Also he was more willing to join the Rebellion, unlike Kanan. As the Brother and Sister poked their lightsabers through the apartment floor, the rebels fled into the hallway as Ezra struggled to calm the baby and decided to split up. Luminara Unduli | Star Wars Rebels Wiki | Fandom After discussing their mission with Ryder and Morad, the rebels learned that the Empire had a secret project housed inside the factory's Section A2. Morad noted that Ezra had grown and complimented the young rebel for making his parents proud. Despite Bendu's warning not to turn around, Kanan and Ezra turned to discover that Maul was watching them on a sand dune. Following the sparring session, Ezra joined Kanan and Fenn in pledging to help Sabine to fulfill her goals of repairing her relationship with her family and reuniting the Mandalorians. To save his friend, Hondo quietly sealed a few doors, cutting many of the Stormtroopers off from Ezra as he tried holding them back with his lightsaber blaster. Kanan and Chopper wanted to leave but Ezra and Rex convinced them to continue their mission to find Saw. Devil For A Husband 65 parts Ongoing Highest ranking| 1st in Romance on 23/05/18 Blayze Norman; A cold and ruthless CEO of Norman Enterp. While Kanan had made peace with the creatures, Ezra was still startled and ignited his lightsaber against his master's wishes. Ezra couldn't help but grimace at the painful pulling on his scalp. Following the failure of the first attempt which result in the destruction of a rebel transport and the death of the Pheonix leader, the crew of the Ghost embarked on a mission to contact the engineer Quarrie, who lived on Shantipole, which was inaccessible to many spacers. In terms of personality, Ezra's rough upbringing taught him not to trust others, let alone help them. As Imperial reinforcements moved in, Hera tried to reason with her father, but Cham remained unconvinced until his daughter she reminded him how he was an inspiration to herself and the people of Ryloth, but she was fighting for everyone in the galaxy besides her own people. While exiting the apartment block, Ezra commented that the child was welcome to visit them on Garel, unknowingly letting this comment gets picked up by the Sister's seeker droid. Before they could leave to rendezvous with the Rebel Fleet, Ezra convinced Hera to give him, Sabine, and Chopper another try at reasoning with Iron Squadron. Later that night, Ezra apologized to Kanan for using the Sith holocron. If this is the end, I want you to know that I love you. Luckily, Hera had some good news. Kanan was hoping that while at this abandoned base he could teach Ezra to connect with another being and use the creatures that inhabited the base to attack the Imperials but Ezra felt too scared, not because of the creatures, it was learning the truth of what actually happened to his parents. A three-way battle broke out and the rebels managed to board a shuttle with EG-86 in tow. An alternate of Episode IV: A New Hope, based on the crush Luke had on Leia before . This gave Ezra a chance to escape the building with Pypey. Fortunately for them, the Inquisitors were held back by several spectral Temple Guards. On the way, they were attacked by the Seventh Sister and her ID9 Seeker Droids. Ezra along with Hera and Sabine tried unsuccessfully to convince the freighter's captain Mart Mattin to leave the Mykapo System because the Empire was returning with reinforcements. Saw, determined to learn the truth behind the Empire's plans, was willing to destroy the ship and leave the passengers behind. He was born to Ephraim and Mira Bridger, whose public criticism of the Empire led to their imprisonment, leaving Bridger an orphan on the planet Lothal as a child. When Ezra related his vision to Kanan, his mentor told him that the Jedi believed that life did not end with death but merely changed form. Sabine, Zeb, Kanan, and Hera go looking for him. They Get Married And Start Their Own Clan. Ezra resented this perceived demotion and made snide remarks towards Zeb. But what happens if Ezra and Sabine are alone? Ezra then took possession of his armor. This news came as a shock to Kanan, who was unaware that there was more than one Inquisitor. Pedro Pascals Din Djarin is back in action, but two iconic Star Wars Rebels characters just got teased in The Mandalorian season three premiere. The Bendu also warned that the convergence of holocrons could lead to chaos and that the Sith holocron was a source of imbalance between Ezra and his master. There are some things in this world that just can't be explained, like falling through a mirror, for example. When Sabine responded that she did not want the baggage that came with the Darksaber, Ezra asked her about her family. Once Jenkes left, Ezra and Bossk entered the place, only for Wallaway to die in Ezra's arms. However, the Imperials were on to them and had called in for reinforcements. Running on fumes, the rebels arrived at the asteroid belt of where the Guild's Gas Refinery was, but due to the field scrambling their sensors finding the facility would not be easy. As a deterrent, Thrawn killed Sumar by forcing him to ride a defective speeder bike, which exploded. However, while exploring the brig, Ezra and Chopper found Vizago, who revealed the truth about Hondo's takeover, locked inside one of the cells and freed him before confronting the Weequay on the bridge. That pulled a snort from the Jedi and the mood was decidedly lightened by the time the rest of their family crowded into the room. Returning to Atollon, Ezra and Kanan traveled on to the lair of the Bendu, which lay in an outcrop of mesas. Using the information recovered by Ezra's team, Hera made plans to launch a strike on the Lothal Imperial Factory. 3 years. Kalani agreed with Rex's sentiments but believed that the rebels had a poor chance of success against the Empire and departed for parts unknown. Ezra Bridger | But circumstances force her to flee with Maul, who's all too happy to convince her new apprentice that returning to the rebellion is impossible. You said you had been captured several times?, aka an aladdin au i made up entirely based on that one (1) scene in the temple on Malachor. Kanan finds his son he did not no he had and yes kanans son is Ezra and he is 1 day old when kanan finds him. The rebels had nearly finished refueling the fighters when they were spotted by a third Dismantler Droid. I wonder why. A bitter voice in Ezras head replied. Ezra and Sabine managed to convince Gooti and Jonner after Admiral Konstantine arrived with a light cruiser, two Gozanti cruisers and several TIE Fighters. Ezra's Life During the journey, Maul tried to sow discord between Ezra and Kanan by telling the boy that he understood his potential. But what happens when the crew finds him. In response, Ezra and Rex headed to the command tower to override the locks. Ezra has a bad feeling about this and disapproves the presence of the new rebel. In order to reclaim the holocron, Ezra had to travel inside a cave that was inhabited by the Krykna. When the rebels reached the cargo bay, tensions between Ezra and Zeb resurfaced when the former insisted on using his lightsaber to breach the chamber against the latter's protests. While they were speaking, the boy disappeared and found himself in the same chamber where he had spoken to Yoda earlier. And then there's her close friend Wedge. Kanan then hurried his Padawan, who was about to make a snide remark about his master when he suddenly spotted one of the statues moving. Ezra has always flirted with the Dark Side, but fans wont know if his lengthy solitude was enough to warp his good heart until Ahsoka arrives later this year. Additionally, he often used his quick-thinking to outwit his enemies, such as when he tricked Imperial officials into answering an emergency alarm he himself had issued with their comm-link. They eventually found the Sith holocron inside a deep chamber inhabited by Krykna. An argument quickly broke out between Padawan and Master when Kanan reprimanded his apprentice for dabbling with the Sith holocron, and proceeded to take the device. SEQUEL to the disappearance. Ezra Bridger | Wookieepedia | Fandom When Ezra get's the chance to escape his jailers, the Inquisitors, he tries not to look back and in doing so he meets a Jedi. Since the ship could not land, grappling guns were used to fire magnetic cables onto the ship's hull. When Ezra asked Fenn when Sabine would return, he cautioned patience. Then finally through the Force told Tseebo he was forgiven and was able to control his fear and connect with the Fyrnocks. Unfortunately, the crew were forced to bring the Ghost out of hyperspace due to an imploded star cluster that's gravity field could destroy any approaching ship, which Chava recognized as the "maze to Lirasan", standing in their path. A U-Wing Starfighter crewed by Gerrera and one of his Partisans arrived with explosives to destroy the array, and took Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper along for another mission. While Hera, Sabine, and Zeb traveled to Shantipole in the Phantom, Kanan, Ezra. When Hera chastised Ezra for losing Terba, Ezra responded that he was only responsible for the details that he knew and proceeded to storm out. However, a tentacle grabbed it and Ezra discovered that he had been rescued by the Purrgil King. The mission, however, took longer than expected due to the high level of security at the Academy but Ezra managed to secure one more day rebel colleagues. Commander Sato arrived with reinforcements and also destroyed Konstantine's TIE Fighters and Gozanti cruisers. The rebels found themselves trapped between Imperial forces on both sides. There, Ezra was reunited with many old friends; Sumar, his wife Marida Sumar, and Jho. Ezra and Rex were also involved in a physical altercation with Saw. At Kanan's request, Ezra left his lightsaber behind and kept in touch with his master via comlink. So enjoy reading. Sabine pleads with Ezra to follow Heras orders and get out, but he says that he cant do that. Before they could proceed with the mission, Ezra began seeing visions of Maul in the Chopper Base command center. Ezra, time and again, found opportunity to prove himself to his comrades. At the urging of Maul, Ezra tapped into the dark side in order to force their way inside the Temple. When Chopper pointed out that he was the big hero of the mission, Ezra mollified the astromech droid by telling him it was a team effort as well. Rau told him that the Mandalorians had fought for centuries. To avoid triggering the Imperial sensor lights, Chopper threw himself down the cliff instead of activating his thruster. After Rex suggested that the Y-Wings would be good starfighters for the Rebellion, Ezra advocated going ahead with a recovery mission. After rescuing Ahsoka, Ezra joined the rest of his crew ahead of the assault on Lothal. Cham accepted Slavin's offer. Will they ask Kanan and Ezra are on Coruscant looking for a cure for a mysterious illness that is afflicting the small towns of Lothal. Then, while taking off in the second corvette with Sabine and Chopper, the boy bade farewell to Leia and was directed to stun her with his lightsaber blaster to avoid suspicion. Prove that he could complete this mission on his own, and he and his Asset would be free from his master's clutches. Ezra was too distracted by the Purrgil to concentrate on the briefing and attempted to tell Hera that the Purrgil were interested in the gas, but the captain told him to focus on his mission. After Kallus used the station port to transmit Kanan's signal to Ryder, the rebels learned that Ryder was launching a diversionary attack on the east gate.