Capo said the platform plank banning the teaching of sexual matters appears to violate Title IX, which protects against sex-based discrimination, including discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Tweets. If you fill out the first name, last name, or agree to terms fields, you will NOT be added to the newsletter list. Abolishing the Federal Reserve, the nations central bank, and guaranteeing the right to use alternatives to cash, including cryptocurrencies. Kennedy is a recent graduate of the University of St.Thomas in Houston where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Celt Independent. If Texas 6-week abortion ban, without exception for rape or incest, wasnt enough, the Texas GOP wants abortion outlawed and criminalized from the moment of conception. "We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.". Cookie Notice Likes. The Log House Republicans of Houston released a statement in response to their partys platform calling it disappointing and infuriating., Through efforts of a vocal and organized minority, inflammatory, hurtful and unnecessary language was added to our partys platform, the organization wrote. As the convention opened Thursday, party chairman Matt Rinaldi predicted the GOP would make gains in the fall. The same blueprint applies in 2022, and to an even greater degree. The party chair, Matt Rinaldi, ruled that a motion to defend the due process rights of those who rioted at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and to reject the narrative that the riot was an insurrection was out of order and could not be voted on. The issue of gender has nothing to do with education, said Cindi Castilla, president of the Texas Eagle Forum and who served on the party platform committee. The platform also calls for lawmakers to remove an exemption in the Texas Penal Code that allows children access to harmful, explicit or pornographic materials under the guise of educational materials., Castilla said the exemption allows schools to use educational materials she considers to be obscene pornography.. But Little of It Is New. How Florence ButtNot Her SonLaunched the H-E-B Empire, Jimmy Carters Peanut-and-Egg Taco Made Quite the Impression on San Antonians, The Top 50 Texas BBQ Joints: 2021 Edition. The 2022 platform now calls homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice. The language is more emotive and forceful than in the past couple of years. The themes ran dark, and activists spoke in apocalyptic, even cataclysmic, terms about the state of the country. If not for the rise of Trump , some of the discriminatory language used by the Republican Party may have receded. The Republican Party of Texas has finally released its 2022 platform and the vote totals for each plank. Cars Spun Doughnuts in Austin, And Greg Abbott Got Furious, Fast, Wendy Davis Returns to the Texas Capitol and a Whole New Political Landscape. After labeling homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice, they also call for the nullification of, (the landmark case making marriage equality the law of the land) with the goal of outlawing LGBTQ+ marriage regardless of state of origin.. The Texas Republican Party spent Juneteenth weekend, ironically, finalizing one of the most racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and ageist platforms weve seen in recent years. Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. The Republican Party of Texas wrapped up its biennial convention on Saturday, after thousands of delegates voted on the party's legislative priorities, as well as its latest platform even though several of its tenets caused friction among some Republicans. Far-Right Texas Republican Platform Calls for State to Secede From U.S. The GOPs new platform also requires teaching students that life begins at fertilization and requires students to learn about the Humanity of the Preborn Child. Moreover, Texas Republicans suggest students watch and listen to live ultrasounds, the growing stages of fetal development, the Miracle of Life, and more. Those delegates said Saturday they prefer such conversations happen at home. As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. 233. 2022 Texas GOP Convention Preview: Abbott's Absence, Rinaldi's Re He was simply booed louder and longer this time, and for a specific reason rather than a general sense among the grassroots that he is a wishy-washy Republican In Name Only. Take for example, LGBTQ issues. Sen. John Cornyn. Weve previously shot down Republican talking points on guns, yet it seems no matter how many Texans lose their lives, young or old, the GOPs guns will remain more important than life itself. Illustrated | iStock. Somewhere between four thousand and five thousand showed up, which is not unimpressive. At a time when newsroom resources and revenue across the country are declining, The Texas Tribune remains committed to sustaining our mission: creating a more engaged and informed Texas with every story we cover, every event we convene and every newsletter we send. But he duly participates.Other extreme planks werent all that different from those voted on in prior conventions. They will have a heavy presence in Texas with mobile billboards in Austin, Dallas, and Amarillo, which is the site of a For press releases, tips, and pitches, email Thats saying a lot, because many of the planks are repeats from their 2016 and 2018 platforms. 1) Arrest the members of the Jan. 6 Committee for daring to investigate the insurrection. Two themes are clear this year: conspiracy and regression. Texas GOP 'rebukes' Republicans working on gun deal, declares The convention indeed showed a state party moving back to the right after a brief period, in 2018 and 2020, in which it inched ever so slightly to the center over concerns that Democrats might be getting more competitive in elections here. This is Donald Trumps party. The state GOPhas called for the VRAs repeal in every platform in the past decade, well predating Trumps appearance on the scene. By WILL WEISSERT June 21, 2022 WASHINGTON (AP) Ten years ago, the Texas Republican Party used its platform to oppose teaching critical thinking in schools. Updated: 10:26 PM CDT June 20, 2022. Campbell and other activists frequently spoke of their Christian faith. They want to destroy the racial progress we have made by saying that we are a racist nation, said Robin Armstrong, a Black doctor in Texas City who treated COVID patients with unapproved drug therapies touted by Trump, including hydroxychloroquine. But the difference from prior conventions was one of degrees. Show us with your support. The Republican Party of Texas is considering censuring a GOP congressman from the state for his votes in favor of marriage equality and gun control. A Navy SEAL veteran, Crenshaw lost his right eye to a bomb in Afghanistan. Finally, the platform committee presents a draft document to the entire State Convention, and delegates are given the opportunity to vote yes or no on each individual plank. While there are already legislative moves underway across the US to curtail what children can be taught about sex, sexual orientation and gender, the Texas GOP platform goes much further instead calling for these subjects to be eradicated from schools altogether: We demand the State Legislature pass a law prohibiting the teaching of sex education, sexual health, or sexual choice or identity in any public school in any grade whatsoever, or disseminating or permitting the dissemination by any party of any material regarding the same. Today's economy is even worse than the one inherited . This year, even the absolute worst case scenario has the GOP winning statewide, increasing its number of U.S. House seats, boosting its Texas Senate majority by a seat, and maintaining the 83 seats it held in the 2021 Texas House.. The platform also calls for Congress to change the Communications Decency Act and limit online platforms from censoring certain users, a policy initiative Republicans also pushed in the 2022 legislative session. June 18, 2022 Considering hate crime rates are higher than they have been in over a decade, we think otherwise. Patrick is from Baltimore, of course, and his childhood home probably saw more delivery vans than pickup trucks. If not for the rise of Trump , some of the discriminatory language used by the Republican Party may have receded. Perhaps it goes without saying but producing quality journalism isn't cheap. Tensions within the party at times got personal. Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. The 2022 platform adopted all planks presented in the Committee Report at the statewide convention, plus 2 planks presented on the floor of the convention. Tags: Texas . Texas Republicans recently inserted homophobic and transphobic language into the state party's platform. Mon 20 Jun 2022 11.28 EDT Last modified on Mon 20 Jun 2022 17.35 EDT The Republican party in Texas has officially adopted a series of extreme-right positions that includes claims Joe. Five shocking proposals from the Texas GOP's radical new platform Republican House Speaker Jason Stephens noted at a press conference that the legislation aims to "protect . Nevertheless, the Texas GOP platform also supports repealing the 16th amendment or the Federal Income Tax, which gives Congress the power to collect taxes from states. Follow. Even worse, they urge the Voting Rights Act of 1965, codified and updated in 1973, be repealed and not reauthorized. Its disappearance would make their attempts as voter disenfranchisement all the easier. Texas Republican Party passes resolution denying legitimacy of Biden's June 20 (UPI) -- Republicans in Texas adopted a party platform over the weekend that rejects the results of the 2020 presidential election, calls homosexuality "an abnormal lifestyle choice". The Republican Party of Texas released its 2022 platform today. Texas GOP convention demonstrates far-right views shaping the party Whats right is wrong and whats wrong is right, said state Sen. Donna Campbell, an emergency room doctor in New Braunfels, reflecting a state of uncertainty that is shared by Americans of many political backgrounds, even if they dont agree on the causes. The Republican-dominated Legislature last year passed new voting restrictions that prompted Democratic lawmakers to flee to Washington to break quorum in an ultimately futile protest. Heres proof: They want NO gun free zones, unrestricted Constitutional Carry, and entirely, reform agreement thats going through Congress as we speak. Watch: Democrat committee chair (in Republican dominated Texas House) bans use of term "illegal immigrant." #txlege. The whole platform is worth reading, but here are five of its most striking statements of intent. Until this prohibition goes into effect, sexual education shall only utilize sexual risk avoidance programs and promote abstinence outside of marriage. Changing the U.S. Constitution to cement the number of Supreme Court justices at nine and repeal the 16th Amendment of 1913, which created the federal income tax. Abbotts reticence to talk to anyone, including right-wingers, outside of carefully controlled venues isnt news. "The federal government has impaired our right . The platforms authors describe homosexuality as an abnormal lifestyle choice and declare that they oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity while also calling for an end to any restriction on people practicing the harmful counselling methods widely referred to as conversion therapy for LGBT+ people. Before delegates voted on the platform, party activists delivered fiery speeches attacking Democrats. The only thing impairing Texas is our Republican leadership. A total repeal would be disastrous, dumpster-fire for our democracy. The word grooming has long been associated with mischaracterizing LGBTQ people, particularly gay men and transgender women, as child sex abusers. Crenshaw has expressed some very mild skepticism of some elements of the modern right-wing movement and has condemned the rising popularity of grifters and lies among its members. Oh, and why not regress even further by repealing all hate crime laws? Mark P. Jones, a political scientist at Rice University in Houston, said the 2022 platform indicated how emboldened hard-right party activists now feel a far cry from 2020. U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington, of Lubbock, described an unprecedented, unmitigated, self-inflicted disaster that is creating the worst humanitarian and national security threat to the American people in the history of our southern border, adding, this is an invasion, folks.. Some people are very susceptible to conspiracy theory, and that appears to be a higher percentage the deeper you go into the Republican Party of Texas. According to the platform, it is the landmark civil rights legislation itself that needs to be cleared out: We support equal suffrage for all United States citizens of voting age. Imagine the mess it would create if Texas was limited to holiday shopping over three days in December, with no online options available - many people would just skip it. The Texas Republican Party platform is official. What it says and - AOL Texas Republican Convention calls Biden win illegitimate and rebukes