Even so, the angel of the Lovers card watches over them, for one need not be punished for decisions made from a place of love. The Angel represents the Divine, without which nothing is possible in life. They desire you on every level, and they feel happy and satisfied with you. Some people feel uneasy and insecure in a crowd. The Lovers often come up as an answer to the question, what do they think of me?. Perhaps you simply cannot understand or respect each other anymore. You have a major financial decision to make. That which is both emotionally and physically pleasurable will pop up as The Lovers. However, there are a few different ways to interpret this card depending on its position. When this card appears reversed, it can indicate a lack of commitment or a need for With this card, all strong emotions are ignited within you. And, What It Tells About Her? However, this card in your reading suggests that you have to make a choice for your own good. Positivity and joy are within your reach but decide with all the facts and figures laid bare before you. WebThe Hierophant who carries on cultural traditions and tries to create a unified, spiritual connection in his community. You and your partner might be drifting apart and communication might be missing. They could be torn between two different paths and struggling to decide which one to take. There is the serpents temptation on one side, and burning desire on the other. The Lovers in a Breakup Reading They might be fighting their feelings. Like I mentioned earlier, both Adam and Eve are nude in the illustration. WebThe Lovers tarot card can mean: Upright: Love, union, and marriage. Being with your soul mate. The Lovers You cant put the cart before the horse. There may be aspects of your personality that might need meditation and reflective action. There may be a lack of empathy or communication between the two of you. They feel that there is an everlasting flame between the two of you. If you ask how someone feels for you, the Lovers reversed can indicate that their love for you is fading or has has faded. With insights into his life. Fate makes you feel like your in love. They also represent all kinds of unions and relationships - even business relationships. The Lovers shows you two paths you will choose from. It depends on my mood. Lovers Tarot Card Meaning However, as there are many ways to interpret a card such as the Lovers when it comes to feelings, it is important to take all different angles into consideration. Of course, we should not ignore one of the more obvious meanings of this card; that of sexual desire and making love. Its obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. Paired with Temperance, they might encourage the querent to welcome a beneficial outside influence, or to be aware of how they choose to express their feelings. This card, in reverse, may indicate poor timing or reluctance to make a decision. The right choice is the soul mate. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! With this card, all strong emotions are ignited within you. The Lovers as feelings is a harmonious connection between two souls at the highest level. It might be hurting your social life, causing you to withdraw from friends and family because you dont want to get hurt or simply to avoid everyone. It was a love reading, or course, and I was so happy to see it! When The Lovers shows up, you need to seek help or advice before making any decision. An angel is blessing them; most people consider this angel to be the Archangel Raphael, the patron of unions and matchmaking. The Lovers reversed as feelings in a relationship is not something that you want for you and your partner. Lovers They feel connected with you at soul level. The Lovers Card symbolizes the zodiac sign of Gemini. The Lovers It might also indicate a decision that you might need to take in the coming days. WebThe Ten of Cups and The Lovers compared. WebThe Lovers Reversed can also reflect that the feelings within a relationship are not mutual. With both the serpent and the higher entity, you need to take a stand for what you believe in. It can also indicate that no matter what your relationship with your spouse is being guided by the divine angel and nothing can break that, no matter what temptation is put in the way. They are willing to put their vulnerability aside and come together in a passionate union of soulmates. But now you have to make a spiritual decision. What does the LOVERS Tarot mean in Friendship? The Lovers Tarot Card If you single and looking for love and family, this card indicates that this period of loneliness might soon end. This card can also represent major decisions regarding your relationship. If you are single, this combination can mean that you (or someone youre asking about) have put up a wall around your heart. The Lovers show that perfect union is possible. The Lovers as Feelings and other Tarot Lovers Love Meanings This creates a powerful bond between you. Reversed: Separation Disconnection The Lovers reversed as feelings in a relationship is not something that you want for you and your partner. The caf where you had a fight with your former best friend, the house of an ex-partner, the street corner where they told you its not you, its me. The Lovers card is generally considered a very positive card that signifies wellbeing and stability within relationships. Gemini is an Air sign that is a thinking sign. Reversed, the Lovers may also be trying to draw your attention to a situation that is no longer serving you and your best interests. a. The Lovers as Feelings This decision could come up in any situation and not necessarily in a romantic love situation. Perhaps the choice you are presented with in this case is to move on from this joyless indifference to the certainty of the Chariot. Being with your soul mate. Each leaf is a small flame, perhaps a flame of passion or desire. And he is interested in the development of your relationships. That which is both emotionally and physically pleasurable will pop up as The Lovers. The Lovers WebThe Lovers As Feelings. This can be the decision to get married and to share your life with someone for example. This is a card all about predestination. It will be a challenging and problematic relationship, perhaps including co-dependency and a stressful pull and push motion. This denotes that someone faces a choice between two different options. WebThe seven cups represent the seven elements: love, anger, fear, courage, love, luck, and luck. If thats the case, then relax, take a few days off and youll feel better soon. Instead, the card shows a couple, generally agreed upon to be Adam and Eve, standing in the Garden of Eden, with a mountain in the background. Welcome to Calming Cosmos! Youve grown distant from a specific person or group of friends. You thought you wanted to go down one direction, but then you came across another option. If you are asking about an old flame or an exs feelings about you, the Lovers means that they feel passionately about you. WebAre you frustrated with Googling tarot interpretations that DON'T resonate? However, if you look closely at the Lovers card in the Rider-Waite deck, you will notice that even though Adam is looking at Eve, she looks at the angel figure who is symbolic of the Higher Self. It is time for action through self-introspection into what you are looking for in life. Vekke Sind, Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! This card also teaches us that this love is only possible through excellent communication and a shared understanding. The meaning of The Lovers Tarot card is passion. However, while the Seven of Cups denotes minor decisions, possibly between many selections, The Lovers is a more crucial metamorphic choice between two options. Many of the tarot cards that form the Major Arcana symbolize a zodiac sign. The lovers are about choice, not just about love. The Ten of Cups, a Minor Arcana card is more likely to reference more everyday or short-term issues.. The Lovers The Lovers In Work And Business (Reversed) The card talks about honesty, socializing, and opening up to others. love, infatuation, mutual attraction, sexuality, temptation, relationships, passion for someone or something, union, choices, partnerships of every kind, harmony, major life decisions, decisions between right and wrong, heart ruling over head. It might also mean that there is no love or respect left in the relationship. The Lovers as feelings means that they feel that they can be open and honest with you. WebLovers as Feelings If you are asking about how he or she feelings about you, then the Lovers is one of the best cards to get. If you are in doubt, the best thing to do is follow your intuition. Choice in love between your current partner and a new partner. The Lovers card generally mean that a relationship may soon pose a challenge or a question that will involve some decision making. Doing things that make you feel whole. This can mean that your significant other has rejected you or has chosen to ignore you if youre in a relationship. Are both of you coming into the relationship with the same expectations, and have you communicated that with each other? This may seem surreal or impossible for you to encounter. a. However, they may not be straightforward with you, and lead you on. Even if both of you have the best intentions at heart, there are many differences in what you are looking for right now. The diffuser holds more water than other diffusers and lasts longer. When the Lovers appear in a reading concerning your friends, it denotes a strong bond, one of trust and sympathy. It is less about right or wrong, and more about what is right and true for you, based on your values and virtues as a human being. As an obstacle, the Lovers card indicates that you are not able to properly discriminate or differentiate the correct way of viewing the situation. Are harsh words being exchanged between you? You may be the possible other half of a long-lasting relationship based on mutual respect and love. The Lovers, a Major Arcana card, is more likely to point to important or big picture issues in your reading. And he is interested in the development of your relationships. Someone might be thinking about a breakup or divorce. The Lovers in a reversed position indicates feelings of mistrust and doubt. This person is well kept and isnt single very often. I cannot think of better words to explain this other than those of Lebanese-American poet Khalil Gibran: For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half mans hunger. Perhaps there is free will on earth, but you decided a certain path before you came to earth. Their feelings for you go beyond lust or needtheir passion for you feels almost spiritual. But you must start believing youre worthy of soft and genuine love. This symbolizes the profound, self-honoring reciprocity between a man and a woman. Reversed: Separation Disconnection The feelings may not be mutual, and thats not enough to get a relationship started. It urges you to dig deeper so that you may rectify any misaligned goals in your situation. This person, romantic or not, views you as someone trustworthy and deserving of respect, and perhaps beautiful. You can be sure the feelings are mutual. Furthermore, it could generally mean that your heart is in the right place and that you love what you do for a living. You may be reluctant to open your heart to the relationship for fear of getting hurt. She tells her lover that they cannot meet today. If the situation isnt a romantic one and you are considering your feelings instead of another individuals, the Lovers in reversed reflects a sense of low self-esteem that may end up in you considering yourself unworthy of love or trust. Please connect with me, after youve had a reading. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. Something that you said or did has created an ill-disposed impression in their mind. What Zodiac Sign is the Lovers Tarot Card? The Lovers also indicates a happy, harmonious future with a balance between the conscious, sub-conscious, and the Divine. The Lovers The man stands next to the tree of life or the Jewish kabbalistic tree. Metaphorically, you may be seeing things only from Adams perspective, as he only sees the woman and not the angel or perhaps you are Eve, who can only see the Angel and not the man. The Lovers In Work And Business (Reversed) The overwhelmingly beautiful feeling of falling head over heels in love. The Lovers Tarot Card Keywords in Reverse, The Lovers Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The Lovers Card in Reverse as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. One just seemed to pop up out of nowhere. c. Good things will come to those who wait and surrender to fate. The Lovers as feelings toward someone The Lovers It may denote a restricted perspective, symbolized by Adam only looking at Eve and not noticing the Angel. The card clearly states the ideal conditions for a relationship. WebAre you frustrated with Googling tarot interpretations that DON'T resonate? Thus, the Sun still shines upon them, even after their fall from grace. The Lovers, a Major Arcana card, is more likely to point to important or big picture issues in your reading. If the reading is for an individual and not a relationship situation, the Lovers in reverse may denote a call for you to raise the standards you hold for yourself. As Feelings They still think about you often, and wonder if they let go of their soulmate. It speaks to the emotional changes that come with any relationship, particularly in its early stages. If you are single, the Lovers in reverse can represent holding yourself back from (new) love. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. WebThat's what the Lovers is all about--finding someone or some thing that you connect to very strongly. You will immediately connect on a deeper level and it will feel as if youve known them forever. A trinity connects all of them together. It represents a deep connection that is built on trust and understanding. The Lovers It might be time to give your good friends a call and meet up for a walk or just to catch up! It is not just for the storybooks. Artist. as Feelings The angel wears a purple robe, which symbolizes spirituality and royalty. Lovers Nevertheless, the Lovers card portrays a scene of immense beauty and grace. One person may be more emotionally involved than the other, and this gap could lead to disappointment and insecurity later down the track. Mostly falling in love with people but also the contended feeling of being comfortable in our own skin and our self-esteem rising along with our confidence. Whats the difference between the Major and Minor Arcana. Raphael unites the couple, as he is the angel of communication. This tension might have an adverse effect on your mental and physical health.You (or the person you are doing the reading for) might be feeling detached and unable to open up, questioning your choices and trying to hide your vulnerabilities. The Lovers In reverse, the Lovers denote problems in communication that affect your social and emotional life. These don't speak to thinking about oneself. The Lovers is one of those tarot cards that everyone tends to be excited about when encountering it during a tarot reading. One completes the other, so if you dont feel like that at all and seem to argue about trivialities, then something is definitely wrong. Ruled by Gemini (the Twins), the Lovers speaks to the duality of unity: yin and yang, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth. It calls for communication, willpower, and strength of character. It is very likely that they want to be in a relationship with you, if that is not already the case. b. The clarity that proper discrimination brings should clear up any misunderstanding, but coming to the right conclusion isnt as simple as always choosing our heart over our head. This may also be a sign that your relationship is growing in a renewed period of passion, and that you are headed towards even deeper love and commitment. Adam and Eve appear as a couple being blessed by an angel, cementing their happy union. Lovers Tarot Card Meanings The querent almost always chooses the soulmate path. There may be a lot of distrust between the participants of the situation in question and the atmosphere might be the opposite of friendly. For those in committed relationships, the Lovers reversed as feelings means that you need to prioritize communication. In the upright position, the Lovers Card means everything in harmony and peace within your relationship. The sun is shining brightly and the grass is green and fertile, which indicates a general positive meaning. The Angel on the card is often considered to be the Angel Raphael, further associated with the planet of Mercury. Your fate is pushing you towards some kind of union. The Lovers reversed can also mean that the person in question is afraid of getting hurt. The combination of the Lovers and the Queen of Cups radiates a very optimistic and loving energy. WebKing of Swords and Strength as Feelings. The Lovers The subconscious mind will not be able to manifest your desires if it is pressurized or forced by the conscious mind. The Lovers It's about that feeling you get, out of the blue, that is yours and yours alone. The connection with the person you have in mind is or will be both physical and spiritual. Lovers What disharmony there was during your relationship still remains, along with the barriers to communication. You should seriously reconsider your actions. He sees only you as his partner. Lets see what the reversed Lovers could mean in this setting. It indicates that they are likely to be very open and honest with you when it comes to their true feelings as they feel safe and respected around you. On the other hand though, if the reading has a negative twist in general, then the reversed Lovers tarot card may be indicating some bigger issues that need to be addressed. They are definitely thinking of you in a romantic way and feel deeply and intensely connected to you. When the querent doesnt it will take time for things to snap back into place due to predestination. They need their Adam or Eve to complete their essence of being. The Lovers as Feelings When they look at you, they certainly see a trustworthy, friendly fellow. Its not going to happen right away. Again, it is a matter of how you choose to spend your time. In this case, it foretells of bitter news about your relationships. WebThe Lovers Reversed can also reflect that the feelings within a relationship are not mutual. In reverse, the Lovers hint at problems in your social life. When the Lovers card appears in a reversed position, it shows that the person or situation you did the reading for, does not seem to be committed to working on a solution. Lovers The Lovers in a Breakup Reading It's about that feeling you get, out of the blue, that is yours and yours alone. Air can take the form of a gentle summer breeze and a harsh typhoon. For those embarking on new relationships, the Lovers is also a great sign. It might also appear as a personal weakness if you are unable to decide in the situation related to the reading. Then, the right path will reveal itself. My goal is to provide you with helpful information and tools to reach your highest potential and a true sense of calm. She gazes up at the angel as if awaiting a spiritual message. This could be a very simple matter; all work and no play might pay off, but work-related stress and tension can build up and affect your emotions. It indicates a stable and long-lasting relationship if you have a partner. It indicates feeling guarded and finding it difficult to truly open up due to being afraid of getting hurt. The Lovers as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed) By The Lovers is the card of love, relationships, passion, desire, and choices. The necessary foundation of your relationship is sturdy and will last long. Generally speaking, the Lovers tarot card is always very positive when it comes to feelings or how someone feels about you. In a relationship that hasnt materialized yet, but you have a certain person in mind, the Lovers in Reverse is an indication that things might not work out well. If your situation involves deciding on something, make a clear assessment based on these positive and pure emotions, and be assured that things will work out in your favor. This creates a chasm between the two of you. It could also mean that one of you is in a situation that is currently making it difficult to be together, even though the feelings are strong. The Major Arcana The Wands The Cups The Swords The Pentacles. link to 101 Best Questions To Ask Your Tarot Cards (The Ultimate List), link to 11 Best Tarot Decks For Love And Relationship Readings, The Lovers And 7 Of Pentacles As Feelings, The Lovers And Queen Of Swords As Feelings. Sometimes, cards from the Major Arcana might seem confusing in their meanings in a Yes/No reading. In a reading, they can indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by choices and dont know which way to turn. This combination shows one card from the Major Arcana and one from the Minor Arcana. 2022 Sibyl Tarot. Communication or an attempt to talk things out will not yield positive results and might bring up previously withheld information. Whenever a Major Arcana card shows up in reverse, you know that it indicates something important that might go wrong unless drastic action is taken to rectify the situation. However, as with other cards in the Tarot, there is much symbolism to decipher, to truly understand the meaning of the Lovers card. WebThe Hierophant who carries on cultural traditions and tries to create a unified, spiritual connection in his community. This conflict might be with your inner self or with another individual (s). Not only being strict with the external situation, but you also need to consider your If you look at the Lover card carefully, you see the symbolic depiction of the conscious, subconscious, and Divine in us all. The Lovers card is a card denoting choices as well as love and relationships. WebThe Lovers As Feelings. This can mean that your significant other has rejected you or has chosen to ignore you if youre in a relationship. WebThe Ten of Cups and The Lovers compared. As Feelings One person may be more emotionally involved than the other, and this gap could lead to disappointment and insecurity later down the track. There is minimal chance of any positive thought if the Lovers comes up in a reverse position. This symbolizes the profound, self-honoring reciprocity between a man and a woman. Depending on which other tarot cards appear in a reading alongside the Lovers, its meaning can change quite significantly. There is an unequal distribution of power between the conscious, subconscious, and the Divine, due to which there is constant stress and anxiety in the persons life. Lovers Tarot Card Meaning I also love having my White Sound Machine and my Asakuki Diffuser running in my living room. Aristotle said that man is by nature a social animal and this is exactly the point of this card. When the Lovers appears in reverse as the future, it indicates separation or a breakup between two partners. It just happened and there is no other way. You are not just enamored with her/him, it is a destined love and match made in heaven if only you could free yourself from the situation you are in currently. The Lovers In terms of self-development and self-reliance, the Lovers in an upright position could mean that as an individual, you need to figure out what you stand for in the situation. If you enjoy your work, if it makes you feel happy and fulfilled, this card is an affirmation and you should invest all your energy and passion. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. So neither can use the head AND the heart to come to the right decision. Very calm and collected, a person symbolized by the Lovers card may be a Gemini, since this is the zodiac sign ruled by the Lovers. WebThe Lovers card represents choices and decisions, while Judgement represents the need to make a decision or take action. The card shows a couple not wearing any clothes. Remember that Gemini is the ruling zodiac sign associated with the Lovers. The Lovers For example, if the rest of the cards are positive, then it is likely that the Lovers in reverse is simply indicating a temporary challenge that should be able to easily be resolved. In a career-related reading, the Lovers could mean that a co-worker or boss holds you in high esteem and values your presence in their life. In terms of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the reversed Lovers as feelings indicates that they feel out of sync with you and that needs to be addressed first. Their heart is open with you, and they feel comfortable enough to be truly vulnerable. WebThe Lovers As Feelings When it comes to feelings, the Lovers tarot card generally implies positive ones such as love, harmony and overall happiness. Depending on the surrounding cards and the situation, the Lovers can indicate two different things as an external influence. In plain words, they like what they see! If you are asking about an exs feelings about you, the Lovers reversed means that your feelings towards each other are not mutual.