Jesus,Jesus, everything Ive read, not one has acknowledged that He died for this very reasonEVERYONE OF US IS GUILTY. In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. Im very content with the ministry God has given me. Personally I think Hughs comments are refreshing and realistic. I personally believe that when more people with big bucks started attending, things really changed. That seems to say that if you are have no power and authority then you wont cheat. In the huge sanctuary, a ten-piece band including four guitarists, a drummer surrounded by glass sound walls, and two keyboardists rocked out in front of a laser display that wouldn't be out of place on a Justin Bieber tour. In this blog, I want to share with you my thoughts on how the Catholic faith affects our lives. People would drive by our home, honk their horns and scream terrible things at us. We who are conservative Christians love to lecture the world about their sins. He also earned more than $100,000 from The Masters Seminary the same year. David was a man after Gods own heart. I have been lurking the past few days and your rabid attacks on Michael are evidence of your profound dissatisfaction with yourself and your need to project your own dissonance on him, me or others who you refuse to dialog with. I forgive him and i still love him. Twitter They had plenty of time to tell their people and they already had prepared for their family meeting. I dont understand the part about bringing pride into this in some of the comments. Now, like all humbled sinners should, may he experience effective and redemptive compassion from those that love him. Find a church that could use your contribution of time and talent and let the mega house worry about itself. If Bob leaves satan wins. I do not judge him. Note that MLDs hateful 695 doesnt even consider my 694, about unnecessary strong verbiage. We are all vulnerable and weak!! And in the greater Ft. Lauderdale area, Ive no doubt there are many good churches. . For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Eph. Just saying. Coy is a big boy and knew full well what he was doing, he got caught and now its time to pay the piper. Having said that, I can still speak respectfully to you and not accuse you of a false Gospel and all the other loaded terms Ive read here. (Flores was eventually convicted of sex with the minor.). Krent W. I apologize for my flippant remark to your initial comment at 338. He was telling them that real actions in the Christian life work on your spirit. Devastated, I left my home church because of Bob Coys candid sermons that are always delivered with been there done that backround..I,m on my knees for him and his family knowing that what Michael before me said is all true..very sad. Bobs a decent guy who did a ton of good world wide lets look at that as well. I am not honking my own horn here, either. No one even asked. Its not slander to point out severe doctrinal errors. Doesnt the Bible tell us to avert our eyes and not look on the oher woman? But you are void on answering my points even right now you did not respond to the Acts 2 interpretation charge but diverted back to Luther. When we finally gave in and moved to another city, we were followed and found there, and had more personal property damage done to us. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. You are a funny guy 1st you quote to me Jamieson, Fausset & Brown, and then you tell me you JUST READ THE BIBLE which is it. Its because we do sin. @605 I sure hope that those are incorrect facts. The statement went on to say that a team of assistant pastors already on staff will maintain their usual rotating schedule as teaching pastors for all services. Bob is an example of what God can do with a man open to His correction. 22:20), The Lord Jesus Christ commands all believers to proclaim the gospel throughout the world and to make disciples of all nations. That may have been accomplished through small home groups, but his magnetism and charisma kept a need for a larger building. This is all speculativebut something I know all too well. donny, I asked politely. I sincerely hope you prayed about this before you set out to broadcast it to the entire world. All the best that money can buy. Diane Coy Profiles | Facebook They are being good guardians and deserve no finger pointingjust applause for being brave and having the character to do such a thing. No one will recognize him on the beaches of South France or strolling through Florence. Have you surveyed all men to know that I am the only one. My step-dad CC pastor did that same thing as well. I can just throw out stuff also. (Someone that good with words no doubt uses them as manipulative tools) Trusts broken to this degree can only be restored by years of observing consistently changed and altogether new attitudes and behavior toward Gods people. We all need to take the telephone pole out of our own eye before we look at the speck of dust in our brothers eye. I completely agree with you that if it had been done to my loved onesI would have kicked his sorry can up around his shoulder blades and repented later. 2 And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him who was grabbed? So if you have a problem with that, take it up with God. Again, shout it to the masses when its other peoples sins like gay marriage etcor make assistant pastors go before the church and confess (Bob Grenier did that stuff)but grace and mercy and lets give the family their privacy etc when its the Senior Pastors turn to face the music. If youre so incredibly stupid as to think Id print something that inflammatory without proof, I really cant help you. Barbara, You will have to do the homework. All I have published are the bare facts that I could verify through multiple sources. Flynn, Can you show me where your Bible says that the seven year tribulation will be a time unlike any other time in the history of man and that unless Jesus had come back when he does all life would be cut short, ??? Id think the body of Christ would be the most transparent of all bloggers! The problem is that he is human. March 4, 2023. I pray there would not be a desire for restoration to the pulpit, but a desire for restoration with God, his wife, children, and others that he has let down. I like the blog I posted because they are not calling it moral failings but adultery-which is what the Bible calls it. It would also give her the opportunity to stop worrying as much. Then non believers wonder why Christians are the only ones to kill their wounded. The Asst Pastors are pretty weak with the exception of Bill Schott BUT he is a teacher and not evangelical. It was masterful manipulation off the main issue. Force yourself to consider whether He is Who He claims to be. This isnt about me, and by making it about me, you bear false witness and sin yourself. I will leave you alone to work on the Acts 2 passage it destroys the future 1,000 yr earthy reign. Just one final thing, after youve read those 4 books, just stop, dont go any further. Now either dialogue with respect or go back to selling bridges to imaginary Calvinists. I always kinda felt sorry for his more than ever. I wonder if MLD has ever been tempted, and is not realizing that anyone of us could fall given the right circumstances. Even through my anger and hurt, I know that it is just a sin, and that they are no worse than me when I lie or steal. How is that any different than the Bob Coy situation? That needs to stop and maybe this will be the watershed moment for that to happen. "They do what they feel is right based on the evidence they have.". If they see him relinquish controlsubmit to leadership he disagrees with, defers his influence to other more healthy leaders etc etc. Before this Blog Newhman had maybe 5 readers. 1 Peter 4:8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Hopefully the believers will recover quickly and put their faith in Jesus to find a new place or to remain, but they will need to examine their faith first. 4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the land; and he shall smite the land with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. Andy, Lets try this show me 2 things; 1.) Lorenzo, My lying mouth? This whole mess has really brought some things into question for me, a new believer Adultery is certainly throughout the 66 books BUT not within those called into ministry as far as I can find. [10] Hence, 3 1/2 years of tribulation. He got the idea from Andy Stanley to do satellite churches. According to Jesus definition of adultery, you are just as much an adulterer as Bob Coy is! Hello dear readers! I have. I dont think so! I Am His: Diane Coy | ARE YOU COMING? Register today for the I Am His 2. Yes or no. To err is humanto forgive..divine. Pastor Bob has always reminded his congregation that they should look to Christand not to man. Make your own application, Bob wrote: Ive studied John Macarthur for quite some time and know him to be a wolf in sheeps clothes. Because of this, I am no longer listening to Reach FM. The church only loses if they go to the punishment and exposure message without hope of recovering a brother. Too bad Christians dont look beyond a mans reputation to the truth. What about the husbands and children of the women you use just for kicks, so you dont get bored? My Prayers and heart go to Bob Coy and his family. They had the opportunity to speak clearly to this before anyone else. Michael, what is your intention with this? note the opening line Amillennialism is the mainstream Christian end-times theology. Others stayed in Smith's original system. In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. Im in good standing with my church and those Im accountable to. Instead the idolaters slay the messenger. Do you think the bottomless pit actually has a padlock? They didnt have to. That is precisely what I was working my way to. Seriously? Can the congregation recover? Before leaving each church, we shared our research with the pastors who made excuses, denied the facts and questioned our right to find fault with their church doctrine and leadership. He is currently producing the debut album for his band The 288's, a God-inspired Hip Hop/R&B group that combines soul-baring lyricism with an electric innovative sound, breaking from the norm and reaching all cultures & ages (save senior citizens). In other words you are fighting for a literal 1,000 yr period for a non existent kingdom. I dont find that in the NT you will need to show me. Anyone can read it and see what was said. If Bob Coy can only draw a crowd by comedy, then that tells you the nature of the whole place. Blessings. It will take much longer possible years for healing with his family but it is worth it and will take work. And the harmony in the animal kingdom and man will no longer be afraid of the wild beasts, only of the raging false teaching Calvinists! And we now have media Pastor?? After all, the lion was supposed to lay down with the lamb, and yet, the lions keep eating the lambs. But in 1981, his life changed forever thanks to an epic holiday hangover and his brother Jim, who'd already found religion. 3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 They are the two olive trees and the two lampstands, and they stand before the Lord of the earth.[a] 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. Beyond that, Ive got absolutely nothing. A rich man has freedom to embrace the world. Lets wait and see how many women he defiled. No mans gifts and abilities are so necessary to Gods work that he (God) will violate his own word and wink at that mans seemingly covered and hidden sin. But the question still goes back to where in the Bible is a clear statement that Jesus will return to rule physically on earth for 1,000 yrs and where did Jesus ever speak of this? But this situation hurts my heart so much. Whether it be true or not we will always love Pastor Bob and Diane. CCFtl was the only Bible based church for miles. IMO, in situations such as these adultery and the sexual temptation is not the core issue but is rather a symptom. No excuses, no buts. You are correct. 10 czerwca 2022 The message to Nebuchadnezzar is however long it takes for you to learn who is the Most High God.. MLD? I was there. Stop this! Im praying for your kids tonight. When you have availability and opportunity its just a matter of time. He is always hanging out ask him:). Anonymous, if what you wrote is true, this is the most repulsive thing Ive read yet on this thread. He got caught for intent and not the deed. My hearts desire was for healing and restoration of the many people he hurt and for his repentance. Coddington hosted the Discovery Channel show American Hot Rod. It pains me to see the enemy has won this battle, but know he will not win the war! Who is Kassanndra Cantrell? Smith was among the first pastors to make a startling discovery: Many of the hippies and disaffected youth who'd come for the Summer of Love had realized psychedelic drugs and the Grateful Dead weren't filling the holes in their lives. Were the same sinners as before. I agree. fllynn, when you describe their teachings as garbage and nonsense, it isnt the truth it is your ungracious interpretation. Adultery creates a ripple effect that grows outward and touches so many lives not just the two involved and it takes two willing participants to maintain. Ive never been married. Amen to #639, especially your last paragraph, Ps40. I sincerely hope the congregation not only survives it all but even thrives. we were gone by then. You sound like someone that isnt going to listen and repeat blindly without A deeper understanding, youre exactly what the body needs, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword Jesus. Who assigned you the daunting task of picking up the pieces? The church has had every opportunity to deal with this story. But after a short time, good old Martin Stephan was caught diddling the girls and dipping into the funds. Vince couldnt stop pondering the hypothetical. Martin Luthers Disciple says: So Gary, why do you bring up the Lutheran thing. , ; - , - . Flynn, youre like a bull in a china shop. Founded in 1985 by Bob Coy and his wife Diane,. People who know what they are talking about get bored real fast. Because this is a personal matter, any further questions would be best addressed to Bob Coy himself.". Should we handle this any differently? Lol. So although Bob did at one point attempt to put rots in Pompano God had other plans, much like Noah getting swallowed by the great fish after being thrown off a ship and subsequently deposited in the land where God intended him to go. The Bible is brutally honest about the failings of the heros of the faith. He circled Bakkers property like a vulture and tried to save it or use it to his advantage. Can we guess? I dont think any men are really qualified to be put up on that sort of mega-church pedestal. So Blessed to hear this,what an awesome speaker,God Bless You Diane! Cause all we know now is that Bob can work it. Join Facebook to connect with Diane Coy and others you may know. Finally discover what ACTUALLY happened, from the mind of a former soccer mom ad. There has not been joy expressed here for the scandal by the vast majority of people including the host. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. ALL in South Florida. [12], Coddington was hospitalized on December 31, 2007. I trip on all you. Anyone know? Sorrow for anything done or said; the pain or grief which a person experiences in consequence of the injury or inconvenience produced by his own conduct. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. I was thinking bull, too, just without the china-shop analogy.. Re: moral failings They do not expound because they do not WANT to expound. So when is literal? There is a reason God forgives us. OK, so now that is past, the claim is the church should have been told first. Big difference. I went to and loved this church. 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. who can be objective and NOT tell people to just forgive. I think this must be the 3rd curse I am under this year already. and may what happened to BarJesus come upon you or worse as a witness from God that you are fighting against him! They could not even think for themselves. The topic of Bob Coy has brought many here who are shell shocked by what they read as opinions are strong. Give it to God. Sources tell Charisma News there was a positive response from the staff and congregation. But two weeks after his surprise resignation, Assistant Pastor Chet Lowe filled Coy's followers in on what had happened. Coy's faithful didn't know it, but just over a year after the pastor's resignation for adultery, Coral Springs Police launched their investigation into a far worse allegation. Sometimes theres love and we become lovers for a time and sometimes its just sex for fun and enjoyment, so face the facts men by nature are not monogamous! And they are legion. Or throw out some $5 words do you can sound oh so superior, well the Hebrew was for you, so that perhaps the original language might enlighten you! They werent doing anything in secret that needed constant warning. NO man is perfect! The CC dove poops again. "He's contacted many former associates to try to get funding. Ushers passed tissue boxes down the rows as his followers wept. Steve Wright, your comment number 478 was pure gold. Coy is lordship salvation enough that he has undoubtedly taught it in such a way as, now, the finger is pointed at him. I go by erunner as I dont know if people would know who I am if I went by Allan so even though my name is known I stick with the moniker. Recognizing we serve a God of second chances and that our hope is in Him, the statement concludes, the leadership, staff and members of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale have joined together in prayer for Pastor Bob and his family during this time of healing.. God bless. Andy, How I have seen just over the last two days, about where a person goes for Bible interpretation, will make all the difference. Chuck Missler and John Hagee wrote exactly what you are trying to sell. Wait, what? Bob Coy Removed For Moral Failure: Updated - Phoenix Preacher I dont give a rip if you allow this past the moderation phase or not! Mega-churches always have such a high profile for scandal. If true that absolutely stuns me. His publicist stated that Coddington was a long-time diabetic who died from complications that were brought on from a recent surgery for a perforated colon along with sepsis and kidney complications.[13]. This is very important Michael. , ; , . MLD wrote: But I should know better than to engage with people who hold to replacement theology. Look Jesus does speak of his return very clearly in Matt 25, the 2nd half about the sheep and the goats 1.) Secondly the Bible will say adultery or fornication but fornication can include many types of different types of sexual sin, its not pertinent to dwell on the sin itself and bring out every lurid detail of that sin for your viewing pleasure and for you to dwell in. Krent, My name is Allan Adams. It appears that the fate of mega church superstars happens eventually when they start believing their own press.If it had been me I would probably never have lasted as long. Sharon Leone (Diane Farr) is Vinces wife and the Chief of Division 1501 on the CBS original drama, Fire Country. Anonymous I know what youre speaking about there was defiantly is a we know better attitude through the church as is with any structured environment but I on at least (3) occasions took Bob to task on issues I questioned and each time he heard and reasoned with me, one time conceded, one time there was a healing between two churches and one time we agreed I was taking a bit too much license and should stay on the set point to which I conceded. If it continues and endures it is Gods church and bigger than any one man to the consternation of the circling vultures of which this website is replete with! How was this non bodied being bound with a chain? Sounds like the sin isnt what concerns you but its about the money. and also, after reading the article in Charisma, The governing board of the church is providing counselors and ministers who will help guide him .. uh, what about for the congregation?????? There are a lot of Calvary Chapelites out there that almost worship Bob more than Christ. I have documentation. Can you please point me to the confession of these women? Im still waiting! they will mention Israel 100 times for every mention of Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2001), Re 5:56. Plantation? "Everyone was visibly upset," she wrote on Facebook, according to the Christian Post. Once again MLD is right. findre, This is exactly why we are to rely on God and not in man. Michael Newnham, a pastor from Oregon whose blog " Phoenix Preacher " details the scandals swirling around Calvary Chapel, pointed to sources claiming that Coy is trying to mobilize investors, because he . Do we take measures that heal or expunge the record of his existence? Id just like to ask a simple question. I do not have an exact timeline for when the board fired Coy, but they are the ones who have chosen to not speak to the situation yet. God bless you Pastor Bob, Diane and your children. See Against Heresies, Book V. He was refuting arch heretics Marcion and Valentinus who taught amillennialism. Period. I can document that. my neighbors are heathens and not under the law of Christ.further I will be raising you in prayer because you obviously need it since youre so bitter and are caring so much burden. The language of this episode smacks of a scenario like the one I just described. If you are blessed, you may find one to lay your weary self at for a while. So do we go to punishment or restoration? What you are saying is exactly what you are doing. Jesus Christ, the living Word, became flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His virgin birth. The senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale's resignation comes amid reports of an affair scandal and admitting tocheatingon his wife, Diane Coy. Muhammad Ibn-Raqib : You are so right ! In other words, on any given day what looks like a bunch of anonymous posts are actually not. People just dont like the bible when it doesnt suit their faith. So if you can recommend a Biblically sound local church that would be great. Or are they not equally guilty. Just think if David was removed as king for his indescretions, his adultery and then setting up the killing of her husband. Didnt God provide for this with the whole concubine thing. If you love Me, keep My commandments. The words of our witness take to the air on the wings of our works. (I use the term Coy-ite because both mother and daughter were mesmerized by Coy and his comedic style in speaking.) I dont like that at all. I never liked him .he was a smooth talker actor on stage and the bigger he became the bigger and cockier he became. God also allowed me to be able to talk with someone and tell if they were struggling. His approval of Jakes procedure was crucial. Maybe because of the internet??? What a piece of s.. standing in the pulpit all the while knowing he was screwing 2 other woman if not more. The problem is that youre not with Christ Jesus, who looked at Peter with compassion, but youre with a different being, an angelic being who accuses the brethren day and night! And continue to be fed where you are but continue to ask God to show you where you need to be. Lets wait and see how many he harassed and pressured. Two thirds of the congregation will be seated already knowing. One of the women confided in her friend, and her friend confessed to another high profile pastor in the area that had a friendship with Coy. That was where I thought I was saved. "Our pastor, he committed adultery with more than one woman. Pray for Bob and his family.He is only human.We are all sinners.The devil is hard at work all over the world.Follow Jesus.He will not foresake you. CCFL is currently led by Pastor Doug Sauder. MLD, I do believe that satan is bound with a chain of some sort. He boasted of a vast media reach. That lent itself to a very youthful, crazy, wild lifestyle. The make-up session with DC was at the auction so it was bid on. We took our kids out of the pool at 4 PM to make a 6 PM service. I didnt bring him up. So my position is one of total sympathy for Diane and the kids.and I find myself frankly in the conflicted position due to personal experience of being totally pissed at Bob for his selfish actions, and at the same time praying for his relationship to be someday restored with first our Lord, and Diane, and his tragically innocent children. Most commentators will agree that seven times is seven complete revolutions of time, being a unit of a year for each time. "We had a big party at the casino girls, cocaine, alcohol, the whole thing. There should be no quick fix restorations. Fact. Sorry but when my Bible says that he died not for my sins alone but for the sins of the whole world, then anything else is garbage! We gotta start getting this right.