-There were cruel beliefs linked with this system. On what grounds might we doubt a claim? It is the authority of the principle of reason which characterizes the modern age as technological or as the Information Age. We believe we have knowledge when our representations in our minds correspond to the things that we are inquiring about. 7. Presumed familiarity with something is the proper origin of deception and error. Suffice it to say that it must be asked: where in all human activity do human beings encounter their essence, what they truly are? v) Shakespeares Macbeth is not a play about ambition: Shakespeare is not against ambition; it is a play that concerns the outcomes of the illness that at times accompanies ambition and the ambitious. In the examples that I frequently use from the Greeks, all of them are translations of that language. This is known as the correspondence theory of truth. The emergence of the world-picture and the knowledge and culture derived from it involves an essential decision about beings as a whole. This is what you are doing with the images and objects of your Exhibition. 15. The language and engagement in the conversation that is dialecticis not the attempt to out-argue someone, but getting ones partner in the conversation to open their eyes and see; dialectic is possible between friends, not between rivals; dialectic is not political. Since this is its concern, it is subject to interpretation. CT 1: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge: Knowledge and the Knower; 10. How does this statement relate to why human beings seek knowledge? Our falling away into subjective truth is not a fault of human beings: that the gods offered themselves more fully to the Greeks than to us is not our fault. The first belief is also a case of knowledge in the sense of a belief in its first principles; the second is probably knowledge within the context of our conception of time; but the third is (at present) merely belief. The tools are antecedent to our viewing of the world as technological and they can only produce or allow us to acquire what is called knowledge in a pre-determined manner, a manner which produced the tools themselves in the first place. Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs? What values and beliefs changed due to our change in our relationship to Nature could be undertaken. The truth of what is past or historical must be disinterred and become claimed as current knowledge. He asserts that the American Constitution and his reading of the FederalistPapers#65 by Hamilton allow the President to act in any manner he deems fit regarding his re-election as long as that action is in the public interest. is. The sign is what is referred to as a tautology. The fact that the origin of these words is from 19th century German indicates that they are modern understandings of human beings position within the world. What is a value? This prompt is very similar in nature to prompt #19 i.e. The Theory of Knowledge Exhibition Prompts The TOK Exhibition (also sometimes called the TOK IA) counts for one-third of your marks in the course. Certainly, any sane person will see the improvements in various technes or arts and crafts as improvements in knowledge. In order to know the audience so that ones knowledge can be communicated, the speaker of such knowledge must understand the human beings who are the hearers. Nietzsche/Darwin: Part IX-B: Education, Ethics/Actions: Contemplative vs. Calculative Thinking. You are required to provide a good explanation of why you have chosen the objects/images for your Exhibition and to show a good explanation of how they are related. 12. Without such reckoning up (algorithms, for example) our computers and hand phones would be quite useless because they could not have come into existence. Values involve ethics or choices and determinations of what are best ends, what is most useful primarily for the individual and also for the community; virtues involve politics, how to best live in communities. are also objects that could come under consideration with this prompt. Useful to/for whom? When we consider our world and the beings in it as objects we, too, experience the disappearance of otherness for it is our cognition which makes or creates those things that we consider beings in our world and the things themselves lack any kind of independent status. Understanding is prior to interpretation. When we speak of bias we usually mean that it is the particular leaning one may have in order to bring about a pre-determined outcome, the production or bringing forth of which is determined to be a good end. In your discussion, defining counts and knowledge will be crucial as well as demonstrating how the images you have chosen illustrate your interpretations of these key terms. These topics are too complex to go into here, but you could do some research on them before setting off on your journey to your Exhibition. If one follows through on this distinction between ignorance and madness, one can see that a great deal of madness is prevalent today in advanced societies. Listen closely to your conversations among yourselves. https://mytok.blog/2017/07/29/technology-as-a-way-of-knowing-computers/. The Natural Sciences as an Area of Knowledge: We might begin a response to this prompt by saying that if there are things then they are knowable by the very fact of their being a thing. On a shop which sells Antique Hand Bags near here is a sign which reads: The Shop is not Open because it is Closed. Dialectic is discussion conducted in friendship, among two or three, whereas the logosof the disseminator of knowledge is directed towards the multitude, the many. The obvious answer to the question of this prompt is yes, so in your Exhibition you will demonstrate what that knowledge is and how that knowledge changed our values and/or beliefs, presumably with regard to what was considered knowledge prior to it. Such a lack of knowledge is not crucial to our well-being or survival. 3. a cause-effect relation. 20. 16. Until they become a thing, they are not knowable. These second-order claims are justified using the principle of sufficient reason which usually involves an examination of the nature of the knowledge that you are investigating and the nature of the tools that are used to produce or acquire such knowledge. It also means to put something in its place, or putting something in order for something else such as gathering together the things that are required of a recipe so that we may later prepare it, the step-by-step process involved in preparing to bring about a desirable end. It is this that is the great paradigm shift of human being-in-the-world in the modern age and determines the actions that we choose to take and whom among us is sane or not. People were willing, and still are willing, to pay outrageous prices for a product with Donald Trumps name on it even though the products themselves have been shown to be of an inferior quality. Are some types of knowledge more useful than others? This lack of self-knowledge elicits pity and fear from us: pity for the waste of the good that is the goodness of the tragic hero as a human being, and fear that such a lack of self-knowledge may be present in ourselves. Here in Bali, the gods choose to show themselves more favourably so that a Balinese person would have no trouble concurring with the ancient Greek Heraclitus that everything is full of gods. God, for example, is not a thing in that he is not calculable or measurable within the overall parameters of time and space positions and locations. For example: I believe that two plus three equals five, I believe that Bill Clinton was President of the United States in 1995, and I believe that I will live another ten years. The abstractions that are the second order questions will be arrived at from elsewhere, thus your discussion of owning can be on the practical application side of the products of knowledge such as patents and the like, or it can deal with a theoretical discussion of what the possible meanings of owning can be. To experiment is where we intervene in something to see what happens: if we do such and such, only now we do so in anticipation of regularity, e.g. Activities such as gene splicing to produce seed that will not reproduce, etc. What counts in a project is more like a decision than a discovery; it cannot be correct or incorrect: correctness, and criteria for it, only apply within the light shed by the project i.e. The Greek polis is not properly understood as a culture, and we do not translate Platos Republic, for instance, as Platos Culture, yet the discussions in that dialogue are what we would understand as culture. 13. Judgement itself is nottruth; judgement is only true when the reason for the connection is specified, when theratioor account is given. Tautologies are prominent in modern day computer language. You are required to choose one prompt from the list below, and it must be exactly from this list and you cannot change the wording. (about 100 words) In the Theory of Knowledge exhibition, I will be talking about the three objects of my choice and the prompt I have linked them to. What do these choices indicate? a description of the features of that knowledge, for it is through such knowledge that we believe we have truth. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Is Galileos view an improvement on Aristotles view of nature is, of course, another question entirely and one which you may explore in your Exhibition. If the inquiry of your Exhibition wishes to remain a first order inquiry, the age-old advice of follow the money is a good one whether it be about climate change deniers, the lack of ethics in the activities of the world banking system, etc. Darwin/Nietzsche Part VII: On Aristotle, Algorithms and the Principle of Contradiction and the Overturning of the True and Apparent Worlds, Part IX: Darwin/Nietzsche: Otherness, Owingness, And Nihilism, AOK: Individuals and Societies or the Human Sciences: Part One, AOK: Technology and the Human Sciences Part. Correctness as consistency means that a statement is deduced from another statement in accordance with the rules of reasoning. While language first has to do with hearing, its purpose is to make us see the thing that is named. It can only be eliminated through the mode of speaking with one another and to one another. What is encountered and brought to a standstill is the object. The doing and making of technology, what we understand as instrumentality, is secondary to how technology determines what a being or thing is in the first place. This fundamental experience of how things are comes to determine for us the manner in which we look at and experience the things we encounter here in the modern age. There may be some dispute over the language used to communicate these conclusions, but this is avoided when the language used is mathematical calculus. The experience, the experiment upon which the claim is based must be replicable and the results proven by others.This is what, in fact, you are attempting to do in your Exhibition in that you are attempting to sufficiently ground your choices for the images/objects you have chosen and how they will demonstrate the key concepts inherent in the prompt you have chosen. I know this will likely bother anyone who is interested in order and logic, but I've decided to break the order of prompts so I can publish them as I record them. These are written about at length in other entries in this blog and reviewing them might be helpful with your Exhibition under this prompt. The modern world-picture, however, involves several components: mathematical science; machine technology; the reduction of art to an object of experience; the conception of all human activity as culture and as the realization of values (empowerment), the concern of a cultural policy politically; a godlessness that co-exists with the modernization of the Christian world-view and with intense religious experience. Can new knowledge changr established values or beliefs? Can you give You will notice, though, that human beings do not cause the health: health itself is an outcome of nature. Opinion is Platos justified true belief which he outlines in his dialogue Theatetus. If sufficient reasons are not given, we doubt the truth of the claim being made. Representational thinking, the thinking in images and ideas, the representedness, belongs to the objectness of objects. 34. To count can be understood as what is a priori in the project, such as your Exhibition itself. What is the truth that we are lacking in what we hold up as knowledge? Those who are affectively motivated to form beliefs independent of conceptual coherence will have little motivation to revise those beliefs in light of new ideas that could increase coherence. The most common evidence is given through mathematical calculation i.e.. the thing is measured against something that is already known or something that is already taken for granted as known. One might view the current war on terrorism in this light and a fruitful Exhibition can result from determining how this may be the case. Ignorance is bad because it inhibits human beings from their true Being which is to reveal truth. If a thing cannot be named, it cannot be given over to others. The choice of the prompt is crucial for the outcome or product that you will produce or bring forth and hold forth upon. CT 1 Knowledge and the Knower: Empowerment. What does this mean?What you are attempting to do is to render completeness to the reasons that you are giving for those objects/images that you have chosen. 14. It is not a truth relativism; it may reveal or it may not. From Platos dialectic or that conversation that is conducted among friends, we have inductive and deductive logic, from diaeresisanddianoia,the separation and the bringing together. A world-view is often arbitrary and peremptory. The truth of a principle can never be proved from its result. The demands of the principle of rendering sufficient reasons creates the lack of clarity and confusion in our actions, our ethics. This helps us to understand what Socrates meant when he said that the opposite of knowledge is not ignorance, but madness, such a madness as one sees in Macbeth at the end of that play. Withoutphronesisone develops misperceptions of things. as an object. Answer (1 of 25): A value judgment must be based on knowledge, belief, or assumption (assumption as in a generalization). A new assessment, inspired by the British museum's "A history of the world in 100 objects." Acknowledgements: the factual features of this web-page are based on the TOK Guide of the 2022 specification. What do your choices of objects or images for this prompt indicate about you and the society of which you are a member? The why and the how, as well as the what are explained and this is usually indicated by our use of the word be-cause, the cause is. of mathematics and the sciences begin with the permanent things, the unchanging things and therefore are less subject to interpretation. World-view comes from the German Weltanschauung which is formed from Welt, world, and Anschauung, view, etc., and means view of, outlook on, the world. For the German philosopher Leibniz, a truth is a verifiable proposition, a correct judgement. What is unknowable is as such because it is unnameable. can new knowledge change established values or beliefs objects It is what guarantees that something is firmly established, secured in its grounds of its place as an object for human cognition. But while these world-pictures are constructed in dealing with the beings that are involved in those domains, it is technology as the theoretical viewing that dominates how the beings will be inquired about and the manner of questioning regarding their being. The exhibition, understood as both a noun and a verb, aims to assess how you can apply TOK concepts to the real world by requiring that you bring to presence, bring out of hiding and to hold out, ex-hibit, evidence of your ability to discourse on the subject matter that you have been studying and questioning in the course. When we speak of owning knowledge, we are speaking about that which we have taken possession of for ourselves: I get it!, I understand and it is now mine. can new knowledge change established values or beliefs tok Ours has been an age of progress in that the knowledge that has been produced from the technological viewing of the world has brought about many benefits. One cannot say that Galileos doctrine of the free fall of bodies is true and that of Aristotle, who holds that light bodies strive upwards, is false; for the Greek conception of the essence of body, of place, and of their relationship depends on a different interpretation of beings and therefore engenders a different way of seeing and examining natural processes. 14. Who knew? It is an infatuation with immediately given appearances on the basis of which all further experiences of the world are investigated, inquired about, and explained. On most occasions we do not and this is due to our relation to the objects of the world that we have brought before us. Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs? - Clastify Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs? A link that might be of some help with a discussion of this broad theme is posted here: The Natural Sciences: Historical Background. The Greeks had a saying: The future comes to meet us from behind and it is this future that is encapsulated in the historical development of the knowledge that preceded it. For Plato, the truelogosis silent to the soul which does not have the possibility of hearing it i.e. Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs?. There is no Greek world-picture: human beings are at the beck and call of Being. 11. As the philosopher Kant said: The mind makes the object. Does our knowledge depend on our interactions with other knowers? These cabals of knowers have power within their respective communities, so much so that some proponents of these world-pictures have become placed as the new priesthood in the communities where these world pictures thrive. Is bias inevitable in the production of knowledge? What is a sufficient reason? In what ways do our values affect our acquisition of knowledge? Thus, the choices of image or objects for this prompt, and the conclusions to be arrived at, are almost unlimited. it is after hours, the owner is away on holidays, the owner is observing a religious festival, etc. They were brought to their current prominence by the German sociologist/philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey, the man considered to be the father of the modern understanding of the human sciences. But such a venturing is necessary if one truly wishes to engage in a search for the truth of things. It is the act of creating an output, a good or service which has value and contributes to the utility of individuals. Wikipedia. You may want to reflect on the saying: the good end justifies any means and through your examples show the nature of bias. that knowledge which technology has brought forward. When we say that the objectivity of objects is based upon subjectivity we mean that it is not something confined to a single person and something fortuitous to their individuality and situation and discretion; it is not personal knowledge. Technology, understood as instrumentality, is a matter of ends and means. 33. To whom or to what are we obliged to them and why? All that matters is the quality of the feeling or experience, since these experiences can have no significance for our lives or our world. can new knowledge change established values or beliefs objects. An adequate or good explanation usually suffices to end the ire of that tyrant that calls himself/herself a teacher! -Those beliefs were changed and replaced when the Constitution was signed -Shown through the object The concreteness of the Exhibition itself is a product of your work and you will provide the first order descriptions of the images and things you have chosen. It reveals when it is true; it does not reveal when it is false. CT 1 Knowledge and the Knower: Empowerment; CT 1: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge: Knowledge and the Knower. Doubt was a requisite for thought for it inspired wonder. When the soul is not beautiful, it is ugly and deformed. Technology is the beholding of the essence of all things in advance (a priori) in the light of which human beings make and produce things and allows human beings to take a stand towards the things that are in the first place. For knowledge to be knowledge, it must be shared or handed over to others and confirmed and affirmed (See prompt #26). To what extent is objectivity possible in the production or acquisition of knowledge? The Theory of Knowledge Exhibition Prompts - IBMastery Calling Him God or Father or whatever is not naming Him because what is lacking is knowledge by acquaintance and the terms used to describe Him are analogies or metaphors. can new knowledge change established values or beliefs objects Arkadiusz Wargacki People tend to recognize their knowledge as the only correct image of reality surrounding them, as something indisputable and unchangeable. Technology itself is a disclosive looking and is not to be understood as manufacturing. You might begin by examining how the word values is itself an example of the great change that occurred during that period we call the Renaissance when human beings became the centre of the things that are, with the consequence that we have the rise of the age of humanism. they are not underway towards something because they already possess knowledge of the things about which they deliberate and those things are the things which are permanent. All producing is based on a disclosive looking i.e. Our tragic literature and our art, generally, demonstrate that there might not be as great a separation between theory and practice as we have been led to believe.Socrates once said that the opposite of knowledge is not ignorance, but madness and he demonstrated this in the figure of the tyrant for whom and in whom all sense ofothernesshas disappeared.