Hello, alpha for some reason all the kids in 1976 or so heard the trumpet to join and started the very creative punk movement. I am also a great manifestor. Courage will replace fear. All Rights Reserved. I am a writer, a Reiki practitioner, and strangers often ask me for spiritual help. These children are born between1988 and 1998. Indigo adults are often said to have a close affinity with animals. One of the New Age theorists is Ms. Nancy Ann Tappe, who worked on the Indigo generations in an almost scientific manner and divided them intofive categories according to the date of birth of these children. Discovering which labels fit you best could take some time. Love, Simon. 6. Nancy Tappe identified four different types of indigos. You may get confused between the Crystal and Indigo child. They want to understand why its a rule, and then, if it makes sense, the indigo child will respect it. To love myself and others in a right way. As kids, these guys and gals may have rebelled in school due to being restless or bored. Do you think you are one of the same? Whether its inventing a story to tell your a little kid or keeping people entertained while talking about your day, no one can tell a story quite like you. That is good. Supposedly this is the last "pure" indigo generation. I was full of anxiety and felt like I was fighting my way through life. All explainer articles are confirmed by fact checkers to be correct at time of publishing. There are some place where I can speak with expert indigo? I have talked with my spirit guides and my higher self, and It was amazing. Indigo children are sensitive, curious, independent, open-minded and artistic. Indigo child traits are certain characteristics that have been observed when studying indigo children. I've always felt like I was WAITING for something, but I have no idea WHAT!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You may have felt out of place, and youre looking for the best place to satisfy your curiosity. Sorry to be picky but we never stop learning as I found with your lovely article. Every rule, belief, structure, and institution will be questioned and ruthlessly challenged by the indigo child this trait is truly unusual and extraordinary. I started having premonitions around 2014 (born in 75) & when they came true it was my awakening as to WTH? Creative - Indigos may choose careers like writing, painting, sculpting, designing, ( and even blogging!) For them to be successful, they have to be somewhat self-directed. At times, you struggle with being a pushover. By nature, most indigo children areold souls. Many Indigo children are also quite psychic. This pattern has common yet unique factors that demand that parents and teachers change their treatment and upbringing of them in order to achieve balance. I can heal, I can also easily manifest. "Tell me something about me." You are a skeptic. So, you find you have to set up boundaries so that these obstacles are prevented. It was great a few years ago when I first heard the term Indigo. Indigo children are intuitive, empathetic, spiritual, and have a deep sense of knowing. Love as never before and the light gets brighter. You have high expectations for yourself and other people. I always felt I knew many things better than adults, and therefore could not stand any authority; I was rebellious and a-social (until I met like-natured people in my 20-s). It is common for Indigo Children to learn the "why" of what they have been asked to do. He asked me recently who was on the roof, catching me off guard as it was very late at night i asked (after knowing he could see colors auras ) i asked, what do they look like his response one white, one black I know black is evil & white is good & often confused with silver, very intuitive. They are people born in the periodbetween 1968 and 1978. The 1900's spawned the Indigo Generation of psychic conciousness inbred to new children. With so many signature traits, it seems like it would be no trouble at all to figure out if you or your little one were one of these extra-evolved humans. You May Get Have a wisdom and level of caring beyond their youthful experience Have a wisdom and level of caring beyond their youthful experience Emotionally they can be reactive and may have problems with anxieties, depression or temper rages if not energetically The Indigo label describes the energy pattern of human behavior which exists in over 95% of the children born in the last 10 years This phenomena is happening globally and eventually the Indigos will replace all other colors. 1. Namaste. So I flew under the raider and making sure my grades were of average range with maintaining B average grades and the odd A+ on topics that really made me passionate to do extremely well and a C standard to subjects that never interested me. I am beta, all the things I did read here arr right. I wish everyone the very best in the accomplishment of their mission. Please dont be sidetracked on what sort of Indigo you are as in the end we all come here with different talents that we have developed along the way. This post may contain affiliate links. Noone knows your deal better than YOUof that you can be sure. Read more about. We could call them "the new children", which is more in line with reality, as the term indigo child has its origin in the New Age movement and should therefore be forgotten. The amazing thing is I can do anything once I see it done, although I read and study incessantly, I learn best by doing I also have a photographic memory when it comes to to names and numbers once I have seen them. I hear my song in all music. Maybe you just know someone who is part of the Indigo generations. Even if everybody on the planet really is surrounded by a giant mood ring, youd still have to counter the fact that, well, autism and ADHD exist. With my famous statement people ought a listen to me more, god forbid I might know a thing or two. They are the kids who cant stop asking why? While others will accept a trope answer, indigos want to dig below the surface until they truly understand the thing in question. Our names are Luna & Sol and were spiritual educators and guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. I hope that one day peoples minds open up for what i have to say and everyone else has to say to. Have any thoughts to share? So allow us to quash those misgivings: the indigo child concept relies entirely on one womans assertion that she could see mystical colors emanating around kids bodies. As an indigo child, you are called to a purpose that is larger than everything you are. Take this quiz and find out if you are an indigo child. I was born in June 2000. Perhaps your children are indigos? You struggled in school. I just learned of indigo children today, and from the few articles Ive read so far, I definitely feel its possible that I am one. I am one of one, If you are truly of the path please show these children the way. Rules were made to be broken in the advent of need to be more efficient and productive without following systems that are not any of that. In this article, you will find a deeper understanding of what it means to be an indigo child. The indigo phenomenon is the next step in human evolution. Youve never been quite normal. Indigos often feel like outsiders growing up because their openness and empathy set them apart from how others feel, think, and act. Let's check it out! I do not live with my biological parents, but I live with my grandmother. Indigo children are usually aware of the indigo soul mission. 574 Likes, 45 Comments - Light worker- Star seed- Indigo Child (@chitopiaaa) on Instagram: "How tall do you think I am? Ive tried to help prepare them for their future, succeeding in some areas and failing in others, as all parents do. Indigo children are light-bearers who are driven by the sole purpose in life: to awaken humanity. Listen to your Souls calling. You probably feel like you can hear a higher power urging you to keep true to your purpose. Uniqueness is a singular quality. They prefer to mix and match from different traditions to suit their needs, never going so far down one path as to close the doors to the others. If thats the case, its important to give them the attention, medical or otherwise, that they truly need. Now a born-again Christian who denounces all her previous work as heretical, Virtue had previously been a psychotherapist for adolescents, but by the early aughts, she was one of the lead authorities on indigo children in fact, she had literally written the book on the phenomenon, penning The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children in 2001. I first read about indigos probably a decade ago and it helped me realize why I always felt the way I did and is helping me grow into who I really am which is an ongoing process Im still learning. On a very deep level, every indigo child knows that this is their mission. This generation won't, unless we drug them into submission with Ritalin.. According to Tappe, this generation will experience the " Dark Night of the Soul " from 2026 until 2036. This generation istoo sensitive and needs plenty of help. The Indigo phenomenon has been recognized as one of the most exciting changes in human nature ever documented in society. I know things. Children born in the Delta and Omega period, are also calledCrystal Childrenbecause of a particularly bright, crystal color in their aura. Indigo children are a new generation of gifted children blessed with supernatural abilities. Tappe claims that these internal experiences may include: having a clear insight, direction, and possible internal communication with the spirit world; the ability to read thoughts, feelings, and intentions of others; understanding the parallel levels of reality; a true insight into the nature of time. As precocious truth tellers, child and adult indigos cant help but see through the bullshit facades of other people and expose them. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. There is a lot more to my story, but I am working on reconstructing my life right now, as the tower has fallen for me. They can show signs of depression, but also know themselves to be important for the future of the world and if youve ever taken them to a traditional counselor, theres a fair chance youll have heard the letters ADHD floating around at some point. I would sneak out of the house, lie in the grass and pore over the stars. Remember to cut yourself some slack from time to time. Ive always been told Im much wiser beyond my years and that i possibly have a much older soul. I am highly selective who I let close to me as I feel others energies and my body takes on their thoughts, emotions ect, and I have always valued my own alone time and get very angry when people dont let me have that time to myself (Im putting myself in a time out, until I can play nicely with everyone again) (I need my own personal bubble right now and unplug from the world for awhile) comments i have frequently said for years now. This is the first generation with the minimum protective shield. He was so brave and bold as a preschooler, but school zapped him of confidence and energy. Some how my strong mind and will to adapt and learn to dance with the devil and his demons, endured and overcome to the most intense oppressions and adversities i never asked for and delivered to me by the very people you are meant to trust and love unconditionally. You may find it hard to work in teams or for other people and function better when youre in charge or working for yourself. Take our free Indigo Child Test to discover your unique percentage score! Their aura holds are few more spectrum of ray color. This can cause you to set very high standards for yourself. Trust your gut, and I know you have all experienced the wilderness call, make sure you follow them. I am great at streamlining and being efficient at everything I do. I have always been a game changer and have always found more efficient ways to do things while training other people 8n ways that they could understand in a language they get. When you Google the term, there are lots of websites to help you diagnose your child. Also always remember the golden rule LOVE LOVE LOVE! Felt spiritually apart. - Traits, Personality, Characteristics. A desire to break free from restrictive patterns, life-draining jobs consumptive lifestyles, and toxic people or situations. Parapsychologist Nancy Ann Tappe had always been able to see people's auras; the colors surrounding an individual would inform her what their particular purpose in life was.In the late 1970s, she suddenly began noticing a "vibrational color" that she had never seen . To think so narrowly shows your prejudice towards those who are not as young as you. I have an Indigo child and spent many years teaching people how to work with their kids and to understand them, and to understand there purpose to make way for the highly-sensitive Crystal children. They are usually born to Crystal children from the late 1980s. Indigos are nothing if not hard to pin down. Hi everybody, I am an Indigo Gamma (I guess) and I had my awakening two years and a half ago at 28 years old. I became very ill when he was about 10 or 11, I was bed ridden for the better part of two years and never bounced back to my old self. Really, Anna, this information is extremely beneficial. When I follow it, I end up receiving data downloads there. I am starting the need to be carried and can no longer pull as I did in my younger years. The biggest users of this term were Nancy Ann Tappe, Lee Caroll, and Jan Tober. Indigo Children are according to Wikipedia a New Age Concept that was developed by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. Don't buy this crap. We carried amethysts and rose quartz. This is because your goals are bigger than you. Blessings to all. Now the really amazing thing is I have six sons and I am pretty sure they too are indigos. or even just that theyre a bit imaginative and weird. My mind and soul feel so much more centered and I have alot less stress than I had before and it is quite scary now because as I get more conscious I start to realise more of the pain in peoples heart/soul. Ive got to grow in hard conditions and it has made me a diamond-hard Indigo. I hope everyone is adjusting as easily as possible and believing in themselves. So far so standard but for some believers in the concept, things didnt stop there. that it really cool !! He had two false starts (art school then the military) before finding psychology. This was already thought on and we have left many lights please light the way for the rest, they are young and are so like children. You have the ability to tell when someone is being truthful and when someone is telling lies or hiding the truth. While there is no evidence to support the claim that Indigo children are real, many people believe that they are. The term "indigo" came from the indigo-like auras around these children, as purported by Nancy Ann Tappe. Is your child easily, emotionally triggered? Little by little, light will come to penetrate the darkness. Only in 2010 did a woman tell me that I might be an early Indigo. In other words, they reflect what is within us, everything that needs to be changed to develop or increase our consciousness.