We've, we've been like we have a bunch of elk burger we we ordered online order so on. What you're getting is your lower back. Visit trigger grills dotcom. That's when I love it. You're not adjusting and adapting to the numbers, the mortality numbers, too, because they're way lower than they were before. That makes sense, but to all be asymptomatic? Previous COVID-19 infection or vaccination confers long-term protection against future severe disease outcomes. Yeah. Back in 2000, the gang at Buffalo Trace was sipping whiskey and winning Distillery of the Year by Whiskey Advocate magazine. Right. And that fixation for me keeps me up at night when I lay down. This episode explores David Friedberg's thoughts on peer-reviewed science, gain-of-function research, the human gut, entrepreneurship, and FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. Really? I was like, I was like eating a bunch of GCE and cocoa Kurkova like capsules like the the the catkins in the dark, dark chocolate for mine. So you have to be like you have to wear no clothes. Bourbon has been designated an essential thing at this time, which I'm all for, that tours at the distillery have been suspended in light of the covid-19 pandemic. It's very noticeable. And the reason for that is because when the hormone vitamin D hormone binds to receptor, it activates all these genes and that the genes do stuff that are, you know, regulate immune function. And what's interesting is that there's been tons of like genetic studies done on like, you know, identical twins and they're followed over time. Intravenously. And so this mouthpiece of sleep apnea mouthpiece, it sits in my mouth and the tongue depressor keeps my tongue from sliding back and closing my airway. I think this is the one that had like eight grams. Yeah, subtopics click on topics. No. I didn't know anything about that. Right. They beat each other with this these branches that are wet. The Russian bomber. Like show me what you're saying when you're talking about you talking about just regular sweat. But I just thought that was a really interesting thing to come across, you know, and then the other sort of on the same, on the same along the same lines as previous you know, previous virus exposure is like something that really seems to be something that is a main regulator of how people like what how you're immune, you know, what your immune response is, you know. What, what's this headline. And I was like, yeah, I'm going to do this. It's like what happens when you go into menopause. But aluminum, cadmium. So it doesn't make sense. I'm involved a friend of mine, Dr. Eric Gordon, he he's put together. Right. Xylitol gum. I've done it before coming. You do actually you do regular sweat doesn't have to be from Sonic and from exercise. No, no. It's really awesome. And so that's a very common thing. And like their critics, it's animals and blah, blah, blah. So anyways, a year goes by. Like you could never do that from oral. It's like a Jacuzzi, you know, where you're sitting there from the waist down and like that's hot. So so then I found out I was pregnant and so I was like, OK, well, I can't go back to the dentist. It was actually lack of sleep. I miss taking my son to the park. I was like, how do I get out here? Oh man. No no no no. But there's a woman who reached out to me. So this is also a problem with vaccines. Didn't understand the difference. I don't know if they did. Oh you can wash the car. It shows you like really accurate sleep. It's CLV sounds like something Godzilla finds. And I and I didn't sort of dive into the whole thing, but he was he was telling me that ventilators do actually cause more damage to the lungs. Is there any benefit to that? I'll find it. You know, this is like when I was in my early 20s, but I would like dose up on all these like B complex vitamins. Now, coronaviruses are only responsible for between like 15 to 30 percent of common cold cases. And the journal isnt a great one. So here's the thing with that. Yeah. And I'll feel better, like I'm sure it doesn't sound that odd. Also some links to like perving, depression and animal studies. It was causing people to have dangerous arrhythmias and stuff. I mean, this is unprecedented. No, no, no. Like, I don't think that's odd. It's freezing out here in Finland in November. That's like sciatica. You know, I don't you know, I'm not sure. The importance of vitamin D has been under discussion for a longer period of time due to its importance for overall health. 220 versus like 50. But, you know, I'm . It bothers me when people like, well, then don't go on Twitter, period, because most people are unhappy or YouTube. But another really interesting thing is that people with type of blood, we were also talking about these like blood clots. And we're we're honored to be a part of this program and very proud that through this program, we have raised a shitload of money and have built several wells in the process of building several more right now. It's 100 percent right. And so, you know, like another really interesting kind of thing is like, you know, there's so the sars-cov-2 virus is part of a family of of coronaviruses called the beta coronaviruses. Vitamin D3's role in immune function - FoundMyFitness That the monoclonal antibody you were talking about, the Lomis. And I'll be I'll be honest, I stopped wearing my watch and they're so not measuring my heart rate anymore. But you're you're increasing your plasma levels more so. Yeah. So what's interesting is that most people that are sick eating, let's say that people are just eating like five, somewhere between five to nine servings of vegetables or fruits a day. In a month they decrease their epigenetic age by two years. Randomized controlled trials showing that zinc, zinc acetate or zinc gluconate like lozenges, they can dramatically lower the duration of common cold. I love it. He's an angel. Oh we did. Could Vitamin D's role in the ACE2 renin-angiotensin system help So I've. But one of the big ones is that muscles feel better, they feel looser. If the levels are 20 ng/ml to 29 ng/ml, it is inadequate. I was trying to figure that out as well because like the tuberculosis, tuberculosis, one of the types of vaccines they do for TB, I think they do it in like Japan and some other countries where they've got a really low death rate. Well, is this I mean, this is decades ago. But like the sauna, that's that's kind of my goal is to get her doing. But there's another one that causes dental decay. You know, good electrolyte I guess with the sodium. In this clip, Dr. Roger Seheult and Dr. Rhonda Patrick discuss how vitamin D levels might affect the renin-angiotensin-system and how this relates to COVID-19 outcomes. And thankfully, there are clinical trials, randomized controlled trials that are now ongoing and there are some that are recruiting. And I totally stopped having for the most part, Dan says, yeah, like I went through one episode where what happens when someone has a nightmare is like if someone else in the sharing the bed with you, like, tries to stop you or help, like because I'm still asleep, I'm not aware that that's my husband doing that. And it has an amazing Wi-Fi application with fifteen hundred plus recipes and you can even control your grill from anywhere with the app. When I introduce people to it, I have them do no weight. Posted on Rhonda has stated in numerous places she is taking 5,000iu of vitamin D on a daily basis. Can we can we get into vitamin. The water much work like ice. Well, it's pretty crazy, actually. Oh OK. Yeah I've been chewing this neuro gum that is it's gum with nootropics in it. Yeah. Legal Zoom Where Life Meets Legal were also brought to you by Buffalo Trace Whiskey. And they need to like, eat like up to three times more. And can you take too much vitamin D? I just want to deal with it right now. Transcript of #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick | Happy Scribe But you have to be able to adapt to that. And the sauna, but but I need to be better about resistance training for sure. And that usually, like animal studies show that that can they can stay elevated for like 48 hours after that. Another study demonstrated the potential of vitamin D as a clinical benefit in population-based trials. And then, so then the next day I would like look forward to doing it to see if I could do it easier again. It's not going to be forever? It's not going to be forever. Tastes better. And that's been shown. So so when you're younger and if you have it, it actually enhances immune function. 229. And it's been shown that that Vonne Gillibrand factor also isn't like is higher. Services. But then as you drop it down, it swings low and it actively decompresses all of your discs. 200 milligrams. It's like the number one choking popcorn is like the number one choking. And and, you know, we need higher quality data. So I kind of with his help, I've helped him design an open arm trial, very small for his patients where where where he is going to be giving them fifty thousand. Like you're talking about 70 times higher vitamin C levels in the plasma. Yeah. So we got that literally. And I think the reason it got me interested because I was like 80, almost 80 percent. But anyways, I had people coming up to me going, I love your podcasts. It's neurogenesis, it helps already existing neurons survive. Like, it sucks like that. And since then, they have won more awards than any other distillery on the planet. But neuroplasticity is is associate with depression, like not like not being able like stressful conditions and stuff like that, like not being able to like adapt. The full extent of vitamin's D impact has yet to be fully understoodnearly every cell and tissue in our body has vitamin D receptors (proteins that bind to vitamin D); and in its active form, vitamin D can interact with the vast majority of the body's cells. I would like to see that study because it makes sense. Well that's me too. A couple things you put on your head. We're talking about popcorn. And like like he had been reading some studies to confirm that. It's just going to overall improve the way you age and that's going to make you more robust and resilient to anything, you know. Yeah. But, you know, I think I think the bright light exposure for him, you know, taking him out in the morning is really important. But then again, it was a different shower. Vitamin D reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. Well, in the in the. But when you say an antidepressant, there's no real way to measure that. Oh, OK, there's a just look for the figure scroll, you'll see it OK, right, there goes. So it's not like a hard core quantitative biomarker which is so badly needed. And you live in you live in San Diego. Yeah, the photo bottom photo bio modulation. These fucking politicians now in the place where you guys have to understand these people.