Great video. Again, this Khazarian Mafia banking power, this criminal satanic cabal, that controls every planet, or every country on the planet. So my thesis said that HIV was actually latent in monocytes, that the T cell wasnt the target for drug therapy as Tony Fauci had pushed for the previous decade. this lady i love this lady this is a patriot street this is a fork in patriot street fighter, 1:08:55 This is another target for me. Privacy Policy And I certainly want to defer to the general to those. Scott Mckay is an amazing person and a very devoted patriot that tries to bring light in a world that darkness used to be the norm . Congratulations. And at that time, Im remembering what my friend Dr. Laurie says, Did you get it on film? Theyre endangering your safety. Its simply a preference. The lies, the CDC bullshit, the NIH. Have a nice day. 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. I have a bit of an idea but basically, in my opinion, this is this differentiates the same kind of technology as the med bed technologies Sonic healing technology, sound waves phones. It exit solely for the purpose to share information . LAST CHANCE! Join Scott McKay TONIGHT at 8:30 PM (EST) for "Ask the Its enough of this bullshit. But its going to be easy to find where I am. And they were rightfully afraid of us. And thats what the end of our book plague of corruptions shows, you know, but for Frank crosetti, we wouldnt have had that solution, we wouldnt have been able to our book plague of corruption, red light prophecy, the government captured it, it was already written in press in August of 2019. And your job, like any sheriff in the country, and Im including shares is to protect the people. so were yeah so hes i dont know why my face is all right i was out on the beach before i jumped on this call but yeah so anyway thats thats the end of the story so he says well you know if i take these handcuffs off you know youre signing this thing and im like yeah motherfucker you take those handcuffs off and youre lucky you dont get my foot right in the middle of your balls oh wait a minute you dont have any you know i love, 1:08:46 Every requires a mask, you get that in a text message, etc. And most of us last year, were very aware of, you know, her prominence in the exposure of the criminal Fauci and the criminal empire are the satellite of the Empire CDC over there. Neutralizing the Spike Protein: Shikimic Acid*. Read About All Possible Detoxing Options HERE. Due to the continued censorship on Youtube, Project Camelot will now be subscription-based. It was actually called a reduction in force. T hose of us who grew up in the 1960s have fond memories of one of the best World War II television series 12 O'Clock High.The series ran on ABC for three seasons from September 1964 to . And then were going to help you take these scumbags down there too. So wait a minute, now youre parading and twist my arm in the handcuffs so that every time they touch the handcuffs, you know if Im trying not to I was trying not to scream but you would scream in voluntarily they hurt that bad is and I have no idea if hes broken my arm at that point, or not my left arm so were you know, so he marches me out up the ramp area, you know, as if I dont have a mask on and I havent obeyed the rules. Theres nothing that can be done for you nothing. I went to get that up this weekend with him on Friday. And so he wanted to speak to me, guiding me through a mediary to basically let me know about the corruption in higher levels of the police department that its not just there, its all over the place. Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay & Michael Jaco: 2023 is the Year of the Takedown of the Deep State. 'Never Again': Israeli Foreign Minister Visits Germany with an Eye on Sorry. And accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. [] The Patriot Streetfighter Tour arranged by Scott Mckay will be held all from the first to the last week of September. Thank you for that. So and then it looks like Ill be working for the next four months for free again. 1:12:59 diseases caused by a the an untested, unsafe vaccine schedule since then President Ronald Reagan removed all liability in 1986. course I do live stream it from here as well. "McKay poses for pictures with his fans with the tomahawk, uses it as a prop onstage, and incorporates it into the Patriot Streetfighter logo," The Beast . I thought that was pretty interesting. Its appropriate. Youre the same story. So you understand the kind of Intel that Im getting. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. And they built that thing over heavy armor division, great, great people. Yeah, right. Were told in the bill clinton, Monica Lewinsky, you know, oh, no, you cant get HIV from a blowjob. The weakest man in the room is the one that is doing all the talking. Not here Yeah, exactly. Im think Im getting on a plane. We are a proud member of the WhiteHat Movement. The two patriots have a great discussion about a number of political topics. All the communications I get from people, they always self identify as a patriot streetfighter, all you people around other countries that are watching this, just remember, I said this for six months. hi im scott mckay the world is that is that and i am your host on that tipping point on revolution radio where every monday from eight to 10pm eastern we bring you the latest in this ensuing takedown of this global criminal empire thats an image of strength youll get the raw hard truth here on the tipping point to come join us mondays eight to 10pm, 1:16:20 thanks so much god appreciate you, 1:15:15 The Tour is a whole separate animal. Thats an Apache. guys in Santa Barbara, I got a very good friend up there. Sir, you do not deserve to wear that badge. Here it isnt. We also discuss SPACE FORCE and the complexities of the battle for human freedom. So unfortunately, we are going to have casualties in this war. Scott McKay!! 8.26.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview by - UGETube And I jumped right into fort Dietrich Frederick Maryland and and and just the plague of corruption, which is what our book our new year. Guess which one do you think Im wearing? URGENT! We are trying to spread his message to everybody . 50:42 As you know big tech are censoring MAGA websites tremendously. What a horrible nightmare to for the people that are losing losing lives right now. Its only a couple of these policies and cowards that are conduct themselves like this. And they try to say my name is and I said Mike Have it. You know, you want to lose your job? And its like, Okay, well, theres people that are, you know, coming over to donate here. And in two years, the startup said youll be able to buy its diamond nuclear powered battery, a diamond nuclear powered battery even cooler. They said a conviction is something youre willing to die for. all the evidence is there all the truth yet again, this is a lazy person that didnt want to do it. Ill kind of figured out what how I figured out how I learned that. So he made that and send it over to me. Anyways, note the private security contracting was, Im not going to say that, Im not gonna say that. When you stand up, say its bullshit, its over. Learn What NESARA/GESARA is HERE. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! Whats the motivation? And theres care and the flight attendant like, Oh, shit, its gonna be a long flight. Because that means youre going to go look for yourself, okay? What does that mean? Gene Decode 1 Quite honestly, my viewers know to have been talking about it for a week. You know, they had to watch you take the medication and watch you swallow it. And so youve got one a and me. I think I bought a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. Because now that I got these law enforcement officers coming to me privately, and I will keep everybodys identities private, you come to me, well come together. There is a new sheriff in town. Ive made all the rules. Im going to go to that article real quick before I continue down through this Intel radioactive battery that will run for 20,000 years. They put me in jail, a warning and then a strike. I always have the tomahawk on the left shoulder. i dont know its warm in here come on say hi to scott he cant see you cant see you david, 1:07:52 That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and have indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. I didnt know it was gonna go as badly as it did. Holding the fork in line in Minnesota. 36:35 Church Leader Advocating For Enslavement How do you say that? This website is ran by just me. 2.16.23 Patriot Streetfighter with Cathy O'Brien, MK Ultra Survivor & "Trance Formation Of America Bitchute 2023-02-20, 23:07 He has people in his household that exactly this militant TDs to the max. Please check the description below for more info .Our backup channel :The TNT Report 1 : Resurrection Tour is now in motion and we've been invited to bring the Patriot Streetfighter Tour into the mix with 84 stops around the nation over 4 months beginning Mid-May. The explosions guaranteed that Theres something else Im forgetting here. Its no point in me repeating the same ground because it doesnt make any sense. We have 20 million plus followers now around the world. 11:07 Now, what are we all here we went in there because of weapons of mass destruction. interjected word in there about Fauci scumbag folks. 2.17.23 Patriot Streetfighter Econ Update with Dr Kirk Elliott The oldest known fossils of pollen-laden insects are of earwig-like ground-dwellers that lived in what is now Russia about 280 million years ago, researchers report. Yeah. Thats why I continuously tell people, do your own research, you know, do your own research, and that means finding out what you need to know. And heres, heres an article. Receive Daily Banned News StoriesTHEY Don't Want You to Know! Mike ovitz I wrote the book. And and I and I basically, unfortunately, you know, she goes up and she goes in, shes she gets the pilot and theyre going, theyre going to call security and theyre going to do whatever theyre going to do. Its just what I say. Do you now and several young women off to the right when I hang up the phone said okay are you Dr. Judy? Beautiful place, unfortunately loaded with lefties. Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. This is enough. And thats it. So Im gonna put a call out there any Dallas patriots on Harley davidsons or even veterans, preferably veterans to you guys want to connect on Monday the 20th I think its Monday the 20th. Here's What People Are Buying Right Now! But um, you know, Im, Im defined by that time. And its like I think it would remain movie again. So, of course, I walked in with no mask. You have no other chances. And people talk I hear this yesterday from David had a good idea. Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter With Michael Jaco & David Nino Scott is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been involved in a number of small start up companies. You think about that? Ive heard that there is great concern or a fair amount of concern for. And, 36:59 Judy was Pennsylvania. Bruce Poppy's rumble channel to watch the livestream fundraiser we are doing. Anyways. This is bullshit. Patriot Streetfighter - Scott McKay. It was an echo chamber. We know that as djt announcement was legal and official release date of space force nuclear tactical Response Unit same technology used on operation evergreen this power system is immune to an EMP weapon. You just go down through the list of the things that have happened, that neurological disorders are going to happen from four to 14 months after people get their complete series of the shot. And then the course of the things building up to that before I said, Wait a minute. Were going to address it. We know the Dallas Buyers Club where Matthew McConaughey he got an Academy Award several decades later, where there were forcing these young men to get Oh, hepatitis vaccines, anybody in a higher risk category. Pal Bulletin is trying to build a Pro Trump community & it is our goal to add whatever the deplorables need and want to see on this website. Go to Scott I dont care whos in power republicans democrats. They called me today asked me if Id be willing to be in their documentary film of course. And if we have a strike coming our way Believe me This is the lady that could deliver one very fast because YouTube does not give her any quarter at all because she is certainly dangerous to them. You send them. Most of you know that we lost three channels over the weekend, some of you who dont know, I have a solution for everybody when this happens now. This is why coalition jsoc missions, that if you dont know jsoc, thats Joint Special Operations Command special operators. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. Most people in the freedom movement know Patriot Streetfighter, but very few know Scott McKay, the kind, gentle soul behind the boisterous persona. Whether you think it or not, if theyre just passively standing by in Washington watching it happen, guess what? 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. Camelot on Telegram. Let me know anything else. You know, I said, Yeah, you didnt target me when Im flying with Bobby Kennedy Jr, digit.