4. As we've made this decision to prosecute more and more people, these delays have grown longer and longer. Give us the quick thumbnail sketch of this one guy, in particular, Jhonny Arcentales, and how he ended up there? We understand that we're going to be punished for this." ", "EU May Suspend Nations With Secret Prisons", "No Proof of Secret C.I.A. But this isn't a wait of just a few hours or days. What I found in my reporting is that detainees, men who are moving cocaine in the Pacific Ocean. The alleged goal of the DST torturers was to extract confessions or information from detainees or to have them sign or thumbprint statements (the content of which the detainee may have no knowledge). Very often, detainees are brought to port in one of these cutters, then placed in a hidden room in a helicopter hangar or in a room below deck and hidden there for the day while the Coast Guard cutter refuels or the Coast Guard crew get a bit of a break and then are brought back out to sea. Over time, it passes. [117] In response, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Michigan) stated: "You'd have to burn every document at the CIA that has the identity of an agent on it under that theory." CONFIRMED!!! United States Coast Guard Is Operating Secret Floating Investigative journalist and TED Fellow Will Potter explains. The Guardian article is based on a forthcoming report from an NGO called Reprieve. Germany had issued warrants for 13 people suspected to be involved with the abduction but dropped them in September 2007. securities and exchange commission purpose; conservative party of canada ethics violations; hcpss staff dress code; role allocation definition sociology . [43], In Afghanistan, the prison at Bagram Air Base was initially housed in an abandoned brickmaking factory outside Kabul known as the "Salt Pit",[44] but later moved to the base some time after a young Afghan died of hypothermia after being stripped naked and left chained to a floor. [109], On October 4, 2007, The New York Times reported that, shortly after Alberto Gonzales became Attorney General in February 2005, the Justice Department issued a secret opinion which for the first time provided CIA explicit authorization to barrage terror suspects with a combination of painful physical and psychological tactics, including head-slapping, simulated drowning and frigid temperatures. Whatever. The CIA has actively avoided or impeded congressional oversight of the program. Romania claims that Mihail Kogalniceanu Airport is only used as a transfer point for CIA prisoners and not for actual detainment or interrogations. :confused: How could a wall prevent maritime insertion? In 2014, the US government declassified a US Senate Report on the CIAs Detention and Interrogation Program. "[63][140], On March 5, 2009, Bloomberg News reported that the United States Senate intelligence committee was beginning a one-year inquiry in the CIA's detention program.[141]. "[2], Black sites are widespread within China and a Chinese black site has been alleged to exist in Dubai by a former detainee. "That's a pretty good example of taking something to the darkest corner of the room and not reflective of what my agency does" Hayden told one person from a human rights organization.[27]. On November 28, 2005, EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini asserted that any EU country which had operated a secret prison would have its voting rights suspended. Two of the Italians were also convicted in person. Secret Floating Prisons - Explained | We all know prisoners are kept After an investigation by the EU Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, the EU determined that it could not find any of these prisons. [24], In a September 29, 2006, speech, Bush stated: "Once captured, Abu Zubaydah, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were taken into custody of the Central Intelligence Agency. Diego Garcia is an atoll in the Indian Ocean located around 1,600 kilometers (1,000 mi) south of India and 3,200 kilometers (2,000 mi) east of Tanzania. Reprieves research pointed to at least 17 US warships being used as secret CIA black sites. The European Parliament voted a resolution condemning member states which accepted or ignore the practice. [135], In its edition of January 8, 2006, the Swiss newspaper Sonntagsblick published a document intercepted on November 10 by the Swiss Onyx interception system (similar to the UKUSA's ECHELON system). [95] Several other articles reported the retention of ghost detainees by the CIA, alongside the other official "enemy combatants". It is only at that point that the detainees are formally arrested. [152][153], On 31 May 2018, the ECHR ruled that Romania and Lithuania also violated the rights of Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri in 20032005 and in 20052006 respectively, and Lithuania and Romania were ordered to pay 100,000 euros in damages each to Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Nashiri. Siddiqui's family maintains that she was abused at Bagram. Now, however, it seems to have gotten worse as an ad-hoc US detention system has recently been discovered floating in the Pacific Ocean in international waters as to exist outside the realm of the US justice system. Defense lawyers have challenged the practice in federal courts with no success. [7][8], CIA controlled black sites are used by the U.S. government in its War on Terror to detain enemy combatants. How many days was he out there on this ship? [106] The report, which documented the cases of three Yemeni nationals, was the first to describe the conditions in black site detention in detail. Detainees are interrogated aboard the vessels and then rendered to other, often undisclosed, locations, it is claimed. It's not always clear that the drugs are coming here and, in fact, the circuit court in California has said that the U.S. can't prosecute these cases unless they can prove that the drugs were headed to the United States that they actually intended to to show up there. secret floating prisons - Aaconstructionoflongislandinc.com [11], A European Union (EU) report adopted on February 14, 2007, by a majority of the European Parliament (382 MEPs voting in favor, 256 against and 74 abstaining) stated the CIA operated 1,245 flights and that it was not possible to contradict evidence or suggestions that secret detention centers where prisoners have been tortured were operated in Poland and Romania. How many private prisons exist in the US? The report continued to state that the site was used to interrogate Al-Qaeda suspects who had been captured in Afghanistan. Reports state that he, too, was waterboarded, in addition to being threatened with sodomy. In the case ofArcentales, the cocaine made it back to the states 44 days before he did. A number of the alleged detainees listed above were transferred to the U.S.-run Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba in the fall of 2006. Yikes! Vans from a nearby intelligence base (Stare Kiejkuty) met the aircraft, stayed for a short while and then drove off. Named airport bases include Glasgow Prestwick Airport (Scotland), Shannon & Baldonnel (Ireland), Ramstein and Frankfurt (Germany), Aviano Air Base (Italy), Palma de Mallorca Airport (Spain), Tuzla Air Base (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Skopje (North Macedonia), Athens (Greece), Larnaca (Cyprus), Prague (Czech Republic), Stockholm (Sweden), as well as Rabat (Morocco) and Algiers (Algeria). [135] The preliminary report declared that it was "highly unlikely that European governments, or at least their intelligence services, were unaware" of the CIA kidnapping of a "hundred" persons on European territory and their subsequent rendition to countries where they may be tortured. The defense for Aafia Siddiqui, who was tried in New York City, alleged that she was held and tortured in a secret US facility at Bagram for several years. ; . Are they allowed to use a proper bathroom? In 2015, The Intercept revealed aerial shots of Camp Lemonnier showing how the base, which is a crucial takeoff point for Reaper and Predator drones, has been steadily expanding. Lets see. Many Americans I speak with don't believe this could . One judge refused to dismiss a detainees indictment due to outrageous government conduct, though said he was troubled by accounts of inadequate nutrition, weight loss, lack of privacy for toilet use and lack of sufficient protection from the elements., This is not to say that such treatment of detainees is condoned by this court, said the judge. To some in France, Black Friday is "another English word, it's annoying", How a NAFTA repeal would affect Mexican business depends on who you ask. [133], The European Union (EU) as well as the Council of Europe pledged to investigate the allegations. The UK may also face liabilities over apparent violations of international treaties. On the day of registration transference, a Gulfstream V jet (number N8068V) used in the same activities, was transferred from Premier Executive Transport Services to a company called Baynard Foreign Marketing. On November 8, 2005, rights group Amnesty International provided the first comprehensive testimony from former inmates of the CIA black sites. the dramatic story of a small island nation on the other side of the world . The United States is operating "floating prisons" to house those arrested in its war on terror, according to human rights lawyers, who claim there has been an attempt to conceal the numbers and whereabouts of detainees. Wessler explained thatJhonny Arcentales, a fisherman who was paid to drive a boat South America and Central American, was caught up in one of these busts. Siemitkowski was charged with facilitating the alleged CIA detention operation in Poland, where foreign suspects may have been tortured in the context of the War on Terror. This is a practice of detention that until now hasn't really been known. In an effort to keep you from having access to cocaine, the Coast Guard is kidnapping people trying to earn a living, shackling them to the deck of a boat in the elements, barely feeding them, forcing them to defecate in buckets and sleep in their own feces, essentially torturing them for months, until they get back to the US. Wilkerson stated that this was done by the CIA in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. The men were required to clean out the buckets themselves. On December 28, 2006, the BBC reported that during 2003, a well-known CIA Gulfstream V aircraft implicated in extraordinary renditions, N379P, had on several occasions landed at the Polish airbase of Szymany. He was picked up in September of 2014. [61] The Temara interrogation centre, 8 kilometres (5mi) outside the Moroccan capital, Rabat, is cited as one such site. Black site - Wikipedia Among those ships was the USS Ashland, a Whidbey Islandclass dock landing ship that weighs 16,000 tons and measures 186 meters (610 ft) in length.