The parent/child dynamic in this couple means that one of them takes on the role of caregiver, while the other takes on the role of child. The inner bravery is really what its about. DC, and today is the birthday of my Ex. With the composite Sun in Libra, the natural sign of one-on one-relating, the vitality of this connection is heartily fed by building a relationship on the principles and logic of fairness, harmony, beauty, and mutual respect. A combination between two esoteric aspects might also work, such as: Sun septile Moon, Sun novile Moon. Really though, its all set up for comfort. It is important so keep humor, respect, and boundaries very active in this relationship in order to make a safe place for such revelations. There may be a secretive quality to your relationship. They are similar to Composite Ascendant Taurus couples in their enjoyment of comfort, home, and consistency. There may be some dramatic arguments with some passionate making up if the essence of courage remains. a few years of astrological studies but I learn fast, and can't wait to learn more! For the most part, the Sun conjunct Mercury is a mildly positive aspect in synastry. They value familiarity and comfort, so they will become less insecure over time. They may be brought back from the brink many times in many waysthere may be outer influences on the partnership, there may be challenges to financial stability, there may be profound psychological changes in store for one or both parties. Composite Grand Trines: A Relationship Gift With an Edge, Your Sun/Moon Midpoint: The Key To Your Relationships. Unlike synastry, which looks at both peoples charts together and tells you the different aspects between people, composite charts look at therelationship chart. This is a relationship that is full of passion and intensity, and these two individuals may have been brought together by their sexual side. With Composite Ascendant in Sagittarius, the couple may find themselves at odds with daily existence. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Composite Ascendant Cancer couples are reactive, but unlike Composite Ascendant Aries couples, their reactions are not angry, but are rather emotional. Amazing fun! They might play music with the TV on at the same time. This is a very forceful and driven relationship, which is great. The Sun is also consolidating energy, as anyone who has seen it work in transits and progressions can testify. Some examples in TV and media of Composite Ascendant Aries relationships are. Im not just talking about if your brother, children, or best friend will remember you when youre gone. The Sun is the center, and includes the whole of potential. Make it a picnic if not an international excursion. The evolving I, the one that evokes and embraces change, is represented by the progressed Ascendant as it moves through time. They should travel far and wide and make friends with people who speak other languages. These couples bring out the artistic sides of each other, and are compassionate and caring towards each other. There may be challenges that come from sharing their value system with others who may not agree with them or understand them. This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. When they hurt each other. chiron conjunct the descendant: The Descendant is one of my most favorite things to talk about when it comes to Astrology, mostly because there is just so much to unpack. If you are having a relationship issue and you go to a person who is in a Composite Ascendant Leo relationship, they may respond like well I dont know, inmy relationship we dont have that issue. It is important that to have healthy relationships outside of their romantic one, the Composite Ascendant Leo couple tempers their pride in their own relationship. They are the kind of couple who will scream at each other on the street one moment, and then be making out behind the dumpster the next. The sun in our maps also represents all the authorities, father, wife, and . This couple makes great listeners, and enhances each others helping skills. This is the fun couple who may be together just for the sake of having a good time. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Kindness and good humor dominate the energies of this relationship. Or this may be a relationship that works primarily on the intellectual plane, where the exchange of ideas is the utmost priority. Both people in a Composite Ascendant Aquarius relationship are individuals, and they pride themselves on being so. With Composite Ascendant in Aquarius, your relationship may not come off to the world as one thatworks, and people may struggle to see why you are together. sun conjunct descendant composite. Many people are wary of the Twelfth Housethe infamous House of Self-Undoing in old astrology. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, choosing a selection results in a full page refresh, press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. They may leave others out, brag about their own relationship, and can often talk over people or make inside jokes around others. They will certainly have disagreements and should be sure to not let things be off for too long. They usually portray a united front to others and are very clear about where they are going as a team. If the relationship is a mature one, the individuals involved can learn much from each other. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects The rose colored glasses in the Composite Ascendant in Pisces couple. The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is a combination brimming with energy. These are not romantic involvements at all, but a good friend for a long time 23 years, a boss for a long time 15 years. There is an insecurity that comes with this restlessness, as neither person may ever feel completely secure in the other persons desire to truly be with them. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. The brightness of your personality gives you a commanding presence. The planet of love meets the house of joy, creativity, play, and children. Will you leave a greater reputation or Read more, So, the strong willed meets the intellectually minded, sounds all good, right? This aspect suggests you like being around others and being sociable and well-liked. Synastry:MoonMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The Tenth House represents our status in the world, and with composite Sun there we are very happy being seen as a couple, and willing to take our place as leaders in the community. Captivated by each minor aspect to each minor point in the chart, we often dont spend as much time as we should interpreting the lights and their function in the chart. They enjoy a balanced and harmonious relationship, which means that layers below the surface may be many unaddressed issues. Composite Ascendant Taurus couples likely have means to do very outstanding and adventurous things, as they work hard and likely have a lot of money saved up. Aspects to Juno can be past life indicators in synastry, mostly on a romantic level. If the Sun is right on the M.C., these couples may be prominent in their society or in their field. The composite Sun tells us what the relationship needs in order to stay alive and thrive. The house will show the area of life experience this force is most readily expressed in, but the essence will not change. However, they may focus solely on just getting it right as a couple and defining their lives for themselves. These two are powerful triggers for each other. They might enjoy playing Pictionary or charades together or with friends. When the Sun conjuncts the Descendant in synastry, the attraction is fascinating. Troubles come when perfectionism makes walking the talk impossible. It is highly variable, however, and can be negative in some circumstances. Heather Locklear 035, Bruce Willis 038, King George IV of the UK 044, Chelsea Handler 045, Julian Clary 123, Vivien Leigh 133 Stacy Keach 135, Willem Dafoe 147, Peter Jackson 201, Alan Page 219, Patty Hearst 219, Mark Spitz 223, Mel Gibson 229, Duke William of Cambridge 235. Yes, please. The Twelfth House governs places of seclusion and introspection: hospitals, prisons, monasteries. The Sun illuminates the conscious mind, and the Moon the unconscious. It may seem that any interaction between one person and anything in the outside world may be taken as a personal insult to the other person. You actually need a companion to make you feel complete. With Neptune ruling the ascendant, these couples are dynamic, adaptive, and mystical in the way they interact with each other. Composite Ascendant Aries couples come off as very vibrant, very warm, and very bold. Most of all, they will be asked to walk their talk as far as their beliefs are concerned. Warm bread with butter. Perhaps they live in on a boat! Synastry:Mercury-PlutoAspects That you have twins ,and that they had/ have an immediate companion was destined. When we have a Twelfth House emphasis, and particularly when the Sun is there, there is something that needs to be fixed, adjusted. It must be 2-3 degrees, tops, in my experience. These two people see and expect the best in each other, and have a way of bringing it out in each other. This can lead to rather moody reactions between the two people, and often a sulky environment that leads to more issues in the future. Trines are lucky charms in a synastry or a chart as they bring positive energy and light. the husband's Vertex conjunct . Additionally, if these two people are able to emotionally support each other and open up to each other through the chaos that is life, their relationship will strengthen. There are no nuances, no secrets. Whether your interactions are harmonious or challenging you will learn more about yourself and will benefit in the long run. It simply means that there will be at least ONE thing about the relationship that is and NEEDS to be unconventional as far as what the normie world thinks a relationship needs to be and look like. They may have a tendency to inflate the importance of their relationship, and may make others feel insecure about their own in the process, although they may not intend to do this. Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts This aspect could be as promising as the happy ever after we find in fairy tales. Their instinctive responses to each other come from their emotional bodies, and they may seem very attached and secluded from the world. The composite chart has a vertex as well. They must learn to be more trusting and more accepting of each others individuality if they want the relationship to work. These are the couples who may lose themselves in the throes of partnership, and then find out that they are not who they thought they were. This will include all one-to-one interactions. Composite Ascendant Aries couples are very confident in their relationship, and very bold about what they are and what they are not. The Moon is readily defined, though she has her hidden meanings. The Twelfth House couple may be more inclined to turn to spirituality than either partner would have done so alone. In the composite chart, the chart of the relationship as its own being, the Sun represents the vital essence of the relationship. It is romantic to idealize each other, but ultimately everyone wants and needs to be loved and cherished for who and what they really are. When I think of what the home of a couple with composite Taurus Sun, I often think of a hobbit house nestled into the earth. However, at least one major aspect between Sun/Moon and Venus/Mars is of great importance, even if we don't have a DW. Answer (1 of 3): This is one of the asteroids that does not have much importance in an individual birth chart because of its long orbit of around 123 years. With Composite ascendant in Virgo, they need to be careful not to be too anxious or nervous around each other or in new environments, because this can take away from the beautiful service that they can do together as a couple.