There will defo be issues and concerns regarding faithlessness, as Gemini males are often butterflies flitting from flower to flower chasing that honey, lol!!! I used to dream about them a lot. However, I have a group of planets that fall my husbands twelfth house and hes had no complaint with it. It's as if nither of us are ready to let go fully. The moon represents our instincts, our moods, our feelings and emotional responses along with how we nurture, feel nurtured, the wo North and South node connections in synastry are very powerful and often fated. Venus in 12th House Synastry - Astrology School On top of this, his Pluto is either square or conjunction my NN, Im pretty sure its the square. I know exactly what you mean and boy is it hard to wrap your head around 12th house connections, there are other worldly and they leave a deep impression that is hard to shake off. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, romance, values, and finances. It could be due to different things.. like the planet person is insecure/shy/doesn't wanna show their love in an open way, or just that the house person doesn't "get" the planet person's way of loving. The Venus would be read as being in your first house since the conjunction is so close to your Ascendant. Often taking hour long walks around town/woods just the two of us, talking endlessly.I just see ALL this Neptunian energy and wonder if there is even a point of pursuing him that way rather than just staying really, really good friends. what a selfish!so far i have involved in guys where my venus lied in their twelve house, it was love but felt like hidden agenda, holly crap! I am very partnered elsewhere in my life but looked up his chart because he feels like family or someone i knew in a past life or something. In fact, I was his spiritual company for more than the twenty years we spent apart. A recent look at someone else's synastry made me question this placement. As you said, these people were my ideal. he still talks with a kind voice which i hate of being him a hypocrite.what does the whole thing means? When wondering around in someones 12th or they in yours? The only thing is boundaries, extremely psychic and and very empathetic which makes it very hard to set boundaries with a double whammy especially involving Neptune or the 12th house. Weekend Love Forecast Leo Moon Mood With Some Dramatic STYLE, Full Moon in Virgo: March 7, 2023 Mutable T-Square Distractions, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. I am an independent person and this is killing me emotionally, physically and psychologically! If he has Moon/Cancer, just know that you are dealing with an emotional and sensitive soul, which of course will make him insecure in his dealings with you. When I think about it, it makes me sad we aren't together. I wonder what the key is to making these unusual relationships work.., Feeling an intense attraction but beyond the physical, even that he was the personification for what I find attractive in the opposite sex. Sadly, I was the house person and hopelessly in love, while the Venus person would not admit their feelings even though we both knew they did feel for me, just like I felt for them.. Actually, the guy told me "I love you, *insert my name here*" while we were in class, but we barely knew each other and I didn't know if he was being serious.. later on he denied it said it was a joke (but it wasn't). Its like the subconscious need to help him grow as a person. Or someone is misleading someone (deliberately or otherwise). I really have no idea whats going on but we have crazy placements, if anyone wants to discuss further please let me know!! During the night I could feel his eyes, some times resting on me. One thing for sure, 12th house relationships are Karmic. In synastry, composite, transits, solar returns.always the bringing the worst. Venus in the Houses in Synastry. I'm not about mind-games or double messages or emotional landmines waiting in the trenches. I feel I cannot even hide from him. The Venus conjunct Juno synastry aspect is a frequent aspect in the charts of couples, and so is Juno trine Venus in synastry. The moment we talked I felt like I knew him since always, and when started shring some details it was like we had the same growing up, same ambitions (my Sun is in Aries, his in Capricorn). Pluto in your partners 1st This placement can be very powerful between two people that are attracted to each other in a love relat Jupiter in synastry represents where we will inspire, encourage and instill faith in our partners, and even addthem luck. I understand this. The love for this man has boosted my spiritual development, mainly though an infinite suffering that has no end Our feelings are mutual (my Venus tightly conjunct his Neptune that can mean that I also boost his spiritual development), but for some karmic reasons we cannot be together. I feel like we are very secretive together though like we are very codependent on one another and thats really it far .. Please also note that having Venus in the 12th means very little without a lot of context. Yes I do think that it's a possibility with his Neptune in your 12th its a very intuitive and psychic connection. Ya, I think we both feel a very strange draw to the other. Now i know why. I think anyway 12th house is involved. or I fail? Would he feel my NN in his 12th and if so in what way? Never felt this way in my life. However, I still cannot get him out of my headlike there is no better man out there. Leave no traces where you can be found, as these BAD 12th-Housers seem to be emotional vampires, and thus really get off on feeding off of YOU, your fears and trepidation. His Venus squares my Vertex. Thinking this would help. Questions like "Why do I feel so attracted to this person?" seems to come to mind when they are in each other's presence. Idk if its cause its cancer in that house or my super exhausted Jupiter giving me a savior complex but its kinda like familial love like no matter what he always has a place in my heart. The element of secrecy makes their relationship intense and glamorous. Neptune idealizes, and makes everything much more beautiful it rules feelings of ecstacy, perfection and the feelings of soulmates but he's a tricky fella once we fall from the high, it's hard to get over.It's not usually til much later we want to slap ourselves when the Neptune fog clears and reality set's in. Relationships that take place here( 2 or more planets in this house) offer a great deal of healing, self undoing, and even unconditional love but it's not easy to navigate. I'm very new here so read at your own risk! but initially he said so many kind words to me. I think that aspect makes you see what you want to see in the other person, but not what is actually there. I've also found when we fought and were out of touch, I could feel how upset and rattled he was when he couldn't reach me. 12th house is not the greatest for expression i am afraid. One who never had to deal with neptune before would have it very difficult to submerge themselves past the toes dipping. Venus in 10th House Personality Traits | Ryan Hart I think what really happens is too much is shared to quickly, many secrets, and hidden parts of oneself and why things often get complicated. All 12th House relationships are not bad; mine was. All of the guys whom I'm involved above have stellium especially benefic planets in my 12th house. the Venus person is allured into the partner's magical 12th house and held a dear captive there, but in NO way the Venus person would admit (willingly) that they have such strong feelings of love and adoration for the 12th house person. iRecently i have met a guy in my office whose north node conjuct my 12th house where is my moon and mars. Double whammies. Right up to this year I have still been battling my feelings in re: to the guy I was totally swept away by. In synastry, when someone's Venus is in your 2nd House, this person is a supportive influence for you. And that he doesn't know what is good for him. Oh yes i read about that but hes not like that at all. Its been a year since we last saw each other and 5 months since we last spoke. Hi Aida! Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 He told me he loved me so many times and then took it back, and he told me there are things he needs to work through. His Venus and Jupiter fall in my 9th house. Uck. ouch ouch! An Unaspected Venus in synastry has a different slant. He has trouble verbalizing his feelings but he said he's always been like that. It's like the cuddling is saved for when the other really needs it. Its surprising how much love I have for him but it all seems so complicated in his head/heart that I choose not to act on my feelings and just let time do its job. The Venus would be read as being in your first house since the conjunction is so close to your Ascendant. This is the area of life devoted to spirituality, imagination, confining institutions, and secret enemies, the hidden side of life; in synastry, the impact of one person's planets on another's 12th House indicates the manner in which they affect their spiritual experience and either promote or retard the other's own self-undoing. Does this mean that the love is just hidden, or doesn't really exsist at all and it's all in my imagination? I guess the best way I can describe it is as if it's partially a dream. He brings my daughter candy and buys her ice cream and toys. It was a relationship that brought up many subconscious issues for both, but also very intimate, we shared a lot of stuff wed never shared with anyone before. However, I am sorry for your pain, and I guess the upside is you don't need to be deceived anymore the truth is out. I'm sorry it didn't end as you wanted, Douxie. For instance, my Sun and Venus land in the 12th house of my ex/long term best friend. I didnt want to talk about it untill he would be back home. It just went down a long and winding road until it got out of control. Hi, Heather. It's as if its a fairytale, make belive love and Im in a dream. Venus in the 12th House of Synastry | Astrologers' Community He always wants to make sure im not hungry and that i have money on me. I can relate to almost all you've been saying. Venus in Twelfth House Natal Meaning in Astrology - Astrology The Ascendant person feels an unconditional love when the other one is around. He seem to know all about me even i don't tell or exposed my darkest psyche to him. I feel like I know this person really well but maybe this relationship is build on misunderstandings and confusion? One is Taurus and the other is Libra. Posts: 1873From: GeorgiaRegistered: May 2009. there are two people who have venus in my 12th i just adore. No way, jose. I just recently met someone by accident online (a learning site.) Sign up here! I had a very strong, sexy, DARK, dangerous and tumoultous tete-a-tete with a Sun/Gem Moon/Sag guy which put my Venus/Sag SMACK in his 12th House! Being with your spouse causes you to become more reflective and thoughtful. When we met I felt like I had seen him before..we started talking online then decided to meet. 12th house synastry is way too murky for me to tangle with. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. We have other aspects in synastry that are more positive, but the Mars issues come up a lot. Venus in 12th House Synastry Overlay If your Venus is in your partner's 12th house of a synastry overlay, you find yourself deeply moved in strange ways by the house person. I have not experienced personal planets in particular Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars as being all that great placed inside the 12th house. Boy did WE clash, but seemingly there were no 12th House synastries between us. Spirtual, Telepathic, Emotionally, Karmic, & Soulful. Although much of the time we find out it's ourself. If the person is a good person they can point out our weaknesses and bring them to light so we can move forward with the knowledge that they have to help us be more aware of our unconscious behaviors. Venus determines the way you approach relationships, romance, and love. When we are having a nightmare we have to face immense fears. He also has his natal Sun, Venus and Mercury in his 12th house. Hes not cold at all. Sun conjunct saturnSun conjunct venusSun conjunct mercury (double whammy)Sun conjunct sun, ------------------Gemini sun 12thCancer asc 1stTaurus moon 11thTaurus venus 11thLibra mars 3rdGemini mercury 11th, Copyright 2000-2013 Once around, up and down was TOO much for that villian! Him: Cancer sun/moon, Libra rising, Gemini Venus Me: Libra sun, leo moon, Gemini rising , Scorpio Venus. Some are evil and just want to get in your pants. Now i understand the mystery of the house that touch our soul. He never forgot and it almost feels like he is watching me closely on social media. I kept believing he felt the same as I did, but that for this reason he couldnt give into it. I made our synastry. But what made it all so compelling, is that I REMEMBERED HIM FROM TWO PAST LIVES when we were mates!! I also was getting crazy muscle twitches. It's not of this world, it's spiritual and . Specific to you, the overlay situation might have some play here, but my guess is that theres more to this story. A example of how the hidden fears thing of this house works is that we often will have a bad dream about something we are afraid of happening or suppressed anger, and and fear can bring us nightmares. As somebody with a 10th house stellium, including Mars, Moon, & Venus with Aries on the midheaven-if somebody fails to openly display their feelings for me, I'm gone. Long time away for me. I was more into him from the very beginning I went after HIM and found out that he really resented it. My Jupiter falls into this man, I no longer with but had a deep connection. We have our suns, moons, venus and mars all the same sign and his neptune falls into my 12th house. And also a lot of Saturn and Neptune going on. Hi,this is illuminating reading for me :)Recently one man has very special influence on me and his Sun, Mars, Moon and Mercury (although Mercury is very close to my Asc) fall in my 12th house.He just gets me like no one does, or ever did. I dont feel he doesnt love me enough. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want, Predicting Violence In Relationship: Mars in Synastry. because it hurts to know this about yourself, or just accept it. What do you think? Venus in the 12 th House The Venus person functions in a manner that increases the House person's self-confidence. Unrequited Love in the Charts - My Christian Psychic Any planet in the 12th house is aiming for something beyond its grasp. they have told me the of them told me his feelings too late after i was already in a relationship and i met the other while i was in the same one. He might love you but in his own way. Venus-Uranus in Synastry May 10, 2013 astrologyplace Those with Venus conjunct, square, or opposite Uranus in Synastry create exciting sparks in relationships. Sadly, I was the house person and hopelessly in love, while the Venus person would not admit their feelings even though we both knew they did feel for me, just like I felt for them.. Actually, the guy told me "I love you, *insert my name here*" while we were in class, but we barely knew each other and I didn't know if he was being serious.. later on he denied it said it was a joke (but it wasn't). It's amazing. The 12th house is mysterious, magical, elusive, highly psychic, spiritual, and the most interesting thing about it in synastry is that relationships with planets here tend to function mostly on a unconscious level, and even a whole other world entirely. I attracted those people in my relationship. Am thankful that noting bad occurred from him, but there was the feeling that he could and would hurt me. It is a great placement in synastry, of course depending on other aspects to the degree. Such as unconditonal love, romance, spirituality, and discovering each others gifts and talents and putting them to use. Also VenusianMoon, the outside person (your boyfriend?) To me and my daughter since we both dont have our dads. i did not have any dreams of them. Lol. I'm not all that great with articulating stuff that's not of this world. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 Posts: 15From: united statesRegistered: Jun 2013. More so after 15 years. I would also like to know more about 12th house synastry, as I have my venus, mars and jupiter in someone's 12th house (he has no planets in there). The twelfth house by its nature is diffuse and undefined. Powered by Infopop 2000 In other words he wanted us to remain in a hidden while he is married and has political career. It's not of this world, it's spiritual and I don't mean you go to church together spiritual but it's certainly possible. You could have an unwavering affection for this individual. Required fields are marked *. Venus in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House