Since it is such a powerful marketing tool, you are going to want to spend enough time on it to make it fantastic and ensure that it projects exactly the image of you that you want. Personal Branding is the process of establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. I consider myself to be driven because I'm always working toward a new goal and refuse to give up if met with any obstacles. By pointing out the different languages that he uses at work, he shows that he is a team player and someone that enjoys collaborating with other teams and departments. The Importance of Branding Words. "Innovation is in my bloodI seek to find ways to adapt when needed and disrupt when possible. If they also used similar words to describe your freelance personal brand, then you're already on the right track. A strong personal brand can open up doors to speaking engagements, job interviews, promotions, client relationships, and overall business success. It will give you a clear vision of "where your going." For example, do you sell products based on the lowest price, or are you an exclusive dealer. You see, this query is a great way to define your brand. In most cases you will find consistency from your feedback providers. Another example might be: Bruce is an analytical, intelligent, and collaborative CEO who is dedicated to helping millennials have fun through expanding affordable gyms in the US. It must only be 3 exactly. I explained my philosophy in one simple word, my coaching makes an impact. Be sure to take note of those too and choose words are a great fit for your brand and your business. Cheers, and thanks! When it comes to personal branding, there are certain words that can make all the difference. Check out these personal branding examples to see how other people pull this off successfully! Sage Alliance, a Leadership Performance Company, provides coaching, team-building and assessments, workshops and speaking on topics including; leadership development, empowering teams, communications, lasting impressions, personal branding and building a coaching culture for executives and high-potentials for both team and individual leaders. Personal brand words are the words that you would use to describe yourself, your work, and your personal brand. Your personal brand is one of your most important career development assets. Consider these brand words that describe your expertise. describe you and what would they say about your best work traits? Your personal brand should highlight your strengths, establish a reputation, build trust, and communicate the unique attributes that you bring to your current (or desired) industry. Highlight something that demonstrates your unique, and likable qualities. Additional words include versatile, resourceful and adaptable. People often confuse products with things like logos, slogans, or other visible marks, which are marketing tools that helps to promote goods and services. Your statement is a distinctive part of your personal brand that is unique to you. Im The Mary Poppins of CX/UX. With more and more people developing their personal brand statements, some common trends are starting to emerge. I am motivated by a desire to help and empower others. Im a modern, fearless, digitally-driven and globally savvy brand / business leader with over 15 years of experience representing two of the most exciting, influential consumer brands in the world. Your values and goals change over time, so it makes sense that your personal brand statement would as well. So, perceive how your brand influences your customers' life and create a special effect. 7. Elizabeth Morgans personal branding statement speaks to her passion for HR and the time that she put into developing relationships on LinkedIn. Taking your personal brand statement and making it easily found will help share what youre all about, even if someone doesnt have a lot of time to look at your profile. Intelligent. Some rules: Each cannot exceed 3 words. While it may seem limiting to describe yourself in 5 words, It might be a good idea to speak with a personal branding consultant to get the balance right. Helping sales, marketing, and recruiting teams find new leads. You might even want to speak with a personal branding consultant to strike the right balance. While this doesnt describe what I do, it describes where I add value. The most powerful words in your profile are your descriptors. Activity 1.2 What factors affect your attitude toward educational success? Odds are, you probably are one yourself. For more information, visit:, How to write a personal brand statement that actually works. The statement of your brand should be something that others can remember easily since you need to be able to use it whenever a networking opportunity arises (baseball game, elevator, social function, etc). It will make you memorable, and help your end goal tremendously. While you wont have that challenge, you should be inspired by his precision. Aaron Ward. Thanks James, I will look into the connection further. and true to yourself so that your personal brand is the real you. Hard-working 2. Active Adventurous Ambitious Approachable Bohemian Bold Brave Bright Bubbly Calm Candid Carefree Casual Charming Cheerful Classic Collaborative Colorful Cool Cozy Crafty Cultured Daring Delicate Down to Earth Dynamic Edgy Elegant Fearless Fun Deciding on 3-5 meaningful adjectives to characterize your brand can help you discover your ideal audience, your overall messaging, tone of voice, and your brands visuals. You can use self-praise on your portfolio website, resume, and LinkedIn profile, but it might look tacky or insincere. brand, one of the first pieces of information I seek to extract from them Simple because I love easy, light and airy outfits; timeless because I can wear the same style 10-20yrs from now and relatable because anyone at any age can be comfortable wearing my style. Use those personal brand words to start crafting your own brand. to be resourceful Frankly, it can make all the difference in short-term job searches as well. I also invite you to join our LinkedIn group, "Personal Brand Development for Leaders" so you can learn and share with others in our community. Troy Sandidge takes personal branding to another level by actually trademarking his own brand alias The Strategy Hacker! Glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for sharing your post with our readers to add more suggestions. 60 adjectives to help describe your brand's personality Home About Services Portfolio The Brand Room shop Freebies VIP Design Days membership Blog Testimonials Contact More Intuitive, story-driven graphic design and brand strategy Upscale your business + reach more customers with a luxurious, thoughtful brand identity. 3. This is crazy specific, but you could find all the people that match the following: Want to help contribute to future articles? The. Use personal brand adjectives sparingly and in. List everything that you love about the work you're doing, and make another list about all of the things you'd prefer not to be doing. They have to think analytically when it comes the legal framework, but also balance business strategy and organizational impact when making decisions. I specialize in making the branding process personal. speak volumes about you as a leader, professional, and individual when it comes Your personal brand is one of your most important assets for your long-term career development. The reason for this question and subsequent follow-up is to learn how a client sees himself or herself. Goal - oriented What steps are necessary to make your desired personal brand a reality? Darrell Franklins personal branding statement makes it clear that innovation an important skill for his role is a core part of his DNA. Try telling it to a friend or significant other one time and see if he or she can easily recall the entire sentence. You can practice this easily. 3. This may seem a little bit too simple, but when you are trying to find some quality or skill that only you and a few other people have it really helps a lot. Get the 9 secrets of job hunting with a humanities degree (free), PLUS a new career strategy delivered to your inbox once per week (3-minute read). shun away from using your integrity for short-term financial gain? Dont say youre the best or a leader in the field of unless you actually are. The goal here is to find one or two things that separate you from your competition and make you unique. What words come to mind when you think of a stylish person? Since you are adaptable and versatile in any environment, being meticulous shows a flair for paying attention to detail and using critical thinking skills in analyzing complex technical issues while also jumping in with creativity when the situation calls for it. From there you can start thinking about your portfolio site, how to revamp your resume, and the points you want to communicate in interviews. the time to achieve a clients goals or needs? Hi Shelley, Thank you for sharing these wonderful insights. For the past 15+ years, I have been . Theyre wrong you have way less than 30 seconds to make your first impression on a hiring manager, prospective client, or somebody you meet at a networking event. When people interact with my content, products, and services, I want them to feel ______. However, after polling several well-educated young professionals about their personal brand statement, we realized that there are still many individuals who dont understand how to use it to benefit their career and brand. A personal brand statement will not help you much if you are not telling people what it is. It can be hard to know where to start with your personal brand. Plus, these qualities are always attractive in a professional setting. Feeling something else? Beyond her work experience and interests though, she shares some of her hobbies and interests, which helps show off her positive personality. If you aren't getting the callbacks you'd hoped for, then this is for you (and it's free). Small confession: I spent almost a YEAR trying to get a job with a history degree as a recent graduate. For example, take a look at this person who calls themselves an influencer of change.. When things are wrapping up, give them your contact information and part ways. Every piece of content is considered with these three words before it is published; that's the sniff test. Your story is your brand. It's about content that's useful, helpful, and relevant to patients. Thats simple, succinct, and its enough of a teaser to get a response like: Wow, tell me how you do that. Thats your invitation to elaborate on your 30-second elevator pitch. After all, recruiters are pressed for time. and even prospective clients. Thats the long and short of it. This doesnt mean you shouldnt make yourself available, just dont go crazy with it. This button displays the currently selected search type. Everyone has such descriptive words. Its what ensures your results are that much, You know plenty of brand evangelists. Picture Credits: Nike. At the core of his personal brand is a beautiful portfolio website, made in Webflow. This will help set you apart from all the other people who offer similar services or operate in the same industry. describe yourself both professionally and personally. This represents your point of differentiation. And he throws in a Star Wars reference that both shows off his sense of humor and appeals to his audience. Dial-in your brief personal brand statement that you want to present so you can recite it on autopilot. But if not, determine what resonates with you the most or ask your feedback providers to rank the list in order of priority of what comes to mind when they think of you. Creating a three-word brand that works for you in your future job and is recognizable will add to your credibility with a potential employer. Using descriptive words for your personal brand can come across as inauthentic and self-serving, so you need to use them sparingly. :). The following 6 steps will help increase your self-awareness, define the competencies you need, and strengthen your personal leadership brand. The words in this category focus on skills and abilities, how the individual does his or her job well. Bethany, great article! Consider This can help you guide your answer to one that is relevant to the job while still being true to yourself. Denise Duffield-Thomas is another example of exceptional personal branding. We hope that the tips and personal brand statement examples we included will help you craft one that you are proud of. Its often a subtle distinction that a lot of people overlook. So what kind of personal brand words should you use to describe yourself? these 5 words describe you both professionally and personally. Id love to hear from you! Dont get caught up in thinking if you didnt pick a word that falls into a particular category you dont possess these qualities, e.g. But even more than that I seek to inspire and lift people and processes up. Once you've established the initial elements of your personal brand be proactive and start asking for feedback. By honing in on these areas, you can start to build a strong personal brand that will serve you well both professionally and personally. Think of your clothing, hair/makeup and accessories as your 'packaging'. . Use the personal branding statement examples below for inspiration when coming up with your own. LeadFuze aggregates the world's professional data and the companies they work for, to give you an easy way to build the most targeted, and accurate list of leads imaginable. Can you be counted on to do the right thing? Even after youve decided on a statement, it is a good idea to check with a friend to make sure that your idea of yourself matches what others think of you. A personal brand statement is 1-3 sentences that explain what you do and why you are unique in your field. On the web, you have much more control over perceptions because people will judge you solely based on what's . individual can include a focus on being creative in tackling new projects, considering Having a professional philosophy and a solid professional track record are more effective than calling yourself results-oriented or something similarly canned. As a product manager I have to wear different hats every day and I excel at working cross-functionally. What adjectives would you use to describe your business? Coming on too strong, too fast is something that many people do. And you should use it there, in your email signature, in your blog postings or comments, as your LinkedIn Professional Headline, and anywhere else where its appropriate to promote yourself. Unambiguous. dishonest. Im dedicated to transforming companies, departments, teams, projects, products, services, and experiences by focusing on the full arc of the Customer Experience.. encountered a situation where you have had to work with a difficult That's your invitation to elaborate on your 30-second elevator pitch. As you know by now, your personal brand statement is not something you create once and then forget about. Required fields are marked *. business. . . Deciding on 3-5 meaningful adjectives to characterize your brand can help you discover how to connect with your ideal audience, your overall messaging, tone of voice, and . Feeling inspired by those personal brand statement examples? Follow these steps to prepare for when employers say 'Describe yourself in three words': 1. This simple yet very meaningful exercise should assist in defining the company name, the brand identity design as well as the brand atmosphere. Take your values and goals and wear them on your sleeve (or your personal brand statement). Put Your Personal Brand Into Practice 8. Consider if you have the ability to roll with the punches as well as step up to the plate when the company or leadership teams are faced with tough challenges (i.e. What I mean by this is what people uniquely think of when they think of you. function load(e){var t=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=document.createElement("link");return n.type="text/css",n.rel="stylesheet",n.href=e,t.appendChild(n),n}load('//'); Everybody tells you that you have to have an effective 30-second elevator pitch.. If youve ever cringed a little at someones LinkedIn profile then you know what Im talking about. Understanding means fewer mistakes, and mistakes can be very costly.. Andrea Perez uses powerful adjectives to describe who she is and her valuable experience as a consumer marketer. Madalyn Sklar shows the value of specificity infused with individuality in a personal branding statement. A la mode means "in style" or "trendy". Your brand personality is essentially how you speak to your people across your different platforms and media, and having some core traits is helpful for you to always refer back to. As we just covered, a personal brand statement is a concise way of letting other people know what you do and why youre different and are usually no more than two sentences. Meticulous and adaptable go hand-in-hand and are two great words to describe yourself. The characteristics of a resourceful 1. Personal brand statements are brief statements that summarize what you do, why you do it and what differentiates you from others in your field. Good luck with your job hunting! Shelley, until recently when I was working with a fantastic HR person (who taught me so much with her incredible skills), had I ever considered a personal brand. Then I figured out why. This is especially helpful for recent graduates who need a professional edge in lieu of "years of experience." With that in mind, consider describing yourself with words that correlate to these four aspects to help . Knowing how you want to present yourself to the world is just the beginning; what comes next is the hard part. After I spent hundreds of hours networking on my LinkedIn, I was sourced by a Google recruiter and now sit on their staffing team. Match your answer with the job description of the job you're applying for. Protected. Instead, this means this is not the singular focus of how you want to be known. Youre a builder of communities with your weekly newsletter, really? Sharing this info is very impactful!! The process for identifying your ONE word is just as important as your actual ONE word. BrandYourself Blog | ORM and Personal Branding. Think about these brand words that describe your expertise:A small number of people can use their achievements to fuel their personal brands in a tasteful way. "I develop sustainable business models and marketing strategies to fuel small business growth.". Its always good to keep learning! That's simple, succinct, and it's enough of a teaser to get a response like: "Wow, tell me how you do that.". As an individual, you have values and virtues, just as organizations do. You can also use words like proven and seasoned to show that you have the experience to back up your claims. Then, look at the job description again and think of which words best relate to it. Personal branding builds your reputation. Ensure that the words you choose are genuine and reflect yourself accurately. A lot of companies value having employees that will act as brand advocates and will choose applicants with stronger networks and online presence because of that. For example:I help high net-worth entrepreneurs strategically invest so they can spend more time doing what they love and less time worrying about their money. When people describe their brand, they typically identify a word that falls into one of these three categories: Under Expertise, descriptors used include competent, talented, productive and . As a solopreneur and owner of, career; life lessons; performance; personal growth. also lean in on the personal growth you have achieved by being collaborative. Try EveryoneSocial's employee advocacy platform for FREE. Your answers to these questions (and the ones below) will be the steering wheel that drives your personal branding campaign. ethics but could advance someone elses interests. Your Personal Success Profile seems very interesting and something I would ask that you expend upon if have time. This resource gives you 175 of the most impactful marketing words (good and bad), organized into ten categories for easy reading. I work with creative women who have a . It's called The Power of Three. co-worker or a difficult client and how you have handled it professionally. It sums up your experience, your skills, and your passion so that people can easily understand who you are and what you offer. Brand adjectives are the words you choose to describe your brand's visual identity. Make 2 lists. During a recent keynote talk on leader communication, I asked the audience to write down three adjectives that others would use to describe them. I build communities and evangelize for the things I believe in. Lastly we have a good example of how to use descriptive personal brand words. personal brand is one of your most important assets. What makes Chriss statement stand out is the scale he cares about and his focus on inclusivity by expanding the scope of his business to the world. Successful branding involves just three steps: Identify your Brand Attributes: Identify what makes you different from your peers and competitors. The answer to this question helps us cut through the clutter. When I talk to my ideal people, I want my tone of voice to be _________. Every great brand has a story, from Converse Shoes to Marilyn Monroe to cartoonist Hugh MacLeod. When you meet somebody for the first time, you dont want to drone on and on without them showing interest. I recently started with a new coaching client who stated he wanted to gain real-life best practices and achieve tangible results through our coaching. The responses in this category for the large part had to do with a high level of integrity or character. Positive 4 . Your Expertise Your Personal Brand. Personal brand words cant replace your strategic message, First it is important to understand that you want to convey powerful. Here are some adjectives/characteristics to get you started on crafting your brand personality. Hopefully, with a good sentence, an employer will want to know about you. Synonyms: aristocratic, patrician, high-born . It can make a significant difference in short-term job searches.
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