This is because you can only draw/stow so many daggers per turn, whereas the whip you can keep using without having to worry about drawing/stowing a new weapon. The final ability you get is very situational, though could potentially be cool. I figured that allowing it to castHold Person andHold Monsterwas a great way to reskin this feature. -Damage: 2D4. As-is theyre just daggers that havereach. New weapon properties are not for everyone, it seems! the third bullet kinda stacks with the second which is not common in other feats like GWM. If we think about what a weapon master can do in combat with their chosen tool, then we start to think about the tricks and stunts already covered by the Battle Master archetypes maneuvers. The second one is I think the more interesting, so I'll go with that for this answer. On the subject of Divine Smite though, thats something thats in desperate need of a nerf IMHO). (Check out Esquiels Guide to Magic Weapons if you need some!). The great thing about feats is only the people interested in them have to learn them, and the DM doesnt have to remember that the scimitar has the parry property for all their NPCs for example (as with my previous, properties-driven attempt to address this problem). An in-depth look at the War Caster feat in Dungeons and Dragons 5e! However, whips are not poorly-balanced. *Plus Crippling Attack, Showboating Attack and Whirlwind Defence from these new maneuvers. If you succeed, you either knock the target prone or pull it 5 feet toward from you. -Damage: 1D4, Roll of 19 or above (Apply Damage to any action): Character Vault. On a successful check, the creature cannot move away from you. Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (whip), base attack bonus +2.. So, do you like these? Though not specified, it seems like the Grab is supposed to take your entire Action. Cunning players can combine this with the Invisibility spell and the Whispers Bard ability Words of Terror to plant disembodied voices in a victim's head. Its a weapon for a dexterous front-line character that wants to use a shield but still stay just out of reach of enemies. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform while wielding a bludgeoning weapon: Distracting Strike, Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack, Trip Attack, Brace (UA)*. One of the most iconic whips from my gaming experience is the Abyssal Whip from Runescape. Where the Chef feat really stands out are the last two benefits. Anyway, I'm already working on a new version that doesn't use the word "shove" and instead works with the idea of a Special Attack, just like the text about "Shoving a Creature" and "Grappling" do . This might be overpowered. Pretty straight-forward. Another house rule of mine that affects PAM is that opportunity attacks provoke opportunity attacks from other hostile creatures within reach. This feats main problem is its busted on a rogue. Whips are fun, flavorful, and iconic weapons. What is Lore Bard bringing? The whip is a finesse (Dexterity-based) weapon, while grappling is normally a Strength (Athletics) based attack. Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. But with that being said, the same classes withextra attack that would benefit from using the whip over throwing daggers also have access to way better weapons. Id lump the war pick in with the warhammer historically most warhammers comnbined a flat bludgeoning face and a vicious spike. Only dealing 1d4 damage in exchange for those properties is fair. Its also a weapon that can still triggersneak attack which at the end of the day is all a rogue ever wants. If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Realistically one could argue that this is the reason why rogues miss out on whip proficiency. Thorn Whip 5E is a cantrip, so it can be cast at first level by a spellcaster that has access to Druid spells. Charm Monster is a bit more powerful, so I gave it a cost of 3 charges to keep it in line with similar items that value a 4th level spell at 3 charges. As-is a whip is basically just a dagger that deals slashing damage and has a 10 ft. reach. Sentinel gives the following as one of its three bonuses: When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creatures speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuvers effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). If not stated then default will be damage. Taking a look at the whips mechanics we can clearly see that theres a niche carved out for the whip. @jgn A campaign where one of my players wants to use a whip all the time. This allows closing and lateral movement and imparts no other restrictions on the creature's actions. *Plus Combination Attack, Crippling Attack, Whirlwind Defence (maul only) from my homebrew manoeuvres. Use the statistics for a mace. If theres no benefit from combining them players will be resentful. He turns to +1 bonuses a lot, which I find rather boring and flavourless, with a high fiddle to reward ratio, and some of the other mechanics seem a bit clumsy too. Beastmasters Daughter D&D 5e Module Review. Thrust, parry, riposte, repeat every rapier fight ever! Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting, Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines. Whip Master, Variant (5e Feat) Whip Master, Variant The whip is an unconventional weapon, but you have learned to utilize it's unique properties to great advantage. You can use a bonus action to enter a defensive stance until the start of your next turn. *Plus Blinding Strike, Combination Attack, Crippling Attack, Defensive Stance, Disabling Strike, Preemptive Strike (Handaxe only), Showboating Attack and Whirlwind Defense (Battleaxe and Greataxe only) if you want to include my homebrew manoeuvres in your game. I felt that in order to compete with a +2 Dexterity score increase, there was still room for a superiority die in the feat. Even my own gaming table didnt seem particularly interested in the fact their weapons were now more interesting. Is this homebrew Way of the Force monk subclass balanced compared to the official monk subclasses? When you make an attack roll with a weapon that deals bludgeoning damage and you miss by 1, you hit instead, dealing half your usual damage. Instead youve got a deadly combo now, by picking both feats! The text of the feat would read as follows: Whip Master You have trained extensively with the whip, allowing you to use it both within and outside of combat. When you take the Attack action and attack with a whip, you can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within your whip reach. Too much time using cacti as punching bags has given you a great appreciation for the pain pointy plants can deal, so you've learned to channel your own power in such a way as to create prickly sprouts. It only takes a minute to sign up. In the Castlevania series,Vampire Killer, is an artifact of the Belmont Clan and has been passed down many generations to slay Dracula wherever and whenever he pops up. Also available on Fantasy Grounds. Simple Weapons Martial Weapons Ammunition Setting Specific Weapons Dragonlance Source: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Weapon Properties War caster 5e feat in dnd prerequisite: The ability to cast at a Minimum of One spell. I gave it a +1 to hit and damage so that the whip stays relevant to the user even when theyre out of charges to cast spells. With that being said, lets make a feat to give a whip wieldersome tools to provide this type of crowd control using a whip. Special attacks are a bit difficult to translate to D&D 5e, so I opted for it to be a free proc on a natural 20 instead. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. - ranged "grapple" and then attack? I built it this way, so you dont have to take DD at all, or at least you dont have to take it first. You learn three maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform while wielding a longsword or greatsword: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Feinting Attack, Lunging Attack, Menacing Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Pushing Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack, Tripping Attack and Brace (UA)*. Feats are little add ons that add curated complexity to a narrow niche within the game, and we can usually trust the player with the feat to deal with them, meaning the rules burden for the rest of the gaming table is very light indeed. Whip Master: Flavourful and makes the whip a more viable choice. Now, criticals as written are not that powerful, but many D&D playing tables have house rules that boost them considerably. However, it's actually a bit worse than a dagger since you can throw one 20/60 ft. When the Keeper of Tomes is murdered, and his body mutilated, on Deadwinters Eve, all of the Great Readers become suspects in this heinous crime. Lots of great ideas. Thanks! Your feat suggestion is the closest I have come to making that idea viable I think. You gain one superiority dice, which is a d6. While I have a different philosophy, I totally understand people who prefer things official and simple, and so I went back to the drawing board. Hi guys, Ive recently crafted 9 new weapon feats for 5e D&D, to fill in the gaps left by Crossbow Expert, Defensive Duellist, Great Weapon Master, Polearm Master and Sharp Shooter. Could be an interesting part of a Cavalier's kit. Bored of daggers of venom, flame tongues and vicious blades? Can the wielder still use the whip to deal damage? *Plus Blinding Attack and Disabling Attack from this list. I feel like a good quick balance to the whip would to make it 2d4, makes it a lot more viable and wanted given that the min damage is 2. Champion isnt exactly the most popular Fighter archetype, but I think it would be great, both thematically and in rules synergy, for a Fighter with a few levels of Barbarian. ), Id LOVE for you to become a subscriber (see sidebar) or to stay in touch via Facebook or even share this blog with some of your D&D-loving friends it would motivate me to keep investing time in this little blog, and give you guys a bit of extra D&D reading once or twice a month. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? A while back I tried to add some realism and complexity to weapons in 5th edition, and create mechanic distinctions between the list of arms in the Players Handbook, so as to offer players a meaningful choice when selecting their equipment. Tags: Damage Control Combat Basic Rules The text of the feat would read as follows: You have trained extensively with the whip, allowing you to use it both within and outside of combat. Ghost Rider can even magically extend the length of the chain. of movement while imposing therestrained condition on an enemy that they could still hit with a one-handed weapon. There are plenty of feats which support different weapon classes based on their properties. Casting Time: 1 action. I think this is balanced enough to at least give some playtesting to. I actually like it. I was hesitant to include greatsword in this feat, as the arguably overpowered Great Weapon Master feat already exists, but since I included greataxe in my Axe Master feat, and the maul in the Bludgeoning Master feat I figured it was only fair. One D&D Exhaustion Rules: Pros & Cons vs. 5e, How To Run (Murder) Mystery Adventures in D&D. Visit Stack Exchange Tour Start here for quick overview the site Help Center Detailed answers. in the Players Handbook, as an optional way of making your weapon choice mean something? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you have no levels in monk, your ki points will . When you use the Attack action to attack with a one-handed weapon, and you are holding nothing in your other hand, you may use a bonus action to either make an additional melee weapon attack, or to make an attack with your free hand (either unarmed strike or grapple attack). You gain the following benefits: When you weild a polearm such as a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear and you hit a creature that tries to enter your reach with an opportunity attack, it takes 1d4 extra piercing damage from the weapon and its movement speed is halved until the start of that creatures next turn, potentially losing its attack(s). When you attack with an axe, your critical range extends by 1 and you score a critical hit on a 19 or 20. I had designed a pole weapon rule and the polearm master feat completely different as I find it more realistic and viable to the game and the feat also more of a representative of its name. 2016&Wizards&of&the&Coast&LLC& 3&)The)bonus)to)attack)rollscaptures)the)idea)that) your)focus)makes)you)better)with)blades)than) you)arewith)other)weapons. Hilariously though, youd be better off wielding a dagger since it has a 20 ft. thrown range compared to the whips 10 ft. reach. As a shortcut to calculate the expected damage increase from Piercer, divide the die size by 8 (i.e. Ive combined the two into one feat, but not wanting to throw Defensive Duellist on the scrap heap, Ive brewed in an integration of DD that really gets this feat combo purring with more frequent ripostes. You can deal lethal damage with a whip, although you can still deal nonlethal damage when you want. You regain your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. 5th Edition D&D design tries to avoid class features and feats that support specific weapons. -Push/Pull/Bind: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or is moved 10 & be bound until player releases or Dex Vs Dex contest succeeds Sword Master I did actually think of making a longsword only feat that offered it the finesse quality. It embodies training, experience, and abilities beyond what a class provides. Weapon feats are nice but I would rather prefare some weapon properties over feats for anything. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. As the players get embroiled in the librarys tangled web of politics and personal enmities, dark forces are at work trying to uncover Candlekeeps fabled Vault of Secrets. By Taymoor Rehman, Jeremy Crawford, Ben Petrisor, Dan Dillon, Ari Levitch. If you want this to be balanced you should replace the reaction attack with something else. Whip Trick Master (5e Feat) Whip Trick Master Prerequisites: Proficiency with whips You have explored and practiced the many possibilities of the versatile whip. July 13th, 2020. I love the murder mystery set up here the roleplaying notes for all the NPCs are very well handled I LOVE the Flying Iron Owlbear and the Avowed and library generators are superb. You are a dangerous opponent while weilding polearms. At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score Improvement feature. When you use a whip, its damage die changes from d4 to d6.
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