[24], In the "Annihilation" crossover story line, the Fallen One, a former Herald of Galactus under the control of Thanos,[25] is sent to investigate the aftermath of the Kyln's destruction by the Annihilation Wave and ascertain the Beyonder's fate. While they walk around they are invited to Dr. Dooms castle. After a fight with the Fantastic Four, he revealed that his mind was actually inhabiting the body of a random stranger, Norm McArthur. They can interfere with outside divination. When the Legion Accursed had arrived, Thing had to defend Beyonder from them. [27], The Beyonder finally parted company with Vinnie, and used his powers to take complete control of every mind and even the very atoms making up the matter on Earth. The Beyonder First Appeared In Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1 By Writer Jim Shooter, Penciler Michael Zeck, Inker John Beatty, Colorist Christie Scheele, And Letterer Joe Rosen The good side of Reece finally won out, and returned the Beyonder persona and power to Kosmos. They then left to try to stop the wave permanently. He soon appeared next to Hercules and Black Knight at Project Pegasus. Klaw had been acting as Doom's confidant and court fool, and using him now, the Beyonder was able to continue to push Doom toward instability. So Doom now asked the Beyonder to restore his memories. However, the Thing found out, and insisted that the Beyonder be allowed to join, and that they wrestle as soon as possible: he wanted revenge for what happened to him on Battleworld. He called on various magical spirits, but none of them had the power to collect all the particles of his body, so he conjured the most powerful force in the universe, which turned out to be the Beyonder. The Beyonder is capable of manipulating energy, matter, and reality on a massive scale. The Molecule Man, not exactly a ladies' man, was hard put to it to explain, but he said that as a result of his relationship with Marsha, he had finally understood it. He realized that he "could erase the universe with a thought." [8] Upon returning to Earth, he tells his fellow heroes that the Beyonders have killed the Living Tribunal along with all the Celestials, and every abstract entity (including Eternity, Infinity, Lord Chaos, Master Order, and the In-Betweener) as part of an experiment involving the destruction of all life throughout the Marvel Multiverse. They were all living in a cabin, bonded by mutual unhappiness. As a result, death, portrayed by Mephisto, cannot destroy him. The Beyonder now shows Spider-Man the villains have caused destruction across the entire planet and have formed territories for themselves to individually rule over. Doom informs the heros that they will be held trail for treason,if they are found guilty they will be executed. The Beyonder was going to erase the multiverse entirely; he erased Death; he destroyed multiple galaxies; he defeated powerful beings like Galactus and a whole group of Celestials with ease; he was able to recreate the same things he erased; with a simple hand wave he shattered a dome the Molecule Man created to endure multiversal destruction; he easily survived a blast from the Molecule Man that could have slagged "several billion" dimensions; when he had a large portion of his power in the cup that was going to kill Death, he still had more power than the combined cosmic entities of our multiverse; when Mephisto created Beyondersbane using the Beyonder's own expended power plus all of the power in our multiverse, Mephisto still wasn't sure it was enough to destroy him; his battle with the Molecule Man affected every being on every planet on every dimension. It is unclear whether his power under this retcon is greater of lesser than the Cosmic Cube version of the Beyonder, or if it is even at the level of Pre-Retcon Beyonder. [35][36][40] He also stated that the Pumawhen in perfect harmony with the Universewas capable of killing him. Marvel's Secret Wars Is Coming to the MCU - But Which One? This display of power and aggression scared Boom Boom, however, and the Beyonder tried to make her happy. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Marvel's mutants are also getting the Spider-Verse variant treatment, as a handful of X-Men get new art transforming them into spider-heroes. The Thing realized he could just do nothing and let the Beyonder die at their hands, so he fought them. In their first session, he took her on a tour of existence, showing her the various dimensions and cosmic entities in the multiverse, including the Phoenix; the Watchers; various combined life-forces such as Mangog, Overmind, and the Uni-Mind; the High Evolutionary; the Stranger; Eon; the Celestials; the Vishanti; the various forces of evil; Death; Master Order and Lord Chaos; the In-Betweener; the Living Tribunal; Galactus; Eternity; and the Beyonders (plural--the source of the Cosmic Cubes). [29] He explains the history of the Beyonders before reluctantly joining the Defenders on their quest. Their origin story was revealed and were tied to the Celestials; the "Beyond" space that they dwell was revealed to be formerly the Second Cosmos, the first multiverse that formed after the Celestial War. The Beyonder (/bindr/) is a fictional cosmic entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Pre-Retcon Beyonder: Powers and Abilities Updates + Scans Quantu May 8, 2022 beyonder (pre-retcon) marvel comics Not open for further replies. The Beyonder Vs. He later reappeared at Avengers Mansion. He either could or would not answer how long it had been since he had last seen Black Bolt. However, even in this state, he was capable of easily sending a horde of demons back to hell with a wave of his hand. He revived her, but felt that she wanted a "business deal" kind of relationship, since she loved what he did for her (although she really meant she loved how he made her feel). Since the Beyonder had no memories before the pinhole, the Molecule Man was in a sense responsible for the existence of the Beyonder. [50]. Fireheart didn't really believe this, but agreed to look into it, and looked up Spider-Man to help him. An example being when the Celestials lost to Beyonder; in the revised story line they wanted to observe his actions. He took a trip to soak up the good things about life on Earth. He joined them on their journey and went into the Land of Couldn't-Be-Shouldn't-Be and then the House of Ideas. But as soon as he stepped in the door, Reece blasted him with his full force. Rosenberg noted that Los Angeles was a place you could experience everything, so the Beyonder left with their blessings. [5], The Molecule Man later reiterates the same thing, while also revealing that the accident that gave him his power and the "child Beyonder" his awareness was engineered by the Beyonders. However, when they opened the door, they ignored her and tried to attack the Beyonder. Captain America asks Black Cat how she became a hero, she replies by telling the Captain that her father was under the employment of the Red Skull, this was because the Red Skull claimed to be working for the Allies in order to spy on the Nazis. [38] Months later, while contemplating his life alone, his evil persona took over and sought revenge against the Beyonder. The Beyonder was the all-powerful instigator of the Secret Wars, a 1984 all-star extravaganza that pulled Marvel Comics from a tough financial spot. The Beyonder: What Happened to Marvel's Secret Wars God? Manga Recommendations [12], The narration stated that he possessed power millions of times greater than the entire multiverse combined,[35] and that a regular universe was a drop of water in the ocean compared to the Beyond Realm. He encountered the Hulk, and temporarily took him over. Doom sets the heros free and teleports the villains to Earth; he invites the remaining to be his guests. Rachel Summers, meanwhile, had fully accepted the power of the Phoenix and decided to kill the Beyonder so as to keep him from hurting anyone else. [53], "Go big or go home: Why Marvel's new 'Secret Wars' could be too much", "New 'Secret Wars' is Marvel Comics' major event of 2015", "Jim Shooter in an Interview for Secret Wars 2", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Beyonder&oldid=1142895369, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 22:33. What Beyonder powers could it be? The Beyonder and Doom, are now seperated. The Beyonder, observing this battle, considered taking away Kurse's power, since he no longer really cared about the experiment. The mystery of desire was still at the forefront of his mind: as an omnipotent being, he couldn't understand what it meant to want something and not be able to get it (ironically, the one thing he was unable to do was understand desire). They felt that if the Beyonder took care of everything, people would get lazy and wouldn't take care of themselves any more. He made a machine, since he was always find of gadgets, that would recreate him in mortal form. Herc punched him through several floors of the building, causing a fire. The heros manage their way out and start their journy back to New Latveria. While his flesh was being peeled away layer by layer, he managed to somehow will his hand to touch his armor (which had been lifted away from him), and activate his "sling," thereby defeating the Beyonder and taking his power. It seemed that Kosmos had tried to take an even more "mortal" form than before, perhaps somewhat similar to what the Beyonder was trying to do at the end of Secret Wars II. Reed reasoned that if the Beyonder killed Doom, instead of sending him back in time, he would destroy the continuum of history, and perhaps not even the Beyonder could survive that. The arrival of a handful of other survivors who recalled the truth shattered this illusion. At first he was ecstatic, but he eventually realized that his sight was so precious that he might lose his sense of integrity in order to keep it, so he asked the Beyonder to take it back and take them off the case, which the Beyonder then did. In the original Secret Wars storyline, he was the be-all and end-all of the Marvel universe that took human form to better understand the nature of human beings. (At the end of Secret Wars I, when the Beyonder seems to kill Doom, he actually sends him back to the "present" again.) While Cloak and Dagger had in the past acted as judge, jury, and executioners for many drug dealers, they realized now that this was going too far, and that perhaps some of them might have reformed, if they had been given more mercy. All of the religions therein were warped around him and he was the center of it all. Doom could now fulfill the Beyonder's challenge and slay his enemies, but what would be the point? The people of Earth began to worship him for calming the catastrophes, not realizing he had started them in the first place. He teleported himself to the offices of Heroes for Hire and upon finding that Power Man and Iron Fist were not there he brought them forward through time to see him. Giving her a tour of a mall from the air, he said he would join her crusade of public awareness for mutants, but she said she would rather do it on her own, so he brought her back to the place from where he had taken her originally, and they parted on good terms. The Illuminati then went through several imaginary situations reflecting what would happen if their inner desires came true. He couldn't understand how someone could stand up to him, since he was far more powerful than anyone in our dimension. Mephisto convinced him to make a wager: if Mephisto won, the Beyonder would wait 24 hours before destroying everything. The Beyonder once again said he desired to understand, and the petulant Cadwell filled him in on his cynical and anti-Hollywood ideology. Reece's warning had come true, and the Beyonder now knew the emotional despair of rejection. Although not native to this dimension, the Beyonder was one of the absolute strongest and most powerful beings ever to exist in the Marvel Universe. She wanted them all to engage him in one last ditch effort. Kurse had finally reached New York, and randomly happened to hurt Margaret Power. Strange and The Multiverse of Madness. Later on, Kubik and Kosmos became close. Indeed, upon the realization that he (as he heretofore thought) was not all that existed, he began to view himself as incomplete, and, as a result, found that he too now felt desire. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation. I also added scans and references. Upon entering the construct, the adventurers (as well as the construct itself) were teleported to an area of space-time near a galaxy far from the vicinity of Earth's. Chapter 2 "The Gauntlet of the Red Skull" Spider-Man and the present others decide to use the remaining energy of the device initially used to recruit heros to teleport Black Cat (at the time she was assisting Blade and Morbius the Living Vampire in a battle with Mirium, Blade's mother.) Encouraged by his aide, a journalist named Dave, the Beyonder overcame his own doubts. Demons from Limbo attacked. It was a shocking revelation -- a whole new world of existence was revealed. And if that didn't work, she had a backup plan. The Molecule Man was devastated, and the Beyonder lorded it over him. As Black Cat chases after the Red Skull she confronts him, but is captured by Dr. Octopus. Based on his experience as a wrestler, Jeff wrote Paper Champion, a comic about cardboard wrestling belts, haunted dreams, and healing from loss. Strange and Havok teleport away, and the Beyonder finds Dracula. [35], Kosmos chose to present as female due to believing that her previous psychological deficits were due to the Beyonder presenting as male. The Beyonder decided to return to Sharon Ing, but found that she had killed herself over him. Moonstar was the only one left. [10] His energy returned to his realm where it evolved into a new universe. But even the man of steel has his weaknesses. The Defenders went further beyond into the White Hot Room and the Beyonder followed as he was caught in Loki's narrative arc. Rather than be derived from a Cosmic cube or a mutant Inhuman originally, if he wishes to be or for people to think he is either of those things or anything else, then with regards to his power, then he is those things. He was going to be a champion for life, and basically be an even more super super hero. The Cube then took on a new body and persona, calling itself Kosmos. as a help to the upcoming war. When he appeared to see her, however, she placed a time bomb on him and ran away. It told her the Beyonder could give her that power. Believing that he must take what seemed to him the only chance he might have to save the multiverse from being destroyed by the Beyonder eventually, the Molecule Man destroyed the machine, thereby killing the infant within. As he recounted, Doom participated in the first Secret War despite the fact that he had already died; in the second Secret War, it was revealed that Doom had secretly swapped minds with Norman McArthur. [13] Their power would then be transferred over to Reed Richards, who used it to recreate the Multiverse in its eight iteration. Although the Beyonders were successful in destroying the Multiverse, Doctor Doom used their power to salvage its remnants and created Battleworld. [33], In this universe, the Beyonder was anything and everything. Unsure of the morality of such an act, he decided to put the Beyonder through the same experiences he had when he was a drunk, showing him the seediness of alcoholism, the enlightenment of the Ancient One, and the treachery of Baron Mordo, when Mordo originally tried to kill the Ancient One. In the end he paid the ultimate price, and was killed by the Molecule Man. Ultimately, this story has not been referenced in other stories since it was published, so it may or may not become canon. While this storyline fails to flesh out The Beyonder's origin, it does, however, provide deeper insight into his powers, personality, and intent. The Beyonder then teleports Spider-Man to the planet and introduces him to a device that will allow him to transport a small quantity of Earth's heros to the planet. However, unhappy with his physical inexperience in fighting, he left. You can drink more potions of the same pathways without problems but it doesn't increase your strenght or at least not much, but the excesive acumulation of the beyonder characteristic will make you more prone to losing control, but this can be solved by having a child or using specific beyonders abilities or artifacts, so you could get rid of the excesive characteristic. Quantu 3,995 3,326 May 8, 2022 #1 Hello, I completely redid Beyonder's power and abilities section from scratch. He is an extradimensional being who has been depicted as a cosmic force with unimaginable power. The One-Above-All: Who Is Marvel's Supreme Being? This time, however, in a contradiction with all previous encounters between the two, the Molecule Man proved to be the more powerful. People needed to be free to learn and take risks, just like the horse race. In 1984, the multiverse was all the dimensions in Marvel comics, and now it's only the universes that spring from a common timeline (Earth 616, Earth 1610, etc.). He was ready and willing to face the Beyonder once again. Strange had once done himself, thus proving that the Beyonder, like Strange, had some goodness still inside him. But the Molecule Man had greater power, because of his human potential. He accelerates the time of this planet 1 year into the future. The Beyonder is an entity of great power, responsible for the Secret Wars. One of the local residents, Dave, a down-on-his luck local reporter, saw it and ran to see what was going on. (Since it was implied that her essence would escape if her body was killed, then it would seem that her essence should be on the loose, but this has never been dealt with or mentioned.). However, there was one more appearance of the classic-looking male Beyonder after he turned into the female Kosmos. It turns out that Xavier had sensed, via his telepathy, that the Beyonder was once again in the vicinity. Powers and abilities The Beyonders have been witnessed killing all of the Celestials in the Marvel multiverse at the same time, destroying abstract entities. The Beyonder was not only imprisoned at the end of the Secret Wars, he was destroyed. The Molecule Man made a force field around Denver, hoping to protect them, but the Beyonder happened by and laughed as he effortlessly shattered the dome. [21], In the course of the "secret war," Doctor Doom used technological means to steal the Beyonder's apparently unlimited power and absorbed it into himself. If this were so, then no mutant would be "natural." However, most of these were either due to his own self-limiting of power or some other kind of special circumstances. As he matured, he discovered love. Havok finally awoke. Once there, they (Doom, Thing, She-Thing, and the Human Torch) arrived, to their surprise, in a sunny, happy, populated land that recalled Earth. Despite being perturbed by his words, Hyperion defeats Mister Beyonder. She later explained to Kubik (another sentient Cube like herself) that she felt that taking on the female form would obviate some of her previous problems, which had been partly derived from her male format. As the Beyonder explained, "once the Puma fit exactly into his life's rolethe universe aligned itself around him harmoniously! Despite developing a close relationship with fellow Eternal Makkari, he grew disillusioned with their mission and chose to leave the Eternals, forming a society of mind-controlled humans. However, he did have certain circumstances where he felt there was a chance for someone or something to defeat him. Additionally, readers can behold The Beyonder's appearance for the first time, discovering a mysterious clothed in celestial light. Today, Jeff continues to write comics, play soulful metal on his 8-string guitar, and analyze comics here at CBR. However, it can be inferred that her powers were more or less on the level of other sentient Cosmic Cubes like Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds, which are in essence limited omnipotents. [5] He eventually regained his power as the Molecule Man but damaged his relationship with Marsha. Although the Beyonder is usually male, he can become female if he wishes to and is open to having male love interests. Vinnie showed up with some of his gang, including Toots, who had since shown him the bar of gold. In his original origin, and in the Cosmic Cube origin, he would in fact he from another universe, and thus "unnatural" in ours. There, he asked about love. Created by Jim Shooter and Mike Zeck in 1984's Secret Wars #1, the Beyonder can shape reality, regenerate on a cellular level and change into any form. The Beyonder tried to court Dazzler by zapping her around to a number of exotic places throughout space, but she reacted with anger and fear, not knowing who he was or what he was trying to do! As one of the Beyonder's only true confidants, he could speak to him in a way that the others could not. However, it was finally the Beyonder's friend and inspiration, Owen Reece, who let go a lethal bolt of energy, killing the baby. In the end, Protege was defeated by the Tribunal and Scathan. [9][3] The Beyonder creates a planet called Battleworld out of pieces of various planets (one such piece being a suburb of Denver, Colorado) and abducts a number of superheroes and supervillains from Earth and forces them to fight each other so that he can observe the never-ending battle between good and evil. He was frozen in indecision. Beyonder says Spider-Man is "quite correct". The original Beyonder was considered to be the most powerful being in the multiverse, having power surpassing Cosmic Entities, such as The Living Tribunal and Eternity. Sometime later, due to unexplained events, Kosmos became mentally ill, and started calling herself the Maker. RELATED: Secret Wars II: A Complete Guide to Marvel's Forgotten Crossover. All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. [1] The Beyonder later underwent another retcon, briefly becoming a mutant inhuman, and after a last retcon is now considered to be a member of the alien race of the same name and is referred to as a "child unit" by the Beyonders. This must be a similar to the situation with Puma. The Beyonder is a cosmic entity of immense power. However, the Watcher suddenly came to talk to him. For most of his lineage, The Beyonder acts as an omnipotent being who exists apart from space and time. Rachel attacked him with the Phoenix, but to no avail. Strange was protecting the area with a mystic shield, and the Beyonder was pounding on it, trying to get in. Her love had helped him overcome his own self-hate, and enabled him to love her back more freely. Ing later on walked out and gained back her self-respect. [40], The Kyln was later attacked and destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. Impressed with Rogers' physical abilities and affect on those around him, he decided to take on Rogers' body's form for his next physical incarnation, and became blonde and blue-eyed. They battle until Eternity and The Living Tribunal intervene. Fantastic was unable to register the Beyonder's presence through his sensors, but Professor X could. They were not above manipulation of beings that they saw as being "below" them: at one point the two of them created a moon-sized space station and ran the Fantastic Four through a series of exercises like lab rats. Created by writer Jim Shooter [1] and artist Mike Zeck, the Beyonder first appeared in Secret Wars #1 (May 1984) as an unseen, nigh-omnipotent [2] being from outside the multiverse who kidnapped the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe to have them do battle on Battleworld. She had a choice--kill him, or save the X-Men, whom he then put in danger, making the Blackbird plummet towards the sea, with Sentinels on the chase and spread throughout the city. After the amnesiac Maker destroys a Shi'ar colony, the Imperial Guard manage to imprison it in the interstellar prison called the Kyln. When he returned, Dazzler was leaving. The only difference between these two is the perspective of thinking. The Beyonder of this reality was annihilated by The Council of Reeds using a dangerous and powerful weapon called Sol's Anvil. He was awakened by an enormous release of power during a battle between the Earth-616 Havok, who had been transported to this universe some time ago, and the psychotic Earth-1298 Captain America, who was also an energy-wielding powerhouse. The Beyonders were first mentioned in the team-up comic Marvel Two-in-One #63 (May 1980), by Mark Gruenwald and Jerry Bingham. He would fight against problems big and small, from muggers to tidal waves to cosmic forces like those of Mephisto. Within his universe the Beyonder was complete; indeed he was all of his reality. He followed the path to power logically, and decided to simply take over all the life on Earth (except the Molecule Man, whom he called a "special case," but said he could take care of him later if necessary). The Beyonder, however, was not paying attention to any of this. This version is considered/stated to be Omnipotent. (Spider-Man was watching, ready to stop him in any case.) After the death of Death, the Beyonder increasingly began to become the target of conflict on a large scale. [4], They eventually hired the Pegasusian alien race as agents, to tow Counter-Earth to the Beyonders' museum. However, he was just teasing out the battle to make them feel all the worse. The other X-Men, some willingly, some possibly under her psychic influence, and some unwillingly, joined their life forces to hers. Whoever got the most, won. She gathered a following of inmates who worshipped her. Dr. Doom arrives and claims that he only wants Ben and his subjects to be happy; he calls his new kingdom New Latveria. They were understandably shocked, and Cage attacked. Ultimately Dr. Doom stole his power, and the Beyonder had to reclaim it. In Secret Wars II, it was unclear exactly why the Molecule Man's accident opened a portal to the Beyond-realm, other than that it was of universal importance. Thor suggested that he send him to Hel, where he could gain revenge on Malekith (who originally let him fall to his death) and on Hela, who had injured Thor's face. [31], The Beyonder is an infinite-dimensional,[32] or beyond-dimensional,[2] entity and was originally portrayed as the most powerful being in the Marvel Comics multiverse, and as the be-all and end-all of the "Beyond Realm",[33][34] that took human form to better understand the nature of human beings. It also is problematic in relation to Molecule Man, since before this their origins were tied. While he was under Red Skull's employment he created and memorized a super human transformation formula (this would be responsible for Steve Rogers becoming Captain America.) But he also made plans with the other cosmic entities of the universe; they would share their power, so Beyondersbane would also have all the power in the universe in addition to the Beyonder's spent power. The Beyonder informs everyone that they will be teleported back to Earth with no memory of these events and will be as they were before this ever occured. Spider-Man unaware of Beyonder's great cosmic powers, attemps to attack the Beyonder. There are several meaningful glances and close-ups of Black Bolt's face at several points in the story that could be interpreted in different ways.) The Beyonder was first introduced as a being from outside the, As a note regarding his retcon history, the Beyonder was, As a consequence of his retcons, the other sentient Cosmic Cubes may be Beyonders in a "larval stage. Reece had been distraught, but had eventually come to terms with everything, and now felt stronger than ever. He then restored the power of Thor and Beta Ray Bill's hammers, and left. The Beyonder, after sitting and thinking, decided he had been wrong, and went to their apartment to apologize. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. Oracle revealed that the source of her madness was the Beyonder aspect inside of her. Some are tapped into by various beings, including Skrulls and humans, to create reality-warping Cosmic Cubes. The Beyonder appeared again, this time garbed as a super hero, and helped her fight the bikers, whose powers kept increasing. The Beyonder then says he will introduce evil to the planet; he teleports Doctor Octopus, Alistar Smythe, the Lizard, the Red Skull, and Doctor Victor Von Doom to this planet. The Beyonder decided to use Zarathos as his catspaw. The original Secret Wars left The Beyonder with questions about desire, choice, and purpose, and Secret Wars II sends him on a journey to find answers--no matter the cost. He then let the heroin affect him, and was stunned at how horrible the experience was. Thousands of years later, the Beyonders created the Fortisquians as agents to observe other worlds, including Max. After the Puma failed to kill him, he became convinced that he was wasting his time in trying to enlighten others.
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