Instead, each settlement had its own lodge of the . Ekpe society was the first tribe to come up with this design and archaeologists have found traces of this fabric even in southwestern Cameroon. [32] At night when everyone had gone to sleep, the men from Uruan rose up and began to slaughter their hosts. One-word searches work best.Use AND to require multiple terms: LEFT Small ukara with minute patterned design and Omu Aro symbol. [76] Uffp (native gin) is distilled from palm wine and is sometimes mixed with the bark of Edat to increase the alcoholic content. Efik names were often anglicised to gain the trust of European traders. In addition to ritual propitiation of forest spirits to ensure the well-being of the community, this graded secret male society made and enforced laws by fines, capital punishment, or boycotts; judged cases; maintained internal peace; and served as the executive. Barbot documents that between 1698 and 1699, payments for provisions were made at Calabar to the following chiefs; Duke Aphrom, King Robin, Mettinon, King Ebrero, King John, King Oyo, William King Agbisherea, Robin King Agbisherea, and Old King Robin. [9] The largest group moved to Creek town from Ndodoghi led by the priest-king Eyo Ema Atai.[38]. [53] Some of the kings have been identified in the past by Etubom Ukorebi Ukorebi Asuquo in Aye's Efik people. Among those who migrated with the Ngolo were various other nations who would later become part of the Oroko ethnic group. jamba juice turmeric smoothie recipe; sainsbury's locksbottom parking charges; ekpe society cameroon; June 11, 2022; small mortuary obituaries mobile, alabama . [52] The breach of agreement to halt such practices was punished by blowing Ekpe on Obutong and forbidding funeral rites of the chief until the murderers were brought to justice. [45] What is most certain is that the Efik arrived Creek Town led by Edidem Eyo Ema Atai together with Oku Atai Atai Ema Atai, Ukpong Atai Atai Ema Atai, Adim Atai Atai Ema Atai, Efiom Ekpo Efiom Ekpo and several others. Individual symbols may also have multiple meanings, rendering context important and interpretation inevitable in the "reading" of the body of represented signs. [47] On the founding of Obutong, Colonial anthropologist M.D.W. According to Simmons, "Most Informants maintain that the first people to Inhabit Creek Town were Efut fishermen from the southern Cameroons. [8] The bulk of the Efik can be found in Calabar. Define monsoon, Sanskrit, raja, caste system, caste, Hinduism, reincarnation, karma, dharma, yoga, Buddhism, ascetic, nirvana. According to him . [52] The Captains wrote the acting consul who was stationed at Fernando Po. But most importantly, it should be mentioned that if its members did not support the ostensible reality of ekpe, as a thing to be feared and appeased, then the During weddings, the bride wears at least two different nyny. Large amounts of pepper was also uncommon in Efik cuisines. AHR ~ 125 Origin Nsibidi symbols which are indigenous to Igbo, Ibibio, Efik, Annang and Ekoi/Ejagham members of the Ekpe society. Having associated broadly with foreigners in the pre-colonial era and . The Efik language also borrows words from other ethnic groups such as Balondo, Oron, Efut, Okoyong, Efiat and Ekoi (Qua). [6][7], The name Efik first appears in historical literature in the nineteenth century. The Efik speak the Efik language which is a member of the BenueCongo subfamily of the Niger-Congo language group. [52] These atrocities angered the missionaries and European captains alike. [26][28] This theory was narrated at the Hart's enquiry by Etubom Ededem Ekpenyong Oku but has been criticised by Uruan writers such as Dominic Essien. The dress is often worn with ornaments such as necklaces and earrings made of coral beads. Residents in Ekpe villages often go to the group to help them seek justice when theyve been wronged. Ekpe masquerade [1], Its members are only men and are played on special occasion. Ethnographic - (Head crest, Ejagham People): Worn by a member of the Ekpe Society to intimidate and punish anyone who has broken tribal law. Hope Waddell, Foreign commerce soon brought Calabar affairs into such a state, that the want of a bond of union among the different families, and of a supreme authority to enforce peace and order between equals and rivals, became apparent; and the Egbo institution was adopted. Historians and archaeologists have worked to piece together the human story from prehistory up to today. Hope Waddell, Samuel Edgerley and four others. [36] According to Aye, "Ikpa Ene could not carry the bulk of Iboku population, Ndodoghi had to accommodate what spilt over, and the two settlements, still under one rule, were separated by the left branch of the river which became their "inland sea". [44] In the culture we have discussed, the term fadenya refers to: the relationship between father and child, and half siblings - requiring self-assertion, independence, innovation, and competition. The group is a mutual aid society known for elaborate street dances and very high. One of Thompson's pupils, Ivor Miller, has now produced a noteworthy study, concentrating specifically on one particular secret society, Ekpe, of the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon; its transfiguration on Cuban soil into the Abakua society; and the ensuing effect of Abakua in shaping all aspects of the . Historians recognize the advent and rapid rise of Ekpe as a direct result of a need for a new and effective mechanism of sociopolitical control in the complex economic environment created by the Atlantic slave trade. Cameroon with the Ekpe cult. The Ekpo society uses black masks, often of naturalistic appearance and with movable jaws, to maintain social order and propitiate the ancestors; some of these masks represent disease and deformity. Within Nigeria, the Efik can be found in the present-day Cross River State and Akwa Ibom state. Welcome, Love, Peace and Unity in Nsibidi. The Efik acted as the middlemen between the European vessels and the inland slave traders. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. The Ekpe society is the most renowned traditional institution in Efik history. "[20] Archaeological evidence found that the group was extremely advanced in education for its time, and headed the construction of the Valley of the Kings. Hope all is well. The year 1841 marked the official signing of papers by Efik kings to stop the exportation of slaves from Old Calabar. Aye in 2000 does not mention the Efut as being the primary occupants. The Leopard Society was allegedly a cannibalistic society in the early-to-mid 2oth century in Sierra Leone, Libera and Cte dIvoire. a Mande tradition based on orally transmitted history. Corrections? It was worth every penny and made me feel like a kid again. LEFT Mgballa Ekpe lodge with Ekpe members, Arochukwu, southeastern Nigeria. Written March 01, 2015 by Web Services Editor, Guarini School of Graduate & Advanced Studies, Copyright 2023 Trustees of Dartmouth College. Ekpe Efik was used as a government instrument in Bakassi in exercising authority for more than 200 years ago [4]. Ukara cloth also consecrates the interior of Ekpe lodges, where larger versions of the cloth hang as backdrops. Objects and images in the exhibition courtesy of Dr. Eli Bentor. The persistence oftheAbakua society contradicts the official construction ofa Cuban national identity. Imbued with transcendental aura, ukara conveys the sacrality and prestige of the Ekpe secret society. These missionaries together with King Eyo Honesty II brought several changes to Old Calabar society. Okoho Efiom bore the twins at Nsutana and raised them up for years. Although used exclusively by members of Ekpe, ukara is produced by a sub-group in a village of the Ezillo community in present-day Ebonyi State in the Igbo area in southeastern Nigeria. The Ekpe society may be regarded as one of the most important institutions among the Efik people. As the slave trade was declining due to the strong global campaign against it, the effects on slave trading ports along the African coast was greatly experienced. The instruments above are particularly important to our study of the Sunjata because: they are the traditional instruments of the jeliw who tell the story in public performance. [14], The name "Efik" translates to "Oppressors" and is derived from the Efik-Ibibio verb root "Fik" (English: Oppress). In this light, the Cameroon National Council of Traditional Rulers would be a welcomed . Gelede Egbe: Yoruba Women's Sacred Society. African literature has been disregarded as serious literature in the past because: Original African systems of recording information in symbols include the ______ script, of the Ekpe society of the Ejagham of Cameroon and Nigeria. Initiated into ekpe society at 9 as was done in those days and now not even a word is mentioned each time you talk about ekpe in manyu. cherryblossom wrote on WARRIOR's profile. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Abaku is an Afro-Cuban men's initiatory fraternity, or secret society, which originated from the Ekpe society in the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In the culture we have discussed, the term badenya refers to: the relationship between the mother and child, and full siblings - implying closeness, trust, cooperation, unselfishness, and acceptance of rules. an extraordinarily powerful woman, who can change herself into a buffalo, the proud oldest daughter of a king, who insists on being respected, enraged by her brother's refusal to give her the inheritance she feels she is owed, guilt-ridden for having killed many of her brother's people, and for having pushed her youngest sister too hard and too soon into magical power. Cameroon's multilingual Cross River basin. quickly adapted to fulfil other economic and civil functions. Meat and fish are the major sources of protein in Efik cuisines. Ndibo Yevengo- Abakua & Ekpe events; Cuba-Calabar Radio . Sunjata's victory against Sumaworo comes in part because: Sumaworo loses the support of his nephew, Fakoli. The traditional attire for men usually consists of a white long-sleeved shirt, a long broad soft neckerchief or scarf of costly material (Efik: kpmkpm) and a wrapper tied around the waist (Efik: Usobo).[83]. They are well respected agents of wealth distribution in the community. The Amama often appropriate hundreds of acres of palm trees for their own use and, with the profits they earn, ensure that their sons achieve comparable rank, which has the effect of limiting access to economic gain for other members of the community. Members are bound by oath of secrecy, and fees on entrance are payable. They are well respected agents of wealth distribution in the community.. Modern Efik society is a melting pot of people of diverse origin. It was technically part of Nigeria, according to history, which was the reason we had the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC). After the tapping process, the wine is left to ferment for five hours. Members of the Ekpe society are said to act as messengers of the ancestors (ikan). Lawino says that her husband's house is a "dark forest of _______________________". "[18] References to the Igbo origin of the Efik were also made at the Hart's enquiry into the Obongship dispute where Etubom Efiom Obo Effanga asserted that the term "Iboku" meant quarrelsome Igbos. That is why Sisiku Ojong Orock after consultation with the other Ekpe members and Sisiku Mfonten Mbu decided to acquire his own Nkanda Lodge in April 2003. As a child, Sunjata at first looks unpromising because: In one of the most dramatic episodes in the Sunjata Epic, Sunjata first begins to demonstrate his extraordinary abilities when he: avenges an insult to his mother by uprooting a tree and placing it in front of her house. The main proponents of what is described as "Palestinean origin" is Eyo Okon Akak who wrote the book, "The Palestine origin of the Efik". 2017). Internal details about the membership and brotherhood demands of this ancient group is supposedly a top secret known only to the members. [47], By the seventeenth century, more Efik settlements had been founded. There are said to be at least three mass migration from Ndodoghi. Iboku, Enwang, Usukakpa and Abayen. [22] This is further proven by Talbot who proves that other ethnicities appended the name "Eburutu" or "Oburutu" to their ethnic names. Updates? Ukara are made exclusively for members of the Ekpe society, an interethnic men's association found throughout southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon. There are several theories regarding the origin of the Efik people. Ekpe Society 1st Conclave from Sept 16 to 17 2009, Ekpe DC Sessekou relaxing during the conclave, Ekpe Society members with Justice Hilman Egbe at a MECA DC meeting. Enyi laja na lasha b nyeere ha aka idi nsogbu nd baara ha. Among these included Yams, Fufu and an unidentified type of black soup frequently mentioned in 19th century Old Calabar literature. In Ekpe, he is a product of a dynasty of more than five Generations of Ekpe Sisikus, also known as Nfor Ngbe or Ekpe Chiefs. [66] [67] Communities within the Calabar metropolis such as Efut, Kiong and Qua also speak and understand the Efik language. Determine the meaning of the italicized word in each sentence by examining the context. The Efik speak the Efik language which is a member of the Benue -Congo subfamily of the Niger - Congo language group. The symbols are arranged in a grid, giving the cloths an orderly, symmetrical quality that is often reinforced by repeated patterns. Originally, items such as onions (Oyim mbakara) was rare in Efik meals. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Calabar. [49] The Enwang are believed to have ruled Atakpa for a number of years. and Dahomean towns, and among the tribes of Congo and the Cameroon.17 According to the same author, Ngbe, was another society influenced by the Ekoi and originally considered Egb [Ekp]. Known generally as Ekpe, Egbo, Ngbe, or Ugbe among the multi-lingual groups in the region, these closed groups all used the leopard as a symbol of masculine prowess in war and political authority in their various communities. James Beale Horton made a similar assertion in 1868 where he asserted that all the communities of the Niger-delta are traced to the Igbo. "[29] Essien's criticism is supported by the fact that in some Efik trado-religious songs, Atakpor Uruan is greatly extolled. [42] K.K. At least in the past, very large sums were paid to attain these upper levels. Due to the Obutong massacre of 1765 and several other incidents, the Ekpe society of Old Calabar was transformed into the Abaku cult in Cuba, the Bonk cult in Bioko and the Abakuya dance in mainland Equatorial Guinea. The earliest proponent of the Igbo origin was William Baikie who stated in his 1856 publication, "All the coast dialects from One to Old Kalabar, are, either directly or indirectly, connected with Igbo, which later Dr Latham informs me is certainly related to the Kafir class". two young foreign men to whom she gives the power to defeat her. NSUWorks - Nova Southeastern University Institutional Repository It proved to be the source of supreme authority in all Efik towns, and its institutions provided, in the past, the highest court whose verdicts transcended all else. Instead, each settlement had its own lodge of the initiation society called kp, or "leopard," which was the highest indigenous authority. The Ekpe society had become, by the time Antera Duke began his diary in 1785, the Efik's primary socio-political institution. Omissions? There are two distinct but related societies. [61] These papers were signed by the reigning monarchs of Creek town and Duke town who were Eyo Honesty II and Eyamba V.[61] King Eyamba and King Eyo had written letters to the British requesting that they bring in teachers to teach them trade and commerce and missionaries to aid them to know more about God. These secret societies were used to uphold the legal decisions of the Council of Elders or of the community as a whole, they also ensured conformity in certain rituals and in social behaviour and undertook certain public works for the community (n.d.). nineteenth centuries, no large kingdoms controlled Nigeria and Cameroon's multilingual Cross River basin. [49] Prior to the arrival of the Efiom Ekpo group, oral tradition has it that when some Efik migrated to Creek town from Ndodoghi, The Enwang did not join them but migrated to the present site of Duke town. [51] Due to the custom of killing twins, Edem Efiom is said to have aided Okoho Efiom in sneaking out of Creek town to Nsutana. Ukara cloth, an indigo stitched and dyed cloth is significant to the people of Igbo land. Hugh, Goldie. Nair dates the arrival of the Efik towards the end of the seventeenth century or the beginning of the eighteenth century. [27] A number of reasons have been given on why the Efik left Uruan. Over the years, the Victorian dress has been modified and given what is regarded as a dignified African look. The group believes that when they eat human flesh, they gain the ability to transform into a crocodile. As Sidney Kasfir has pointed to (in reference to the Ekpe society in southeastern Nigeria and adjoining Cameroon), material, performative, and ritual structures in masking are not fused together but can be used to different ends and can travel different paths ( Kasfir 2019: 15). At Ughoton, to the southwest of Benin, a different type of mask is used, in the cult. Original African systems of recording information in symbols include the Nsibidi script, of the Ekpe society of the Ejagham of Cameroon and Nigeria. . The society is somewhat akin to a free mason group and does some unofficial law enforcement. [53] Aphrom was a corruption of Ephraim which was an anglicised form of the Efik name Efiom. The ethnic group to which most of the characters belong is the __________________people. [45] Eyo Ema's people occupied Otung in the south of Creek Town, Adim Atai and Ukpong Atai occupied the east and Efiom Ekpo's family occupied the Adakuko in the west. The version of Sunjata we have read is not the only version because: No version was ever written down by a skilled jeli, since Mande traditional society considers any story written down to be "dead". This exhibition examines the ukara cloth of the Ekpe secret society, a multi-ethnic all-male association in southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon, exploring both the longstanding cultural practice the cloth represents and the artistic process involved in its creation. [19] Oku attests that it was the attack on the Efik that made them decide to leave Ikpa Ene as they realised they were still too close to their enemies. Animals such as goats, chicken and dogs are consumed in Efik cuisine. The Neegee is a cannibalistic group that feeds on human flesh to satisfy their God, and to gain power from that God. . Their king on the eastern Calabar coast was known as Ating Anua Efiom. [23][24], The Oriental original is most popular among indigenous Efik historians such as E.U. Select search scope, currently: catalog all catalog, articles, website, & more in one search; catalog books, media & more in the Stanford Libraries' collections; articles+ journal articles & other e-resources These Ngolo created the Ekpe society and invented the Nsibidi writing system in Usakadet (Isangele). Some of the musical instruments that are important in the culture we have discussed are: the bala (balaphon), a kind of xylophone, and the kora, a gourd harp. Prior to the inception of the transatlantic slave trade, the Efik had experienced a series of migration before their arrival along the coasts of Old Calabar. [52] A number of people were hanged, shot and buried with the late chief according to the custom. What role does religion play in society today? [67] As of 1877, Alexander Ross reported that thirteen towns in the Cameroon region speak Efik and had an aggregate population of about 22,000. They migrated from Bateka and settled in their current location in flight. "[21] Jeffreys assertion regarding Eburutu being a single Ibibio clan is proven false by earlier definitions of Eburutu by Rev. One account narrates that the Mbiabo group left first to their present location while the Iboku, Enwang and other clans were still at Ndodoghi.
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