4 is 1/2 of 8. The accompaniment of dramatic music lets us know were about to see something scary. Now? No, The Shining is not a true story. (8:04) The convivial Jack, eager to make a good impression, earnestly listens and responds. -Wendy alludes to the story of Hansel and Gretel when Dick Hallorann shows her the kitchen, joking that she'll need breadcrumbs to find her way out. 86 CU Wendy. Details in Movies, Movie Details! More research is needed in order to thoroughly examine the psychology of the characters, the progression of narrative events, the films relationship with the horror genre, the role of its stylistic patterning (both visual and aural) in the narrational process, and the implicit and symptomatic meanings that may be constructed. Ullman introduces Jack. 23 MCU of Bill. The disastrous flood that occurs at the . Click here to make a donation. Perhaps this simulated psychic vision is another root of the film's sense of unseen menace. The roar rises and subsides. Earlier, when Danny was watching the Roadrunner, Wendy mentioning it was hard to make new friends and Tony protesting he didn't want to go to the hotel, we had heard the sound of a train. But the book is about Jack Torrances gradual descent into madness through the malign influence of the Overlookif the guy is nuts to begin with, then the entire tragedy of his downfall is wasted.. In the Jewish and Christian myth, Noah (NVCh, meaning "rest") and his family alone were preserved in an "ark" on which were also two of each kind of animal. Shortly, much will be made of the isolation of the hotel, but the family is already living an isolated life in Boulder, though the situation doesn't stand out as peculiar yet. Mr. Ullman's door is open revealing, in contrast to the lodge's general appearance, a more modern, though unimposing, salmon-pink room unpleasantly illuminated with several ceiling florescent lights and most prominently decorated with two high shelves on either wall holding potted plants. According to Hughes, the film would have had to earn $30 million to be profitable. LINKS TO SECTIONS OF THE ANALYSIS ON THIS PAGE: The family has progressively torn apart as the hotel works to corrupt Jack Torrances mind. This area seems not to be dependent on radiant heat any longer for there isn't radiant heat in Ullman's office. This is the same television as will be observed eventually in the Torrance's suite at the Overlook, but we will not see it until Wendy paces the floor deliberating on how she may have to leave the mountain without Jack. I am particularly interested in the train because Kubrick has used trains in his other films. Wendy accidentally lets the doctor know how screwed up their family is. JACK (knocking): Mr. Ullman? She was in the middle of that book, a page dog-eared, and the middle portion of this book is blue, bisecting the first half from the latter. 30 - Danny in the Boulder bathroom, seen from his bedroom. (15:41) So, Kubrick has cast as his heroine an actress who departs from the strict ideal and has accentuated this, for in the documentary of The Shining Shelly exhibits indeed a striking, ethereal beauty. His wife seems to be enthusiastic about the prospect as well. Join in. The camera then gives us a view of a grouping of seats about a television set and a second grouping of seats beside a sign in the background that is difficult to distinguish here but reads "Camera Walk". Shot 132. The color of the pillars is no longer what it was when the film was made, but the trim appears to be the same as in older photos. Based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King, The Shining is about a family who takes residence in a secluded hotel for the winter during its off season. -Wendy asks Jack if the beautiful scenery they see on the drive to the hotel is the site of the Donner Party tragedy. We see beyond her an elder woman in tan, who had been in that earlier grouping, and is now seated opposite the lobby's television and catty corner to where the man with the camera had been earlier seated. It takes us also to the last day of the The Shining, its two episodes simply titled "8" and "4". 28 - The suit autocolored shows it is gray rather than brown. So, the sweets girl seems to exit the film and enter reality. Fig. Take a look at how beautifully Stuart is framed here, the visual relationships between the three men and the room. My superimposition of the girls and the bloody elevator, showing spatial/design similarities. A shower curtain is drawn across the bathtub, sunlight shining bright through a high window behind it. We don't see the waiter. That doesn't mean the maze is itself irrational and nonsensical. The sharp angle of the graphic design of the milk carton that moves upper screen left to lower screen right, is answered here by the framed graphic on the wall that presents a sharp angle moving from upper screen right to lower screen left. (11:43) She may be the blond woman who was seated in the grouping to whom another waiter had appeared to be carrying a silver tray service when Jack was earlier in the lobby. Carson City 21 - Wendy checking the boilers in the basement. (15:19) What this difference in dominance means (or how it functions) will be discussed in the "Saturday" section. The Shining is a glaring example of a film that has led to countless interpretations, favoured by its complex and enigmatic nature, sometimes leading to interpretive deliriums as confirmed by the documentary film Room 237 (Rodney Ascher, 2012). How flow of action about the set unconsciously constructs for the audience a plot of the unseen environment based on natural expectations. That excised big bright white light appearing out of the dark part of the cartoon in a sense will be replaced with the painting of the horse racing down the train track toward the light of the oncoming locomotive as Wendy and the doctor leave Danny's room and sit down in the living room for their consultation. Jacks nightmare of killing his family may be compared to a Call to Adventure, since it is the first explicit sign of murderous thoughts which are going to be construed as the new desire during the adventure. Added all shots 2012. (15:53) A train is mentioned in King's book, Hallorann relating that due his shining, when his brother was killed in a train derailment, he was aware of it before anyone had a chance to tell him. "His last big role had been in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, and between that and the manic grin, the audience automatically identified him as a loony from the first scene. 60 MS Overlook hall. I don't think it's as certain that Danny sees himself. Our study is intended as just a first step towards an all-encompassing dramaturgical analysis of The Shining. Kubrick later told a friend that he wanted to make the worlds scariest movie, involving a series of episodes that would play upon the nightmare fears of the audience.. As far as options for home decorating for the lower middle classes, it was a shitty period. On the counter we see a jar of Peter Pan peanut butter, Smuckers jelly, a canister of grape Koolaid, Fruit Loops, and other items. The masses of books make due with utility shelves, if they ever make it out of the box. There is a parallel between Danny's arrival at the hotel and the increase in supernatural activity there. Kubrick's Watson differs significantly from King's. JACK: Only in a very general way. King's vision was a vulgar and seemingly uneducated older man, and Watson's suit and tie are little suited to the job unless his duty is to act primarily as an overseer of others who do the dirty work, which isn't as it was in the book. The "sha" itself is a breathy percussive voicing. We're from Vermont. The large, bright red book in the foreground possibly complements and takes the place of Wendy's reading of The Catcher in the Rye with its red cover. In the background is a book titled Teeny Weeny Adventures. Hanging above the sink is a green and white dish towel that may read "Golf with the Greats". This scene, not in the book, seems to have been inspired in part by a photo Kubrick took for LOOK magazine, in 1948, of a woman and her dog at an art auction, this woman appearing to be the same one who held the dog in The Killing. In this article we offer a basic dramaturgical analysis of The Shining (in both its versions 144 and 119) using a method which follows authors such as Syd Field, Christopher Vogler, and Dara Marks: we deal with both the narrative world, i.e., the characters, their relations, and the environment in which they act, and the narrative structure. Can destiny be altered? 13 MCU of Danny. As in, the helium balloon has become 3-d but it is still a representational toy. The audience members are already building in their minds a plot for the hotel, and so they've every reason to assume that these characters are coming from something such as an elevator that accesses the guest areas. Silence. On the window sill of Danny's bedroom is a yellow rubber duck of the same kind we viewed in the bathroom, but the angle of the shot is such that though the bathroom is visible we're unable to see if the duck is still in that room (I would imagine it's not). Csar Albarrn-Torres Amanda Barbour Tara Judah Abel Muoz-Hnonin Fiona Villella. If Danny chose that attire, one could compare that choice to Danny being himself the one to write on the bathroom door the word REDRUM, just as he had seen it in his vision--and yet he writes it, it doesn't simply appear, so one could think of it as premeditated as well as an inescapable foregone act/conclusion. As if we have a psychic after image from one scene to the next at work, and one may also then have the sense (perhaps not consciously) that they all fit together. Perfect alignment of some architectural features, from one shot to the next, may function to make transitions less jarring, creating less interference with an established mood. Another Creative Commons image from Flickr, this one by Dave Ciskowsi, shows how similar in color scheme the film's Overlook was to a more vintage Ahwahnee, if the 2005 image shows color even remotely similar to earlier years. The hotel is a special world for them, thus they have to explore it; in a sense, Jacks adventure is that of being the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel. 5 - Mastroianni as he appeared in "8 and 1/2". I'd like you to. Foreshadowing is a plot element that hints at something to come later in the story. On a pragmatic level, Jacks desire concerns completing his tasks, namely writing his novel, being the caretaker, and in the third act killing his family and Hallorann. To Danny's side on the table there is a black object later revealed to be a toy gun in the scene in which he explores the maze with Wendy (the gun is apparently from the Star Trek Phaser II Target Game). Return to Table of Contents for "The Shining" analysis We briefly have the feeling of being within the confines of the hedge maze with the Boulder greenery filling in the wall to the left, and the potted plants spilling their greenery from above. Then, while still inside the pantry, Jack receives the greatest Reward yet: Grady gives him another chance to do his job and releases him from the pantry. But 42 is also associated with it. (12:13) The autumnal photo presents Mount Hood in context with Mirror Lake, which the viewer may associate with St. Mary lake seen in the opening shot of the movie, that mirrored the landscape. According to the set still photographer, It was a huge fire in there one night, massive fire, we never really discovered what caused that fire and it burned down two sound stages and threatened a third at Elstree Studios. During cowboy and Indian chase scenes involving a train, the train that runs by the theater coincidentally passes at the same time, shaking it up, coincidentally stops when the train stops on the screen, then restarts when the train on screen restarts. DANNY: Now, Tony, tell me. They never recognize it is there by either a glance, action, or comment. Alex's interview was in preparation for treatment to aid his reform, an opportunity provided by a "new order". (6:40) I'd like you to take him around the place as soon as we're through. The designs on the shower curtain, with the way they push up into the light, visually take the place of the unmanicured foliage in the lower half of Ullman's window. When Jack abusively berates Wendy, his language is that of a person hostile to the responsibility of parenthood, a sense of his feeling entrapped by her and Danny, the responsibility of the Overlook finally replacing those familial ties in the dramatic Colorado Lounge scene. First there is the Overlook Hotel, which tries to take advantage of Jack in order to eliminate his family. (8:37) Fig. -Mr. Ullman jokes that he wouldn't want to enter the hedge maze unless he had an hour to figure out how to escape from it. STUART (off screen): by the idea of staying alone in a place where something like that actually happened. STUART: Well, uh, my predecessor 55 MCU Danny. The camera now shows another view of the kitchen behind Wendy, Joy and Ivory dishwashing liquids on a shelf above a wall-mounted paper towel holder, dishrag draped over the kitchen sink's faucet, carton of milk on the counter with several other boxes of dry goods. TONY: Don't want to. Below is the massive stone fireplace in the lobby of the Timberline. Then the same happens in reality in front of the movie screen and the audience buys all these sweets. But, not so much where her story takes away from the main issue at handbattling the Overlook Hotel. "There are ideas espoused in the movie that I know to be total balderdash.. He didnt even see the actual film until he was 16. I just personally dont find it scary because I saw it behind the scenes," Lloyd later said. She also wears two gold necklaces. There seems a hint of it when Stuart is first talking about the tragedy during the winter in 1970, though I'm uncertain of that. It frees you from any other sense of time., Its not uncommon for a films ending to change in post-production, but Kubrick changed the ending of the film after it had been playing in theaters for a weekend. (5:50) It's just the sort of thing you do a hundred times with a child y'know in the park or in the street but on this particular occasion my husband just used too much strength and he injured Danny's arm. WENDY: Oh, I'm sure you're right. In Chapter I, when Edna and Robert return from the seashore, Edna smiles at Robert even as she retrieves her wedding ring from her husband, foreshadowing her eventual affair. THE DOCTOR: Now, hold your eyes still so I can see. (5:14 crossfade from Boulder apartment ends.) Stephen King's use of character development throughout this novel is what makes the book so thrilling and moving. At any rate, as a character Jack has an overall fairty-tale-like quality, since the intent of the film is to emphasize his allegorical quality rather than narrating an all-around psychological development. You can help us out by revising, improving and updating Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. When the editor goes to the Golden Elephant Mine to investigate, he is killed by Davis, who sneaks the editor's body back into his office, and the rumor is begun that, as the editor was against the railroad, it was someone connected with the railroad who killed him. On the right wall are immediately noticeable a number of honorific plaques and documents. Is he a guest or an employee who would lead the camera walk? We haven't seen the number 42 on Danny's shirt until just previous his vision, while he was looking in the bathroom mirror. STUART: in this job hired a man named Charles Grady as the winter caretaker. If this is so then Kubrick may have used the Z pattern to represent the labrys axe and maze. The Tetragrammaton is the 4 lettered name of God which is forbidden to be spoken for fear of blasphemy, which amounts to a an imposition of silence. However, he forbids him from entering room 237. It leaps out of her arms and pursues the motorized cart that carries the suitcase holding the money from Johnny's robbery of the racetrack. An additional reinforcement of tennis ball throwing as a metaphor for axe swinging is that Jack slams the ball against the floor just a few metres away from where he later kills Halloran. A large map is on the left wall behind a two-way radio. Furthermore, when Jack calls Wendy to tell her that he got the job we have a sort of Call to Adventure for the family or, in Fields terms, an inciting incident for Danny but this is not the adventure proper in a dramatic sense. The scene actually made it into The Guinness Book of Records because it took 127 takes, the most for a scene with spoken dialogue. At least, to the best of my memory, that's how I perceived it upon first view when the movie was released. The Talmud said of them, "When this one falls, the other one rises." Many dark-haired parents have children with light hair, but the audience may have worked for a minute to accept Wendy as light-haired Danny's mother, as they look so dissimilar. Kings use of foreshadowing is one of the more effective literary devices at work in The Shining. (10:30 begin crossfade to Boulder bathroom.). "I was under the pressure of being a family man with a daughter and one day I accepted a job to act in a movie in the daytime and I was writing a movie at night and Im back in my little corner and my beloved wife Sandra walked in on what was, unbeknownst to her, this maniacand I told Stanley about it and we wrote it into the scene., Though Kubrick had a good relationship with Nicholson, the director was notoriously brutal on Shelley Duvall during filming. [A lieutenant] told me theyve really gone over the place with a fine tooth comb and they didnt find the slightest evidence of anything at all out of the ordinary. He also encourages Wendy and Danny to stay with him for a while. The Shining moon landing connection is the one theory that extends film and into the life and work of Stanley Kubrick in general. There may be no meaning, and these sounds are another example of Kubrick's cycles, perhaps intended to set up an unconscious sense of deja vu. THE DOCTOR: What's the next thing you remember, after brushing your teeth? Kubrick Corner further points out that the Avis car rental pamphlets on the counter beside Jack could be taken as echoing the name Jack Davis. I have no idea. The people of Carson City are worried the railroad will attract bandits--or, rather, "Big" A. Jack Davis and Jim Squires have reason to not want to see the railroad go through. Throughout these shots of Ullman, we don't see the bird statuette on the window sill behind him, which is there but concealed by his head. 29 - Crossfade from Jack in Ullman's office to the Boulder bathroom. There is constant conflict between Jack and Wendy even before he is possessed as he has anger issues and a tendency to be violent when he has drunk too much. Attention to elements such as these make for a fluid transition in the crossfade. But is that the meaning for this "sha" or is it something else? July 2011, I added a long note here on the timings of an ambient, voiced "sha" sound that occurs periodically in the film, and later was alerted that another person had also noticed the same and posted a movie on it previously on Youtube. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. I have also written a post specifically on this. DANNY: Because he hides. She seems to be looking toward the reception desk, but then a bellhop appears from the direction of the service hall behind the lobby and appears to port a silver lunch service to this group who are in the same area where Jack will himself have lunch on Closing Day. Dannys entrance in room 237 is presented as his first real Crossing of the First Threshold, because he accesses the forbidden place, which really is a Special World. Water is heard running in the bathroom. 29:21 - Dick asks, "Do you know how I knew your name was Doc" (sound). Why would Kubrick do this? Im doing exactly the same as I was doing when I was 18 and making my first movie. In a foiled plot to stop delivery of the drill that is to be used for boring a tunnel though a mountain for the railroad, Squires kills the driver of the wagon that carries the drill. As with The Shining, that film, too, is all about deja vu. Kubrick's inclusion of "Woman and Dog" returns us to The Killing. The Shining seemed to introduce a promising child star in Danny Lloyd. Foreshadowing, Jack crosses the circle where Dick will later lie slain. Though Kubrick did in the opening section associate Jack with the VW, having his name in the credits pass over the VW as the helicopter zoomed in on the auto, we are only working on an assumption, at this point, that the VW in the opening has anything to do with Jack. GradeSaver "The Shining Literary Elements". How ambient audio unconsciously constructs and complements environment. In both scenes the camera takes us in for a close up. Is "The Great Mother" intended to be their mother? Though the lobby was undeniably impressive, the furnishings seemed wearied to me, and the guests observed didn't suggest a well-rounded representation of various age groups. We see beyond them the sign "The Gold Room" which is to the right of double doors (only in the opening and closing scenes is this sign to the right), these double doors framed with gold drapes and leading to a hall with walls and doors in the same design as the lobby but which has red sofas and will be later observed to have the Gold Room carpet. At the end of the heros journey there is the Return with the Elixir. Still, she has said, "and he didn't touch another drop". DOCTOR: Yes. He's going to phone Wendy up in a few minutes to tell her. "The Great Mother" painting is a shock of energy in contrast to the subdued earth tones of the lobby and its ornamentation, as well as the photographs on the other side of the entrance to Ullman's office, seeming to exhibit a sensibility and knowledge of the world quite apart from the photos and the tepid lodge and the well-behaved humans wandering about it engaging quietly with each other. One with a series of visual cuts and one with a fast zoom. 44 - Wendy reassures the doctor that everything is fine. (13:12) 74 MCU Doctor. STUART: Grab a chair, Bill. Now, I'm going to ask you to do me a favor and stay quietly in bed for the rest of the day. (4:10 crossfade begins, full fade in by 4:12.) 88 MS Wendy from the doctor's side. It's important, sometimes, what we don't see in a Kubrick film, and this is one of those times. In the second paragraph, children put stones in their pockets and make piles of stones in the town square, which seems like innocent play until the stones' true purpose becomes clear at the end of the story. Hallorann finds out that Danny has his own power, the shining, and thus gives him some advice: he explains that bad things happen and leave traces, though implying that these are innocuous (as when someone burns toast); he reassures him that the things he sees through the shining are just like pictures in a book. The first such sound, as I've already mentioned, occurs when Jack passes over the spot where he will attack Dick with an axe. 14 MCU of Wendy. This notoriously haunted hotel inspired the author to create fictional characters dealing with a similar environment. Some viewers noticed that this is foreshadowing for the reveal that, although all of the dinosaurs in the park are female, they have found a way to reproduce. After a moment, we hear a voice. Fig. What is more, the audience is represented as unconscious of their thirst being connected to the heat being jacked up during the desert scenes. -"The Shining" was one of the earliest films to use a then-new invention, the Steadicam. It was in Fear and Desire, in which the film begins as it ends with the same view of the valley. Give your writing extra polish. 13 - Jack and Ullman shaking hands before the "impossible" window. This is the clearest physical interaction between a ghost and ordinary reality in the film, and Jacks escape is the second plot point of the film. People also make note that Bill Watson's pants appear to be a solid color when he enters and that they later show a pattern. (10:09) He seems to be failing completely, since the novel is actually the repetition of the same sentence (All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy), his wife wants to think things over because she does not understand his needs, and she knocks him out and down the stairs with the baseball bat, thus preventing him from completing his tasks. -When Jack chops down the bathroom door to reach Wendy, he shouts, "Here's Johnny," a reference to the Johnny Carson show. Its a common psychological device in film, sometimes referred to as foreshadowing, and has been used by suspense masters like Hitchcock.
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