At Christmas 1995, he spitefully returned his mother's present unopened, and refused to visit his father in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries; both of these cruel acts really hurt his family, but he did not seem to care for their feelings. Fury raised a smug eyebrow. Clint, please refrain from further violence as Loki is not capable of hurting us at the moment. Crouch also indirectly proved to be a major factor for Percy's huge loyalty to the Ministry and his temporary estrangement from his own family, especially as his twin brothers Fred and George Weasley started teasing him more and his younger brother Ron stopped trusting him after learning of Crouch's son. He had no patience for any noise when working, and even popped his head out of the window to tell his family to be quiet. how to print avery 5395 labels in word; Published by on June 29, 2022. Loki looks alarmed and answers, "Or I can just read these fanfictions with you to enrich my knowledge of Midgard. It even made him miss out on three important events of his family: the joining of the Order of the Phoenix, a visit to his injured father,[13] and his eldest brother's wedding. Although not a strongly prejudiced person at heart, Percy's huge loyalty to the Ministry made him support some of their prejudiced policies when he was employed by them. Loki's image flickers when the arrows pass through him but he remains unharmed. Barton said that you have father issues and you grew up living under the shadow of your so-called beloved Captain," retorts Loki and point his chin at Steve. Cookie Notice He was reunited with Penelope after Professor Sprout's Mandrake potion restored those petrified to their normal state, and Ginny, who was saved from Tom Marvolo Riddle and the Chamber of Secrets by Harry. [13], Percy with Harry Potter in Dumbledore's office after the discovery of Dumbledore's Army, In early 1996, Percy was one of the Ministry officials summoned to Hogwarts following Professor Umbridge's discovery of the secret organisation, Dumbledore's Army. Percy was a very skilled and talented wizard. Percy Ignatius Weasley Bucky was focusing on his food trying to ignore the glares that Tony kept shooting him due to Harry currently wearing his leather jacket. He looked up at the Avengers and they all saw the pain in his eyes. Dark Revelations by beastlybeauty945 reviews. He moved to London where he was able to get himself a flat, and continued with the position in Fudge's office. "Boys!" Draco gave an excited look. I'm what they'd call a squib. I'm deeply hurt that you reject me even before our first date!" However, this did not bother the Weasleys and they continued to stand by their beliefs. I did some research to discover who the greatest wizard in Midgard is and fashioned my method after him. Two weeks before the Quidditch World Cup, Percy passed his Apparition test. Fury instructed Tony. Spin off of Harry Potter and the so I really am Fate's Bitch. Harry Potter and the Wastelands of all Time Genre: Action/Adventure, Time Travel Harry's determination to triumph against Voldemort directs him to create a pact with the devil (figuratively speaking). But the fucker didn't die- not completely.' [24], Percy witnesses the arrest of Dirk Cresswell, and is introduced to the new Ministry regime under Pius Thicknesse, On 1 August, 1997, Percy was the only member of his family who did not attend his brother Bill's wedding to Fleur Delacour, despite Molly's hopes that he would, which led her to cry again. "Please don't bring my daughter into this!" I may revise my opinion slightly as only Midgardians can think of such a sick concept," answers Thor with a fresh horror thinking he has to explain Thorki to Loki. Percy's estrangement from his family continued, although he did write a letter to Ron, congratulating him on becoming a prefect and urging him to stop associating with Harry (who he felt was a bad influence) as well as believing that his family would one day realise their mistake for believing Dumbledore and apologise to him. "Hang on, did Thor really call you for five times? Now Harry's got super strength he can't control and an almost unnecessary amount of magical power. "At eleven, Harry discovered that the Dark Wizard he had been told he vanquished was after a stone that would let the drinker be immortal. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. PrefectHead Boy It's not enough that you subject me to watching it with you, must you bring it into The Avengers' meeting? [12] He tried to be a role-model for Ron and Ginny, but they took after the fun-loving twins. All the Avenger's became incredibly tense, more of Harry's life starting to fall into place. "Bagsie not doing it" Harry and Draco said as they smirked at Fury. Patronus Disney+ is the ultimate streaming experience in Ultra High Def 4k. You can help with a lot of Stony stuff as well," teases Tony while he wriggles his eyebrows suggestively again. Cornelius Fudge originally looked down on Percy's family due to their affiliation with Muggles; however, in 1995 as an attempt to spy on the Weasley family and through them, Albus Dumbledore, Fudge promoted Percy to become his Junior Minister. [25], In the aftermath of the battle, it can be assumed that Percy was one of the people who rushed to Harry's side and attempted to hug him. Tony says with a wink. He managed to survive being stabbed and saved a girl that had nearly been killed thanks to the works of again - that Dark wizard. What happens when eight movies appear out of nowhere, depicting their life in the past, present, and future? "Why must I tell you? Steve doesn't really get the reference. ", "Yes, sir, I'm aware of that. [22] He was also very dismissive of Ludo Bagman's skills in running the Department of Magical Games and Sports when compared to Mr Crouch, but that didn't stop him attempting to make a good impression in front of him when he met him at the Quidditch World Cup.[23]. [16], At some point during the year, Scabbers went missing. "Are you two done?" In the 70s, a man called Lord Voldemort - pretentious fucker, his real name was Tom Riddle, rose to power leading a group of terrorists named Death Eaters. Has he fulfilled his promise?". Boggart He didn't understand, he really didn't, just why Nick son of Fury, was so adamant that his brother be punished on Midgard rather than on his home planet, on Asgard. He had purple eyebags that seemed to be permanently bruised into his eyes and the worry lines he had furiously avoided seemed to have settled into his face. Surprisingly, despite the trouble he was previously in, Percy was offered the position of Junior Assistant to Fudge himself. Harry Potter dies alone and is given a chance to change things, for a price. We've been sitting here from the morning and we don't draw any pentagrams or use any holy object to summon you. I followed your movie recommendation and ended up watching Hostel. Every painful thing he's ever gone through can be traced back to one man. I'm doomed! [12] At some point in his fifth or sixth year, Percy began dating Penelope Clearwater, a Ravenclaw prefect, though he kept it a secret from his family, most likely to prevent his twin brothers Fred and George from mercilessly teasing him (which they did most of the time). Harry Potter Death (Harry Potter) Aizen Sousuke Soul King (Bleach) The Doctor (Doctor Who) Jack Harkness Ron Weasley Artemis Nick Burkhardt Monroe (Grimm) Sean Renard James "Bucky" Barnes Steve Rogers Booker | Sebastien le Livre Andy | Andromache of Scythia Nicky | Nicol di Genova Selene (Underworld) Daenerys Targaryen Rhaegar Targaryen [23], However, the discovery of a confused Crouch in the Forbidden Forest caused a stir in the Ministry. Loki replies icily, "I didn't know there was such a strange concept such as fiction in Midgard. I'm sure you don't mind looking at the Winchester boys all day. During the summer of 1994, Percy worked diligently under Crouch, a man whom he admired and respected for his strict adherence to rules and his perfectionist attitude towards his work. I thought he would be happy with the no sex before marriage thing.". (n.) the act of loving in return. "Save it, Cap. The avengers glanced at each other, Harry had been to prison? Books that perform well based on their reader engagement are published by Inkitt in different formats and channels. Arthur Weasley (father)Molly Weasley (ne Prewett) (mother)William Weasley (older brother)Charles Weasley (older brother)Fred Weasley (younger brother) George Weasley (younger brother)Ronald Weasley (younger brother)Ginevra Potter (ne Weasley) (younger sister)Audrey Weasley (wife)Molly Weasley II (daughter)Lucy Weasley (daughter)Fleur Weasley (ne Delacour) (sister-in-law)Angelina Weasley (ne Johnson) (sister-in-law)Harry Potter (brother-in-law)Hermione Granger (sister-in-law)Victoire Weasley (niece)Dominique Weasley (niece)Louis Weasley (nephew)Fred Weasley II (nephew)Roxanne Weasley (niece)James Potter II (nephew)Rose Granger-Weasley (niece)Albus Potter (nephew)Lily L. Potter (niece)Hugo Granger-Weasley (nephew)UncleBilius (uncle) Fabian Prewett (maternal uncle) Gideon Prewett (maternal uncle) CousinSeptimus Weasley (paternal grandfather)Cedrella Black (paternal grandmother) Mr Prewett (maternal grandfather)Mrs Prewett (maternal grandmother)Tessie (maternal great-aunt)Muriel (maternal great-great-aunt)Weasley familyPrewett family (maternal family)House of Black (paternal relatives) Also known as [13], Percy severed all ties with his family, wanting everyone to know that he had nothing to do with them. The Avengers were sitting around the table eating Lunch which Bucky had definitely cooked despite his protests otherwise. I guess you must really need me if you call me that many times so how can I not grace you with my presence?". Male "Next you will be breaking up with me saying 'It's not you, it's me.' But choose wisely, some boys may come with more than just a pretty face. Steve thinks that for an illusion, he interacts really well with his surroundings. Percy was extremely ambitious and dedicated to his goals, which was apparently to become Minister for Magic, though it is possible that it was just Fred and George joking. This showed his dishonesty and desperation to become something higher in the Ministry. Percy Ignatius "Perce" Weasley (b. He took to Apparating downstairs to breakfast every morning just to prove he could in fact do it. Cap, I'm sure you will enjoy the plots, in one episode it even makes fun of Twilight. 4. "Captain Rogers, no, Mr. Stark hasn't fulfilled his promise. answers Clint, "How do we get rid of you? Harry is on holiday in New York when he meets Tony Stark in a club. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Percy denied this and remained steadfastly loyal to the Ministry's lie that Voldemort was not back, estranging himself from his family and furthermore condemning them for their support of and affiliation with Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. Loki asks with a yawn, "Do you know that you two sound like an old married couple instead of siblings?". They don't even know how to deal with this non-corporeal version of Loki yet. The secrecy was broken when Ginny revealed the truth to her brothers, asking them not to tease Percy over the fact, which they did anyway. Following the hearing, despite Harry being cleared of all charges, Percy believed that Harry only got off due to a technicality, and he also ignored his father, who was waiting outside for Harry. [23] However, the twins' pranks were generally good-natured ribbing at his expense during Christmas in 1991, the twins forbade him from sitting with the other prefects, noting that Christmas was a time for family. They were never again as close, and when Percy broke ties with his family, this generally included Hermione as she was closely associated with the Weasleys and Harry. It was cold hewasn't going to let the kid freeze to death! Harry James Potter is a fictional character and the titular protagonist in J. K. Rowling's series of eponymous novels.The majority of the books' plot covers seven years in the life of the orphan Harry, who, on his eleventh birthday, learns he is a wizard.Thus, he attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to practise magic under the guidance of the kindly headmaster Albus Dumbledore . He would also sneak into empty classrooms to be with Penelope, so as to be away from the prying eyes of his siblings, but was caught on one occasion by his youngest sister Ginny. He said with an expectant look. You can't threaten a kid with a gun!" Peter had his head on Draco's lap his legs laid across Wanda and Harry's laps. It's actually quite a scary sight. "Captain- I don't have time for your bullshit. Bruce is already there since he's practically joined at the hip with Tony after the Loki incident. I don't even know how to reply to that. Thor is there since he can fly. Tony, who has been unusually quiet, finally says with a laugh, "Wow, Barton, don't you think you take the joke of taking an arrow to the knee a bit too far?". In this fantastical Otome Game you will find, drama, intrigue, tragedy, and so much doki-doki that your heart may explode from excitement. That was the only reason. 465 Stories. He actually hates paperwork and barely tolerates debriefing so that's saying something. [34], Chris Rankin as Percy in Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Percy as seen in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, The Harry Potter Wiki has 111 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Pale Perhaps a low level HYDRA attack which can be handled by himself so as not to endanger anyone else? Before Steve can say anything, Clint quickly replies, "Nat, how could you say that? Start by choosing your partner in this ever expanding game. I know that he loved me though," Tony answers surprisingly with great insight. [29] Later that year, when Gryffindor won the final match of the season, vs. Slytherin, Percy jumped "up and down like a maniac, all dignity forgotten."[30]. Perhaps Tony will reform some of his ways with his realization. He never mentioned it to me. 'I went with my brother to check on the Boy-Who-lived and realised that his relatives weren't the nicest people on Earth," Everyone snorted at the description dark looks on their faces "so I decided to teach him how to defend himself which I can say came in helpful when he went to secondary school. He wore horn-rimmed glasses, and also tried to carry himself in a dignified manner, although he usually came off looking pretentious and silly. When Fudge was succeeded by Rufus Scrimgeour as Minister, Percy continued in his role as Junior Assistant. )/Harry Potter, Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante/Harry Potter, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Harry Potter, Jrmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Xanxus (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Fury shook his head. C'est la faute d'Harry tout a, en plus il entrane d'honntes gens dans ses histoires ! Percy was extremely pompous, arrogant, and stiff-necked; he took himself very seriously and was often the butt of pranks and jokes played on him by his fun-loving siblings. Steve can't take it anymore, he says, "JARVIS, what has Tony promised to Pepper? In the summer of 1995, Percy acted as Court Scribe during Harry Potter's hearing before the Wizengamot for using magic in front of a Muggle. [13], Percy developed a rather cruel, elitist and callous personality after he estranged himself from his family, having a scornful attitude towards his parents and siblings due to their support for Albus Dumbledore, and became very dismissive towards Harry Potter, whom he had been supportive towards previously. Blood status He later sat with his family in silence and mourning. Harry finally catches a moment with Nick to figure out what's been going on between them. Is that within one day? He obtained top grades in all of his twelve O.W.L.s, but hardly gloated over the fact. He looks at Loki who is sitting opposite Thor. No one knows what happened. It's you, The Avengers, of course," Loki answers silkily while looking straight at Steve as if to challenge him. So far, I haven't found much fault with Midgardians. For more information, please see our It could possibly be clues for him destroying his relationship with his family. Loki puts both hands behind his head and uses them as a makeshift pillow as he leans back on his chair. Does it only apply for us or also any random people in Midgard? His father thought that his promotion to Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge's office was a plot by the Minister to keep tabs on the Weasleys, and through them, Albus Dumbledore. [14] When Percy was seven his five-year-old brother Fred transformed Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider, which caused Ron's arachnophobia. Privacy Policy. Cooper Whedon - Grandson. [14], With the secret out, Percy and Penelope appeared in public together, and he kept a photo of her.
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