*You have recurring dreams about someone who has passed away, or about places that youve never visited before but have heard of from others- which sends you into an emotional frenzy if theyre negative OR else a state of bliss if theyre positive. However, they can just as well turn their hands to model making and sculpture, as well as painting and drawing. They are usually very idealistic and sometimes push others to do their best because lyran starseeds demand the same from themselves. You may be a person who searches for fairness in the world and feels compelled to help those who are being mistreated. You enjoy being in nature or in a beautiful environment surrounded by things that inspire you. They have a natural talent for learning new things which makes it easy for them to excel in school or at their jobs! A race of ancient beings called Felines also come from Lyra, and they helped establish much of the ancient world on Earth including . They also may appear as a rectangle shape too! Its hard for you to open up and become vulnerable, but you want very much to be close with others. If you think you may be a Lyran starseed but would like some validation, try a birth chart reading or purchase my new book entitled The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins OR you can follow me on Facebook and watch for FREE mini reading giveaways! They show a certain fearlessness about living, like theyve done it a million times which they have, of course! This works for two reasons; one because it does involve drawing something which puts your mind in a creative mindset, which is conducive to sensing energetic things easier, and secondly because once again youre focusing intently on yourself. As these souls continue to awaken and expand their remembrance, they continually shed away any veil that separates them from their diamond-like clarity and power within. As a result, they excel in physical activity, especially in sports and manual labor. Lyran starseeds are incarnated souls from Lyra who have come to earth at this time to assist with planetary healing through their innate healing abilities and their passion for truth. In the pivotal times which we are living on the planet today, its become clear that we need help to navigate the unknown territories during this shift. They either like cats or have memories of being a cat-like humanoid. Let us know in the comments. ALSO READ: What are Avian starseed traits, and what do they mean? 16 Amazing Symbolism, The Spiritual Meaning of Someone Stealing from You. Not a rage, or anything, but if they are mad, you should look out. However, when placed in a position where they need to instill discipline in people, they can struggle to do so. Though very few Lyrans remain in their original bodies today, those that do are well-known for their courageous attitudes and tremendous strength of will. Thats why many old souls made their way from the depths of the universe to Earth in order to guide mankind through this transitional period. This is not true at all. When they speak, people can feel that theyre very confident. Thanks for sharing. A common Lyran starseed trait is their natural interest in metaphysics, nanotechnology, space travel, sciences and the paranormal. Labrum (Crater), Alkaid (Ursa Major) 27. Moving forward. They believe in themselves and their skills to survive in such a dark place like the earth. Lyran starseeds need to find activities or groups that value their idealism and moral sense of right v wrong if they are going to be happy in a mainstream society. The Earth is part of one solar system, and Lyra is part of a separate one. Each marking has a meaning attached to it however that can change depending on how they combine. *You just cant find a normal job that you like doing; it feels pointless to work at something you hate and it seems impossible for you to break into your dream career. You may have been here on Earth before, and thats okay. . The Star People by Brad Steiger. Feline features are prominent in Lyrans. Theyre also good at making connections with other people, which makes them excellent team players. 2. Of all the Lyran Starseed traits, this is the one that makes them the most unique. I could go on and on but Im guessing youre probably wondering why Ive chosen to respond (if you even get notified) While Ive been waking up for a long time, Ive been hitting the snooze for many years, and finally decided to get out of bed. *Youre constantly feeling like youve got a buzzing energy underneath your skin, but often times it gets so intense that it feels like theres a magnet inside of you thats pulling on everything around you- including other people. If you cant find your markings, then its time to take a long look at yourself and see if theres anything that stands out. Lyran beings are diverse in appearance but theyhavesome common behavioral traits. She had a whole extra section on each finger too- I always thought that was amazing but my point is .. that is just one of the amazing clues and evidence of my Grandmas origins. This is true of all Starseeds, but it is especially true of Lyrans because of their strong physical grounding and manifested power, meaning that they need . Lyrans can also be impatient and seem moody and aloof if there is nothing exciting going on. Paired with their natural leadership abilities, this combination of characteristics lends itself to social justice and leading the fight against injustice and unfair treatment. The brightest star in this constellation is Vega, which is also one of the brightest stars visible from our planet. Similarly, they also embrace their innate gifts and use them to stay connected with their souls purpose while on Earth. These markings are associated with ones karma, purpose and divine fate. It is easy for lyrans to get drawn into things that they later feel helpless to stop; lyran starseeds may struggle with alcoholism, drug addiction or other addictions because lyrans do not like to feel completely in control of their own lives. Its also possible that you may not be able to recognize it immediately but when you meditate or become still inside then you will be able to sense their presence all around you. #3 Lyran Starseeds love having a physical body. They can also feel as if they understand cats, like people. Also check outPleiadian,Andromedans,Orions, Arcturians, Avians, Reptilians, Mintakans, Alpha Centaurians, Venusian, Hadarians, Polarians and Sirianstarseeds. Here are some clues that can prove you're an Arcturian starseed. Ancient records indicate they were among the first intelligent humanoid species to traverse the stars, establishing widespread colonies across the universe in search of new opportunities and challenges. But it is possible to find a life partner that fits with their particular needs. Either situation can be explosive. You are a natural-born leader, and you have a strong personality. The people of Lyra have remarkable psychic skills and are deeply connected to the spiritual realms. Lyran starseeds have the potential to be successful in almost any career due to their talent for multi-tasking and adaptability, except where conventional thinking is required and there is no room for creativity or change. All Lyrans are humanoid and are said to be the root race of all humanoid races in our galaxy. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. What is the Meaning of Different Starseed Markings. By working on the foundations supplied by Lavendar and her Pleiadian starseed markings and cross referencing with native American astrology, I was able to identify what I believe are starseed markings for Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Orion, Vega, Lyra, Hydra, Centaurus and Cygnus. You are drawn to the stars and the most beautiful scenery you can find. It looks like an underlined letter C shape or just simply looking like an arrow. 0-10 in any sign can indicate Orion or Mintakan origins. Misconceptions and Facts: Lies and Truth About the Business of Modeling, they experience the physical world to the fullest have a love for good food, drink and music, they dont mind hard physical labour but once they get started, they dont like to stop until the job is done, they enjoy people watching and analysing social interactions, they are intelligent and tend to know a lot about a wide range of topics, they have a live and let live attitude so long as youre doing no harm, Lyran starseeds may have a freedom fighter type mentality as many are quick to identify injustices and willing to fight for causes they believe in, they are natural leaders because they are very experiencedand comfortable living the 3rd dimension, they may have many lovers because they enjoy the physical experiences of love but have a hard time staying put, their fierce independence may be painful for those close to them, especially parents. Romantic relationships can be difficult for lyrans because lyran starseeds have a hard time opening up emotionally to most people they meet, and lyrans may push away those who show romantic interest in them before they get the chance to know the other person well enough to trust. Lyran starseeds naturally radiate high vibration energy which can deeply impact people around them. Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Extended Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Starseed's Compass: Identifying Your Starseed Origins, The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins, How To Connect With Your ET Spirit Guides, The Incarnation Process and the Souls Innate Frequency. The meaning of the Starseed Markings varies depending on their location. You want to help everyone to be more aware of their feelings and express themselves honestly so they can find deeper happiness in their lives. I have a serious mission and a purpose here, holy crap Beyond burning sage and kicking the bad guys out once a while, beyond sharing love and kindness. This means it doesnt resemble anything from our earth languages. Often incarnated into this earth as a Sagittarius or Leo. You're Intelligent and Gifted. Lyran Starseeds Lyrans are a type of starseed from the Lyra constellation. Lyran starseeds can do things that would make many people panic. You exude a powerful presence. ALSO READ: Lemurian Starseed: traits & characteristics. This means what ever happened previously during a certain lifetime has repeated itself again but only now it is happening again in this current lifetime. Lyran starseeds also make excellent athletes as they enjoy physical activity and pushing physical limits but they also compete fearlessly. Lyran Starseeds: Origins, Starseed Markings & Modern Starry Practices. Have you ever felt like you just dont quite fully belong with everyone else here on Earth? This is because these types of markings resonate on a much higher level and are not necessarily visible to the naked eye. For those with the soul of a Lyran starseed the physical appearance is typically distinguished by their glowing blue or green eyes, a refined facial structure, pointed chin and high cheekbones. They were then known as the ancient race of Felines. They tend to be inquisitive thinkers and will seek out solutions through intellectual pursuits rather than relying on intuition or inner guidance. *You feel the need to explore your spirituality more but also find yourself constantly struggling with doubt, fear or uncertainty whenever you try to do something like this; meditation often leads to these feelings which is why it can be so difficult for starseeds (especially ones with weak markings.). In fact, they are often described as Freedom Fighters because of their inability to stand by and watch the powerful exploit the weak. If you have a starseed marking somewhere on your CHEST then it is likely to represent who you were during a past life. Many people have experienced these things and dont know what they mean just yet. Starseed vs Moonchild: Exploring the Differences, Unlocking the Meaning of Your Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide to Dream Interpretation, Uncovering the Soul Contracts of a Twin Flame Relationship, Using Numerology to Strengthen Romantic Relationships. Settling down is out of the question for most. But here we'll provide a list of common signs and markings of souls that incarnated in Sirius: . Their intelligence is truly endless and they're always searching for new ways to expand their knowledge. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Spiritualunite.com All rights reserved. Orpheuss music was said to be so great that even inanimate objects such as rocks and trees could be charmed. Lyran starseeds are very hard working, but they love to find shortcuts to do things. This is one of the main Lyran characteristics. Lyrans are here to share their knowledge and help us realize our true nature. Do you know your Lyran Starseed Mission?Do you have Lyran Starseed markings? The . Lyran starseeds have an intense desire for truth that manifests through their willingness to embrace change, even if it means leaving behind a familiar comfort zone in order to seek out new experiences. 21 Sings You're an Arcturian Starseed. Other tips: if all else fails, you can always draw an outline of yourself on a piece of paper until you figure out where your markings are. Lyrans had a unique part in the creation of humanity. The key is to see the truth that independence and interdependence are not mutually exclusive in a relationship. They taught about work ethic and how to make the best use of energy. When someone has starseed markings they appear as small marks or glyphs in our aura that are very difficult to see by just looking at yourself directly in front of a mirror. sarcastic comments about the human race, ability to grasp concepts quickly and easily in theory but have difficulty putting them into practice, (focusing on how it should be done rather than just doing it), awareness of the big picture, able to grasp many different possibilities, need for routine and structure even if they cant easily define why a certain order makes them happy, belief that there is more to life than what meets the eye, belief in karma, often feeling responsible for helping others (or the greater good), will try anything at least once due to an intense curiosity and desire for knowledge, drawn toward spiritual interests, especially new age philosophies and ceremonies such as channeling or reiki energy healing, may feel uncomfortable with traditional organized religion that has set rules and rituals, strong sense of right v wrong with a tendency to be unforgiving of those who do harm or cause suffering in the world.
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