One group is handing out diapers. Theres no reason to go throwing yourself onto a raft in the ocean, Lito said. But now? Instead, they are sent to France, where they stay. He hesitated while everyone stared at him, his eyes searching Castros face on the bottom of the boat as though there were answers hidden there. Refugee (Alan Gratz) Read the first paragraph of Ch.22 . She could fix that too. Mahmoud Bishara is a 12-year-old boy from Aleppo, Syria who lives in 2015 in the book Refugee. Teachers and parents! Mahmoud's dad. You have to take us with you! Isabel said. Mahmoud musters the fortitude to break free from his invisibility and lead his family to a brighter future. Chabela, get down from there! Isabel ignored them both and turned this way and that, calling out for her father. He was dusty and smelled like he hadnt had a bath in months, and the heat of the road radiated off him and his rifle like a stove. Refugee is a historical fiction novel written in 2017 that weaves together three compelling stories of families seeking sanctuary in other countries. She staggered to the door of her bedroom, Hana crying in her arms. Fatima Bishara. Mahmoud is 13 years old in 2015, and lives in Aleppo, Syria with his father Youssef, his mother Fatima, his 10-year-old brother Waleed, and his infant sister Hana. Mahmoud felt like he was in trouble. But we have to go so all of us will be safe. She knew he would never have let her do it. What if he had changed his mind? This reminds Mahmoud of Hana, and, For four weeks, Mahmoud, Waleed, Youssef, and, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. What is the falling action of Mahmoud in refugee? Amahl Bishara, Tufts University . I cant fall out of the boat, because I have already fallen for this princess of the sea! he said. Mahmouds father, Youssef, meets them outside in the car and tells them they are escaping the country right away. He sobbed with the effort of fighting off the mans fingers and hanging onto the dinghy. The way the content is organized, One of the three protagonists of the book, alongside. The soldiers direct them to a route that avoids the battles in return for a ride. If your eyes were the sea, I would drown in them. Lito was giving her piropos, the flirtatious compliments Cuban men said to women on the street. The people on board try to push them off, afraid they will capsize the fragile boat. We have to get out of here! Mahmouds mother said, putting Hana in Mahmouds arms. But, Mahmouds father has stopped joking, numb and broken from the beating he had recieved after standing up to a soldier. Many guns and artillery. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Everywhere around them, people fled into the streets, covered in gray dust and blood. Mahmoud and his family had fallen into step with them and disappeared among their ranks. Isabel smiled, then noticed how big and heavy the gas cans were. The couple is very kind, welcoming them and sharing their own stories. Mahmoud hoped so, at least. At last, when they had cried all the tears they could cry, Rachel Landau led her children to her room, put her bed back together, and hugged Josef and Ruth close until morning. Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud will leave their homes. No, my son is just twelve. Isabel caught up with her father and grandfather, then parted ways with them on the Malecn, the broad road that curved along the seawall on Havana Harbor. Mahmoud: Hungary 2015, 16 days from home, Hours pass without food or water, and Mahmoud and Youssef dont know where Waleed and, Mahmoud and Youssef line up, they pass another cell for women and children and find, be sent back to Serbia. long days trying to get to the boat on time, and now it isnt coming. As it passed, Mahmoud saw a young couple sitting in the back. He dies in a concentration camp. Money had been tight since their father lost his job, and she would enjoy the treat. Papa was scaring her. This gains a large amount of media attention, and Austrians greet them at the border with food, water, and medicine. Mahmoud bishara lives in Aleppo, Syria in the year 2015. Not soldiersregular people. As another boat passes by and doesnt acknowledge them, Mahmoud begins to realize that being invisible is not always the best solution, as no one can help him. Mahmouds father stopped their Mercedes station wagon for gasoline at a little roadside station north of Aleppo. With a battle cry that would have made Wolverine proud, Mahmoud had launched himself at Khalids attackers. It was an old blue Opel taxi, traveling so slowly Mahmoud could walk faster. Without Russias gas, they couldnt run the tractors to change the fields over to food, and without the extra food, the Cuban people began to starve. Being invisible was how he survived. Explore books by genre, topic, reading level, or series to find your next read. They threw Josef and Ruth on the floor once more and flicked on the overhead light. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. No one had voted or named him captain, but he had built the boat, after all, and he was the one at the rudder, steering it, so that put him in charge. Then she had it. They are taken to the home of an elderly German couple who agree to take them in until they get settled. Fatima had put on a black long-sleeved dress and a pink flowery hijab that covered her head and shoulders. If you dont take us with you, theyll throw him in prison. Seor Castillo paused his hammering for a moment, then shook his head. The boy who had died so Ruthie could live. The soldiers might be with the Syrian army, or with the Syrian rebels. It was his dad. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Josef had died so Ruthie could live, and one day welcome Mahmoud and his family into her house. The angry cop yanked his arm free from Luis and pointed his nightstick at Papi. Come on, Evielets do the bathrooms on A-deck! The girls tore away, and Josef huffed. A year after that, Khalid had died in an airstrike anyway. It doesnt matter, he said. Screamed in sheer blind terror. Hadnt everyone on board already applied and paid for visas? More than half their village was on the sand, clapping, waving, and cheering on the boats. Ruthie skipped ahead of Josef along the sunny Promenade deck, happier than hed ever seen her before. Car horns beeped. I needed something big and thick for the bottom of the boat, he said. But he knew better. Toward them. Hey, Isabel! Ivn said, making her jump. It's Playing out in His Novels (Published 2018)", "Refugee by Alan Gratz A Timely and Important Novel",, This page was last edited on 8 November 2022, at 01:30. Ill be right behind you. Luis, the older boy whod saved her from the policemans nightstick, wasnt home from work yet, and neither was his mother, Juaneta, who worked at the cooperative law office. what does mahmoud want to control in refugee. Refine any search. When her father, Geraldo, is worried that the police are coming after him for protesting, Isabel rallies her own family and another family, the Castillos, to take a boat to Miami and escape the oppression of Cuba. And then the whole country seemed to go crazy all at once. Papi hissed as she disinfected them with the iodine. By now he knew what an incoming missile sounded like. Mahmoud couldnt believe it. A mural painted on the side of the gas station showed President Assad, his dark hair cut short and a thin mustache underneath his pointy nose. They ate and slept and read books like Jews. He then hears, cry out for help, but the dinghy isnt slowing down. Left with no other choice, the family embarks and rides through the pouring rain headed for Greece. She recognized the new policeman. She had to think of some answer to all this, some solution that would keep her family together. he has been saying for the past week: the boat will come tomorrow. He couldnt imagine traveling that far. Were against whoever is dropping the bombs too, the soldier at the window said. If a plane dropped a barrel Isabel held her breath, and soon the fisherman came back with two enormous plastic jugs of gasoline. Today, Josef said, I am a man. There were many hands to shake and many congratulations after the ceremony, but it was all a blur to Josef. He didnt even leave to go to the bathroom. Refugee (Alan Gratz) I found us a ride, but we have to leave now.. He didnt look happy about it, though. She lifted the trumpet to her lips. They were men, mostly, many of them shirtless in the hundred-degree August heat, their white and brown and black backs glistening in the sun. If you were caught trying to leave for el norte by boat, Castro would throw you in jail. From the Nazis. 'No boat today. (This displacement has been decided upon or forced for 55% of Syrians since the start of the war in 2011. Isabel watched as Mami cleaned his cuts with a washcloth. Im sorry. Couldnt breathe! Youve put us all in danger! Seor Castillo batted Geraldo Fernandezs arms away. And Castros only making things worse. As if saying his name made him appear, the baseball game on television was interrupted by a special message from the Cuban president. Mahmoud realizes it is up to him to do something. You should stand up for your country! I was inspired to create this Sutori from Mahmoud, a character from the book Refugee by Alan Gratz. Stomp. One group is handing out diapers. Dont! Russian airstrikes have hit here and here in support of that Alawite pig Assad, and American drones are attacking Daesh here and here. Mahmouds eyes went wide. We can sell the car there and make our way north, to Germany. Everyone stopped while Mahmouds father walked ahead. There was a small group of them, up on the rocks overlooking the inlet. (including. Josef tried to relax. A son on the way! Isabels father and grandfather yelled at each other about dictators and freedom and families and responsibility. Hana was wailing, but Mahmoud almost couldnt hear her over the sound of the gunfire. Flying highest above them all, as if to remind everyone who was in charge, was the red-and-white Nazi flag with the black swastika in the middle. We have to get out of here! Across the hall, the Sarraf family filled the corridormother, father, and twin daughters, both younger than Waleed. Last updated by Cat 2 years ago 4/4/2021 7:38 PM. However, Waleed, unable to cope, has just turned into a robot, numb to the pain around him. What are you playing at, letting them on board? he demanded. Isabel weaved in and out among them, her trumpet tucked under one arm, looking for Papi and Lito. The cat was so tiny it could only nibble at the beans. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! Isabel told him. He and Mahmoud had known each other for years, and even though Mahmoud was Sunni and Khalid was Shia, that had never mattered to them. The north. Together they hurried to the ramp as best they could, carrying all the suitcases. Isabel turned, holding a hand up in front of her eyes and expecting to see a police searchlight shining on her. on her iPhone. I saw on the TV theyre accepting refugees. Maana, we told them. But I have this. She held out the trumpet. Thank God youre safe! he told her. We can stay there until all this is over. All right, then. Ill be a man soon enough, Josef told them. It doesnt have to be a snowman. This is serious, Mom said. Struggling with distance learning? He glanced around the little cabin like the walls were closing in. Everyone on the crew had treated Josef and his family with kindness and respect, despite his fathers repeated warnings that all Germans were out to get them. Nothing else mattered in that moment but air. She ran home again. The ship was called the MS St. Louis. Your mother is pregnant, for one thing! Lito said. No, no, you cant go through Azaz anymore, the soldier said. By train? Being responsible did. You can just lie low for a while. Mahmoud is 12 years old, he is kind of stoke has thick black eyebrows a strong nose and wears a hoodie. They get to Cuba first and unload their passengers, and who knows? But as relieved as he was, he knew they still had so very far to go. Complete your free account to request a guide. For Mahmoud Bishara,12, life in Aleppo, Syria in 2015 means trying to make himself invisible and making sure his younger brother Waleed is safe. He raised his hands to his ears and said, Allahu Akbar. God is the greatest. Finally, the boat is actually there! Although the refugees eventually find new homes in Europe, Josef and his mother are captured by Nazis and die in a concentration camp. No more Ministry of Telling People What to Think or Else, he said. He sobbed with the effort of fighting off the mans fingers and hanging onto the dinghy. Isabel was listening for the clave underneath the music, the mysterious hidden beat inside of them belching gray-black diesel engine smoke. Theres no food for any of us, and no money to buy it with if there was. Then, any left. Porter? Josef stood in wonder as another sailora German man without a Star of David armband, a man who wasnt a Jewput a suitcase under each arm and one in each hand and led them up the gangway. Being invisible was how he survived." (Chapter 3, Page 12) The factions in Mahmoud's native Syria make his conclusion a valid one. In Refugee, Alan Gratz has . LitCharts Teacher Editions. He and Isabel had been friends as long as she could remember. Hundreds. The family takes a bus to reach a port city, but the promised boat that will transport them to Greece is not there. They walk to a bus stop and reach the Hungarian border. No porters rushed to help them with their bags. Lets have a song, Lito said. They could even be Daesh. Mahmoud froze. There wasnt another ship on the horizon as far as he could see. Just four years ago, their home city of Aleppo had been the biggest, brightest, most modern city in Syria. Like Josef, Mahmoud is also forced to make a difficult choice that shows his maturity and the weight of his responsibility. Josef, his mother, and Ruthie stopped short just inside the first-class social hall. We didnt want to leave our homes! another man yelled. It hadnt always been this way. That prompted someone to break out food and drinks, even though it was late. Quickly now, children, Mama said. Hed been released from a concentration camp called Dachau, but only on condition that he leave the country within fourteen days. To safety. I have his ticket, she told the sailor. He flailed wildly at the debris, digging and scratching at the wreckage like he could somehow claw his way back to a place where there was air. Im a man now. And when those soldiers said one of us could go free and the other would be taken to a concentration camp, Josef said, Take me.. Answers: 1. Josef's story begins when Josef's father Aaron gets taken away on Kristallnacht and is sent to the Dachau concentration camp by Nazi Stormtroopers. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Josefs parents had always taken him to synagogue with them on Shabbos, even when other parents left their children with their nannies. Your name must be Summer, because youre making me sweat! The girl smiled, but Isabels mother slapped Lito on the leg. Josef Landau, Isabel Fernandez, and Mahmoud Bisharaare the primary protagonists of Refugee. People also ask, Where does Mahmouds family plan go? No ambulances came to help the wounded. He starts to panic that, Mahmoud: Just Outside Aleppo, Syria 2015, 1 day from home. Something subhuman. See the top reviewed local solar panel installation companies in Witzhave, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany on Houzz. We can wait our turn. The startled man at the front of the line motioned for them to go ahead, and Josefs mother thanked him. Mahmouds dad kept driving. Mami was very pregnantshe was due in a weeks timeso Isabel knelt down to find the iodine. Mahmouds ears rang with a high-pitched whine, like the TV when the satellite was searching for a signal. She dropped to her knees and pulled them both into a hug. The policeman raised his truncheon to hit her father again, and Isabel jumped in between them. See here, he told Mahmouds father, youll have to go over to Qatmah, and then north through Qestel Cindo. He found one, put it on the counter, and paid for the candy. Their room was spotless, the bed linens were freshly laundered, and the hand towels were pressed and neatly stacked. No! Papi cried, scrambling as far away from them as he could. A pistol rang out again over the waves, and the crowd on the beach cried out in panic. Mahmoud Bishara is a 12-year-old boy from Aleppo, Syria who lives in 2015 in the book Refugee. what were two observations the boys made about lesbos from the boat? Do you want to build a snowman? his father sang. After the week, they return to the mall but two men threaten them and demand an exorbitant amount of money in order to stay. View bestsellers, featured, top rated, classics, hidden gems, and new releases. They tumbled into the ditch beside his parents. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Ill stay here with your father. Josef and Ruth were only too glad to get away from Papa. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. His sister. He bopped his nose hard enough to jerk awake, and Ruthie laughed hysterically. Mahmoud is beaten up by the local kids for being Syrian, he's unable to gain a place in a school, and his father can't see a way for his son to have a future. Everything else had to be left behind. It felt like ages since hed been inside a synagogue. The kittens nose sniffed eagerly at the air, and it meowed. Oh, turn it off, Papi said. Mama just shook her head, her eyes full of worry. Soon after landing in Greece, Mahmouds father gets them onto a ferry that will take them to Athens. Josefs maturation continues as the situation worsens: after his father attempts suicide is separated from the family, his mother is stricken with grief, so Josef makes sure that Ruthie is being cared for and protected. Ruth! Mama cried when she saw them. It wasnt my mother and father, and you, Lito. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Continue reading. There was blood in his hair, and the area around one of his eyes was already turning black. As she blew, her fingers tapped out the notes she knew by heart. What was his first name? Clothes, food, sports, movies, travel, school, opportunity. Fatima had long, dark hair she wore up on her head, and intense brown eyes. Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 6 days, Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 8 days, Isabel: Straits of Florida 1994, 1 day (1), Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 10 days, Isabel: Straits of Florida 1994, 1 day (2), Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 11 days, Isabel: The Straits of Florida 1994, 1 day (3), Mahmoud: Izmir, Turkey 2015, 11 days (1), Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 14 days, Isabel: The Straits of Florida 1994, 1 day (4), Mahmoud: Izmir, Turkey 2015, 11 days (2), Josef: On the Atlantic Ocean 1939, 17 days, Isabel: Straits of Florida 1994, 2 days, Mahmoud: The Mediterranean 2015, 11 days (1), Mahmoud: The Mediterranean 2015, 11 days (2), Isabel: Between Bahamas and Florida 1994, 4 days, Mahmoud: The Mediterranean 2015, 11 days (3), Isabel: Between Bahamas and Florida 1994, 5 days (1), Mahmoud: Lesbos to Athens 2015, 12 days (3), Isabel: Between Bahamas and Florida 1994, 5 days (2), Mahmoud: Macedonia to Serbia 2015, 14-15 days, Isabel: Coast of Florida 1994, 5 days (1), Mahmoud: Serbia to Hungary 2015, 15-16 days, Isabel: Coast of Florida 1994, 5 days (2), Isabel: Coast of Florida 1994, 5 days (3), Josef: Vornay, France 1940, 1 year, 1 month, 10 days, Isabel: Coast of Florida 1994, 5 days (4), Mahmoud: Hungary to Germany 2015, 17 days. He had to get up. Look at this one! he said, pointing to the wet spot on Josefs nightclothes. Refugee (Alan Gratz) What are Mahmoud Bishara's character traits? Find more similar flip PDFs like refugee_-_alan_gratz. Please, take us with you!, At least take my sister! Mahmoud begged. Isabels father pitched across the roiling boat and grabbed Seor Castillo by the shirt. It took her a moment to process it, but this was really happening. They were almost to the highway when gunfire erupted nearby tat-tatatatat! You made it! It hasnt been for months. They couldnt afford their old place, not since the Nazis told Josefs father he wasnt allowed to practice law anymore because he was Jewish. This wasnt what the tourists had paid for. When he was finished washing up, Mahmoud went to the corner of the living room that faced Mecca. Tomorrow morning well have the sun to guide us. All that matters now is we get as far away from Cuba as we can, said Luiss girlfriend. His teacher, Herr Meier, had called him to the front of the room. This wasnt what the tourists had paid for. Mahmouds dad waited for a pause in the gunfire, then scrambled back up the ridge for the car. bomb, though, you needed walls. They all continue to walk for twelve hours, all the way to Austria and freedom. Ivn and Seora Castillo grabbed the arms of the two policemen and pulled them on board, and they all collapsed into the bottom of the boat. That soundit was like someone had kicked the front door in. Plan. When they got close to the ramp, Papa hunkered down behind the last of the crates. This reminds Mahmoud of, might be too old. Izzat so? She can eat the scraps. The fisherman eyed the cat suspiciously. We will not stand in their way. What did he just say? Mami asked. The next car was the dining car. Isabel also deals with a fair share of trauma that expedites this maturity: two years prior, her grandmother Lita drowned during a cyclone in Havana, and on this boat trip Isabels best friend, Ivn, is killed in the water by sharks. Soon the sisters ran back outside, hanging on to each other with laughter. Mahmoud explains how they gave, people who hadnt survived. But the food shortages had driven more and more Cubans to el norte. Put that on. Everyone got quiet as Lito turned up the volume. Mahmoud leaned over to see. No sirens rang. I think its time we met the other person on board with us, Isabels grandfather said. Its a trick, Papa said when the door was closed. A table at the front held a Torah scroll. Izzit a good mouser? Yes! Isabel said, though she was sure that even a mouse would give the scrawny thing trouble. Where would they go? We have to get on board before they stop us. But I have tickets, Mama said. He hurried across the room, his ankles turning painfully on broken bits of wall. One day, the bombings and war hit home, literally. Mahmoud Bishara and his family live in war-torn Aleppo, Syria in 2015, four years after the Arab Spring had reached their country (the Arab Spring was a group of pro-democracy protests that occurred in several Middle Eastern countries in 2010-2011). Most of the farms in Cuba grew only sugarcane. Isabel wished she had something else to give it, but this food was already more than she could spare. It was a boat. Josef couldnt wait for his bar mitzvah. They used it on the door handles of cabins up and down the passageway on A-deck, then hid around the corner and waited. A specimen. They conducted interviews with persons who gave their accounts of what they had seen. She finally had a signal, and got Google Maps to open on her iPhone. Hey, I know something funny we can do, he told them. Refine any search. No. Captains got the engines maxed out. Has to, the other said. Record what books your kids are reading. Boys took turns diving into the sea. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. asked. Is it enough? Isabel asked. On the train, Josef and his family sat in a compartment labeled J, for Jew, so no real Germans would sit there by accident. Hed gone to them with this stupid stunt. Mahmoud and his family travel through Serbia and into Hungary, where they are detained at a refugee camp that is built like a prison. A recent tally has placed the reported death toll for this journey across the Mediterranean at above 15,000 since only 2014,and the actual number is likely much higher). Come stand guard for us! Renata cried. (In five days, Papa hadnt come out of their cabin once, not even for meals, and Josefs mother had barely left his side.) the place feels mournful, as many people here lost someone in the crossing from Turkey. Mahmoud decides that he no longer wants to be ignored and leads the refugees out of the prison, walking twelve hours to Austria. Isabel stood for what seemed like hours, her insides churning like a waterspout. Ahmed and Nedhal werent his friends. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." But when the Soviet Union went away, so did all their support. The building groaned again, and a kitchen on the top floor began to tip toward the street. The other policeman shook out his long black hair, and Isabel was startled to realize it wasnt a policeman at all. Some of these soldiers wore camouflage pants and shirts, but others wore Adidas jerseys and leather jackets and track pants. Josef tried to hide in the corner of his bed, but shadowy hands snatched at him. A roar like a hot wind rising outside. Wearing that uniform turned boys into monsters. Here, lets have a song anyway. He began singing a salsa song and tapping out the rhythm on the side of the metal boat. I want you to go to college first, his mother told him. At prayer time, Mahmoud, his family, and many of the other refugees stop to pray, disturbing the tourists that are traveling with them. Cuba was a communist country, like Russia had been, and for decades the Soviets had been buying Cubas sugar for eleven times the price and sending the little island food and gasoline and medicine for free. There! When she took Luiss hand, Isabel guessed she was his girlfriend. The refugees are transferred from prison cells to a detention camp, reuniting Mahmouds family. Shes a baby. Mahmoud By Refugee Action November 18, 2016 Refugee Voices In Syria, Mahmoud was a successful tradesman, living happily with his wife and four children in a big house in the country's capital, Damascus. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." "Mahmoud Bishara was invisible, and that's exactly how he wanted it. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Ready or not, if we want to live, we have to leave Syria. Not here. She wore a dark blue wool dress with a white sailors collar and carried her white corduroy stuffed Rabit-Bitsy, everywhere she went. She trades her trumpet for gasoline in order to get the boat to start. And now they were in line with him, all those hundreds of people and thousands more, and they werent invisible anymore. Please! Mahmoud cried. All four of them burst out laughing, and Josef and Renata pulled the two younger children away before they could be caught. The leader of Syria. He shook his head as he paced their little room in his oversized nightclothes. More police were arriving by motorcycle and military truck, and the protest was turning bloody. A large portrait of Hitler hung in the middle of the room, watching over them all. The desks were wide enough for three students at each, and Mahmoud sat between two other boys named Ahmed and Nedhal. I parked the car nearby. Germany was somewhere up north, in the heart of Europe. Above him, what was left of the ceiling light threw sparks. One of the teachers walked up and down the hall ringing a handbell, and Mahmoud collected his backpack and went to find his little brother, Waleed. Mahmoud watched as these two boys attacked the boy with the bread, a boy he didnt even know. Asked by Bookragstutor 4. . Waleed, talk to me. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. It was his whole neighborhood. I want to play baseball for the New York Yankees! Ivn said. Education, public health, and sports, they all said together. The man at the concession stand sold newspapers, and Josef took one and put a coin on the counter. When all this is over, Ill find you and arrest you, and theyll send you away for good. Luis pulled the angry policeman away, pausing just long enough to give Isabel a worried look over his shoulder. Isabel fell into the water and swam the rest of the way to the boat, but her father was already climbing over the side. Boats built out of Styrofoam and oil drums. But, the driver stops the car and points a gun at them, demanding almost all of the rest of their money. Across the room, Josefs little sister, Ruth, was still asleep. He sifted through it, hopingyes! But we never did. Lito was crying now, distraught. If he and his family didnt make it to Cuba, if they werent allowed in, where would they go? Everything they owned was in these two backpacks. But if he looked right at them, they would That shut everybody up. His mother, father, little brother Waleed, and baby sister Hana barely manage to escape the . Give us the whole sum of money! Instant PDF downloads. But, eventually he and his family find a new home and get a chance at a new start. Wheres Papi? she asked him. They spilled into the streets, and the few policemen on the Malecn were quickly overwhelmed. They looked tired and poor and wretched. Mahmoud, wheres your mother? No one wore their Jewish armbands on the ship, and there were no Js above any of the passenger compartments, because all the passengers were Jews. Shes a baby. Grabbed for him. Renata and Evelyne burst into laughter. And Waleed was centimeters from joining them both. Fatima continues to go from tent to tent, asking about, Mahmoud: Serbia to Hungary 2015, 15 to 16 days from home, cries over all of the events of the past two weeks, he apologizes for giving, Mahmoud: Hungary to Germany 2015, 17 days from home, food, water, and other supplies.
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