This hunk of joy is guarded mainly by the Air National Guard and USAF of each region. The bank vault is hidden in a basement with a 250 ton door at the entrance, and the building itself is reinforced with steel to protect it from attacks. 7. The man who broke into it somehow managed to get past the high walls with spinning spikes and barbed wire "adorned" his way. Iran secretly flew gold into the country from Europe in order to dodge financial pressure from the United States and UK. There's no way you're getting in any of these places unless you have superpowers or have super ties to some of the most important people in the world (even then that's still not a guarantee). Area 51 It is near Fort Knox but not the same thing. Some of the countries where prostitution is legal are listed here. Attack dogs also guard the facility. San Quentin is typically reserved for the most violent of criminals, such as murderers, gangsters, and members of drug cartels. It is a 38,000 acre stretch of land located in Southern Nevada which is essentially in the middle of a desert. We're not really sure, honestly, why someone would try to enter it anyway, but now the Queen's Bedroom is heavily guarded and secured from intruders. It is said that around 5,000 tons of gold are housed here (that's almost 2 percent of all gold on Earth! 14. Born in 1939 on the island of Sardinia, Sue's husband Pietro Addis Snr moved to the UK as a young man and spent more than a decade working at the Italian Embassy in London, promoting his country . This is the plane used by the President of the United States for his travels. This iconic home of the US Bullion Depository not only stores tons of gold by the thousands, but also allegedly houses significant historical documents. A Belgian mother who killed five of her children has been euthanised on the 16th anniversary of the killings, at her own request. Since its creation, over one million troops have graduated here, further showing how important it has been. Often called The Flying White House, Air Force Ones defense technology is mostly classified, but the plane is allegedly capable of jamming enemy radars, ejecting flares to throw missiles off-course, and protecting itself from air strikes with heavy shielding. I know one awesome method of earning money, I Millions of innocent people were killed during the Hiroshima bombing. It houses 270 billion dollars worth of gold. It was designed to be a refuge for the higher-ups to reconstruct Britain in the event of a nuclear attack. The Workers' Party plenum in Pyongyang in December . Apart from being heavily guarded, the vaults are protected by temperature control and motion detectors. It's so safe! Before you think prisons have little to push your mind on, let's say this place is still a supermax prison for the bad guys in Colorado. It houses around 400 inmates and it is heavily guarded that no one has a chance to escape. There was a guy who really broke into it back in the 90s. You will be fortunate to take a peek at the world's most secretive nooks left in total desolation in today's post. Refugees try to cross near the Chinese border even if it is shallower and freezes over the winter but that spot is amongst the most heavily guarded points now. The seeds are protected by motion detectors, airlocks, blast proof doors, and a meter of thick steel reinforced concrete. It is comprised of a hidden tunnel network, encased by solid granite reinforcements. It is a 250km long and 4km wide path that is constantly under watch. Next up we have the infamous Fort Knox. There are even special taste testers employed to ensure that no food for the President has been poisoned! Today were going to learn a bit about some of the most heavily guarded places on Earth, why these places are so secure, and hopefully uncover some of the secrets that they hold. These are among the world's best, which easily explains why they are also the most secure vaults. This is the best photo you can get! Even flying overhead this "restricted area" is forbidden. Now Theyre Living Mortgage Free! Now how much gold are we talking about? Search google for: drackos tricks. The Greenbrier is a luxury resort in West Virginia. The Administrative Maximum Facility or ADX, is a supermax prison for men in Colorado. The most heavily guarded location starts about 200 miles out from the United States. Starting off we have the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. We are looking at the 10+ most safe people in the world from tech titans to authoritarian presidents on our list of: Top 10+ Most Protected People In The World 1. Over 300 Hospitalized After Mysterious Illness Hits India, Mysterious Monolith Found In Utah Desert Has Now Disappeared, Says Officials, Smuggler Caught In Airport Hiding Gold Bars In His Butt, Alabama and Florida Residents Report Receiving Mysterious Seed Packets from China, Uber Driver Saves Lady Passenger From Creepy Guy By Pretending To Be Her Boyfriend, Good Hacker Breaks Into Peoples Routers To Protect Them From Cyber Criminals. Fort Knox: Fort Knox, located in Kentucky, is an Army post and is also home to the US Bullion Depository where the US . Visitors can explore the farmland, pet livestock, enjoy tractor . Federal Reserve Bank in New York has a security so tight that its entrusted with more U.S. gold bullion than the famous Fort Knox. We have completely transformed our world through the immense amount of buildings we have constructed, leaving only a few places untouched by man. The entrance is secured by two waves of armed guards and they are said to inspect visitors so closely that even the TSA will be humiliated. Click to CallOpen 24/7 - Call (602) 635-7370 or Toll Free: (877) 635-6896. I used to work there. Photos of the Mormon vaults can be a challenge to come by. The vehicles parked here are protected by motion detectors and other sets of alarm. Even the bravest travelers don't venture to come close to it, let alone cross it, so all you can imagine is what a weird place this zone might actually be. It has the most advanced security arrangements any prison has ever. The only content banned were things of very malicious nature such as using it to hack. Area 51 is covered in motion sensors and is heavily patrolled by all sorts of vehicles. Here are the top 10 high-security buildings in the country. Was really pleased to represent the Children's Law Centre in this discussion last Friday at Belfast Metropolitan College organised by the Equality Commission The Latter Day Saint's Church of Jesus Christ owns an immense collection of documents and history. This strip of land which stretches 160 miles in length and 2.5 miles in width, divides North and South Korea. Coming up: 10. This makes the river a good place for those wishing to defect. In regards to #3. No amount of money or power will ever guarantee access to either of these locations for you. Believe it or not, it has been used for more than hundreds of years by the world's most wealthy individuals. Any decent Google search would have shown you this. Area 51 3. Fort Knox houses many of Americas monetary assets, including around 5,000 tons of gold. There is one other place in particular that still requires a tiny portion of the world's attention, the DX Florence Jail, apart from all these forgotten zones and forbidden regions. Just for the sake of accuracy, Area 51 is in Nevada. According to some reports, 50% of the island's soil consists of human remains. You've probably heard of Area 51, the high-security military research facility famous for holding some of the world's greatest secrets and cover-ups, and it's known to some for concealing alien and UFO sighting information. From tiny seeds to gold bullion, the world's most precious treasures are hiding in safes that not even Jeff Sitar could crack. Area 51 as we all know is where the aliens are at, a place shrouded in mystery and only a few elite people know its secrets. As well as the burned remains of Flight 93, the original photo of Einstein sticking his tongue out, and Edison's patent for the light bulb, thousands of historical master tapes, photo negatives, and original film reels live here. Maybe confused with Roswell, in NM. That is the WRONG Fort Knox. The inside looks incredibly futuristic yet retro at the same time! 5. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. Talking about the most heavily guarded places on earth, Fort Knox is where gold is protected. But as the number of individuals with high net worth continues to rise, bodyguards are now in demand for a rising and diverse range of clients. If it's a list for most heavily guarded places on the planet, how can Area 51 be left behind. Florence's ADX Federal Prison. CIA Headquarters, Langley Virginia 9. And let us warn you before you get started, that most of these places have security protocols in place. Well, you may have assumed that there is no greater mystery than what lies beyond outer space, but you may have changed your mind today for the better. And Michigan is hardly alone in letting private equity firms foot most of the bill for luxury travel and trips by state pension fund managers, who are public employees. The wider context of the reported purges is characterised by rising tension on the Korean peninsula. This rare image surfaced in a newspaper during its 1962 construction. What makes this so guarded though is its underground bunker. Bahnhof is an extremely large service provider, and with all of that excess money, there is really no reason not to do such a creative act. The Royal Australian Air Force now operates the Woomera Prohibited Field, which is primarily known as a large weapons testing range. It is situated 100 ft below Britains secret subterranean Burlington bunker in Wiltshire. Assumptions are based either on the position of the Imperial Treasury or on the central bank of Iran. there is no gold at the fed!! The military research facility is protected by motion sensors, a patrol of armed guards, and a no fly zone throughout the entire site. Everybody wants to feel secure and protected. Consequently, the region has become a nature preserve. Spanning 6,500 acres, this exclusive resort is located in the forests of West Virginia. Break in is impossible since the vault opened in 1935. The Iron Mountain protects the most priceless treasures in human history like photo negatives and historic master recordings. Let's look at some of those most heavily guarded and secured places on Earth today. It is situated on the top of large concrete pillars in the middle of the North sea. It was around all the way back in the First World War and played a large role in the harboring and training of troops. 8 The Bohemian Grove When compared to the Svalbard Seed Vault, The Bohemian Grove is rather odd and at least twice as mysterious. No way in, no way out, ADX is all about that. Interestingly, the Woomera Prohibited Area sits on a strip of dirty land abundant in mineral elements and is thus worth millions of dollars. The main vault is said to be located almost 40 ft below sea level in the basement. It's called the Air Defense Identification Zone or ADIZ. Even those granted entry inside the facility cannot view items without advanced approval. Below are 26 of the world's most highly guarded facilities: The car park was developed in the 1970s and, by the 1990s, had gained a reputation for crime and substance abuse. . It is described as the cleaner version of Hell. In the US state of Colorado, the jail, officially known as The Administrative Maximum Facility, holds the most violent offenders. Room 48, a data center that backs up some of Americas biggest companies also lies in the Iron Mountain. Air Force One is one the most well built planes in the world. Perhaps, you think of military bases, government holdings, or important historical sites. Harshly dividing Communist North Korea and Republican South Korea, this strip of land stretches 160 miles in length and 2.5 miles in width. Gaw Capital paid for most of the $21,127 business-class airfare for . Each driver gets a unique barcode ticket thats synchronised with their driving space, theres a movement sensor under each car which goes off if its moved without permission; plus an impressive 190 surveillance cameras.
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