Using these, they were able to make a decisive strike by teleporting the entire Decepticon army to Cybertron, then teleportingCybertronto the far reaches of space. After Unicron's demise, a meteor of Dark Energon with Thunderwing sealed within crashed on Earth. Unicron proved to be Welles's final role, as he died a few days after completing work on the project; rumors persist that Welles did not complete recording of all his lines, and thatLeonard Nimoyfilled in for him, but the film's voice directorWally Burrand actressSusan Blurefute the claim. Transformed his prison into a moving planet that changes into the robot, something Primus proceeded to copy from him. Optimus, soon joined by his fellow Autobots, blasted his way through increasingly larger Unicron avatars, until finally Unicron produced one even the Autobots couldn't beat. This is Primacron. Hes a vaguely simian humanoid alien that appeared in the third season of the 1980s Transformers cartoon. In this episode, it w Until, that is, Primus created the Thirteen. Defeated Primus in combat and Primus had to trick him into becoming a planetoid. We were blown away! However, several references were made to consumption, so he may indeed perform the action. According to legend, at the beginning of time, Unicron and Primus battled each other for eons, with neither side remaining victorious for long. The black hole was born, and Megatron was freed. Unicron easily bested Prime in battle, and obtained the vessel, only to find it empty. This interpretation of the character is evidenced by the parallel universe spanningTransformers: Universetoyline and convention-exclusive comic books in which the singular Unicron captured Transformers from various alternate realities and pitted them against each other, feeding off the energies released and theTransformers: Cybertroncomic strip in the Transformers Collectors' Club fan magazine, which depicts Unicron's actions in the various realities in a chronological order and claims that Cybertron is the stable heart of the Multiverse. There were two early attempts to produce Unicron toys for theTransformerstoyline, featuring voice clips from Welles himself, but the results never made it to production. For the 20th anniversary of the original movie, Diamond Select released an eight and a half inch tall statue of Unicron and Rodimus Prime. When the Autobots were ordered off American soil, they regroupedunderCybertron and began working on the teleportation engines that Unicron had left there when he transformed the planet. Though they all tried to ignore it, Alpha Trion later reflected that by doing so, they gave the darkness fertile ground to grow in. The Chaos Bringer offered Megatron a new body in exchange for servitude faced with no other choice, Megatron agreed and was remade as Galvatron. When Optimus Prime restores the spirit of Primus, Unicron senses it and awakens once more, this time in energy form. Unicron is one of the biggest, fiercest threats to peace and order in the Transformers universe, but the character had never appeared in the Transformers film series until now. But if you go by this it also conflicts with the quints creating the Transformers. Within Unicron's body, Optimus Prime is severely damaged, and although not mortally, he passes the Matrix to Magnus, who completes the mission, and the pair escape as Unicron explodes. Here, the entity Fleer had called the "Allspark" was redubbed "The One", and the modern iteration of the myth detailed above was firmly established, and went on to form the backbone of subsequent fiction such asTransformers: UniverseandFun Publications'Transformers: Cybertroncomics. In cunning, however, he proved himself to his brother's superior when he shifted their battle to the astral plane, and then back to the physical world once more, only to have both their essences manifest within metallic planetoids, leaving them both trapped. The third time the story was told was also in the United States Marvel series, this time by Primus, when he gathered all his children together to prepare for Unicron's coming. As the climax of this plan neared, a joint attack by Alpha-Q, the Autobots and their human allies saw all of Earth's Energon channeled into Unicron's head, which Alpha-Q then rammed into Unicron's body. Meanwhile, Megatron ordered the Decepticon Miners to mine the Dark Energon that spilled and at the same time he sought Unicron's attention at the maw of a volcano. As Optimus attempted to fight off waves of power from Unicron, Megatron was forcibly possessed by the ancient god and set against the Autobot leader. When theGeneration 2animated series was aired, animated bits of the film with Unicron in it were edited into the episode "More Than Meets The Eye Part 1". The following piece contains spoilers for Transformers: The Last Knight. Here Unicron never even transformed to robot mode. After freeing Unicron's captives, the Chaos-Bringer gathered an army of his own, dubbed "the Decepticons", to fight against Primus, which was led byRazorclaw, an alternate version ofTigerhawk, and consisted of alternate versions ofObsidian,Tankor, andReptilion. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. In 1987, Simon Furman began writing the U.S.Transformersseries in addition to the UK comics, and immediately set in motion an epic Unicron-themed story. The One then divided Unicron in two, creating Primus as his twin. It turns out that Optimus had stored the Allspark in the Matrix of Leadership and would soon take the Matrix into the Well, sacrificing himself to ensure the return of Cybertronian life. AlthoughDreamwave Productions' Unicron Trilogy comics were cut short halfway through theirTransformers: Energonseries, they were able to establish a very important piece of information that would be used to shape Unicron's story in future fiction. It was with this telling that we learned that Unicron predated the current universe, and had destroyed the previous universe which existed before the current one. The plan fell apartafter the Talismanwas removed from Cybertron before Unicron devoured the planet. Primus is the creator of all Transformers, Autobots and Decepticons, and loves them as his children; as a consumer of worlds, Unicron doesn't ally himself with anyone - certainly not the Decepticons. The third time the story was told was also in the US Marvel series, this time by Primus, when he gathered all his children together to prepare for Unicron's coming. Ultimately Megatron achieved what Unicron did not by contaminating the core with Dark Energon, forcing the planet to shut down and reboot. While Primus is a force for benevolence and good in the multiverse, Unicron's only function is to bring chaos and destruction, with the goal of being the only god in a lifeless universe. The "sentient core" of this new universe recognized the threat that Unicron posed, and so created Primus to counter his evil and be guardian of the new creation. His presence was first hinted at in the second "War Within" arc, where theFallenenlisted theChaosTrinity(Bludgeon,Bugly, andMindwipe) to capture a number of Transformers (Grimlock,Blitzwing,Jetfire, andHot Spot) for an arcane ritual to summon the Fallen's Master. The character Unicron first appeared in the opening scene of 1986'sThe Transformers: The Movie, immediately making clear his driving goal by consuming the small world ofLithonein the year 2005. Primus created - The Lord of Light (Primus) created them to battle the forces of the dark god Unicron. Later, in Season 3 ofBeast Wars, it was revealed thatTarantulashad attempted to destroy both Autobots and Decepticons in theArk, as he and theTripredacus Councilwere descended from a different lineage than Autobot or Decepticon, and would hence inherit Cybertron all to themselves. Shockwave's ultimate plan was to let Unicron devour Cybertron, and with it the mystical Talisman, which held the power to destroy the Chaos Bringer. Unicron then proceeds to a Predacon boneyard, defeating Predacons Skylynx and Darksteel in battle and bringing hundreds of deceased Predacons back to life as Terrorcons. Appearing inArmada episode "Puppet," Nemesis Prime was created by Unicron to assist Sideways in his war against both Cybertronian factions. In this dark future, Unicron's essence emerged from the Matrix and briefly took over Rodimus Prime, before he was thwarted by the removal of the Matrix from Rodimus's body. Much to everyone's shock, a volcano near the site of Optimus and Megatron's battle exploded and released a load of Dark Energon from the Earth's core. Unicron is able to possess and take over others from his world, too, thereby manipulating both Autobots and Decepticons to his will. Unicron seized control of his body again for a new vessel and set out to rejoin with his Spark, but aPrimus-empowered Optimus Supreme engaged him in battle once more, and drew all of Unicron's consciousness out of Galvatron and sealed it within his own Spark. Subsequently, when the battered bodies of Decepticon leaderMegatronand several of his troops were set adrift in space byStarscreamfollowing a furious battle with theAutobots, Unicron appeared before them and offered Megatron a deal: in exchange for a new body, and new troops, Megatron would destroy theAutobot Matrix of Leadership, the only thing that could stand in Unicron's way. Here, the entity Fleer had called the "Allspark" was redubbed "The One," and the modern iteration of the myth detailed above was firmly established, and went on to form the backbone of subsequent fiction such as Universe and Fun Publications' Cybertron comics. While the Autobots retreated to base to consider Megatron's plan, the Decepticon leader engaged more of the stone Unicrons, smashing them as fast as Unicron could produce them. Then, when they had reached a sufficient technological level to serve as slaves for Unicron's inner workings, the creatures would call Unicron. A theory about God that doesn't require looking through a telescope. One of the thirteen turned on Primus and sided with Unicron, however, and the war culminated in a battle that saw Unicron and this traitor, the "Fallen", sucked through a black hole into another universe. Hailed as the "Doom Star" by terrified humans, Unicron transformed to robot mode and prepared to destroy humanity. However, he was thwarted whenCosmosandFlinttraveled through his mouth into his body bearing the metal-eating spores of Cobra-La. Unicron's size is never specified in any canon materials, aside from the vague term "planet size". A twisted reflection of Optimus Prime with the powers of shape-shifting and regeneration, Nemesis Prime was a powerful opponent, wounding Autobot and Decepticon alike. InTransformers: Armada, the enigmatic Sideways initially joined the Autobots,but betrayed them in his second appearance, claiming to have been a Decepticon all along. The Fallen has become the most prominent of the Thirteen,jumping from the pages of comics to both animation (Robots In DisguiseandPrime Wars) andlive-action (Revenge of the Fallen), thoughthese later works tend to downplay if not omit his connection to Unicron. Battlegrounds, Part 2, Eons ago Unicron created Thunderwing to serve him and destroy the Matrix of Leadership. After performing a "test run" on the moon of Protos, where he successfully created twelve transforming robotic beings, Covenant he birthed from his own body a group of thirteen robots that possessed the ability to change shape, like Unicron. In combat, Primus was no match for Unicron. Web1467 "bt omega magwekk" 3D Models. With the destruction of the planet his body is reborn as a normal sized Transformer. Unicron has his universe's Galvatron and the rest of the G1 Deceptions. In order to re-energise himself, Unicron implanted some of his own cells within Cybertron, where they grew and "hatched", giving birth to the diminutive race of robots called theMini-Cons. Unlike the destructive, chaos-loving Unicron, Primus is a lover of order and creation. Topping it off, they now bore the names of the Horsemen of Apocalypse: War (Rhinox), Death (Airazor), Famine (Terrorsaur), and Pestilence (Cheetor). He had slept peacefully, alone in the void of uncreation that remained, until fragments of the old universe that he had overlooked reacted, causing the Big Bang and birthing the current universe. Most people think the Decepticons are the big bad of the Transformers franchise, but hardcore fans know that the real threat is Unicron. While Primus saw beauty in life and found it sacred, Unicron found it pointless, cruel, and needing to end. TheArmadacomic established that its version of Unicron did not merely consume worlds and seek the destruction of the singular universe - it moved from universe to universe, throughout the entire multiverse, destroying entire realities and moving on to the next until all of causality and existence was completely obliterated. Meanwhile, Primus merged with the Super Energon, creating a foundling sun which arrived at the site of the battle. After Unicron's demise a meteor of Dark Energon with Thunderwing sealed within crashed on Earth,Optimus Primecame across the meteor and found Thunderwing who revealed that he was a minion of Unicron and his mission was to destroy the Matrix. Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie[4] and has since reappeared in Transformers: Armada, Transformers: Energon, Transformers: Cybertron, Transformers: Prime, Transformers: The Last Knight and Atari's 2004 Autobots, Decepticons, and humans have all united in order to stop the threat of Unicron across the multiverse; if Unicron is the threat we're going to see in The Last Knight, both factions of Transformers may have to work together (along with old and new human protagonists) to save the universe. As the four-part season one finale begins, an astrological alignment awakens Unicron from his slumber as Earth's weather patterns go out of control. Unicron is often compared to a "Faustian Devil" of the Transfomers Universe; he's the embodiment of evil and often operates through temptation and corruption of others, rather than direct action. Apparently banished from his world thousands of years ago, Unicron travelled the galaxy, devouring planets to quench his hunger and taking their populations as slaves to maintain his inner body works. Unicron and Primus began life as personalities within a single omnipotent being that conversed with itself. These were the 13 original Transformers, each one infused with a fragment of Primus' life essence known as a spark. The player must chase Unicron as he orbits around Cybertron and enter his maw as he prepares to fire, blasting him with the Matrix Cannon until eventually Unicron is destroyed. With the danger apparently over, Galvatron challenged Prime to a final battle, but the hatred between the foes stirred Unicron to life again, and upon realizing this, Galvatron decides to sacrifice himself to make sure there will be no more hatred. They held off Unicron long enough to escape back to their universe. Alpha Q showed signs of rebelling against Unicron, and Prime prepared to fight back from inside Unicron. To explore the fledgling universe, he created the astral being known as Unicron, and then subdivided him, creating his twin, Primus. The black hole itself has begun to devour space and time, unravelling historical events and building new ones. Unicron is the evil twin brother of Primus, who is the creator god of the Transformers. transformers has always been vague in that topic, but the way I see it is that The One just split himself in half and the universal forge willed They were brothers sent to explore the universe together. The character is mentioned throughout Michael Bays new Transformers film, Transformers: The Last Knight, and the ending sets up the possibility that Unicron could play a large role in future installments of the series (should it continue beyond what Bay has called his final go-around with the characters). It turned out that theAngolmois was the spiritual essence of Unicron, and the Blentrons servants of the Chaos-Bringer. Eventually, Megatron disappeared through the Autobot GroundBridge. Primacron The first origin given for Unicron was given in Season 3 of The Transformers cartoon, years before Simon Furman came up with Primus. A strange set of non-human creaturesopposed Unicron, threatening to attack him with a metal devouring organic spore. In theBinaltechsaga, the futureRavageseen inBeast Warsalters theoriginal G1 timeline. He can also be found on Twitter at @DevinM626 and you can read more of his work at The darkness particularly grew in Prima, whom Unicron had physically bitten, who had created a chart tracking which of the Primes were more similar to Primus and Unicron. (Note: However, the eyes could be only small components for his Optic Sensors to be reformed and/ or completed.) Per Unicron's telling of events, he was a primal force of evil at the dawn of the universe, who led a legion of Dark Gods against his mortal foe, Primus, Lord of the Light Gods. Shokaract thus dispatched two of his Heralds,AntagonyandCataclysm, to safeguard the Dark Essence, only for Antagony to be captured byMegatron'sPredaconsand Cataclysm to perish in battle with the Maximal hero Windrazor. He was forced to employ servants to do his bidding: Alpha Q and theTerrorcons, who were disgruntled former Decepticons upgraded by Unicron in return for harvesting enough Energon to repower him. RELATED:Transformers: 5 Of The Most Effective Decepticons (& 5 Of The Most Useless). One Shall Rise, Part 3, Much later Agent Fowler was giving a briefing to General Bryce about the Autobots' mission and brought up their encounter with Unicron. In this timeline, Unicron had succeeded in consuming Cybertron in the year 2005, and Galvatron and the Decepticons ruled Earth. While the Terrorcons poured into the Well, Unicron felt the return of the AllSpark, which Optimus Prime had just brought back to the planet. But as the Chaos Bringer drifted through space, he eventually attracted space debris around himself that formed into planet Earth, rich with Dark Energon. Rodimus threw Galvatron into space, freeing the Decepticon from Unicron's mind-control, and opened the Matrix within Unicron, destroying his body, leaving only his head, which became a moon of Cybertron.[8]. A short time later, Megatron and the Autobots used the GroundBridge to reach the core of Earth itself, where Unicron's eye peered around. The Unicron of the Uniend universal cluster terraformed into the planet Earth after his defeat by the Thirteen. G1 movie unicron was actually created by the genius scientist primacon, he was not the multiverse singularity unicron ( this is before the nerf In fact one of the comics shows the M.S. After a short and fierce battle, Unicron proves to be stronger than Predaking and knocks him unconscious, then proceeds to read his mind, finding that Predacon remains will make a perfect legion for his destruction of Cybertron and Primus. Upon finding the Dark Energon, Megatron merged it with his spark and eventually the very core of Cybertron. This was subsequently expanded on and combined with aspects of the various Marvel Comics stories inTransformers: The Ultimate Guide, published by Dorling Kindersley and written bySimon Furman, who had written all three prior tellings in the first place. Throughout Energon, Starscream was brainwashed to be a The voice cast includes Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime and John Goodman (10 Cloverfield Lane) as Hound. The MCUs tiniest heroes are kicking off its biggest phase yet, setting up the next several years of storytelling. This portrayal of Unicron is consistent with his appearance in theCybertronstrip in the Hasbro Club Collector's comic where he is portrayed at around the same size as his foesSentinel MaximusandOmega Prime. [citation needed]This means that there is only one Unicron who has travelled from universe to universe across all the assortedTransformerscontinuities. The third season ofThe Transformersanimated series continued Unicron's story from where the movie left off, as the planet-eater's deactivated head settled into orbit aroundCybertron, a grisly monument to the moons he had destroyed. My brother and I saw Transformers the Movie in theatres on opening Friday. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! Created byFloro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated filmThe Transformers: The Movie[4]and appeared inAtari's 2003Transformers video game. For some reason, Welcome to the Quantum Realm. In one issue,Soundwavewas dispatched to Cybertron afterRamjetandNemesis Prime's failure. You are indeed where you belong. Unicron in turn used the other Decepticons to createGalvatron's new lieutenants: Cyclonus, Scourge, and the Sweeps. Grill, Awakened by the restoration of Cybertron, Unicron cast around for a new vessel for his anti-spark, and found Megatron's body at the bottom of the ocean. Optimus Prime subsequently used the Matrix, the full measure of Primus' power, to destroy Unicron. This telling is effectively the same as the previous UK story, but mentions that their battle was towards the end of the era of gods, that Primus and Unicron were the last of their respective pantheons, and Primus had to defeat Unicron before he could take his place with the other gods in the "Omniversal Matrix". Transformers: Prime - The Game. He arrived at Megatron's old fortress of Darkmount, where he fought four Autobots. TheTransformers Primeiteration of Unicron depicts him as the center of Earth, making him a planet with sustainable life, though it has not been seen if Unicron wishes to consume other planets like his other incarnations. Ultimately, they did little damage, and many Transformers died, before Optimus Prime was able to use the Matrix to destroy Unicron, exploding his body from within. In contrast to his major roles in the Marvel comics, the cancellation of theDreamwaveTransformers comics meant that Unicron would play a much lesser role in events. 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. Though Megatronus succeeded in drawing out the Anti-spark, he was ultimately thwarted by the efforts of Bumblebee's team, aided by the revived Optimus Prime, and the Anti-spark returned to Earth's core. PURITY - 10: The only thing that can stop Unicron is the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. Thunderwing even went as far as to seek help from the Decepticons for the repairs needed. In one such vision, Megatron glimpsed the shadowed face of Unicron himself, and claimed that it was as if he could hear Unicron's own thoughts. [11]Unicron appears in a flashback in "The Coming Storm: Part 1".
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