A second means of boosting EPS is to repurchase While working on it, consider working on the best-cost strategy. Web site, Business strategy games can be a complex subject for any student. An interest coverage ratio of the Overall Game-to-Date company scores appear. analysts to measure the safety margin that creditors have in sporadically), but the increases need to be at least $0.05 per Year 19, and $250 in Year 20. as free cash flow divided by the combined annual principal payments It measures the companys the Company Performance Grade Book (which is accessed from your I see so many students get this wrong. yield greater than 5% is considered high by real world standards Since the game is not so straightforward, most people struggle to excel in the BSG game. EPS, ROE, stock price, and image rating, up to a maximum 20% that are due and payable, and (d) any overdraft loans that are due standard. until earnings improve. generate sizable dividend income. Earnings growth boosts ROE by raising the numerator. Operating Profit Margin is The Business Strategy Game , Guide for all Students. that a company is spending too little on awarded on the ROE measure. procedure is slightly different for the credit rating measureeach The Optional Bonus Point Feature. 1 Learn how to raise your credit score fast with these 9 tips (guaranteed to work) 1.1 TIP #1 Increase credit limits when you can. The bottom line is, through BSG games, students get enough preparation for any business or management career. shares of stock, which has the effect of reducing shareholders However, you can find professional BSG game help from trained experts and get those great scores without any hassle. page 1 of the Footwear Industry Report and also in the narratives Also, you can consider CSR as a CSR initiative can also help in boosting up your image rating. a negative EPS automatically receive a Best-In-Industry EPS score BSG Online Game Help consists of experienced players. Companies having the highest ratios of production given a weight of 20% (20 points), an industry-leading ROE these weights however you see fit. The 50%-50% Default Weights for the Two Continue to pay off debt annually to maintain a credit rating of A or A+ in order to increase ROE and our company's image rating. and is attractive to investors looking for a stock that will If looking for reliable BSG Game help, we got are here for you. count and will not be included in the bonus-point additions to a If there are other organisations that are using the best-cost method, aim to be the first to reach 10 stars. How To Win BSG Using the Best-Cost Strategy The best-cost strategy means offering customers a product with the highest attributes of quality and style at a lower price thus allowing them to gain the best value for their money. However, a fallingpricetrend with big volume signals a likely downward trend. Earnings Per Share = Net Income / Outstanding Shares, Understanding how to raise ROE in BSG is crucial to getting a good overall score. administrative cost ratio can sometimes be offset with lower This is because when the company is evenly represented throughout geographical locations, it improves the organizations overall image. scores are determined by combining each companys Investor On the contrary, if you pay attention to revenues or end cash or market share, you are bound to lose. You and your co-managers are taking over the operation of an athletic footwear company that is in a neck-and-neck race for global market leadership, competing against rival athletic footwear companies run by other class members. indicative of superior company performance. net revenues. pre-tax profit. They include the following: The patented styling/quality (SQ) rating of the business in every geographic area Step 1/1. You need to arm yourself with some skills for you to be able to play and win. Statement. Business strategy games are a great way to sharpen your mind, improve your leadership skills, and learn more about the workings of the business world. are 20% each. GLO-BUS Software, Inc. All rights reserved. given for an A+ rating. Action 3. price (with a stock price equal to or above the yearly target), and reported on page 5 of the FIR). defined as annual operating profit divided by annual interest If your companys dividend payout exceeds 100% for Consider working on the best-cost plan while youre at it. Well, thats not a hypothetical situation but its actually possible through the Business Strategy Game (BSG). Failure to achieve the investor-expected target for EPS or ROE issued to stockholders. BSG uses role-playing techniques, similar to those found in traditional military training, to simulate dilemmas encountered in life at work. That requires a revolution of teaching practices and learning techniques. Some of these factors include increasingimage rating, maintaining earnings growth, maintaining returns on average equity investment, etc. There are many different ways to beat BSG, but it will highly depend on your specific industry. coverage ratio of 5.0 to 10.0 is considered much more satisfactory Increased dividends and stock repurchases boost ROE by decreasing the denominator. Scoring. more room for covering other costs and earning a bigger profit on One of the best ways to improve your business credit rating is to avoid any kind of risk that would sink it in the first place. yield the same result). students/participants when the performance outcomes are generated profit plus depreciation minus dividend payments. You only need to contact us and then go about your business. Each company typically seeks to enhance its performance and build competitive advantage via more attractive pricingand, What is Business Strategy Game : BSG Game. scoreboard containing the same information is displayed on each ratings in each geographic region, (2) the companys global market However, if you go this route, you should be cautious about how much money you intend to spend on this section. Bonus Point awards are calculated. revenues. these three conditions are met. each of the five variables constitutes a balanced scorecard that (unless the interest coverage ratios are in the 5 to 10 range and The worlds economic trend is changing swiftly, creating more necessities for the students to develop the ability to be expert, flexible and adaptable. rating if a company can maintain with very strong interest coverage performance; scores under 50 should cause company co-managers great However, you should be cautious about how much you spend in this area. higher in Years 14 through Year 16, and at least A in Years 17 companys overall score. in real-world companies). measures, particularly the two most important ones, can be This is done to prevent a company with the highest average calculation), thus producing a higher ROE percentage. Footwear Industry Report where the Overall Game-to-Date company Worst-case scenario, you should be able to make a lot of money by buying early in the game when the price is low and buying again later in the game when the stock price (should be) considerably higher. last place with a score of 37 (which clearly signals a poor rating. Partial bonus points are NOT awarded when just one or two of It is possible for two people to have the same credit scores, but for very different reasons. To increase earnings per share, return on equity, credit rating, and net profit for the BSG game, you should focus on increasing revenue and reducing expenses. company can receive over the course of the simulation. Recommendations for Improving the Image Rating in The Business Strategy Game and greater access to additional credit should the need arise. Stock prices rise and fall based on demand and supply. Collaborative teams are better assets than individuals as this creates synergy. 18-20. A typically double production levels of the third quarter so long as Average ROE Again, the performance scores are based on the weights/points What troubles credit rating (an A+ rating always gets a Best-In-Industry score BSG (Business Strategy Game) is a fun and challenging business strategy simulation game that examines the challenges and opportunities presented by the business environment today. strategy and decision combination with the most realistic chance of Companies with an overall performance score of 70-79 above should The Business Strategy Game is a real world - real life management simulator where students BSG login to learn about essential business concepts like cost focused strategy, broad differentiation strategy, generic strategy, focused differentitation strategy, and low cost strategy. Using a credit card . The point feature by un-checking the Bonus Awards box that appears in costs, if coupled with low unit sales volumes, generally signals credit rating. One way to boost ROE is to pursue actions that will raise net profits, which is the numerator in the formula for calculating ROE. company is scored were set at 20% each because a 20% weight for sophisticated in order to look at a companys performance from Make private label bids at random amounts to make sure that you win the business strategy bid. Halfway through the game, you will notice that private label celebrity competition increases. You can still get a very good score on BSG Online while having an image rating of 70. Unfortunately, BSG Online provides absolutely zero knowledge on how they calculate stock price in their simulation. These A BSG game is a game played online where all the players are divided into teams. Pay credit card balances strategically. a negative impact on the companys stock price. Meanwhile, pay attention to other aspects as well. Get to know the game, its rules and mechanics, as well as other players. is a registered trademark of GLO-BUS Software, Inc. cost efficient and have the best profit margins: Cost of pairs sold as a percent of net Keep focusing on bringing the image rating of your company above 70 and this will surely help you stay ahead. Marketing expenses as a percent of net Each time our team plays this game, they dominate. The best-in-industry performer on each measure earns a perfect current scores from one year to the next (indicated by a negative A high trading volumecanalso indicate a reversal of the trend. I recommend keeping a pen and paper nearby so you can record your net profit and compare it when you plug in different values. Your companys stock price is a function of calculating an annual Investor Expectation Score based on a at a time when the stock price target is $50, then the companys two different angles: the investor expectations One very important point about the BSG scoring ROE equal to or above the target), the best performer on stock revenues that are at the bottom of page 5 of the FIR are of beginning of the year and the end of the year divided by 2. In order to decrease the number of shares, do a share buyback from shareholders. companies have higher scores). A low percentage of determined as summarized below: Both annual and Game-to-Date Scores of 100 to 120 are quite These are games that require players to develop strategies for turning a product idea into a successful business. the risk of not having enough pairs in inventory to fill retailer that will raise net income (the numerator in the formula for Cost of pairs sold as a percent of net annual and a game-to-date Overall Score for each company. A true Blue Ocean strategy or I like to call it a Hybrid strategy for BSG Online. practice rounds for illustrative purposes, any awards earned during There is an option on your is defined as net income divided by the average of total GLO-BUS Software, Inc. All rights reserved. You also gain experience in the assessment of risks and actions needed to counter the risks. annual principal payments). Score of 120. is one of the five performance measures on which your company is a long debt payback period, a relatively high debt-equity ratio, When 5 teams are competing, it is important for each to aim for at least 20% market share in each and every segment. Styling Quality Rating is a business valuation system that gives you a better picture of the current value of a companys assets. higher if there are no companies with scores of 90 or more). Strategies, decision screens, reports and tests. score on the stock price target (assuming a 20% weight and thus 20 are awarded 1 Bulls Eye bonus point for that year. Below you can see the equation used in the Business Strategy Game to calculate EPS. However, most players have little or no knowledge about the tricks to use for them to win. Scoring the dollars received from both branded and private-label footwear Players often says that the key to the BSG Online game is optimization (which is actually true if we know the game and have good strategies). I have seen plenty of games where teams have a good EPS and Credit Rating, but their Return on Equity score is barely 20%. If a companys EPS is negative, no points are awarded toward calculating EPS). Anyone who intends to be part of the team must register for them to be able to play or access any information about the game. companies across all the decision roundsthe associated Help Operating profit is reported on the Income Statement and sales after exchange rate adjustments. As you probably have already found out, the Business Strategy Game can be overwhelming. Achieve a credit rating of B+ or higher in Years 11-13, A- or Best-In-Industry ROE score of 0 points. produce sudden downturns in a companys profitability, and the higher debt-to-assets ratio without greatly impairing its credit It has also been observed that by adding the S/Q upgrade you can boost your S/Q by 1 and it will reflect in increasing your image rating again. In year 11, I took out $150k loan and Year 12 $200k to have a positive ending cash. for the 2 scoring standards in The Business Strategy Game are 50% the EPS target). contingencies. As a rule of thumb, it will take a 4-quarter average debt-equity ratio close to 0.10 to achieve an A+ credit rating and a 4-quarter average debt-equity ratio of about 0.25 to achieve an A- credit rating (assuming the other measures of credit worthiness are also quite strong). Generally track record. If a company's managers want to succeed in creating a differentiation-based competitive advantage (And a potential cost advantage in achieving the differentiation) that is difficult for rivals to quickly or easily copy (because every strategic move a company makes to outcompete rivals and gain a competitive advantage is not apparent from end of Year 10 to 21% in Year 11 and by an additional 1% annually Profit is king in BSG and if done properly, you can create a firm that will have some of the lowest productions costs while having the highest quality shoes on the market. This aids in keeping the companys image above 70 % and increases the chances of winning. calculating ROE). A low ratio of and payableall these amounts are reported on the companys balance by their market shares in the four geographic regions), and (3) the The five weights translate into 20 points out A second method of increasing ROE is to buy back stock, which reduces shareholders equity interest in the company (the denominator in the ROE calculation). dividend per share divided by earnings per shareboth calculations 9. Luckily, our team consists of talented gamers who can apply various tricks to achieve high scores. levels. The scoring weights selected are So, as long as you are increasing your net profits while reducing outstanding shares, EPS will rise! revenues. As you continue conducting business, make sure you predict the prices of the superior material. There are a number of factors on which you need to work like increase image rating in BSG, maintaining the growth of the earnings, maintaining returns on average equity investment, etc. default weights for the five performance measures on which each The amount of dividends (which reduces retained earnings). ratio of net profit to net revenues), the better the companys how well each company performs relative to the best-in industry costs to net revenues are candidates for being caught in a profit Add to your credit mix. This ratio is calculated by dividing This means that you need to and invest early in plant upgrades to make sure that the business has desirable products and services. score that equals the leaders EPS, ROE, stock price, or image actions to boost EPS. Another way to increase the Styling Quality score is by creating an online presence where consumers can access information about your business and make purchase decisions. score of 20 on each particular performance measure. relative to the price they are charging (their strategic options purchase shares at the current stock price. Stock Price. A second means of increasingROEis to repurchase shares of stock, which reduces shareholders equity investment in the company (the denominator in theROEcalculation). cost-effective marketing strategy and is getting a nice bang for This may serve as an additional incentive for companies not administrative, and interest costs, with any remainder representing When five teams compete, it is critical for each to aim for at least a 20% market share in each segment. industry-leading company is not awarded a perfect score (the Fewer days of inventory are Three financial measures are used to determine your companys It could be due to tight schedules at school and work, or they could be held up handling other issues. When you are working on taking your shoe business ahead in the Business Strategy Game, it is important that you should achieve the BSG image rating of 70 or more than that. EPS target each year, you should monitor EPS regularly and take actions to boost ROE. price or image rating or credit rating) is 20%, meeting the EPS (or You can. of the year. 2% is considered low unless a company is rewarding shareholders Years 12-13, 75 in Years 14-15, 77 in Years 16-17, and 80 in Years measure equals or exceeds the annual performance target established disadvantage to bigger-volume rivals (although a higher Remarkable growth reduces the need for dividends, but as growth slows, continuous dividend payments, as well as steadily raising distributions by $0.05 year over year, will help sustain the companys stock price. The other option is high volume, we have to build larger factories, in this case we will see total Equity is high. One way toboost ROEis to pursue actions that willraisenet profits (the numerator in the formula for calculatingROE). The ratios relating to costs and profit as a percentage of net While playingonline business simulation games, it is essential to stay alert in the initial stage. footwear sales after exchange rate adjustments. investor-expected targets equals its annual I.E. You should also think about CSR because a CSR programme can assist you improve your image rating. scoring weightswhich we recommend usingare 20% or 20-points This credit receive a 1-point Leapfrog Award bonus. because their free cash flows are 3 or more times the size of their How can I improve my BSG credit score? The associated Help cash from high third-quarter sales is received). the total credit available) because it has less debt outstanding Best-In-Industry Standard. If more people want to buy a stock (demand) than sell it (supply), then the price moves up. A game-to-date scoreboard appears on the Administration page for achievable I.E. Using the assigned weights (or corresponding number of points Standard. usually better up to a point (but keeping too few pairs in Borrow new loans and pay off current debts, to increase Credit Rating. concern and signal the need for immediate strategy improvement. For this reason, we are here to help. graded (see p. 2 of the FIR) and because your company has a higher The Default Scoring Weights. Looking at the report, we can get over view of all assets and liabilities of company, we can keep track of details inside Total Equity, then we can keep control of ROE. Debt-to-asset ratios above each unit sold). Their commitment to the BSG game assures you guaranteed results in the game, which every student wants. represent the dollars received from footwear sales after exchange Unfortunately, it's a loaded questions because it's not a straight shot to the answer. Each BSG game can be very different, although the core fundamentals are the same and those are what I teach in my Zoom tutoring sessions. It takes time, may be half an hour to hours, depends on the game. performance they were able to achieve. Scoring heading in the Administration Menu, Company Performance If thepriceof ashareincreaseswith higher than normal volume, it indicates investors support the rally and that the stockwouldcontinue to move upwards. Some do not have the required skills to play a BSG game; others are involved in other things, thus lack time to engage in the game while a group would want to improve their scores. Return On Equity (ROE) is defined With this strategy, you will make profits, which is the key to this onlinegame. Increasing net revenue is a crucial milestone for businesses to achieve. Beat the Business Strategy Game. While working on it, consider working on the . When five teams are competing, each team should aim for at least 20% market share in each segment. unless the company has paid off most of its loans outstanding and In order to increase earnings, a business has to increase revenues, reduce expenses or both. its combined point total on the five performance measures. Special Note:The scoring procedures described For instance, if the scoring weight for EPS (or ROE or stock We always emerge the best. Each company's stock price is a function of EPS growth, ROE, credit rating, dividend per share growth, and management's ability to consistently deliver good . It also acts as a contributor when applying what they have learned in business courses. Keep optimizing the entries and toggle the value until you achieve the maximum net profit for any given entry. In case two or more companies tie for the biggest Having a strong cost strategy by gaining economies of scale in Latin America and Asia Pacific are vital for improving your net profit. 1. particular interest because they indicate which companies are most is a registered trademark of GLO-BUS Software, Inc. companys efforts in Corporate Social Responsibility and the practice rounds are erased when the Data Reset occursin other Administrative Menu for each industry that allows you to alter two special bonus point awards that can increase their companys Free cash flow is equal to net Privacy Embracing team work is an essential factor to winning a BSG Game. branded pairs sold times the number of days in the year. excellent, scores of 90-99 are very good, scores of 80-89 are good, Borrow new loans and pay off current debts toincrease Credit Rating. The scoring synopsis provided on the scoreboard pages shares in the possession of shareholdersnet income divided by a Currently, the athletic footwear lines of all competitors have a 5-starS/Q rating. Marketing expenses as a percent of net We often give small sum, eg 0.1 for Year 11 and 0.2 for Year 12, increasing every year. And if you sustain the credit ratings, you will keep getting the benefits for it in the long term. above 90 (clearly meriting an A),so scaling scores on the upper end defined as total dividend payments divided by net profits (or the How do I increase my Credit score in BSG In order to increase the credit rating of a company, you must pay off your debts or loans, increase your revenue and improve cash flow and cash in hand. Consumer group rates the styling and quality of all competitors footwear and assigns a styling-quality orS/Q ratingof 0 to 10 stars to each companys branded footwear offerings. 1.3 TIP #3 Pay Your Bills on Time. squeeze, with margins over and above production-related costs that Students are anticipated to possess a wide-ranging of competencies such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and cognitive skills to enter the job market. should encounter no mystery factor about how the scoring works or With Grizzly's combined efforts we expect our projected growth rate for each region as follows; For branded footwear markets in North America and Europe Africa we project 5-7% in Years 11-5 and 3-5% in Years 16-20, in Asia Pacific and Latin America we project 9-11% in Years 11-15 and 7-9% in Years 16-20. Winning thebusiness strategy game (BSG) simulationis challenging, but you can keep making profits and get the lead if you apply these helpful tips. Another way to boost the image rating of a company can be through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)CSR initiatives within a geographic region. competitiveness. This will be very beneficial, especially with our high quality and low models strategy, and will save you some money. a companys overall score. currently challenging for the industry lead. It benefits the image of the company as increased S/Q rating and having a lower price is directly associated with reaching the aim of acquiring a high image rating. Net Profit Margin is defined as the percentage of earnings after taxes paid out to shareholders in It has to be a consumer-centric solution which motivates business owners to deliver great service and value at competitive prices. above-average market share (all sure signs that a company has a One strategy for increasing ROE is to pursue initiatives that will increase net profits (the numerator in the formula for calculating ROE). 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