There is also the opportunity to view this talk in person in YU Room 203. This decision by the chair or a proximate faculty member is final. Not all courses fulfill this requirement. In order to obtain tuition or room and board refunds, the student must follow the policy described under the Refunds section of the college catalog. We're sorry but this website does not work properly without JavaScript enabled. The professor has made a calculation error; OR The number of credits required for graduation will be 128. Declaration of Intent to be Graduated form filed. Students in the Honors Program are invited to occasional special events and colloquia. These credit hours must include: Eight (8) semester credits in courses designated as meeting the social science distribution requirement. Admissions, International Admissions, For High Macalester College is compliant with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, Section 3679 of Title 38 of the United State Code. Late registration will be accepted during the first two weeks of classes with the payment of the late fee. Credits earned through Advanced Placement Exams, International Baccalaureate or GCE A-Level examinations cannot be used to meet the colleges general distribution requirement. Macalester College 1600 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105-1899 USA 651-696-6000 Check the Music Dept website to find out if auditions are required. Missing a Course? Students who have attended non-accredited or non-regionally accredited institutions must have their work validated by examination or by showing competence to carry advanced work successfully. A single Q3 course completely satisfies the requirement; alternatively, a Q2 course together with another Q2 or Q1 course, or three Q1 courses, can meet the requirement. Macalester. Quality of Data. The authors are environmental historians; Vrtis is on the faculty at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, while Wells is at Macalester College in St. Paul. This could be a paper synthesizing contemporary theory/research, a work of public scholarship, a paper that presents original research, a recital or creation of an original written, visual or performative work. Sophomore. During Add/Drop, it may take up to 24 hours for your My courses list to update. The designation magna cum laude will be based on achieving a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.80. It is the obligation of students to provide faculty with reasonable notice of the dates of religious holidays on which they will be absent, ordinarily within the first fifteen days of the semester. The student remains responsible for all fees associated with the semester. Students may appeal their academic standing status. Registration and validation are not complete or official until fees are paid or arrangements for payments have been made with the Student Accounts Office. Grades for courses taken on the S, SD, N grading option, or courses with a grade of W, will not figure in the GPA. Students pursuing the a finance degree are encouraged to join and explore networking opportunities made available through . If the concern is that the faculty member did not take into consideration or honor accommodations granted by the Associate Dean of Students, the student should consult with that Dean. This information should be included in the original proposal for the IDIM and will be examined as part of the review of the IDIM proposal. Taking the next step isn't a leap of faith - it's a leap into your faith and top-tier academics. We are also committed to providing appropriate accommodations to students who require recorded lectures as an academic adjustment for documented disabilities. Apply techniques to quantify the trade-offs associated with phenomena such as time, life expectancy, money, risk, scientific measurement, or environmental quality; Demonstrate knowledge of the strengths and limitations of trade-off quantification as a tool for decision making. Literature, Studies in Literature: Ecstasy and the Apocalypse, Literature of the Extreme, The Language and Literature of Medieval Wales, Great Detectives and the Plots of Detection, Crafts of Writing: Adventures Across Genre, Crafts of Writing: Building Poetic Worlds, Revolution, Repression, and Resistance: Soviet and Post-Soviet Literature and Culture, Great Detectives and the Plot of Detection, Population 8 Billion: Global Population Issues and Trends, Convergence: Art/Science/Design in Our City, Earth and Environment: Elements of Physical Geography, Cities of the 21st Century: The Political Economy of Urban Sustainability, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Geography of Africa: Local Resources and Livelihoods in a Global Context, Building a More Inclusive Healthcare System: Collaborative Research with Family Tree Clinic, Statistical Research Methods in Geography, Theoretical Approaches to European and American Cinema, German Cultural History I: Uniting and Dividing Germany, Time Travelers: Tourism in Global History, Intro to International Studies: Literature and Global Culture, Introduction to International Public Health, Participatory Action Research and Ethics for Public Health, This is Not Your Private Island: Caribbean Cultures of Decolonization, Introduction to the Analysis of Hispanic Texts, Journeys through Brazil: Oral and Written Expression, Texts and Power: Foundations of Media and Cultural Studies, Documentary Cinema: Theory and Practice, Part 1, J.S. French and Francophone Studies Thus, for example, review might be restricted to a small number of students within a senior seminar, or all majors in this discipline might participate in the peer-review process. Depending on the skill(s) emphasized in a course satisfying the Quantitative Thinking Requirement, students may learn the following: Interpret common visual presentations of data (e.g., graphs, charts, maps) accurately and critically; Create clear and accurate visual depictions of data. Of the three courses, at least one must be WA and no more than one may be WP. For all courses, instructors have the option of dropping students who have not attended within the first week of classes. Decision, Financial Macalester College is a small, selective liberal arts college in Minnesota's Twin Cities, renowned for its focus on global education and service to society. All credit courses offered in fall, spring or summer terms are applicable toward the graduation requirements. After ensuring the appeal includes all of the relevant facts pertinent to the decision, and articulates an appropriate rationale for appealing, the Director will send the appeal to the Academic Standing Committee. Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty in their college work; violations of academic integrity are serious offenses. Appeals will be considered on the basis of: procedural errors that unfairly and/or materially affected the outcome of the case; an arbitrary decision; or new information that was not available at the time of the original decision. This committee meets on an as needed basis; allow three (3) weeks for the review. The designation of summa cum laude will be based on achieving a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.90. Furthermore, a student must have achieved a semester grade point average of at least 3.75, twelve or more credits on a regular (A, A-, B+, etc.) Some departments require the student to discuss their scores with the department chair before a credit determination is made. Suspension. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total grade points by the number of semester hours attempted on the regular grading system. A first violation typically results in a grade of zero for the assignment in which the violation was found. Students are also encouraged to contact the Director of Academic Programs and Advising regarding their circumstances and to discuss the academic standing process and their options. If it was the chair whose evaluation is being appealed, the grade is determined by a proximate tenured faculty member chosen by the Provost, ideally from the same department but if necessary from a closely related department. A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.00. Second language proficiency enables students to surpass the limitations of engaging knowledge in only one language. Final Examination Period is 5/5/2022 to 5/14/2022. *Students who declare an IDIM are not permitted to double-major. Biology If a class will not meet at its regularly scheduled time or will have an additional class meeting outside of its regularly scheduled time, faculty should provide an alternative assignment or consideration for students unable to attend due to a College-authorized absence for a college-sponsored activity. Seeing strange courses? Dismissal entails the same aspects of separation from the college as suspension; however, readmission is not possible. To be eligible for Latin honors a candidate must have earned at least half of the number of semester hours required for graduation in courses at Macalester, and may have no more than the equivalent of one course per semester graded on the S, D, NC grading option. A student normally enrolls in courses earning 16 credits during each of the fall and spring semesters. A learning contract must accompany each registration. Opening faculty meeting. Admissions, Early Then, they need to see Claire Lozano (HUM 219), Coordinator (Dept. Academic Calendars; Cancelled Classes and Campus Closings; Final Exams; Get Started Take the next step to become a student. 1600 Grand AvenueSaint Paul, MN 55105-1899 USA UNDERGRADUATE = College of Arts & Sciences and Business Minor Program; LAW = College of Law; MBA = Early Career/Career Change MBA; MBA-P = MBA for Professionals; MSDS = Graduate Data Science; PNCA = Pacific Northwest College of Art; ASP = American Studies Program. For a fall semester course, students have until the first class day of the spring semester to complete an incomplete; for a spring semester course, students have until July 1 to complete an incomplete. 32 S. Snelling Ave. St Paul, MN 55105. c. A third violation will result in suspension, and typically dismissal, from the College. Attending class is a basic necessity for student learning and intellectual growth at Macalester College. In addition to the exceptions listed in item 3 above, FERPA permits the disclosure of personally identifiable information from students educational records without consent: to federal officers as prescribed by law;as required by state law; to agencies or individuals conducting educational research (provided that the administrator of the records is satisfied concerning the legitimacy of the research effort and the confidentiality to be maintained by the researcher); to agencies responsible for accreditation of the institution or its programs; to parents if the student is a dependent as defined by the IRS for tax purposes; to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; and to institutional security officers when necessary for a criminal investigation. of Spanish and Portuguese), to make arrangements for a TBA lab session with a tutor. b. For fall semester, it will be published one week after the grade submission deadline. The culminating works of the capstone experience should be made available to the Macalester community, ideally through public presentations and performances. The conferral of degree will occur once all graduation requirements have been satisfied and the degree has been cleared by the Registrar. Environmental Studies Written Evaluations: Instructors may provide written evaluations of performance for those students who request them. The purpose of the Quantitative Thinking requirement is to ensure that students have the opportunity to develop such skills. If the Instructor allows the recording, prior to recording of any classroom activity, a recording agreement must be signed by the student and Instructor and filed, either electronically or in hard copy, with the Office of Academic Programs and Advising [insert link to consent form here]. Any student classroom recording is to be used only for the personal academic use of the individual student, where personal academic use is restricted to the personal study use of the individual. Students are encouraged to use the catalog when planning their academic schedule. History Economics The student remains responsible for all fees associated with the semester. *Submitting work done in another class without prior permission of both instructors Visit Customer Care . No more than the equivalent of one half of the semester credits required for graduation (64) may be transferred from another institution to Macalester. See the Academic Calendar for dates specific to Modules 1 and 2. Bach and the Modern Passion Tradition, Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of the Future, Comparative-Historical Methods for Social Science, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism and Progressivism, Kindred Visions: Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation, Care versus Cure: The Sociology of Disability, Authoritarian Legality in an Age of Democratic Decline, "Neither Saints Nor Sinners:" Women Writers of the Early Modern Hispanic World, Performance Histories and Theories: From the Historical Avant-Garde to the Present, Experiential Anatomy and the Mind Body Connection, Intro to WGSS: Transnational Perspectives on Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality, Feminist/Queer Theories and Methodologies: All the Scary Terms, Worlds Upside Down: Revolutions in Theories and Practices. After a final grade has been submitted, a student may not be required nor allowed to turn in extra work, to redo previous work, or to otherwise make adjustments to their work in order to improve the final grade. The Office of Disability Services will notify the Instructor, and prior to recording of any classroom activity, a recording agreement must be signed by the student and filed with the Office of Disability Services. When students declare a major, they will be given in writing from the department a full description of the requirements for completing that major. A student who opts for a written evaluation may take the course on either grading option. Apply. Cheating is the dishonest or unauthorized use of materials for academic work. To introduce students to critical inquiry within at least one discipline or interdisciplinary area. Admissions, International Extra-Curricular; Athletics; Fine Arts. First-Year Student Registration Begins. In cases where a student without a documented disability would like to record classroom activity, the request should be made directly to the Instructor, who will have the sole discretion to determine whether or not to allow the recording. College-Authorized Absence for College-Sponsored Activities: a. Absences from classes and, if necessary, from the campus are authorized for students who, as individuals or members of athletic teams or other organized groups, represent the College in college-sponsored activities. Back to Top. Direct questions to the Registrar. Students are involved in production as actors or dancers, assistant choreographers or choreographers, assistant directors or directors, assistant designers or designers, dramaturgs and playwrights. The grade of S is equivalent to a C- or better. Theater and Dance Please enable it to continue. Attendance in Classes: The faculty recognizes the importance of regular attendance in all courses. Visit Customer Care . It promotes skills and perspectives associated with many aspects of Macalesters liberal arts aims and goals for student learning: critical thinking, effective communication, intercultural interactions, and enhanced understanding of local and international communities. 3.3 Student Success Center; Library; Academic Center for Enrichment; Hasselmo Language Teaching Center; Health & Wellness. The suspension may occur at any point during the semester and will result in the student being withdrawn from all classes and removed from the residence halls. Many professors keep the link to their Moodle sites hidden until they're finished preparing them; There must be evidence of progression in the proposed courses. Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, *Cross-listed with ASIA 294-05 and RELI 294-02;*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with LATI 308-01 and SPAN 308-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with GEOG 341-01; appropriate for First-Years who've met the prerequisite/s*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with FREN 394-01*, *First day attendance required; 3 additional spots may be opened for Art majors/minors only*, *Cross-listed with CHIN 251-01 and EDUC 251-01*, *Cross-listed with JAPA 294-01 and WGSS 294-03*, *Cross-listed with AMST 294-05 and RELI 294-02*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with WGSS 117-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 170-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required: cross-listed with ENVI 170-L1; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 170-L2; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *First day attendance required; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *First day attendance required; registration limit will be adjusted to save 5 seats for First-Years; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with CHEM 351-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with CHEM 351-L1*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with CHEM 351-L2*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with CHEM 352-01*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 370-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 370-L1*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 394-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 394-L1; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required' ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *Permission of instructor required; cross-listed with CHEM 474-01*, *Permission of instructor required; cross-listed with ENVI 494-01; ACTC students require permission of instructor*, *First day attendance required; $7 lab fee charged*, *First day attendance required; $7 lab fee charged; students registered for this lab section will be assigned either to Amy Rice or Marc Rodwogin as their instructor before the first lab meeting. Varsity Team Lifting Calendar - Deno Fitness Center Click here to view the varsity team lifting calendar. At least four (4) semesters spent in residency. 2. Such classes may, however, be organized at the option of the department with approval by the Provost. Proctoring, special materials, time allotment and other matters pertaining to the actual circumstances of the examination are entirely the responsibility of the instructor. 1. Despite a heroic effort from Jeremy Beckler (Sr./Lino Lakes, Minn./White Bear Lake), the Knights fell 81-77. Officially, they will be registered under the TBA section for their level with the Registrar's Office. *, *Cross-listed with GERM 294-01; taught in English*, *Cross-listed with ENGL 394-02 and LING 311-01*, *Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 215-01; not available to ACTC students*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with INTL 320-01*, *Permission of instructor required; 2 credits*, *5 credits; first day attendance required*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed as LATI 331-01*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with EDUC 220-01*, *ACTC students may register on the first day of class with permission of instructor*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 270-01; not available to ACTC students*, *First day attendance required; cross-listed with EDUC 294-01*, *First-Year Course only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with LATI 258-F1*, *TBA sections at all levels (SPAN 101/102/203/204) are reserved for students whose schedules conflict with all lab sessions offered. Macalester College prohibits sharing, distributing, or publishing classroom recordings in any manner. A score of 1 will receive neither credit nor exemption. The Committee may also place a student on Strict Academic Probation when the record indicates there are serious academic difficulties that warrant the imposition of specific performance criteria. Asian Studies International Studies In cases where a course is repeated both courses remain on the record and one course (if the grade is D- or above) will be counted toward the degree; grades for both courses will be included in the GPA. Appeals must be written and sent to the Director of Academic Programs and Advising. Mission, History and Religious Affiliation, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Macalester College Classroom Recording Policy, MAX (Macalester Academic Excellence Center). Recognize that group identities and differences are socially constructed or historically contingent; Examine forms or forces that create, reflect, maintain, or contest identities and differences; Evaluate the significance of identities and differences for life and culture in the United States. Courses will be classified as teaching argumentative writing (WA), as providing instruction in writing as craft (WC) or as offering significant practice in writing (WP). Inequalities in power influence identities and differences throughout the world. In this schedule, each course is reserved a place and a designated two-hour period for a final examination. Though absences for college-sponsored activities are authorized by the College, faculty and staff leading such activities should make every effort to ensure minimal disruption of student class attendance. Admissions, Early A student who is approved for study away who falls into Strict Probation between the time of approval and the program start date will have approval revoked. Liberal arts courses taken at regionally accredited undergraduate institutions, and comparable in content to Macalester courses will be considered for transfer. Computer Science There is no limitation on the number of courses a student may take under the S, SD, N option with written evaluation, or in activity courses. Religious Studies Spanish Did you know you can get 10% off your . Erin Cortus. Award of credit in such cases may be delayed for one or more semesters awaiting such evaluations. The catalog has essential information for a student's academic progress at Oberlin College. Of the three courses, at least one must be WA and no more than one may be WP. A written appeal is submitted to the Director of Academic Programs and Advising. 651-696-6000. As an academic community, we value the free exchange of ideas and the privacy of community members. In addition, no special tuition rates are offered. Many professors keep the link to their Moodle sites hidden until they're finished preparing them; Macalester College 1600 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55105, Tel: 651-696-6000 . A third violation will result in suspension, and typically dismissal, from the College. International Studies Students who have taken the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations may be eligible for advanced placement and appropriate credit. Please enable it to continue. *Gaining unauthorized access to past exams from a course Students who plan to request more than one incomplete for a term are advised to consult with the Director of Academic Programs and Advising, who serves as Chair of the Academic Standing Committee. Readmission applications are available through the Registrars Office and must be submitted to the Registrars Office prior to July 1st for a fall semester return and prior to November 1st for a spring semester return. Education Records: Education records include records directly related to a student and maintained by the institution but exclude records maintained by individuals and available only to those individuals or designated substitutes (that is, personal files). Economics Specifically, the authority responsible for appeals of IDIM and GERC decisions is EPAG; the authority responsible for acting on appeals of SARC and ASC decisions is the Provost. Macalester students may earn up to eight semester credits in independent study during the summer through independent projects or internships. Students may negotiate exemptions or changes in schedule with instructors whenever circumstances warrant such considerations. For spring semester, it will be published three weeks after the grade submission deadline.
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