The claim that the spike is toxic, that came directly from the [DarkHorse episode]. 12:45 AM . Also, this drug is only prescribed by psychiatrists so most doctors have no experience whatsoever with the drug. This is quite stunning because the PK of the drug done at the Gates Foundation shows it only reaches 50% of the final concentration after 3 days. Other SSRIs work as well, but fluvoxamine activates the Sigma-1 receptor the most of the SSRIs which is why it was chosen. Hes spending his own money to do what he thinks is right. 36m "We found Fauci was the most highly compensated federal employee. Also, for people who cant tolerate fluvoxamine for whatever reason (nausea, jittery, etc), this is the alternative. NIH doesnt want you to get the drug since it would compete with Molnupiravir, so fluvoxamine will never make the NIH guidelines. Im not going to make the same mistake again.. Server IP address resolved: Yes Http response code: 200 Response time: 0.27 sec. But as Kirsch has clashed with the experts he initially surrounded himself with, hes grown increasingly close to others who share his perspectives on vaccineswho have, in turn, provided a large and receptive audience to his claims about a fluvoxamine conspiracy. Or just depression about the vaccine mandates? Fluvoxamine is also an She understands complex, politicized pandemicsshe was one of the first clinicians to specialize in HIV/AIDS, and she sat on the FDA advisory panel that approved the first antiretroviral drug. In May, all 12 members of CETFs scientific advisory board resigned, citing his alarming dangerous claims and erratic behavior. It doesnt get any better than this. Here is what, e) which concluded: Under a variety of assumptions, fluvoxamine shows a high probability of preventing hospitalization in outpatients with COVID-19., For more about fluvoxamine (and other SSRIs that work), see, fluvoxamine completed a Phase 3 study showing it works that was published in the Lancet Global Health, NIH basically dismissed the fluvoxamine study as I predicted they would, few people werent afraid of expressing their displeasure, the highly acclaimed Bangladesh mask study showed, Johns Hopkins has incorporated fluvoxamine in their treatment guidelines, Ontario has become the first province to list fluvoxamine as a treatment doctors can consider for patients. I was just getting tired, he said, before asking to speak off the record. Thats why they didnt change their recommendation when the Phase 3 trial was published in Lancet. We dont want to feed the anti-vaccine trolls, so we actively suppress clear scientific data. I only know of a few doctors who prescribe this off-label, all with 100% success rates. are all super cheap, effective, and available without a prescription. Theyre finding alternative leaders to follow, Morris said. Vaccine waitlist Dr. B collected data from millions. After two weeks (since it was a tight knit community, everyone could see what was happening to the two groups), every track worker who got sick with COVID, demanded the drug. We are ignoring the advice of the KOL group and doing nothing. In September, he resigned as CEO and gave up his board seat. Note that some of these articles are inaccurate. By Steve Kirsch Mar 14, 2021 Fluvoxamine, Proxalutamide, and Ivermectin: 100% success I'm very bullish on two drug combos since it is rare for a single drug to be 100% successful. Fluvoxamine is the poster child of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). Its whether Merck can make a killing that matters. The anecdotal data of 100% success rates is further icing on the cake. The findings, published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, add to a growing body of scientific evidence pushing back against the use of the antiparasitic drug that has been promoted by some prominent voices on social media. Last Checked: 03/02/2023. It is currently approved for treatment of depression and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). There is no evidence fluvoxamine is harmful and led to a worse outcome. On his blog, Covid-19 Data Science, he has extensivelyand mercilesslyunpacked Kirschs evidence for the vaccine death claims. Thats pretty typical, but your mileage may vary. I have all of these on hand and I load up on vitamin D3 every day. Completely avoid caffeine, alcohol, tylenol, and benadryl. He has been a medical philanthropist for more than 20 years. For example, tylenol+caffeine+fluvoxamine can lead to serotonin syndrome. Steve Kirsch cut the check, which allowed Dr. Lenze to finish recruiting the 152 patients he needed for his trial. CETF Founder Steve Kirsch discusses why we can't wait for a COVID-19 vaccine, the importance of researching existing drugs now, and our work to raise funds for outpatient trials to identify effective . More recently, hes adopted extremist positions on covid vaccines, which he alleges are toxic. He has claimed that one in 1,000 people who have received mRNA vaccines have died as a result, and even claimed the vaccines kill more people than they save at an FDA public forum, which was first reported by the Daily Beast. Quick Summary . Food/drugs to avoid while on fluvoxamine. Fluvoxamine is a very safe drug on market for 37 years, tens of millions of people have taken it, no record in scientific literature of anyone dying on overdose, and according to doctors that know the drug the best, about as dangerous as taking a Tylenol. Entrepreneur Steve Kirsch who holds an early patent for the optical mouse decided to get involved in treating Covid. The track management was so impressed, they asked for prescriptions. But I know something else that few other people know, thanks to a source at the NIH: the NIH was planning to approve fluvoxamine months ago, but they got a call from the FDA telling them not to. When I asked him why so many experts in the field disagreed with him, he alleged there were effortseither malicious or negligentto suppress evidence of cheap, effective covid treatments. Other SSRIs work as well, but fluvoxamine activates the Sigma-1 receptor the most of the SSRIs which is why it was chosen. Hes adept at debate, rapidly shifting the premise of a conversation to put the other person on the back foot. The most stunning study of fluvoxamine ever done was at the Golden Gate Fields racetrack in November 2020, right after the WashU trial was published in JAMA. I took it myself at that dosage and noticed zero side effects. If it isn't fluvoxamine preventing hospitalization and long-haul COVID, then if you find what it is, you win. What happens when your prescription drug becomes the center of covid misinformation. The agency quickly slapped down the comments from Kirsch, a tech mogul with a fortune once estimated at $230 million, even as the claims triggered a flurry of false social-media posts attributing. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) is a Selective Serotonin Receptor Inhibitor (SSRI) that is clinically indicated for OCD in children, and can be used off label for depression. He has been a medical philanthropist for more than 20 years. This advice is now outdated. But even that didnt last long. Patients should be advised to limit/avoid the use of caffeine while on the drug since fluvoxamine extends the half life of caffeine (making you super wired). Hes probably the closest thing Kirsch has to a nemesis, regularly disputing his assertions in blog posts and private email exchanges with Kirsch and his friends. and increased heart rate (which could be nerves about the dilated pupils). ICER Publishes Final Evidence Report and Policy Recommendations on Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 - ICER. The Lancet paper showed that if you were treated early enough and took the drug as prescribed (it only works if you take it), it was shown to reduce your chance of death by 12X making it far more effective than any other drug for COVID. There may be a depression of libido while on drug, but since the drug is taken on acute basis, this is only temporary and it reverses once the drug is stopped. I couldnt tell I was on the drug. Jeffrey Morris, director of biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, has made debunking Kirschs claims something of a hobby. He may not be a good scientist, but hes smart, says WVUs Feinberg. Reason is the hospital gets release from liability if they follow NIH guidelines. A very short op-ed arguing for using fluvoxamine against COVID. NIH and WHO refuse to acknowledge it works since it will cause vaccine hesitancy if it is known that there is a drug that turns COVID into a mild disease. How I recommend people treat COVID and the fascinating backstory of how fluvoxamine was discovered. It was tested in coronavirus patients because fluvoxamine has very strong anti-inflammatory properties. Mar. Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 summary Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund 650-279-1008 Google Docs This is a more comprehensive look at the key evidence supporting fluvoxamine: Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 In other cases, stop cold turkey. The group who declined the drug were very sick with 12.5% requiring hospitalization and one died. Some countries dont have fluvoxamine so this is the alternative. They knew in advance it was coming and on the day the paper was published they ignored it entirely. Physicians who use the drug for COVID now swear by it. The evidence is solid. My experience is very typical. People are dying. Every year, we pick the 10 technologies that matter the most right now. Get your prescription in advance of getting COVID. This give another 50% of benefit. The most stunning study of fluvoxamine ever done was at the Golden Gate Fields racetrack in November 2020, right after the WashU trial was published in JAMA. It does not matter how many lives will be saved. Boulwares trial was part of a wider movement to bulk up the evidence base underlying standard covid treatments, and one of several trials that found no benefit to using hydroxychloroquine. Peter Meinke, another former board member, spent nearly three decades in drug discovery at Merck. - Quora, Heres presentation I gave at the re-open California Conference on January 9,2021: How to fix the problemHow to fix the problem Steve Kirsch Executive DirectorCOVID-19 Early Treatment Fund 650-279-1008Google Docs[ They never make things worse so are safe to try. An MIT Technology Review investigation recently revealed how images of a minor and a tester on the toilet ended up on social media. Once the Phase 2 result came out, it should have been embraced by doctors. It does not matter how many lives will be saved. Things took a final and dramatic turn once Kirsch started claiming the government was covering up vaccine deaths. All the researchers are convinced the drug works. What has alarmed many of the scientists associated with CETF, though, are Kirschs reactions to the work hes fundedboth successes and failures. I am not aware of a single case where taking the made things worse, e.g., person was doing fine BEFORE the drug and symptoms worsened after taking the drug. CETF funded David Boulware's trials on hydroxychloroquine and the Phase 2 and Phase 3 fluvoxamine trials, among many other research projects. It used to be that a Phase 3 study would do it. He said of his study, This is the most extraordinary effect Ive seen in my 25 years practicing medicine.. Hilary Grant-Valdez Operations Manager Tom Brunner If you wanna find someone to debate me for ten thousand dollars, or a thousand dollars, Im happy to do that, just for your benefit.. I've asked people, "there's a lot of evidence here it's not just a small phase 2 RCT. Another is to identify an asteroid that is going to hit the planet.. The US government accused Janssen of improperly promoting the antipsychotic drug Risperdal to dementia patients despite the drug increasing deaths in the elderly. After several failed attempts to stop the progression of his disease, he designed his own protocol for chemotherapy and doctor-shopped to find an oncologist who would give it to him. He was recently featured on 60 Minutes, . It used to be that a Phase 3 study would do it. You can use fluoxetine as well (aka Prozac). So check the side-effects list to be familiar with which side-effects are associated with which drug so if you have a side-effect, youll know which drug to reduce or eliminate. A very short op-ed arguing for using fluvoxamine against COVID. Silence from the medical community. From the French observational data (see the very last page), it appears that the biggest effect is limiting serotonin release (any SSRI will do that). Steve Kirsch. Most doctors wont use it until NIH greenlights it, no matter what the science says. Immediately after the results of the first fluvoxamine trial were releasedbut before they were published in a peer-reviewed journalhe wrote a post on called The Fast, Easy, Safe, Simple, Low-Cost Solution to COVID That Works 100% of the Time That Nobody Wants to Talk About.. Some are views most scientists think are wrong. The track management was so impressed, they asked for prescriptions. The man who ran Risperdal sales, Alex Gorsky, is now CEO of Johnson & Johnson. This drug can save your life but you have to ask for it! [4] Steve Kirsch - Silicon Valley Philanthropist Shares Review of CDC Data: COVID-19 Vaccine Associated with 100X Deaths Compared to Influenzas [5] Steve Kirsch - FOIA Document for Vaccine Discussion as to mRNA-based Vaccine Safety Signals Added 12th August 2021: In November, CETF gave the group an additional $500,000 for a phase 3 clinical trial that might show conclusive proof of efficacy. Several other trials around the world are in the final stages, too. Some people are jittery, but usually that is because the doctor either prescribed a dosage higher than 50mg twice a day or didnt notify the patient to completely avoid the list in the previous paragraph, or the patient is simply sensitive to the drug (50mg twice a day can be too much for some people). Last Checked: 03/03/2023. Fluvoxamine was reportedly added to just 2 practice guidelines (. Please, As of November 13, fluvoxamine has been proven to work in every trial that has published results, including, studies. Fluvoxamine has a systematic review and meta-analysis published in a top medical journal. NIH doesnt want you to get the drug since it would compete with Molnupiravir, so fluvoxamine will never make the NIH guidelines. These people never called the researchers whose trials they claimed showed no effect. By the beginning of September, he was no longer the companys CEO, replaced by his co-founder, Marten Nelson. Nobody who took the drug got sick at all, most all wanted to return to work within 3 days after starting treatment. Drug researchers at Washington University in St. Louis reached out to Kirsch looking for $67,000 to finish a very smallbut placebo-controlledtrial. He is very smart, and knows that he is very smart, and sometimes he behaves like he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, whether he is or isn't., Kirschs response was to take his name off articles hed written about vaccine deaths, changing the authorship to VaccineTruth., On July 1, he tweeted from his personal account, My publicly shared concerns regarding the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines may have had a negative impact on my company, M10. Compulsive hand washing? I fully expected both organizations to do absolutely nothing. Perhaps Kirschs most effective tactic, though, is simply his willingness to outlast everyone else. This is the gold standard of evidence based medicine, Article about the fluvoxamine rejection (The Verge). Summarizes the 5 observational studies, RCT, RWE, and some of the more interesting anecdotal data. In that same IEEE Spectrum story about his then-new startup, Propel Software, he said he felt successful, but not famous. In October, the group reported that, while a few patients in the placebo group ended up in the hospital, none of the patients receiving fluvoxamine got sick enough to go. This post was written to memorialize the corruption. . The NIH never did a risk benefit analysis of this drug. So there were too few events in the placebo group and they werent recruiting fast enough. Former Silicon Valley tech executive Steve Kirsch, a philanthropist and Substack author who created the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) to fund researchers working on repurposed drugs, including fluvoxamine, which reduces death from COVID by a factor of 12. 707. That receptor also helps regulate the body's . Still, in the moment, his question threw me, and I stuttered. Server IP cope with resolved: Yes Http reaction code: 200 Response time: 0.27 sec. Try refreshing this page and updating them one Steve Kirsch. The U of M's study focused on three common drugs: ivermectin, metformin, and fluvoxamine. traffic volume is 1,957 unique daily visitors and their 3,914 pageviews. See the repository above. ). Hes now outlived his initial prognosis by several years. Steve Kirsch Home page. As a health care journalist, I started off firmly in the wait-and-see camp on mRNA vaccines. The repository goes over the prescribing guidelines, contraindications, and describes the effect on caffeine consumption while on drug (basically you want to avoid caffeine while on the drug). If you cant get a prescription for COVID, then perhaps you have OCD? Steve Kirsch, current director of the Covid 19 Early Treatment fund is an MIT alumni who has made a career as a tech entrepreneur. While he declined a phone interview, Boulware was recently the subject of a Mother Jones article about the harassment hes received for his research on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. That was a lie. . Sadly, doctors and public health officials refuse to instruct patients to seek early treatment. He told me that while he and his family got vaccinated as soon as they were eligible, he got the idea that vaccines are dangerous from a man he hired to clean his carpets, who got very sick after receiving the vaccine. This suggests that a 50mg BID loading dose for day one, followed by 50mg QD dose for the following 13 days should also be quite effective. Steve angrily decried this development as more evidence of FDA corruption. and here are the slides I used in, Collections of op-eds and presentations about fluvoxamine, Please see my answer on Quora It will be months before enrollments are complete. He started 7 high tech companies, two with billion dollar market caps. A video presentation by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund. All can merit a fluvoxamine prescription based on traditional diagnoses. So check the side-effects list to be familiar with which side-effects are associated with which drug so if you have a side-effect, youll know which drug to reduce or eliminate. All the medical journals refused to publish the meeting notes (rejected by 6 journals). Dr. Eric Lenze: So the results were really pretty. To vet proposals, he recruited a powerhouse advisory board of prominent biologists, drug developers, and clinical researchers, led by world-renowned drug researcher Robert Siliciano of Johns Hopkins. They were all given the drug soon after symptoms and the placebo group was pure in that they were not taking any COVID drugs. That work has yielded one promising candidate, the antidepressant fluvoxamine; other CETF-funded efforts have been less successful. The paramedics will think you are on drugs. I think so. There is absolutely no evidence that either one of these claims is true, as Morris has carefully documented. Yes, these were successes, but the successes could have been bigger if we had really paid attention to marketing. We could have saved a lot of lives. May 16, 2022. It doesnt get much better than that. Most recent articles first. This is what the Seftel trial at Golden Gate fields used. According to its founder, serial tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, CETF was started in April 2020 in order to fund. His latest startup, M10, is a spin-off of a spin-off that sells a blockchain for banks. Some people are jittery, but usually that is because the doctor either prescribed a dosage higher than 50mg twice a day or didnt notify the patient to. JAMA systematic review and meta analysis It doesnt get any better than this. Instead, it erodes confidence in our government to provide timely advice that is in the public interest. [, The most urgent need in the country right now is to reduce. It was tested in. Dr. Seftel's paper has been accepted for publication and will appear in OFID in early February. But not 150K. Doing something is better than nothing. I asked to give a talk about COVID at MIT, but they couldn't find a faculty member to sponsor it. Stopping the meds will return you to your normal self. We have a bounty of vaccines and more on the way, but drugs that treat the disease are vital too if we want to keep people alive and bring the pandemic under control. On Dr. Drew, he told a story about a friends daughter who had to get an abortion because of damage caused by the shot. In the second trial, it was shown to be 100% effective in long-haul COVID symptoms: None of the treated patients had any long-haul symptoms after 2 weeks compared to 60% of untreated patients having 1 or more of the 15 long-haul symptoms after two weeks, and 29% having 4 of more of the long haul symptoms after 2 weeks. The NIH Guidelines committee is being very slow to react (we have no idea if they are even considering the drug because nobody is allowed to know that because all their deliberations are kept secret). Why the FDA should grant an EUA for fluvoxamine immediately, Links to evidence about fluvoxamine including the public data repository, Here's the first one: An approach that promised to democratize design may have done the opposite. Reached by email, the two fluvoxamine investigators denied that there was any effort to suppress their research, and they were cautiously optimistic about their continued study. There are reports of people who cant tolerate the drug, but they stop using it and nothing bad happened. In short, a lot of mumbo jumbo. Its board told him that if he wanted to remain part of the company he would have to stop making public anti-vaccine statements. Don't underestimate the virus. The next major effect is that that fluvoxamine activates the sigma-1 receptor. Its really, really common for a small effect, something that looks exciting, to be a statistical fluke when you look at a larger population. NIH is still unsure whether fluvoxamine should be used to treat COVID. Molnupiravir followed patients for only 30 days because they know the drug is dangerous. Dosage there is 30mg once a day. . That covers almost 150,000 of them, which happened before vaccinations began. Note: normally I have lots of hyperlinks to all the sources, but Im pressed for time. Earlier that month, Seftel had heard about fluvoxamine during a presentation by tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, whose COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund supports research on existing drugs that could . The paramedics will think you are on drugs. It was recommended back in January 2021 by a key opinion leader (KOL) panel to be used, but it took a year for the KOL meeting notes to be published because they were rejected by 10 journals. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. If you start later, doctors use higher dosages and compliance becomes a bigger problem. And not zero., Kirsch immediately forwarded the exchange to me and, I suspect, other journalists. That study was featured on 60 Minutes. Doctors who have used fluvoxamine in the US and other countries swear by it. Nobody who took the drug got sick at all, most all wanted to return to work within 3 days after starting treatment. Steve Kirsch was extremely helpful early on in the pandemic, stepping up to fund early treatment trials when the US government would not fund such studies, Boulware told me in an email. He applied the drug to a large COVID outbreak at Golden Gate Fields just days after the Lenze trial was published. Fluvoxamine is an inexpensive drug that has been in use for 37 years and has been used by an estimated 10 million people. 1:49 As noted before, the repository has a link to the 1 hour serotonin lecture. Doctors wait for government permission (EUA or added to the NIH guidelines) before using a drug. Your best bet is to. . Doctors who have used fluvoxamine in the US and other countries swear by it. After one or two conversations like that, I got tired of arguing, so I started avoiding his calls.. So why would we wait when lives are being lost? This is the gold standard of evidence based medicine. It is not unusual to be wary of developing science, or wrong to be skeptical of pharmaceutical companies. Late in the session, minutes before this impromptu video wrap up, Tip o' Spear Steve Kirsch addressed the panel and revealed that the FDA had just shot down Fluvoxamine as an approved COVID treatment. Fluvoxamine is used commonly to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety disorder and depression.
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